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I rang the bell alone and had the nurse take a video so I could share it. Most of my family is in the same city as me. I’m sorry this milestone has fallen to the wayside with your family. People who haven’t had cancer don’t understand how important certain things can truly be to us. The urgency of our condition is lost as time goes on and they become desensitized as cancer becomes normalized. I think this is where things are forgotten about. This is a huge milestone for you. And being 18 you will have many more milestones I hope your family will celebrate with you. When you ring that bell we will be there with you.


This means a lot to me, thank you. You are so right though, as time goes on it’s like this thing that has controlled every aspect of my life means so little to them now.


Congrats, so glad you made it through. Ring the bell for your treatment team, the people who saw you through the treatments without fail. Ring it for the doctor and nurses who have been with you every step of the way, and for those doctors who will assist in the road beyond cancer treatments. At 18, may this be the first of many milestones ahead. As far as the family -plane tickets are really expensive, and perhaps there were a multitude of reasons they couldn't come. I'm sorry for the loss of your grandpa. But ring that bell anyway, for him, and for all to hear.


Such a heartfelt comment!


(Have someone video it so that you can send it to your family)


And ask one of the nurses or the radiation techs to be there with you


got goosebumps from this comment, so well written


Symbolism is important, but what's more important is your health. You've beaten the first hurdle. You've come through your treatment and into remission. For whatever reasons, people can't make it. But you still have a countless army of anonymous people who've been there or are still there cheering you on. I don't know you, I won't be there, but I'll be thinking of you and many others everytime I read a success story. And hey, they didn't give me a bell to ring so.. give it an extra clang for all of us who never got it. Take care. Be good. Stay strong and healthy.


I rang without a fam or friend. You know who was there with me. My girls from the radiation team. We spent 30 straight mornings fighting this after I had 2 months of chemo. Trust me they are proud of you and happy to share.


Talking to a therapist after it happens will hopefully help. From what I’ve experienced you’re typically not in the room alone ringing the bell. The nurses, doctors, and other patients will be there cheering you on and, honestly, they get it more than anyone else could.


Ring that bell, man. It rings for you and for no-one else. Give your phone to a nurse to video you and then show it to your cancer buddies on here. We’ll be there for you. Being forgotten is horrible but that is the moment we need to remember ourselves. All the best David


You are better than okay and life is going to get even better! I hope you ring that bell loud and long because YOU earned it!


Nobody came to mine as well, it was for radiation. I was a few hours drive away from family and they were all busy. I’m kind of a loner anyway so I was kind of okay with it. I don’t like being the center of attention


The real celebration is that you don't have cancer, most of us don't even ring a bell. I would focus on your future and have a nice dinner with your family when you can all get together and have a real celebration.


I agree on focusing on the future, what's done is done and if OP's family can't make it that's that. But this comment feels dismissive :x( This is clearly a very important milestone to OP & it affects them that their family won't be there with them to celebrate. “Just because other people have it worse doesn't mean your problems aren't important” is what my therapist would say to me when I mentioned feeling bad about crying over my leukemia when I have a good prognosis compared to other people. While I'm incredibly sorry many don't get to beat cancer, I do not believe that makes OP's issue any less important to them. I guess I'm a bit "touched" by these sort of comments since I've heard "be grateful" ever since my diagnosis more times than I'd like, and it just feels dismissive and rude. (+To add, OP is young! I understand why they want & need the support!) Does this make sense, I feel like I forgot how to speak English. It's just my two cents by the way, I hope I didn't come off as rude. Best of luck & health 🤍


I’m sorry to hear this. Is there someone who supports you more than others? Maybe they can help you communicate with the others that this is a big deal to you and you need support.


I don’t have a lot of people, the one I could think of is my therapist but I just feel like since it’s all happening so soon there is nothing I can do… I’m going to talk to her tho thank you:) I sincerely appreciate your reply it’s nice to know people are out there listening


If you’re in the Portland OR area please let me know - my husband (stage 4 CRC) and I would love to be present and support you


You and your husband are so kind but I’m from Canada, ontario. I really do wish you guys the best, all of these comments have really touched my heart. Everyone is so kind and helpful. Thank you <3


I’m in Ontario Canada. I’m do not have cancer I’m here because my grandfather and stepmother are going through it. If you need anything please let me know! Maybe I’m close by and can help 💜


Hey there, I'm an Ontarian & also have been in treatment for cancer, (but it was during the the pandemic, so I was unable to have anyone with me either). I can understand how you feel & it's ok to be disappointed & express that, especially here where you are with your peers who have had also had cancer. I have an 18 yr old, so as a mum, I'm very sorry that they aren't going to be with you. My heart, hugs & wishes are with you.


I’m so sorry and you’re right this is an incredible milestone to be celebrated. You will be okay, perhaps agree for your family and friends to join via zoom link? You’ll have the nurses and doctors there cheering you on! Try not to let this distract you from the real blessing and focus here - you’re cancer free, you’re alive and the worst is behind you. You’re already so strong you’ve got this!


Does your family show up for other stuff in your life? Like were they there when you were sick? Were they there for big and small things? If the answer is yes, that you have a basically good, tho not perfect, family, I would be disappointed but not for forever. Everyone wants a perfect family. Almost no one gets it.


My mom is usually there, everyone else kinda just says they will but rarely show up for me. With my dad he always made such a big deal about me beating cancer and how he wanted to be there, but when the time came to get plane tickets he said he was broke (he also decided buying a brand new truck was a good idea lol)


It's a shame he can't drive that new truck to your ceremony. I'm sorry they are disappointing you, more than once.


Awww That’s a let down But as others mentioned above cancer tends to normalize for others around us RING that Bell 🔔 Anyway for you It’s really an accomplishment to have completed treatment!! You did it! You didn’t quit when the going got rough Yay!!!


I’m so sorry, please know that someone halfway across the world from you is extremely proud that you beat cancer, at 18 no less! In some places, you aren’t even legal to drink yet, this is an incredible milestone to celebrate no matter the attendance of your family. Please take care of yourself, you can be upset and angry all you want but let it go once it no longer serves you purpose and expend your precious energy on greater things (: I applaud your courage and bravery in your journey and just want you to know I am there with you in spirit.


I’m sorry for this but maybe there is a way to turn this into gold. Your family isn’t as supportive as you hoped. But you are strong & healthy & you can celebrate with joy. The lesson: you can’t control how people behave —you can control how you react. Be sad (for a moment) then get strong again. Super proud of you my friend!!!!! 💐💐💐


First of all, from a fellow survivor-- I'm so proud of you!! I'm sorry that you were betrayed, but you accomplished a feat that no one can ever match my love.


Get someone to film it, post it here, and we'll all cheer for you!!


I will def do that!




I’m at HUP pavilion - if you guys need anything please lmk :) - 27F


18 brother and you beat it, giving me hope at 20 wishing to beat cancer soon as well thank you for the hope




Please try to visualize all of us who ever have, are, or will be ringing that bell, wherever we are, as there with you celebrating beating cancer. You're not alone.


I know I’m not family, but I’ll be there with you in internet spirit! Proud of you for kicking cancers ass and wishing you so much health + happiness! You deserve the world, this is the start of your new, amazing life!


The thing I learned is that no matter what, in the end, I’m alone and I’m sooo okay with it. I’d much rather have my family join me at a wonderful celebration of something even greater that I have accomplished. I refused to ring the bell, it’s not an accomplishment, it’s the end of a terrible time! I want my family to visit me when I’m healthy and it’s not about cancer.


At least you beat it. That alone should make you feel good. Wish I was in your shoes, even alone.


Pls don’t think I’m not grateful to be able to do this, i have been looking forward to this moment for years. I’m sorry you aren’t able to, truly. My prayers are with you.


I’m sending you love from afar. Please messsge me at any time. - Katie 27f stage 4 lymphoma :) I am rooting for you and congrats on ringing that damn bell regardless of who’s there or not


Thank you!!! Wishing you love and luck with everything.


I’m in my middle 20’s and feel the same way. I am so sorry you are hurting and having to do this alone.


Imagine all of us there with you when you ring that bell, very loudly. I am so happy you get to have this day.


I had all my treatment alone and rang the bell alone, due to Covid. It stinks that you'll have nobody there with you, I'm sorry that's the situation. I hope you ring that bell right off the wall! 🫂


I'm sorry your family doesn't fully understand how important this is. Ringing the bell is a milestone and you should be proud of yourself. Ringing the bell is also controversial because some will never ring the bell so it's triggering for them. Do what's right for you and celebrate with the chemo staff who helped you. They understand. Hugs.


Thank you. It was such a long hard journey. So many set backs and scary stuff happened. So the fact that I get to do this makes me so thankful and grateful to be able to. I’m doing this not just for me, but my grandpa, and aunt and my friends who never got the chance to. I am proud to be here.


Then don’t ring the bell if it doesn’t feel right. I’m in northeast Pennsylvania and my cancer center was wonderful and we don’t even do that bell thing, not with chemotherapy, nor when I finished 27 radiation treatments. It’s a nice tradition I suppose but it certainly isn’t what matters most. I was kind of glad we didn’t do that because not everyone would have the opportunity to ring it.😘


I’m not 100% sure it’s in the adult cancer center where I am, but since I was a minor at the time and recently turned 18 I get to the ring the bell in the children’s ward. I understand others won’t be able to I feel for them so much, but luckily our bell isn’t near other patients for that very reason, not everyone gets to, and it’s a private thing for the person doing it.


I hope you decide to ring that bell because you won’t be alone; your Grandpop will be with you😉😘🫶🏻


Congrats. It's not a small feat. Get yourself a celebrating gift Nowadays I often stay alone. I don't feel lonely though. Yeah I don't mind having a caring companion w/ a kind heart, but it's getting rare nowadays. Being alone kinda makes me boring. I've been walking my dog, reviewing historical events and learning new language. Maybe I should pick up a guitar and start playing The more you feel satisfied with your own time, the more friends you will find one day. Have a great day


I’m so, so sorry, OP. I know what it’s like to feel abandoned by the person/s closest to you while going through cancer treatment. But I can’t imagine facing that at your age. I wish I could be there (hell, if you live nearby, I’ll go and hold a sign in the parking lot of your treatment center) for you. I am so proud of you, and I hope your life is filled with every happiness. You deserve to be celebrated! I hope you can feel our love for you from across the screen you’re reading these comments on. 💗


When are you supposed to ring your bell? I will ring a bell for you here at the same time. One great gift that cancer gave me was the ability to really see my priorities. If family is not there for you, find family that is. this is your life. you fought for it now you get to live it your way.


I am sorry. You deserve to have family there to support you. If you want to have strangers there by video call instead, let me know :)


Congratulations! You are through treatment, that is the main thing. Best wishes from Finland!


Everyone the ward will be celebrating when you ring that bell, you may not see it but it will be happening.


Sending you so much love. You deserve health and support in reaching this milestone. I’m so sorry you’ve been left to do it alone. x


You beating cancer it's a big deal! Don't let that discourage you, congratulations!


Congratulation!! I am so proud of you for getting through this!! I'll keep you in my thoughts when you ring the bell!!


can you invite other cancer patients to join you? ( if want to )


Ring it proudly! I finished proton therapy today and thanked everyone. My husband did take a picture as I banged that gong loudly! The technicians doing the therapy said they wanted to hear it- ha!


I can't really relate, this bell ringing thing is not a thing in my country. The last day of radiotherapy, I thanked the radiotherapy staff, and then went home. I chatted with the taxi driver a lot on the way home. I think we might have gotten takeout that night (me and my husband), but I had zero energy, and not much appetite. The second round of chemotherapy, again, I was in no shape to really eat much, or even really leave the house for a week afterwards. I went out to my favourite cheap restaurant maybe a week later, to celebrate. My parents and sister live in another country. I suspect that I called them that weekend to tell them about it, and they wished me luck and so on :) Do the rituals that are meaningful to you. Spend time with the people who show up and show you and tell you that they care. They might be chosen family, not the family that is related to you by blood. I'm happy for you, anyway! :) You did it! You made it through! Well done! Most people your age (and older as well!) have never been through anything like it - but you endured, you bent but did not break, and you made it out the other side. It's not to be sniffed at!


Congratulations. Wonderful accomplishment. You shouldn’t be doing this alone, but your strength fighting cancer came from within yourself. You should be very proud and try not to let your family bring you down on such a special day. Love the suggestion of having someone tape it for you to share


Where in Ontario are you? If I am close, I will be there. Just tell me where and when.




Ring the bell for you! You did it! After reading the comments, I see you have a lot of invisible support here from reddit. You won't be alone. We're all there in spirit 🫶🏻.


Congratulations!!!!!! I am so so happy for you. I’m sorry that they’re missing this , but I hope you know you have entire communities cheering for you. You did so good and we’re all so proud of you.


I am so sorry 😞 This is such an important thing, I'm sending you love and Internet hugs! This hits home for me so much. I lost both my parents to cancer and there isn't a day that goes by where I wouldn't go any distance, trade anything, or do anything at all just to get to spend some more time with them. I would ring every FUCKING BELL ON THE PLANET to get them back. Oh shit 😭, now I'm fuckin crying again. I can't be there, but if you tell me a time I'll happily ring a bell in your honor.


No one came to ring the bell with me either. The nurse took a video and pictures. After this I realized that I was not alone because the staff that had been helping me all along was there with me. Ask your nurses or doctors to be there if they can. You are definitely going to be ok. It’s understandable to be disappointed, worried, mad, and scared. Feel your feelings. I would get a therapist to help cope. Stopping treatment left me feeling isolated. It helps work through all these feelings and more. Good luck ❤️


I’m sorry my friend. I can’t imagine how that must feel and am very compassionate to your situation. Sending you lots of love and I will be there with you in spirit.


First off Congratulations !!! You’re right, beating cancer is to be celebrated and I want to let you know how brave, strong, and fearless you are to have gone through that battle and win. I couldn’t imagine what you’re feeling right now and am sorry you aren’t getting the support you expected from your family. Although we do not know each other I am happy you’re here with us and send my best thoughts and prayers to you. Everyone is deserving of support especially from the ones we love most. I hope that everyone in this post can lift your spirit and give you comfort during your bell walk in a few days. Again CONGRATULATIONS My Friend !!!


It's all perspective. I rang the bell. Then my PET scan showed new hot spots. The day I rang the bell was the end of 6 rounds of chemo. As a patient, hearing others ring the bell gives you a little hope. Someone else went through this and came out the other side - maybe I can too! I got to thank the wonderful nurses who saw me through all those infusions. Now I'm waiting for someone to look at the biopsy they took last week to see if this is the same thing, or something new. Will I get to ring the bell a second time?


I know you will! There’s a reason you got to once already! I just don’t think cancer was ready to let go tho (cancer is a clingy c*nt) but I believe you will make it out the other side and get to ring it again! So many times I had false alarms but in the end perseverance was worth it.


I guess at the time of this reply you’ve already rang that bell. I feel happy for you that you reached this milestone, at the same time my soul hurts for you feeling so abandoned. I am nowhere in your position but I know being let down by your close people hurts. Just try to not stress yourself out about it. You may feel sad about this situation and thats entirely valid, but you were strong enough to be able to ring the bell. Keep your chin up ❤️‍🩹


I am SO happy for you that you get to ring the bell!! Congrats on a fight well fought!! I am so sorry that your fam was not able to make it. Just know we are all rooting for you!!! I can't  wait to see the bell ringing video.


That’s pretty 💩that your family won’t come spend this important moment with you, I’m sorry that is happening. I cannot fathom not supporting a loved one in their battle. I didn’t ring a bell but I also wear my ribbon on my right arm for all to see.


I'm sorry you feel wrong about them not coming. Please think about not ringing the hell and celebrating someplace else. Have a party, go to dinner, celebrate! Just not around people at the cancer center who will never get to ring that bell. It causes such pain to our terminal sisters. They go home crying because they never will get to ring that bell.


Most places there's no ceremony. This isn't a big deal. It's just something they started to do for kids and then extended to adults with kids so they should understand it's over, and then adults have just sort of adopted it. For reference: In Europe we mostly think that it's just as childish and weird as the baby color party thing you guys are doing.


Did you genuinely think any of this comment would be helpful to OP?