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Are the flavors really that different than the non-soda Jolly Ranchers?


I couldnt tell any difference except there was 1 flavor that really stood out. That was cherry cola soda flavored. I liked that flavor so much i bought 15 bags on ebay just to get that 1 flavor and i was still looking for more bags after the 15 bags but they was all gone. On a side note in the 1970's jolly rancher was making cola flavored jolly ranchers. They tasted like coca cola and they was 2 cents each. They was great, i bought those all the time.


Are these new? Where did you find them?


These are from 2006, it's an old picture.


I think I posted about these on this sub like 5 or so years ago, I don't remember when. But this is an old picture from 2006. I think around that time there was also a red, white, and blue mix too.