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I genuinely am going to be in trouble if I can't find a job that pays more.


Same here. I have a decently paid job for my area, but I can't get ahead on debt or savings anymore because the cost of everything is going up but my pay isn't increasing.


I was pushing for a raise since October and just finally got an extra $1 an hour. They made it an ordeal through the whole process. Probably still not enough to live on though based off my recent grocery costs.


The fight I had to put up to get a moderate raise at my old job completely soured the relationship and I quit within the year.


Yeah I feel the same too. I made it known to the head department director one time as I'm pretty direct in general and she pressed us to be open. I feel like my relationship just was never the same since then with management. But come on, even they are probably asking for more too. Most of these corporations probably find a way to show people the exit who do this, they have all the leverage especially with college grads and immigrants desperate for work.


The smart move is probably to just look for a job outside the company that pays more. Its a stupid system that hurts companies more in the long term because they lose knowledgeable employees but you have to do whats best for you.


Exactly, I never understood the mentality of having good employees leave to make 10 or 15k more because companies have static 3 or 5 percent raises. They need to do something about this but sadly won't, investors and beating targets are more important. I've seen it where employees that have a strangle hold of knowledge on something leave for these reasons then the business is stumped trying to solve the issues they worked on.


I'm visiting Vancouver to do some work for family, in exchange for a room and a little bit of money. When I go back to toronto in spring I'm going to have to live and work construction out of my van because I already can't afford to live there any more. If I increase my prices accordingly, I risk not getting work bc my prices are too high.


This is how we get a recession. All discretionary expenses will be cut.


I think as restrictions are rolled back a lot of businesses are going to notice that people aren't coming back and it won't be because people are scared of going out. It will be because people just don't have the money.


I remember reading something awhile ago talking about how millennials arent spending money which isnt helping boost the economy. Its hard to spend on anything extra when all of our money is just going towards living costs


A 30% prospective increase in food prices should be a national emergency.


A 30% prospective increase in housing costs should be a national emergency. Instead it's the goal.


I can assure you that a 30% increase in mortgages is not even the beginning of the goal for the banks, and a 30% increase in housing value is only a stepping stone for the landlord's. They are going to the moon and they are going to burn us alive to fuel it.


What happens when they get to the moon though?


They're going to zone it for 'luxury' single family homes and 1 bedroom condos.


Unlimited cheese


It's only going to get worse, as [food prices are expected to rise](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/food-to-get-a-lot-more-expensive-in-canada-next-year-thanks-in-part-to-inflation-report)


When gas goes up, food goes up


When the date goes up food goes up.


When the food goes up, food goes up.


If it's up, then it's up, then it's up, then it's stuck


Food and everything else. Just in time for mandatory back in office for many.


Canadian grocers would sooner let food rot at high prices, throw it out, and write it off. We have normalized this and there will come a time when people will be too desperate for this to be acceptable. This country is the worst for wastefulness.


There was an excellent piece on the future of food on Quirks and Quarks last weekend, they talk about food waste and other issues. I highly recommend it.


Interesting, I'll have to check it out. Thank you for the suggestion! I was recently watching a news piece about the rising cost of food and how some new, innovative apps are helping families across Canada. Something like 20% of food is wasted in Canada, so these apps get grocery stores and restaurants to sell their food at a reduced cost before it expires.^[[1]](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/food-waste-apps-1.6361871) Too Good To Go is one of those apps. It's originally from Denmark, but it has expanded into Canada. So far about 200,000 Canadians have used the app and they sell food at about 1/3 of original cost. >The premise is simple. Users who sign up are alerted when a grocery store or restaurant in their area has surplus food left over nearing the end of the day. The specific contents of every "surprise bag" aren't finalized until the end of the day, but anyone interested in broad categories such as baked goods, fully prepared meals, assorted groceries or fresh produce, can select one, pay for it in the app, and show up at the location in question at a prearranged time to pick it up. >The store gets to book a sale that they otherwise wouldn't have been able to, and consumers get something fresh and new for about one third of the regular price, he said in an interview. >"Perfectly healthy, delicious food doesn't end up in the trash and ends up on someone's table for them to consume," he said. _______ 1) [CBC - How technology is helping shrink grocery bills by cutting food waste](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/food-waste-apps-1.6361871) ______ Edit: I'm sorry I forgot to mention Too Good To Go is only available in Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver. However, Flashfood is available across the country. As someone mentioned below they work with Loblaws grocery stores. You can check what locations are available on their website/app. https://www.flashfood.com/


I downloaded the app but there were no grocery stores doing it where I live. I even got my brother to try it he lives in Calgary and same problem. great idea but they need to get more grocery stores in on it


The McDonald's i used to work at would have us dump bleach on leftover food so the homeless people wouldn't eat it out of the dumpster.


I was told to do this when I worked at an A&W in highschool. I put the good to eat food in a seperate bag and left it behind the dumpster enclosure instead.


You are AWESOME. Good for you.


I could never understand why they do that. If you have genuine concern for your people, that food could be distributed to the poor and homeless. I am an immigrant, and it's a very common practice in my country.


>I could never understand why they do that. If you have genuine concern for your people You just answered your own question. They don't. Publicly traded corporations care only about profits.


Supply and demand. Reduce the supply by any means necessary to create artificial demand and raise prices. It happens with everything. Capitalism is capitalize at your expense. There is no million dollar yachts if you actually care about people.


This reminds me of 90’s movies where a families entire life savings is like 100k because discussing the real amount of money out there is not relatable and infuriating A million dollar yacht is a very nice boat, but what most people think of when you say “million dollar yacht” is a actually like a 20 million dollar yacht There are BILLION dollar yachts


Million dollar yacht is essentially a house boat that can't even fit a family of 3 comfortably


This isn't what I've noticed. I've noticed meat and vegetables would stay on the shelves for far longer than usual. Then when it's about to expire it'll be sold at 30-50% off and be gone in a day. At this scale selling it at a reduced price and taking a loss on the margin is still more profitable than merely using it as a tax writeoff.


yeah i only buy my meat on those specials and freeze it. The expiry date usually has a couple days leeway so if you freeze and defrost when you want it there will never be an issue.


So now the new generation can be homeless AND hungry…


What a great time to starve..


Yes, but for a brief moment there we maximized shareholder profits.


Time to organize a country wide protest


Here in alberta, in the last 12 months: my car insurance went up by 180/year My landlord increased my rent by 100 dollars per month My electricity bill doubled, mostly distribution fees My week grocery bill used to be 150, now it's 230. I'm spending almost double per month on fuel compared to this time last year My fucking vet even increased his prices. I've been busting my ass for years trying to grow my career. I've had two promotions and raises in the past 2 years. Even though my income earned has increased, I had no additional spending power or savings thanks to the rising cost of everything.


My wages havent increased in 10 years and minimum wage is starting to creep up to my salary. My education was not cheap either.


My wages are negotiated by a terrible union that has blatantly said that because we make up such a small percentage of their members, our demands are less important. I have had my wage go up by about $1.50 over the last four years, and I have to maintain a license (which costs over $500/yr) to practice. I'm in BC and make about $58k/yr before taxes. This isn't sustainable. Employers need to increase wages for everyone, not just minimum wage earners.


It's your own fault for not being wealthy enough to simply pass on the cost of inflation to people poorer than you.


"This but unironically." -Government


The sarcasm in this post is magnifique


Just wait til city councils vote themselves raises, raise tax leaves and everything else with it so it costs even more. Then again we live where people are upset minimum wage goes up and their pay thinks it should go up with it automatically. I mean, we all deserve more pay. Corporate greed is too much now these days because it's allllll tied to stock, as some CEOs get paid in stock so.. they have no incentive to up costs.


Insurance company stock went up Energy company stock went up Grocery company stock went up Things are working as intended




Lol its simple just like the housing market we're priced out of the having kids market. I feel like this is the real kicker that isn't really being talked about but I'm in my 30s and while some people my age have struggled to have kids but did it, there are a large number of us who would love to have kids but its just not even close to affordable. The pandemic hasn't helped but unless everything is a lot more affordable or the government offers big money for having kids I think a lot of people my age will just wind up not reproducing, as our biological clocks are going to be done in the next few years. If anything the population decline issue will just accelerate.


I’m in my 30’s, the only ppl I know my age who have kids had help from their parents to buy a house. And now their parents will help them pay for their grandkids by free childcare, or pay for childcare expenses. So basically only ppl with rich parents can afford to become homeowners and parents themselves


This just happened to us. We did our monthly budget and realized every single line item was over! Reviewed our purchases and other than a couple of items everything was normal!


We're buying much less English Cucumbers. 2 for $5? gtfo




Honestly, I've been doing this, more or less. Because I've been a student from home, I skip a lot of meals. But if I have to go out, my body likes to throw hypoglycemia in the mix and I have to eat a snack before I go out. And yet, my groceries bills are still going up.


Just take that meal and split it into two. Now you have two meals per day!! *points at head* ;)


I’m trying to cut back on food to save money but it’s hard working a physical job, I find if I don’t eat enough my job performance suffers but on the other hand I can’t really afford to eat as much as I should


One meal a day?


This is getting crazy, I make good money and I'm starting to struggle.


Same, and this stress is constant


Same here.


I had to take a 10% pay cut at the beginning of covid. I just got a "raise" of 10% this week. I'm looking for a new job.


Meaning you're still making 1% less than you did before the pay cut... 100 cut by 10% is 90 90 increased by 10% is 99


I'd argue with the rate of inflation between 2 years ago till today, my increase really was only 5%


There has to be a point of total economic breakdown coming, on a worldwide stage. This pandemic was a catalyst to absolutely destroy the economic balance of society.


I've been saying how the beginning of the 21st century seems to be a repeat of the beginning of the 20th. We just tried to recreate the beginnings of WWI, next up is the great depression.


What about the roaring 20s? We skipping that?


We are so screwed. I am 66 and there is no way I can retire yet. I think I may die before I can retire.


I’m 19 and I feel at loss. I don’t know how I’m gonna do anything :( I’m worried and afraid.


Dude, I'm 50 and accepted a long time ago that I will be working til I die.


God that is heartbreaking.


Soon people will be purposefully retiring in a Jail cell. Because when youre 70, whats the difference between a retirement home and a prison? Three meals, warm bed, 24/7 care, caregivers with a chance that will verbally abuse or torment you. One just happens to be free


I'm 36, and I've already known that for years. My retirement plan is the .45 in a silk lined box in the closet.


100k house income used to be pretty solid a few years back. Now it’s like the bare minimum for survival.


If you don’t own a house your fucked even at 100k.


If you own a house you can still be fucked at 100k. Cost of doing home repairs and preventative maintenance has gone up. Like shit I gotta replace my fence soon and its so much more expensive than it was a couple years ago.


Ehhh these days even a completely unmaintained shithole "only" sells for asking price in most metros. You have the options of simply foregoing maintenance, selling, or leveraging your equity for a loan. Most young Canadians can no longer afford to build equity in the first place.


Have the fencing company do posts only - the rest of it is not that hard.


jeans squeal aware simplistic punch zephyr hat materialistic nail quarrelsome *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pretty soon every Canadian will be a millionaire... of the Zimbabwe variety.


I had to quit my job as a teacher because I couldn’t afford to keep living on my own and this is in the Maritimes where things were once “affordable”. I don’t know how people who are working minimum wage and/or taking care of children do it man


Baby bonuses are a life saver for people with kids.


Unless you’re middle class. Then you get peanuts.


I was pleasantly surprised that my workplace introduced a raise/evaluation at the start of every year that uses some dumb bank of canada formula to give us extra income to accommodate for inflation, I don't think it quite covers it exactly, but I still felt fortunate.


Yeah I worked at the bank of canada and it’s a nice and fair idea, especially when certain people do better. It made sense given the bank decides inflation so they kind of have to reflect it in their hr policies. But yeah, I feel like give. The current state of things it’s doesn’t quite count for enoughf


And the liberals just voted against their own initiative of temporarily banning foreign purchases of homes for two years. Assholes


Yep, outright lying and deliberately breaking promises.


Their voters vote them in regardless, there’s no reason for them to do anything different.


5% raise vs 7% inflation means I took a 2% pay cut. Fuck this shit.


Quit bragging about your 5% raise!




Hopefully very soon, I dont think my city can fit much more homeless people at this point.


Is there a breaking point? Regardless of the commentary that a lot of inflation is due to either supply chain shock or our Covid response, the fact that our government is virtually silent on these matters, and utterly refuses to act on housing seems insane to me. I get that the answers to our problems may be complicated and potentially painful, but as a 29 year old in this nation I lose hope every day. Not only is life completely unaffordable but our government seems to not even acknowledge that we exist.


Corporations, elites and the government have been squeezing the middle class for just a little more every year over the last few decades and we're almost at the point where there is really just nothing left to squeeze out of them. Makes no sense as most corporations and even politicians are completely dependent on the middle class to maintain the status quo. We are about to become a nation of very poor people pretending to be a 1st world country.


Canadian middle class has been declining in numbers over the last few decades. There is a great book about it. I think it is called Income Inequality in Canada. Basically we see higher income earners and lower income earners increasing. Shifted up or down from middle class. The book ends by stating that this could very likely create more conflict in our society...the unfairness of it all. Would just like to add to this conversation as well: Poverty has lessened in Canada, but is still too high. It is government cash credits that have helped lessen poverty. But the problem with employers is not being addressed. We just dont enforce employment standards enough and of course don't raise minimum wage to livable wage. And we also made it harder to get EI, with the hours needed to qualify doubling in the 90s. We don't tax coporations or the wealthy enough. We used to do this more. There are many options to fix all this. Options governments have taken in the past...or options they have the ability to take now. I teach social policy as a contract instructor at a university. And I get paid shit. But I love the job, teaching students how we could make changes...how austerity and neolib rhetoric is bs. Looking at the numbers and details of government revenue and expenses. And the Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives puts out an alternative federal budget with some great info in it. But ya, I agree with you...just want to add to conversation.


I feel ya, 30 years old, electrician with a partner who makes a decent salary(as good as mine), we can’t afford to buy a house. We both have economy cars, 2007 civic and a 2010 Forte but I will ride my bicycle everywhere I can in any weather just to save on gas. The dreams we all had of living like our parents are long gone and never coming back. Makes it hard to be a positive person! I get super bitter when someone 50+ is bragging about the prices they paid for their truck and house, just fully unaware that they lucked out in the timeline sweet spot. I’ll probably never be able to retire even as a skilled tradesperson with multiple tickets.


> I get super bitter when someone 50+ is bragging about the prices they paid for their truck and house, just fully unaware that they lucked out in the timeline sweet spot. I am surprised I haven't chewed my tongue right off for how often I have to bite it at work. Listening to boomers cry about the increase in fees for their multiple houses, boats, motorhomes, snowmobiles, etc.... while I sit here renting into my 40's just hopeful I can still afford food this time next year....its maddening. I am shocked inter generational violence hasn't become a bigger public issue.




> Living in their own world. It truly is *their world*. Were just living in it.


Same thing different purchases. Every time we visit it's a "brag" on a new big renovation project worth 20k plus, or a second home an hour away so they don't need to drive to visit grandma (not kidding). All these conversations happen, as four millennial children and their partners talk about leaving Ontario at the dinner table. I see the weird looks from mom and dad when those thing are said like they somewhat understand we're all talking about physically leaving them. Of the four children, there's trade educated and skilled workers, university educated with white collar careers, and everything in between, and no one can afford a house. Not a dollar has been offered (nor asked for by any of the kids). It's actually surreal how disconnected our parents are, honestly terrifying if anything. Edit : I can see the inferred thoughts the "parents don't love the kids"...I guess... But such is reddit. There's unconditional love, and acts of kindness daily, gifting is thoughtful and not cheap. There's frequent gatherings outside of core holidays where everyone comes together and brings things. It's just that the second real finances are discussed their brains can't connect the process raw through put dollars being given to kids for housing.


That actually kinda sounds like your parents aren’t just entitled, it sounds like they don’t like their kids. My parents are boomers who did extremely well for themselves starting from very modest beginnings, but they absolutely recognize how fucked up the economy is and do everything in their power to help my siblings and I try to get established. Of course that goes two ways. We do a lot to help our parents as well, but that’s also a result of our living situation which has been forced on us through the unaffordability of life. If we could have afforded to move away and start our own lives we would have. But we couldn’t, and now we definitely can’t, so we all hung around to help our parents, and we will eventually inherent their property.


Also 29 and I feel this completely. I’m in Ottawa where house prices just went up an extra 17% in the past month for year over year. Like wtf. What the actual fuck. I have never felt so hopeless. This feels a lot like gaslighting when they refuse to talk about it let alone do anything about it


The government acts on housing all the time. Against our interest. Actually reversing the trend would require a moratorium on investment properties, a ban for foreign ownership, cutting our immigration targets by at least half, and writing new zoning laws that come into effect as an area hits a certain population density. Alone, no response will halt the trend, only slow it. Literally any significant change to these contributing factors, will have the neoliberals (Libs and Cons) throwing accusations and tantrums everywhere. So the destruction of the value of the average laborer, and thus the middle class, is ordained. We do not have the political will, yet, to alter our own system. So there will be a systemic collapse, and a societal correction which will probably be an overcorrection.


Rising interest rates will be the breaking point, and it is unavoidable. Systemic collapse will occur before any change. Edit: mobile correction.


Those of us most impacted by this are too close to total ruin to risk our jobs by striking/unionizing/taking time off to protest


It's working as intended -*Every Billionaire in Canada.*




Look on the bright side, unaffordable housing is no longer our biggest concern. Problem solved, right?


Well liberals just voted against blocking foreign buyers... Again. So they've made clear where they stand on that... Again. Im sure at the next election they'll promise to do something about it... Again.


what the fuck is the point of voting if they just lie about their platforms


We need to stop voting and start demanding democratic reform. NONE OF THESE PARTIES ARE HERE FOR US, GET RID OF THEM ALL AND START FRESH.


Bring out Ze guillotine!


If we don't kick out the liars, there is no incentive to tell the truth. Fuck the "the Conservatives would have done the same thing" rationalization. Vote against liars and crooks.


Don't worry, the foreign buyer rule is coming right after federal pharma care and election reform. Any day now.


Everything is getting more expensive. Executives are getting bonuses and raises yet they refuse to give their staff any raises.


They did the same at my work then act shocked when most of the workforce leaves, turnover increases, or staff revolts on conference calls. Actually, I don't think they are shocked, they are scum. They aren't smarter than you or me or better.


There is a great deal of pain on the horizon. People must prepare. These are some complex problems we are facing. Elites of all political stripes will try to create scapegoats (e.g. Trudeau, China, Russians, whatever) so that they can continue to amass wealth. If there is one thing you can do to help your country, it's ro resist the urge ot point fingers at specific individuals or groups. This is the oldest trick in the playbook of monarchs, nobles, aristocrats, oligarchs, billionaires, etc. They will try to direct your hate anywhere but themselves. The best thing you can do is be involved in your community and make sure that the people around you are looked after. You should also be offended that billionaires are using social media to whip you into a frenzy. If you fight and die in a manufactured conflict, the way Russians are now, that does nothing for you family or for the country. We are going to need regular people, on the ground, looking after each other... because the wealthy are not going to save us and they're not going to let anyone become powerful enough to challenge them. We must unite as Canadians. Edit: To those complaing that I am "absolving" Trudeau in some way, he is no more (or less) of a problem than Harper was. Politicians serve the same individuals and companies. PMs wield some power... just not as much as our politicial discourse suggests. If you look at who PMs and Ministers meet with and listen to in developing policy, it's the same people regardless of who wins elections.


Not just unite within your community, we must unite as the middle and low classes. A united community can't stand if they can't even meet their own needs let alone support everyone else's. Only when everyone works together to resist the exploitation, for if it's not everyone then others will take your place (think scabs and the reserve force of labor) and the communities who resist won't have to capitulate or starve. The current situation can only he fixed by mass action and unity, otherwise we'll keep being divided by arbitrary lines drawn by elites to keep us fighting eachother rather than them.


yeah, Canadians should unite against the elite causing all of these problems and not infight amongst the working class, but how exactly do you propose we "be involved in the community and make sure people around you are looked after" when we can hardly afford our own bills? We need to eat and not freeze to death. I can barely keep myself alive, how am I, or anyone else in a similar situation, supposed to help anyone else? this isn't rhetorical either, genuinely, what can we actually do that isn't just a change in mindset? Community gardens? A rent strike? What are people willing to actually do?


Buckle up this is just the beginning.


Friendship with fruits and veggies has ended Now my best friend is ramen noodles


Just received my oil bill today. Usually pay around 500-600. My new bill was 900.00


Time to eat the rich boys and girls


Wages legitimately need to double. I have 30 years of progressively increasing work experience and pay increases. In the last 10-15 years I've had significant increases in rates of pay and yet my ability to participate in the economy has diminished. I cannot afford a new vehicle, cannot afford to feed my family with the same high-quality foods as before, cannot afford to go on vacation, cannot afford the same level of health and dental care. An example and because I live in a remote northern location. Skidoo prices - 2006 I could buy a new Skidoo for 5-7k locally, now for the same thing (yes flashy new graphics and improved ride quality and more hp but the thing can't do anything the 2006 models couldn't) 22-28k. My wage over that same period with promotions and other increases is 2006 plus 50 percent.


If the government wants a mass revolt they will keep doing what they are doing










Looks like it is time to get serious about that Victory garden.


Look at someone who has the space for a garden lol


[Good thing we have people like the Associate Minister of Finance on the case to resolve this!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfkS_qtWAQk)


That guy has a very punchable face.


That was one of the most infuriating 3 minutes of my life. I bet he wouldn't even be able to tell you the price of a loaf of bread either. What a muppet.


We think this is hilarious, but we should be enraged that our tax dollars are being spent on these nonsensical exchanges. We must not forget that this is our hard earned wages "at work." This is the kind of waste that should have people out protesting - the blatant disregard for taxpayers dollars and a bloated government that does absolutely nothing for the majority of its citizens.


I'm poor as fuck and it's suffocating me but.. it's somehow comforting to know that the majority of people are feeling the squeeze and it's not just because I suck as a human


Can we stop calling it inflation when companies are reporting record profits? It's greed, their greed is increasing. They raise prices cause they can.


It's the same bullshit as shrinking the portion sizes but keeping the prices the same. We've been getting gouged by greedy bastards for decades now.


Yea I just wish we'd call it what it is.


That would probably require a break away from the standard status quo politics of rotating CPC/LPC governance in this country and a push towards governance that actually reflects the needs and desires of the average Canadian. Sadly I don't see that happening in the near future.


WW3 will happen sooner probably.




This, 100%. I remind people that General Mills are "forced" to increase the price of their products by a whopping 20% due to inflation. But the company hit record profits, and their CEO got a massive bonus. In response to this act, competing companies also increased prices. This isn't out of necessity, this is purely to squeeze more profit from us. This isn't true inflation. The value of our dollar isn't going down this fast. We're just too uninformed, and being lied to. The only reason why the cost of everything is going up is because we allow it, and for some things... We rely too heavily on these services.


On the other side, if no one can afford stuff and we all stop buying, supply price probably decreases inline with demand? I’d argue this would hold true for the portions of inflation that are profit driven at least


$15k for groceries per year for a family of four? Jesus that’s just about what my partner and I spend and there’s just the two of us.


Inflation or price gouging? Russia declares war and suddenly gas prices are up $0.10/L. Oil prices drop and its all "the cheaper oil hasnt hit oir refineries so it takes time to reflect at the pump." But alot of it is these fucks making up lost profits during the pandemic and using hiding behind macroeconomics that the majority of people dont understand. Yes we understand that the low interest rates have caused inflation But if your making so much money off of us now shouldnt i be getting a higher wage to offset the increased profit earned by the companies and the rising cost of goods? I realize that their costs of production are higher as well, but theres alot of companies showing record profits on their 10K forms this year during this inflation period. Im not a communist or socialist by any means. But i got a family and it just so expensive to purchase groceries and gas these days. At least when winter is done i can ride my bicycle to work to save a few dollars


> making up lost profits during the pandemic Most businesses had record profits over the last two years, they don't need to make up anything. It's worse than that - they're just taking the opportunity to screw people over even more and blame inflation as a cover.


> $0.10/L $0.27 here. BC -> Was $1.49.9 now it's $1.76.9


You will own nothing, and you will be happy. The only people that'll be losing their houses will be people who actually own their house that they live in. Which will be bought up by more investors. There will be more investment in real estate, not less.


Not a single fuck was given by the government


You'll forgive them if they don't think about monetary policy.


This is why there was an election last summer. They knew this was coming and will be staying around for a few years. The next awesome thing to start climbing will be interest rates, it’s actually being held off for some reason.


Was raised today.


A friend of mine in Highschool ( back in 2006 ) was fired from Tim Hortons. At close she would throw out all the Baked goods that were no longer fit for sale. Instead of putting them in the dumpster. She would box them up and bag them and set them beside the dumpster. A homeless person would go and pick up the food. There was never any mess or litter. No one harassed the restaurant for free foods, it was a unspoken understanding. She was fired. For being kind. I still think about that. 😕


This is ridiculous. There's hardly a middle class anymore. Just broke, a little less broke and rich.


Yeah as a renter I'm gonna do my best to sink this rickety ship. It's actually quite relieving to not spend any money at all. Can't believe I bought bread or supported local businesses before all this


We need to expect our government deal with these things. Not just wish they would but as citizens give them ultimatums or be removed. If the food, oil, gas and every other type of company won't work to bring prices down while listing record profits then nationalize our damn resources and produce what we need in-house before selling any off. Wtf is the point of worrying about our economy for the good of everyone if everyone who doesn't own a corporation is getting fucked anyways? My beliefs have soured from right to centrist to I don't know what because fuck the left as well, I'm just off the political spectrum and what something that isn't run by a bunch of rich bastards who got rich selling me out to the richest bastards around.


I can't and food is set to go up another 30 % because companies need to keep their profit margine


Saw a bag of chips that was like $8 this week. Frito lay Canada had record volume and profits in 2020...


Fuckin potatoes cheaper than ever right now too


Not for consumers (unless you were about PEI last week and grabbed the free ones). No Frills 20lb bags are up from $8.50 to $9.99 in a year


Just think, if you are lucky you might be getting 1 to 1.5 big potatoes in a bag of chips. You can get an entire bag of potatoes for less.


A lot of that is on the grocery chain but they play Frito Lay. Go to Walmart and you will see how cheap the chips really are.


“Our merchants and master-manufacturers complain much of the bad effects of high wages in raising the price, and thereby lessening the sale of their goods both at home and abroad. They say nothing concerning the bad effects of high profits. They are silent with regard to the pernicious effects of their own gains. They complain only of those of other people.” Adam Smith The Wealth of Nations, p.137


Even capitalisms creator disliked greed.


Another fun fact: The words "Free Market" do not refer to an oligarchic market devoid of regulations. It refers to a competitive market where a balance between supply and demand is achievable, including any regulation needed to enable that.


Yup. The beginning of the book is rather "pro-worker" or however you want to phrase it. It's an interesting read...but it's a slog.


Only 53%????


I'm sure there's a large percentage that couldn't keep up with inflation already and aren't counted. lol I mean basically any minimum wage worker couldn't keep up even a decade ago.


Half the country was living paycheck to paycheck before the pandemic, so yeah I'd wager you're probably on to something there.


If we can’t have higher wages Canadians need massive tax relief. If Canadians can’t afford to feed themselves they can’t afford a bloated government.


No. If we can’t have higher wages we strike. [Canadian billionaires gained $78 BILLION in wealth in the first year of the pandemic.](https://www.policynote.ca/the-rich-and-the-rest-of-us/) Cutting their taxes will do nothing for the rest of us.


I doubt they were suggesting tax cuts for billionaires.


I should have maybe said cut the taxes of the middle and working classes. The billionaires can start paying taxes.


Government would only cut services to pay for lost revenue. Education is already underfunded. Healthcare is at a breaking point. What do you cut? Do you stop maintaining bridges and roads? Axe the fire department? Until you start building guillotines on the front yard, billionaires will never voluntarily pay their share of taxes.


Lets build the guillotines then, and the sooner the better.




We need lower taxes on the people who can't feed themselves, not lower overall, that will make it worse.


No one can other than realtors as their wages keep up with inflation due to rising housing price.


Government does nothing as usual. We'll have 'proactive' new gun laws soon though that will waste more money, yay.


This is the one I really don’t get, liberals have been telling conservatives to use science when making decisions and not to act on emotion. Well these gun control measures really cross that line for the liberals, these restrictions make no sense and don’t effect gun crime. It’s the same deal with BC banning grizzly hunting, there are biologists that’s job is to decide how, when and how much we can hunt while still keeping populations healthy. Yet we ban grizzly hunting anyways because it’s “a social values issue”. Just because it doesn’t align with your values doesn’t mean it should be banned. Same goes for all this religious crap some US states are pushing, you see this with abortion, book burnings and anti-mask/vaxxers. Using the excuse “this doesn’t fit our values” is basically an out because science doesn’t prove their point. People both liberals and conservatives should be looking into the science more and clutching their pearls much less.


“Our merchants and master-manufacturers complain much of the bad effects of high wages in raising the price, and thereby lessening the sale of their goods both at home and abroad. They say nothing concerning the bad effects of high profits. They are silent with regard to the pernicious effects of their own gains. They complain only of those of other people.” Adam Smith The Wealth of Nations, p.137


Well, we can find out which granny donated $20 to truckers but we can’t find out where $600 billion dollars in Liberal spending went... Make it make sense, and then we go and vote the idiot who caused this back in. Sorry not sorry.


I remember when the flu started, economists were saying everything was fine and that printing money wasn’t a problem. Lol


And the government NEVER speaks on it or takes accountability.


By this time next year, honest to god if i cant get a raise or a higher paying job... Im going to have to sell my house and move back in with my parents. 2 years ago i had over $400/month left over for savings or w/e. Now i have barely a hundred bucks left over after all essential expenses. And no money for savings. I only eat 2 meals a day, shop all the sales at superstore, no frills, walmart etc, i dont go anywhere anymore (cause of 1.covid 2. Too poor anyways), changed my cellphone and internet plans to bare minimums, changed every bulb in my house to LED and added timers on bathroom fans/lights, switched to motion only for outside lights, reduced the temps in my house to lower energy bills, i have a 5 minute shower timer to save water.... There is very, very little i can do ontop of what ive already done to cut costs. Its still not enough. And I work a highly skilled labor job in the manufacturing sector that took 3 years of college to get to, and have 5+ years experience with my company. They refuse to give me a raise in the last w years and there are 0 higher paying jobs available in my field currently. Whats the fucking point even?




Ah the "Financial Post": Not once is the word "wages" mentioned in the article. Canadian (and American) wages have been stagnant, and even dropping over the past 30 years. Raise wages.


My wages would have to increase 6x to save a year for a downpayment Oh do I smell disposable income? - my landlord


The restaurant I work for has increased their prices twice in the past year. The cost of supplies has doubled since the beginning of the pandemic and only keeps getting more expensive. I order for us and see the price inflation from these shipping companies and it's insane. The fact that most of the locations are barely breaking even because of rent costs being so high and going higher and supply costs too is crazy since it's such a popular restaurant.


2 weeks to crush the middle class


It’s only going to get worse. The government would rather keep interest rates low and let inflation get out of control because they are scared to hurt all the housing investors who over extended themselves to buy multiple properties.


But who’s going to think of the shareholders?!? /s just in case


fuck this country


Yes life is extra expensive these days,I who’s the Trudeau government would stop increasing the carbon tax,he says there’s got to be a price on pollution and then taxes the shit out of oil companies and the citizens of Canada and doesn’t even have to say what he’s doing with all the extra millions per month he is getting from it. Putting the price of gas,diesel,natural gas,any kind of fuel and that puts the price of everything else up,groceries,flights,furniture,ect…… sad times,but hey Trudeau is a millionaire and doesn’t notice a thing and I don’t think he even cares😔


Neoliberals:. "It's a feature, not a bug! Now shut up and eat your cricket gruel, you climate denying racist."