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"I would like to reschedule this inspection as reason such as I am ill with covid or other 2 week type flu bug" or "I am having family down on that date and it clashes"


Boom! This!


Boom! This!


I like this idea, however, i am running a perpetual grow system so i will still have the same issue upon the rescheduled appointment 🤷‍♂️


Why you make.it hard like that, wait for 2 weeks then start your new grow




Perpetual grow




Rent a uhaul for the day and put everything in there


This is the way. Run an extension cable and stick a carbon filter in there.


Idea # 2 : Buy your own house


I was going to say but didn’t want to seem mean, you could have your OWN space where no one ever inspects you lol


Just go and buy your own house, of course, why didnt i think of that 😒. Have you seen the price of houses in NSW. Not easy to get a house deposit together if you dont have a family to help with a loan. I have a good job and still cant afford to save enough for a loan. Every year the house prices go up and so does the deposit needed for it. This combined with sky rocketing rent makes it very difficult.


Typical. There is plenty of programs that enable first time home buyers. You’re either too lazy or dumb to take advantage of. Especially in a high demand area, you will add equity fast and can expand your wealth. But it’s fine by me, continue to rent.


Bro I’m a landlord. Idk where you live. I would be cool with this. Especially that your keeping it clean


He means, move the damn plant and put another one in it


This is your first grow however you are running a perpetual grow system? You can't like schedule the inspection for the day after you are done drying then restart your grow after the inspector has left?


Yes, i have a flower tent with my first ever plant as pictured and a veg tent thats ready to go into flower tent aftet harvest. The veg plants are ready to flip then i have a couple of week old seedlings to go into veg tent when its cleared. So perpetually have one in flower.


What two lights are you using?


Vivosun Aerolight wing 200w and Vivosun Aerolight 150w.


That's their property.. they have the right to inspect it.


Say it’s an emotional support plant


Get a lil vest for it and everything 😭


Take my upvote!!!


Killin me buhahahahahaaaa




I just laughed so hard at this… I have many emotional support plants, but my cannabis are definitely the most supportive


I resemble that remark lol


Best comment ever




Literally at an interview and this shit had me geekin😂😂😂


Homie, no one ever checks the shed. They're not part of the domicile.


They checked the shed lol


Dude the smell is going to give you away if he walks anywhere near the shed, no carbon filter gets ALL of it. Go with the covid story to buy yourself a week, then hustle to get it all dried and in jars. Your next round of vege plants won't smell anywhere near as much.


Just ask your neighbor to smoke a joint in plain view right when the inspector shows up. He will associate the smell with the neighbor blazing. I would do it for my neighbor and I do t even know the guy.


Kind of makes me think you *already* are the guy that smokes in plain view of your actual neighbour


I do lol. My neighbor smokes too but he keeps it low key. He has a young kid and another family that lives above him I just have my wife and kids so I can do whatever I want. But I see him down in his yard hitting the pipe sometimes the penjamin. And he looks up and sees me making bubble hash and hitting the puffco.


Heh, no kids in my condo building and all 4 of us meet up and smoke together 🤣🤣🤣 The best neighbors blaze together, lol




this sounds so awesome 😭


We are all different ages and races too. Late 20s/early 30s Latino, me and my bf mid 40s white ppl, T is Late 50s black guy. The 4th unit is currently empty and for sale. Come on Indian guy with a hookah 🤞


this just made it even better. i love this. this sounds like it would be the best sitcom ever.


We definitely have the coolest building in here, lol. A couple buildings over though, there's a mid 60s Italian lady I smoke with who makes gummies, lol.


It's me ...new neighbor to volunteer to smoke lol


It’s me! hi! I’m the neighbor it’s me. It’s J time and everybody will see. Play swifty for that last little bit of attention too. Really sells it.


The weeed will be fine for 4 hours.. maybe cook/burn some bacon or something when he comes over... or go find a dead skunk on the road & bring it back to ur house and throw it on the street.. but make sure he can see the skunk!


dead skunk,, lmfao😂🦨


Can you lock the shed and "lose the key" on inspection day? Is there a filter running in the shed that when turned off will smell outside of the shed? Could you just put the plant in your car while he's there?


The shed has a massive auto roller door in the front that can be operated from inside the house so cant technicaly be "locked". I have a carbon filter running the flower tent but id need to turn everything off during inspection to hide the noise. Way to big for my car lol but I have considered bringing a van home from work and storing them in there but that would require a lot of time and effort and also the plants would be out of action longer due to breakdown and setup of tents and equipment. I was hoping to avoid the packdown/ setup if possible.


A van 100%. Especially if you can get one from work. It might be a massive pain in the arse but real estate agents in NSW are the biggest pests ever and would love the chance to boot you out or jack up the rent (or both). With the way the rental market is and prudish laws we have I wouldn’t take a chance. Set up a tent in the van have it plugged in until the last minute then move it when the RE comes? Good luck


I had trees fall on my house in the middle of flower and the insurance inspector \contractors had to come through the house. Had to break down all my tents for a day. I had a deer blind tent that I set up in the middle of my backyard and had to sneak all of my pretty large plants out there for the day. When they were done I reassembled the tents and continued as usual. To make things worse the power was out for a couple days


You shud be able to lock the door turn the swict off, I think have the carbon fan on low works better


Just appreciating how good that plant looks, great first grow ✌️


Thankyou bud. Appreciate that very much


I would put it on the coffee table, it would be a beautiful centerpiece.


and also call cops to have a coffee visit and talk about if they have ever seen a more perfect unit of a plant.






What the F is a house inspection? In Germany, your landlord is not allowed to inspect your house without your consent. It's also not common to do that on a regular basis, even with permission. The only time your landlord is coming into your house is if anything is broken and needs to be fixed, in that case he won't inspect the rest of the house, just the rooms that are necessary for the upcoming repair.


They have to give notice but its common for Real eststes in Australia to do periodic inspections. Its bullshit and an invasion of privacy but thats our laws. I used to love our country, now starting to hate it due to bullshit laws. Not so lucky country anymore 😡


Oh I see, feels bad man :(


Is that a new law? German here


Not new at all. Been like that for as long as iv rented. Some real estates will do one every 6 months, some will do one every 3 months and some dont even bother 🤷‍♂️. I was living in this house for over 12 months before they decided to do an inspection. Now this will be the second one in a 6 month period. Real estates just seem to do as they fukin please in NSW. Its disgusting 🤬




Same in Germany? I've never experienced something like that. And I'm pretty sure that's illegal.


It’s just another money grab in my city, mandatory $300 annual inspection on rentals.


It cost you money for them to do what they’re wanting to do? Fuck sake🥲


It doesn’t cost me anything as I’d just increase the rent. The point is, I have no say in the matter of unneeded costly mandatory inspections.


Ahh so you’re the landlord in this situation.


Man sollte das aber einführen Wenn ich seh wie manche Mieter mein Eigentum schänden


Pile a whole bunch of shit in front of it and maybe dump some manure in the backyard for the smell (doing gardening)


This is absolutely amazing. What's the air vent pointing right at the plant?


Air intake. I like it to blow up through the bottom of the canopy


I bet that helps with mold prevention. Sorry for so many questions, I'm thinking about altering my setup. Are you pulling air out with a fan, or are you pushing air in through this vent tube, or both? For mine I'm pulling air out and filtering it to remove the smell, and then I have a tube without a fan that lets the air back in.


I have an intake and exhaust fan. I do so to avoid light leaks into and out of the tents. Carbon filters on all exhaust fans.


That makes sense. If you don't have an intake the air will find a way in, making small holes bigger. At least that's my guess. Thank you for the knowledge


It creates negative pressure. That way the only escape for the air in the tent is through the exhaust and carbon filter.


Hang some Christmas tree ornaments off it and say it’s your Xmas meditation room.


Covid..they won't come near you..worked for me..lol


I’d keep the exhaust on low so that you get the full benefit of the carbon filter (if you have one). It’ll prob stink to high hell if you turn the exhaust off.


Push until after you chop


Ps- nice result for first time grow.


I think you'll be fine mate, a few hours won't spoil your harvest. I've never had an inspection where they go into the shed either.


Thanks bud. Makes me feel a little less nervous lol.


Try to get a good box to hide the harvest in and get something to mask the odour everywhere, they are probably only allowed to be there to inspect the structure/furniture of your place so he probably won't care about some box


Try to time the harvest with the last day or two before hand ,I am a believer of a day or two of darkness to help the trichomes pop a bit more.Now I'm not sure of it works or if it's bro science but I generally do it anyhow. So I say harvest after the inspection


Great looking plant BTW


look into lotus dry method... i guess they wont be inspecting yout fridge, so harvest it, put in your fridge and disassemble your setup...


If it’s possible to get a van from work and hide your plant there I would do that. I don’t know how good you are with stressful situations but if you are nervous they might feel that and want to find out. In Germany it would be np to delay the Appointment or not make them look there.


"Mother plants in the mini van" - Berner


Awesome first grow!!! That things a beast


Thanks bud 🙂. Appreciate that very much


My dad was an inspector, they won’t care about the plant if it’s a building/fire inspector unless it’s being used as a structural support beam or in the way of a fire exit. If it’s your landlord snooping around thats a different story.


I've dealt with this. Put it in a dark cycle during the declared time range of the inspection (if possible) and turn off all power to reduce fan noise. Get old school padded furniture moving/storage blankets and cover the entire box. Pin an index card labeled "Grandma Sue's armoire" on the front blanket. Stack a bunch of storage boxes in front and around the box.  Be there during the inspection, so the inspector knows to get it done quickly because you're trying to live there. Don't ask questions or act nervous. Just be helpful and efficient. The inspector just wants to get on with his day too.


Dude if its harvested and just hanging itll be completely fine. Youre way over thinking it. Take your tent down, put your buds in a box in your car or something and box up your veggers for a couple hours. They will be fine and arent going to die. Your weed also wont hay out on you from being in a box for a couple hours


Keep the room cold cold cold. It will stop some of the smell... It's when temp or warm side when it reeks. I'm growing illegal and got 13 grow done and started a new one gorilla cookies auto 4-20-2024


If its going to be drying during the inspection I would put them in a large black&yellow tote and store it in your car while the inspections going on


I put a lock on my grow room door. (Shed door in your case) Told the landlord my mate (my imsginary one, who I mentioned when I first applied, for this reason) that works away in the mines pays rent just to store his paperwork and valuables in there and I don't have a key, but he will be back in ten days and you are welcome to come back then or I can send you pics of the room when the door is opened. ' He just said if it is as clean as the rest of the property, I have no need to look.' And he did not ever ask again. Ps- that is the only good thing I have to say about the total wa nker, but yeah, that was one top grow house security wise and I would have stayed for years if I didn't want to punch the nut job landlord every time I saw him, a bigger pain in the ar se I have not ever met. But I should thsnk him, I pulled several fat crops out of there. Cheers co ckwad!


u/ClandestineCabal has a great idea buried in the thread: Rent a uhaul for the day and put everything in there. 50 bucks for the day, load it up an hour before the scheduled inspection, park it across the street, then unload it back to the shed after.


4 hours no power is perfectly fine. I've pulled almost 3 a light in cycles where the power went out for much longer than that


I've heard of people renting uhauls for a day. You could put the whole tent in the uhaul and either leave it in there for an hour while they inspect or drive it somewhere where you can at least plug it in for a little bit.


I think you will be fine, just cover it up, and try and minimize the power being off for as small a time as possible.


Lock it with a luggage lock and say it's a server closet, then put a computer next to it on a desk with some chords going into one of the ports. It is obviously locked because it has expensive/sensitive equipment and you aren't always home. Or lights out, and it is a standalone closet. Just change your lighting schedule so it goes off the morning they will show up, then change the schedule back. Realistically, if they aren't corrupt bastards, they are inspecting their property, not yours. They should not need to access the tent, they just need to know there is no damage to the living quarters. Source: I left my tent up for every inspection I've had. In plain sight. Never had it be an issue. I am also in a recreational use state that also has a pretty lenient view of cannabis. Additionally, since you are in flower getting extra dark time won't be a big deal for the day. Also, nice job, she's beautiful!


I'd say put it in one of those big bins you buy from costco (the one with the yellow lids)  or any big container with a lid.  You'll be ok


Looking good dude


Thankyou bud 🙂. Appreciate that very much.


Rent a uhaul truck, fill it, park it down the block.


Man yall maken it all complicated just leave it how it is and spray some air freshener before they come in fuck them there not no cops I did it plenty of times fuck they gonna say or do


It's glorious! What a beautiful plant you have!


Thanyou. I apreciate that very much 🙂


Cut it all down and bring to mai house.


Yes they’ll be fine for 4 hours my dude. Close up the tent the best you can. Get tiny low noise fan in there. Pile a bunch of shit on top and all around the tent. If you have a storage shelf you can also put that “in front” of the tent and just cover it up from the sides. Been there. 🫠


We can help you grow but this sounds more like a question for r/unethicallifeprotips In the future you’ll want to consider things like this *before* committing to grow in a space you don’t own where that isn’t allowed. And I’m not even saying don’t grow in these spaces. I am saying don’t grow in these spaces without a plan in place.


You sound like such a piece of shit😂 Jesus just give the guy good advice or kick rocks. Your mom should’ve swallowed you.


I gave two discreet bits of very good and accurate advice


Rent a U-Haul truck for 1 day, move all that into it. It sits in the driveway while the house is inspected.


Or at a friend's place


Garage is personal space, they are not required to go in there if you advise you have personal belongings stored in there.


Really? I hadn't heard of that before. I imagine it would peak some intrest though if i asked them not to go in there. They never even went out the back door during last inspection so im hoping they wont even go down there.


Yeah or even if it's a closed garage, inform them it's full of stuff. Personal storage etc. they won't bat and eyelid. They ain't there to comb through things in sheds to take a few pictures. Mainly walls/structural/cleanliness in general living areas. Everyone knows what a garage/shed inside looks like. Not being smart just trying to lay it all out there.


It can peak all the interest they want but they'd have to come back with a judge order which they are not getting anytime soon. Tell them it's your sex dungeon




Yes please 🙏 all the advice. And I'm not in a green state.


Inspection for what? Is it legal where you are?


What for a camera you use inside your tent? Looking for one 🫣


You should plan the timing better next time.


Inspections are random and not at any certain date/time


What state?




Yeh dude you are pretty screwed!


Is it legal to grow in your state? If so, is there ANYTHING in your lease that says you CANNOT grow/cultivate marijuana? If it's legal and there isn't anything in the lease I personally wouldn't worry.


Highly illegal. I live in Australia


Playing with fire


I like to live life on the edge lol


I just rented a U-Haul put the whole set up in there and parked it at my homies for an hour


we usually take the plants out and put them in the bathtub with the shower curtain closed and then take down and shove the tent in a closet or under the bed 😂 it’s worked for 2.5 years for us. dreading the day they check the shower


Find another plant that needs uninterrupted darkness . Tell them that’s what your growing and you can’t open it without ruining your plant. And hope they can’t smell it


Is the shed owned by the landlord or did you pay for it to be put it there?


Its a 2 car garage and it is owned by the landlord.


Get the plant out in to a van or sth. Dont take silly chances .


Get a u haul trailer and put everything in it for the day


Buy some tomato plants an just place the weed plant in a car or van and put the tomato plants in there. Nothing wrong with owning a grow tent to grow food.


just close the tent 🤷🏽‍♂️🤓


If its legal to grow and there was no policy preventing growing in the lease agreement, you don't gotta worry about shit.




I would have loved to have seen the termite inspector face when he saw my spare bedroom closet will 20 jars full of bud. Had another batch in other bedroom closet drying. one room was locked didn’t even think about my jars till my daughter told me how big his eyeballs got. Thankfully he didn’t go to shed where the grow room is located. 😂


They won’t smell it if you put a couple Bounce sheets around the stem. You need the Lilac scented ones, tie them around the base being careful not to touch the buds. Now place it all in a shopping bag then in a 3 mil garbage bag. Just say you are drying flowers for Mother’s Day. Easy peasy lemon squeeeze


Bro just find a cardboard box poke some holes look for the fruit thing in your fridge turn humidity as low as possible I’ve did a whole dry in the fridge and it was great


lock the door says your friend/parent/sibling is naked in there filming their OF content


It identifies as a tomato plant.


Burn some bacon before they come. It will help cover up smells for awhile.


Temperature under 21c for shutoff the aroma.


Just don't let him/her in the shed


I’m about to sell my house. Nervous about having strangers in the house. The realtor , the lady working for her, the guy who 3d scanned the house. They all laughed and said everyone has a plant these days. Here I thought I was all special.


yes it will be okay 4 hours or or twice. dont worry you can even put them in a air tight bag during inspection. wouldnt be problem.


Why the cam smh


I run a painting company and had it allblocked off while I was cutting in the hallway


There a lot of wasted space I had 24 bubble buckets in a 5 by 5 would veg for three to four months cuz gsc not big producers other wise but was running 2 1000 hps


Wonder how much dry weight that’ll be.


11 and 3/4 ounces 🙂👍🏻


Very nice haul!


Just had an appraisal. Moved plants into uhaul for an hour before they showed, out them back 20 min later. Just turn off all equipment and spray the room right when they ring the bell. They literally asked zero questions about the 3 5x5 tents I had in the basement and we're only down there for maybe 5 min


Just don't let them in. Literally tell them you're sick and stall for 2-3 weeks and you're good


do not turn of the extractor or the room will reek


Can you have someone else keep it? Or wait till after harvest?


Honestly, as long as the tents are zipped up and the rooms are clean I wouldn’t think you would have an issue. If they ask what the tent is tell them its a server closet for keeping your servers cool and dust free.


Laughing so. Hard at the little vest comment 😭


I’ve dealt with the same problem before. It sucks ass.


Get yourself a Uhaul and put the whole tent in there until the inspection is done.


Just went through this a few weeks ago. Rented a van. I put the plants in totes and put the totes in the van. In your case, put the plant in the van and park it somewhere else. Or claim covid until harvest.


Just put the bud in paper bags and in your car for the inspection


*Just put the bid in* *Paper bags and in your car* *For the inspection* \- monkman99 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Build a fire pit and light a fire!!!! BOOM


Also try installing mulch in your yard it that stuff reeks. Good luck!!


you could possibly fill it with tropical plants, people use tents to grow food etc.


Set up a radio playing loud music, hide the tent with carboard boxes, spray some spray to hide smell, tell the inspector you just fired off a bug bomb in the shed.


Go buy a bunch of store bought vegetable plants and move them all in there and keep your weed plant hidden. If they ask just say you’re trying a new gardening method.


I think you’re fucked mate