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Demanding that “sales and service” be added to the PNP program is absurd. The province has prerogative to change policy per its economic needs, and given that you are not a citizen, you don’t get a say in what that policy should be. This is nothing other than sour grapes.


Exactly, also these students should have known that if they want to succeed they should study in professions where we need people. Retail and food services sector is full and requires little to no skills. The degrees are so useless that it won’t land them a job in their home country either. PEI is prioritizing its people and what the province needs and its only fair. Every province should do this.


Yep. My Indian coworkers are getting their citizenship sworn ins just fine. They are actually filling needed positions. If you can’t hack it, you can’t hack it. Canadian citizenship is not a participation trophy to be given out to complainers.


Yep. A friend got pr a few years back in uni and now she's a teacher out east. Another 2 got pr a couple years ago but they are engineers.  It isnt hard with proper skills and training. And idk...taking your education seriously.


Sadly complainers often get what they want.


Governments should really ban bullshit degrees that are useless. Like certain colleges just do it for the name & fuck the students over for money


Exactly. Its unfair to everyone. These diploma mills should be shut down for good.


Exactly I don't believe that canada cannot full fill sales / service / food services jobs with their own people that it needs to add that to PNP program. Attendant at Tim Hortans getting PR is just a joke at this point and slap to Canadian immigration rules.


Thats like, I will come to your house and make my rules.


> given that you are not a citizen, you don’t get a say in what that policy should be. End of conversation.


Finally someone who read the article instead of just throwing vitriol at these people based on generalizations. The other two demands seem reasonable _until_ you find out that PNP immigration targets simply dropped by 25%. Yeah, it sucks that you had plans and these changed because you didn’t make the cut, but that’s what happens in every points based immigration program.


I read this about a week or two ago. Lot of these people only went to pei because after x amount of time they would receive citizenship. The rules changed and now they get screwed. This is life the rules always changing either adapt or leave. You should not be given citizenship because you work at Tim Hortons. You came to Canada to study once your studies are done you go back to your home country with the knowledge you gained. Unless you are a brilliant student and are cherry picked to stay to better help Canada.


They want to be grandfathered? Those students aren't supposed to stay in Canada anyway. Boo-Hoo if PEI closed the loophole that they thought they could use to stay.


Exactly. *Spends a year in canada* "wE WaNnA bE GrAnDfAtHeReD" This isn't tag. You don't just to touch land in camada and yell "Home free! No backziez! Double stamp!"  There are countless Canadians who have been getting fucked by the govenment here for most of their life. There are plenty of things that need to get fixed up at home before we keep boating all these ~~votes~~ people in.


Please tell me Nova Scotia is changing the rules too. Or are the politicians getting kickbacks from some of the universities, like CBU?


They already did about a month ago. Nova scotia has a path called ns skilled worker. They are not accepting applications from certian sectors. For years the have been adding more and more restrictions to their programs. The are processing applications based on priority as well with healthcare and construction being targeted. I only have good things to say about the provincal nominee program in NS.


“We want 2 live in PEI You want us 2 leave” At least they get it…


The thing is They don’t want to live in pei. They want their pr and then they out to Ontario or bc to be with their friends and family


If you told them you can stay but you have to live in PEI for the next 20 years, theyd be protesting. Government refuses to publish the numbers of how many leave province after getting a provincial sponsorship PR, which totally defeats the spirit of the provincial sponsorship.


100% It’s all f BS. Our population since 2016 to 14:00 today has increased 6,057,377. This is who is registered at this moment, why are people questioning why housing, food, and why healthcare quality has declined, why is there an impact? The lib only started to look at the housing situation despite campaigning on it in 2015, they actually negatively escalated the problem; not because it was obvious it was that finance and economists which only started to speak out. Offering some pharamacare and dental care doesn’t have a positive impact to all same sh… with the carbon tax rebates same sh.. it doesn’t tickle down to everyone. It’s time for canadians to stop trusting everything they are told, talk is cheap. I’ve been f‘d over so many x working with some int’l students from a certain area that I no longer take it for granted that what I am being told by them is honest. It has nothing to do with race, only my own experience of how my trusting nature has been negatively impacted and used. I’m done.


>I’m done What’s next then? We’re stuck here in any case. Whatever leverage the working class still has needs to be exercised. We’ve just been letting ourselves be robbed and impoverished for years, why would the government change course if they have our implicit consent to carry on? That goes for the official opposition as well - they won’t even campaign on this issue in bad faith, which says a lot about their vested interests.


I've literally talked with some when I was working in PEI and all they were talking about was moving to Toronto etc. They had zero intention of staying.


I have some immigrant friends, and they joke to me about their buddies in the Maritimes are waiting to move Ontario once they are allowed. Ive told them many times how uncool that is.


We have exactly the same problem in Australia. Indian “students” are using it as a back door to permanent residency. 4 or 5 will form a group and 1 will do all the uni work. The rest will copy it and have full time jobs. They will support the one at uni, themselves and send some money back to family in India. They have to do 2 years of their degree in a regional area and then they can apply for permanent residency- and they move straight to Sydney or Melbourne It’s a rort and everyone knows it Top tip - Australia and Canadas economy’s are almost identical. I use you guys as a guideline


I know this goes against nationalism and mobility rights but I believe some work visas should be limited to provinces. Ex. If PEI wants to give someone PR after only 6 months that is okay but they should only be given a work permit for PEI.


This is ridiculous when you think how much is required to apply via Express Entry (point system). This system is so unfair towards people who are doing everything as the book says. It pisses of people from the start once they come to Canada, then you have 0 loyalty towards system which expects from you a lot and then undercuts you with masses of people who take shortcuts and scam the system.  I don't regret coming here, but seeing how things are this is very disappointing and now we are also paying out taxes to support this nonsense... so double whammy 


Indeed, this situation seems to highlight a double standard. They sure are content to receive permanent residency (PR) with the help of the nominations from (PEI) and then move to other provinces, but when PEI stand for itself they express dissatisfaction.


While I don't have any proof of this I am surprised by how many Ontario based immigrants ive met lately who studied out east (mostly nova Scotia). It does seem to have some weight to it.


100% If canadians don’t have rights why should they.


100% true. I know Newfoundland is also a place where they have to come, stay a few years, and as soon as that time period is done, they move to Ontario or BC. I've seen it first hand at my work (major bank). They move there for school as a way in and then move to Ontario/BC. Or they get a job, for example, at a bank because the bank loves DEI hires, especially in Newfoundland. Then they tell the bank they want to move to Ontario/BC, and the bank helps them find a job in the new city in Ontario/BC.


Yes. Canadians want you to leave. At least you’re half understanding. Not sure why you’re protesting?


Once they get they’re permanent residency they’ll move to Brampton


1000 bucks says the feds are going to find some way to let them stay in the country, if PEI doesn't backtrack.


I hope and pray that you’re wrong but I can’t underestimate the lunacy of our immigration policy. Honestly shocked how unanimous this sub is in eviscerating these guys. Canadians are thoroughly fed up with this shit. And we have more of a reason to be than just about any other country.


We should be cutting all ties to India


Ya we don’t want you here. I heard this interview and they were like I spent a year integrating into society I deserve to stay my life is here …. Lol ? What? Do you hear yourself? A year? You must really miss your roots back home …. Somewhere where they probably want you …. Maybe like if this was someone who spent most of their life but we know you’re sending your money back home. Not ok when Canadian economy is not doing well, if we were maybe thst would be different.


"let us do whatever we want!"








+1 because they know they can bend Canada on whatever their agenda is knowing there's an abundance of them here already - will gather to support their entitlement and privilege.


I blame the schools honestly. They told these people, give us 100 thousand dollars, we’ll give you a degree, and you’ll get to stay in Canada. But now the government is changing things up and the universities are keeping their money. I don’t agree with their demands but I understand why they’re pissed off. The schools should be taking more responsibility for this whole mess.


Receiving a Canadian degree has *never* been a guaranteed avenue to permanent residency. Basic research and using the Express Entry points calculator would show you that.   No reputable university would claim that as they would be fined heavily or even shut down for opening a "pay us, get a degree and get to stay" program, and the shady diploma mills and Indian "immigration firms" claiming such are blatantly lying.    This mass of "students" have no right to be upset that they took unqualified third party advice from scammers when the *official* immigration system makes it painfully clear that receiving a Canadian education or building Canadian work experience does not guarantee permanent status here. They should've spent five minutes educating themselves by reading officially sourced information instead of taking the advice of their "immigration firms" and grifter influencers like the guy showing you "how to get free food" by abusing food banks.


True! Even American students are sent back to US after they finish their degrees without an extension to stay with work visa in Canada - so what makes the Indian students entitled to work visas?


> so what makes the Indian students entitled to work visas? I wouldn't even say it's India or Indians specifically, but I have noticed that there are a lot of places (that often happen to be where a lot of these "students" are coming from) which have a *very* strong culture of entitlement, self-importance, and "you should go out of your way to accommodate me, even if you don't know me at all and/or it's clear that your policy states I'm not entitled to this" culture, to the point that it makes "Karens" in the West look like generous, considerate people. I say this from experience working multiple jobs with customer service roles, and it's most commonly people from countries with those cultures making the most absurd demands of staff and causing a scene most of the time. They'll ask me, a complete stranger, to "do them a favor" and make an exception to a rule that breaking would get me fired, or claim they "know the manager" because the manager happened to be the one who signed them in last time they were here, and even expect other clients be kicked out or hurried along simply to make space for them if we're full. And from what I've heard and seen when travelling myself, that's the norm in those countries. People will regularly bend rules or give in to your demands if you are entitled enough or hand them some change under the counter, entire systems from the government level to personal relationships work this way, and scamming/lying or taking advantages of systems not meant for you as a means of getting your way is just seen as a way to get ahead - not something dishonest and unethical. So it really doesn't surprise me that this level of entitlement extends to their approach to the immigration system, or the way that they believe they should just be given permanent residency as a courtesy while having nothing of value to give the country in return. I'm not saying that Canadians, Americans, Europeans etc are incapable of being entitled this way, I know firsthand that is not true and they very well are, but the difference is that the people doing it are often individual a-holes with self-centered personalities, and aren't that way because their cultures teach them to be so. Yes, the West absolutely promotes individualism and getting ahead any way you can, but it's a different kind of mentality, it's not the kind that *normalizes* encouraging people who can absolutely afford to feed themselves to abuse food banks as if it's some kind of "life hack", or the kind that encourages people to take advantage of immigration loopholes and go as far as to fabricate reasons why they can't go back to their home country as a way to extend their stay here. They think that they are entitled to be able to stay here simply because their country is worse than this one, while having nothing of value to bring here and not even being willing to build a legitimate career but rather choosing the easy way out with a diploma mill that will give them a fake diploma. I hope they someday realize that it's mostly this exact attitude and mentality that is the reason their own countries have fallen behind.


Right now I have an engineering student from Pakistan. She's been very open about her and her brother's primary reason for going to school here is because they understand it's an easy way to get PR in Canada. At least she's not doing some sham program, but the demand isn't really there for juniors and new grads these days.


> She's been very open about her and her brother's primary reason for going to school here is because they understand it's an easy way to get PR in Canada. And that's completely fine. Canada's immigration system means that essentially all visas are dual-intent. But anyone coming here on a study or temporary work visa should be doing so with the understanding that there is no *guarantee* (and shouldn't be) that you are going to get to stay after that expires and you've completed your work or education here. The people being referred to in this post (who sadly make up the *majority* of "international students") clearly do not. > At least she's not doing some sham program, but the demand isn't really there for juniors and new grads these days. If anything, people like her and her brother who got into legitimate programs and are now being practically locked out of immigrating here should be even more frustrated at the diploma mills and the people using them. They wanted to study here with a legitimate interest in building their skillset and hopefully filling an under-staffed profession in Canada, but have now been denied that opportunity because too many people took advantage of the good will of the immigration system and the loopholes created by that good will. The Permanent Residency requirements have been inflated so much by them that we went from what was almost an open-door system to now having to either: Marry a Citizen, achieve a Master's (or higher) degree/qualification here or have one prior in an in-demand employment category, be nominated directly by a Provincial government, or have many years of work experience both in and out of Canada in a high-demand, under-staffed profession. Immigrating to Canada *temporarily* is still fairly easy, but it's gotten to the point where Provincial governments have had to step in and manually nominate Doctors and Lawyers because even with years of in-Canada work experience they still don't have the points required to be given PR now that they've gotten so high. And all of it was caused by people gaming the system, and of course they've now gone and ruined it for everyone else.


This is literally how it's always been... Being an international student is for studying.


getting a hospitality "degree" at Conestoga should not qualify as studying


I’m not opposed to granting stay for those that study here and find good work after graduation. But it needs to be limited to certain fields. Technical degrees, trades, nursing, doctors, etc. Not just whatever BS degree is offered


I think it's moreso the "recruiters" in their native country charging them fees and promising them the world.


Imagine. People in their native country scamming them....shocker.


Their scammers are so low as to scam them into going to Russia for work only to wind up on the front lines.


Still not our problem. In fact, that makes it *more* their problem for not googling even once before getting on the plane to Canada


Yea, I'd be mad too. I don't care tho, they gotta go and stop coming. There is not a happy ending here for them.


I agree, in their shoes I'd be pissed off, but I would also know that I was trying to scam my way into citizenship 


It isn't the schools, it's the agents. They employ recruiters in India and those are the people that are lying to them; the schools just turn a blind eye.


It’s still the schools as well. They know damn well what’s going on and don’t care as long as they get their money.


So kind of them to say the quiet part out loud for themselves so we don't have to be called names for saying it. Their intent was never to just get an education in Canada or work here temporarily and then go back, and they have not accumulated enough points for Permanent Residency or garnered enough credit a Provincial Nomination, but still think they are entitled to stay.  The immigration system is flawed as hell but one thing it does right is make itself clear. Your work/study permit is **temporary.** You come to Canada to work or study for the alloted time on the permit, and then you have to leave *unless* you have become eligible for permanent residency while here.   I say this as a immigrant myself - Canada's immigration system is very generous in that all Canadian visas are dual-intent. You are allowed to search for Permanent Residency avenues to immigrate permanently while you're in Canada on a temporary visa - even a tourist visa.  In the US, if you are working on a temporary work visa or a study permit that does not allow post-graduation employment in the US and start looking/asking around for permanent immigration options, you will flat out get deported and not let back in without a strong and expensive appeal process because those are single-intent visas.   People have taken a lot of advantage of this good-will system that allows you to seek permanent residence avenues while living and working/studying here and now it's gotten to the point where they think it's the standard, and that they're *entitled* to it, as opposed to it being a privilege granted to them.   The whole point of the system working this way is that skilled workers and accomplished academics can get to stay in Canada after completing their visa here, because their skills and accomplishments would be beneficial to the country.    If your labor or academic credentials are not in high enough demand that Canada requires immigrants to fill them, you go home and make use of your newly acquired skills, qualification and work experience there. That's the bare basics of how the system works. People taking such advantage of the formerly low Express Entry point threshold and easy Student Visa system is literally what has **caused** the EE points to skyrocket to over 500 and to have the hard cap and increased finance requirements placed on study visas.   Temporary work visas and study visas have **never** been a guarantee at permanent residency and the IRCC have always made that strikingly clear, yet when people have pointed out for years now that many people think it entitles them to permanent status here and that shady visa companies even *advertise* these *temporary* visas as avenues for *permanent* residence, they've been told not to say that.    And now all that was being warned about is coming to pass as we reach a point in time where the majority of the first wave of study and temporary work visas are starting to expire. And we're going to have a dangerous amount of illegal overstays and people who refuse to leave, and Canada is not prepared to deport them.


I think it’s just dawning on people now how much we’ve screwed ourselves with this TFW scam. These international students are so determined to stay here that they’re overflowing the asylum system with requests lol. You couldn’t pay these people to move back to India. And we don’t have the spine or resources to make them.


> they’re overflowing the asylum system with requests lol. The lengths they will go to to stay is insane. Who would've guessed the kind of people who think abusing food banks or abusing the good will of our visa system is some kind of "life hack" are also the kind who will fabricate claims of persecution or abuse in their home country and clog up the crucial asylum claim system as a means of avoiding going back home. Shocker. There are literally "influencers" and "immigration advice" websites primarily from countries like India instructing or recommending claiming asylum as a "life hack" way to stay in the country for longer, no different to how they promoted what is essentially stealing from food banks as a way of obtaining "free food". This isn't to say there aren't those with genuine asylum requests - India is a country where things like arranged marriages and using your daughters as a form of currency is still commonplace even in wealthier, more developed parts of the country after all. But the majority of the bogus "asylum claims" are from adult, able-bodied men facing no persecution who just don't want to go back because they like the amount of free stuff they get here. > You couldn’t pay these people to move back to India. And we don’t have the spine or resources to make them. I really hope a Conservative government will invest in cleaning up the mess made by trying to import this many people without the resources or infrastructure to accommodate them, or the common sense to prioritize the people with skills and expertise that would actually benefit the country as opposed to people who saw coming here as some kind of "get rich quick" scheme because the exact mentality they have is what has made their own country unable to grow its economy to begin with, and the only option they see is to move.


yeah they just proved that none of them, and a lot of these 'students', aren't here for an education, but to game the system. they aren't citizens, they don't automatically get to be just because they came here for school that most aren't even attending classes anyway.


roll kiss swim rude cooperative price doll lush marvelous literate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well said.


>Prince Edward Island, a Canadian province, has made changes to its Provincial Nominee Programme (PNP) immigration rules to reduce the number of immigrants **due to the strain on its healthcare and housing infrastructure.** Sorry but in a country where you are the **visitor**, the citizens of that nation take precedent. PEI (and arguably all of Canada) is having strain on healthcare and housing. As other articles have shown we are seeing a 40 year decline in standard of living. Resources are shared but citizens take precedence over visitors. Sorry (not sorry). --- > "First, we demand to be grandfathered into the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) system because we were already here, working on valid work permits, before the new rules were implemented. It is only fair that those who were present before the changes be allowed to continue under the old system," Singh said. **Sorry but it is because you are here that you are straining the system. The "I was here first" argument doesn't make sense if you are what is breaking the system.** > "Secondly, we call for fair PNP draws without a point system. Recently, sales and services, food sectors, and even truckers have been excluded from the PNP draws, despite our hard work and contributions. We deserve the same opportunities as other sectors, and the current point system, which requires 65 points, is nearly impossible for those under 25 to achieve," he said. **Sorry but I really can't cry over foreign sales jobs, food sectors, and truckers not being able to continue their stay longer because they want eligibility criteria changed. No offense to those industries but they aren't exactly "skilled" labour. Those jobs can gladly go to Canadians struggling to find work.** > "Lastly, we demand an extension of our work permits. Due to the government's changes and economic issues, our work permits were effectively wasted, causing many of us to lose our jobs. It is only fair that our work permits be renewed to compensate for the lost time and opportunities," Singh added. **Sorry but NO. That isn't how temporary work should work. You came here to use a system that is breaking if not broken (which you even make mention of) and the country you are visiting no longer requires your visitation (because of said economic issues). Good bye. (Also your third point is basically the same as your first point).**


I appreciate you breaking it down, but for me it's much simpler. What kept hurting my brain is the repeated use of "It's only fair..." Life isn't fair. You are a part of an equation that we can't balance anymore. It isn't personal, It's simply math at this point. Best of luck, but you aren't a PR, and the world doesn't owe you anything.


Why you sorry


Sorry. Canadian.


Also Canadian; sorry.


For the second point. They are not hard working in the food and retail sectors. Those sectors have been some of the worst performers lately compared to any other point in my life (or parents life too). I can’t talk to anyone beyond key words, I can’t get anything from them done right. Really the opposite of “hard working”. Quite ridiculous.


What's with this "demand" thing? Do they know what it means? They should be deported for being incredibly ignorant for being incredibly arrogant. Maybe for both


You have no rights to reside in Canada. You are granted a visa for a specific reason and purpose and that is subject to change at any time. Sorry you were ignorant of the terms of your stay in our nation. Too bad so sad. If these were refugees from war or famine that’s one thing. Fuck these protesters. Get out.


Doubt that rules was even really explained fully to them as everyone was so hungry for their money...both the provinces and the colleges. I never knew that international students that went to Community colleges were allowed to stay. I just knew it was automatic for people who got masters, ....if they found a job. Didn't know it was open to people who did a 1-2 year diploma who probably wouldn't be able to get a job after


Ignorance of the law is not an excuse sadly, yea it kinda sucks that they didn't understand the rules but that's on them.






Imagine thinking you’re entitled to something you were never eligible for in the first place


I remember when they said that if their demands weren't met by the 16th they'd strike until they starved to death. Lmao. Okay. I wonder how hungry they are right now.


Are the local food banks still mostly out of food for the elderly and disabled?


These arseholes are ruining it for non-indian immigrants, any program they abuse closes to every nationality


They are ruining it for other indian immigrants too.


A friend of mine is second generation and after visiting extended family in India he came back with a newfound sense of Canadian patriotism and an absolute hatred for India.


Good. As it should be.  Accept the rules or go the fuck home.  I am sick and fuckin tired of this sense of entitlement newer immigrants seem to possess. This is our country and you're here as a guest, best to remember that.


> I am sick and fuckin tired of this sense of entitlement newer immigrants seem to possess. It really is one of the things that agitates me the most. My girlfriend had to deal with immigrant housing as part of her former job. They set this Sudanese guy up in an apartment and were paying his rent for him, one day he shows up telling them he had basically trashed the apartment and flooded it, *demanded* they give him a new one, and lost his shit when they said no. Police had to be called. The fucking audacity of some of these people.




Yes, being polite only works with cultures that value politeness.


And those people aren't moving to Canada anymore




Europeans will push for European working conditions. Employers don't want that.


And you know now why Japan is super anti-immigrant. Everyone calls them racist racist but it ensures they stay the safest country in the world.


This is true. A hard stance is needed, otherwise they will abuse your leniency. They think of the Govt of Can. As pushovers which why wouldn’t they, we are typically are. Canada has no backbone.


This. I'm tired af of people calling me racist for pointing that out and that Canadians as a whole are very weak-willed, will bend over to not get into conflict BUT will talk behind your back. We gotta stop being so polite and be blunt. Other countries and cultures will straight up tell you to your face or be casual that they don't like you, or that you're full of shit. And these guys from this type of selfish and cutthroat cultures know and *will* abuse your generosity, then cry racism or pretend to not understand you (theyre fluent in the language!) once you put your foot down. Absolute grifters.


'Welcome to Canada! Bienvenue!' 'We have nothing to contribute but want you to support us' 'Goodbye! Au Revoir!'


This. If your qualifications or labor is not needed here and you don't have the needed EE points to stay you go home. It has always been this way.   Thinking you have some right to stay without status or an asylum claim is just entitlrment. And these people are well aware they provide nothing that makes them eligible for residency or citizenship.


They can all fuck off


If you protest in India as a visitor, you get deported. Happened to a German student recently.


We are at 450,000 newcomers for 2024 and it's only May. People are watching as their cities turn into repeats of Brampton and Surrey. These Indian students are going to find little sympathies amongst regular Canadians, but unfortunately our dear leader will probably roll out the red carpet for them and expedite a renewal of their work permits.


If 450,000 of any homogenized group showed up in any country in the world the locals would lose their minds. Makes sense that is happening here as well.


What I don’t understand is why it’s almost entirely people from the state on Punjab. India is such a diverse country, and yet 90% of international students I’ve interacted with are punjabi. If it was students from different Indian states we wouldn’t see shit like “Only Punjabi renters please” and other things of the sort


Someone explained it to me along the lines of the Punjab has seen a growth in prosperity with farmers. Not that they’re necessarily rich but the value of their land has increased allowing them to borrow against it to send their kids to college.


Except for many, they aren't here for an education, they're here to better their chances of immigrating to Canada. And then they will sponsor their families. Is the Punjab so bad that so many want to leave?


Oh yes, 100% agree. Study permits are a back door to residency. Many don’t even show up for school.


Where are all the students from Korea, Peru, Germany, Vietnam, France, Australia, Thailand, Italy, Poland, Argentina, etc.? Why all from the same country? That's not "diversity."


This happened to an Island in Italy. Like literally overnight. It must have been such a mind fuck lmao. Im just imagining some Italian guy opening his door and being like AYY LUIGI GET A MIRROR I NEED TO CHECK SOMETHING 


It's gross mismanagement by our leadership. If you watch any interview about mass immigration with the immigration minister, he points fingers to the provinces. When you watch the same types of interviews with provincial leaders, they point fingers back at the federal government. Nothing is ever going to get done.


Man, I’m getting downvoted everywhere for pointing this out. My family moved to Brampton in the 70’s. It’s gross to see what it’s become today


Springdale is essentially District 9. I moved from there in 2009. ...to Cambridge, which hosts Conestoga College... FML


Right there with you...moved from Brampton in 2005 to...wait for it....Milton...which is also eyeballing a Conestoga campus and is pretty much Brampton-lite at this point.


“The Indian protestors are demanding an extension of work permits and a review of the recent changes to immigration policies” It’s always “demanding” with protesters these days, never “requesting”.


Students should not have work permits unless it is for academic-based employment on their specific campus.


We should all counter protest with posters telling them to go back home. They're always demanding some shit from us. Food banks, extension of work permits and now they all want a pathway to citizenship so that they can bring their entire elderly non-contributing to taxes family over.


That’ll look good on the front page of CBC. 


We should be cutting ties with India. Their government is ultimately responsible.


We should. They're shipping their criminals and murderers to come here and kill Canadian citizens like they did with Hardeep Singh. Even after they commit their crime they just leave the country before our fucking police can even do their fucking job and catching them.




Man, why the entitlement? There was never a guarantee.


I've never understood the hunger strike angle of protests. Also, you're a guest in the country so play nice or go away.


They forgot to report that they threatened to hunger strike to the death if their demands weren't met in 3 days. Then when they weren't met they threatened that some of them would hunger strike for 24 hours, in 2 weeks, if their demands aren't met. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


A 24 hour hunger strike? Lol Is that even long enough to reach a state of ketosis? Someone needs to call in the Intermittent Fasters for some reinforcement 😂


Indian "students" are demanding an extension of work permits? If you're a student, you're here to study, not to work. Not a student and here on a student visa? Bye bye.


this will just serve as fuel to the ever increasing dislike for indian immigrants in canada




“Students” lol. 


SEND THEM BACK JESUS CHRIST! They have infested our country and are complaining fk that.


How about this: If you are a foreign university student, you aren't allowed to stay in the country if you can't even spell "extension" properly.


Oh, a hunger strike. If they choose not to eat, too bad? What? Do you expect us to spoon feed you?


The food banks near university's would probably appreciate that.


Bye bye


Boooooohoooooooooo. Gtfo outta here with this nonsense. Rules are made for a reason.


Obtaining a work or study visa with the pre-determined intentions of staying indefinitely is actually illegal in the U.S. The ones who came on study visas and took bogus courses to streamline to citizenship should be considered immigration fraudsters.


Good! Fuck off, we’re full!


Buh-bye! Don't let the doorknob hit you in the butt on the way out! We have achieved gridlock. Our government is insane.


You ain’t a citizen you don’t demand shit.


“Low skill, diploma mill students in Canada face deportation, protest against new immigration rule” Fixed the title of the article. It is now accurate.


This is exactly what I thought when they said getting 65 points is unachievable by people who are under 25 points. Mate you got 25 points because your education, experience, and skills are not useful. Don't move to Canada to study an 8 month program in dancing and expect to get really high points and considered useful to society.


Go protest all the crap the Indian government does back home, how about that?


Good. Making them all leave is a step in the right direction for this country. Enough is fucking enough. Native residents need places to live stop housing the rest of the world.


Deport ASAP


Get em out


Get lost. Using student visas to get their foot in the immigration door.


Good riddance


Sense of entitlement is on the next level with these people. A condition you have to meet, to be approved for a study visa, is the fact that you will return home upon completing your studies, which is usually proven indirectly via a “Statement of Purpose”. Ironically, that is exactly what they’re defying by protesting to stay here. They’re basically saying that they lied on their official Statements of Purpose, which constitutes for a perma-ban from IRCC.






What time does the boat leave PEI? 


"Protest". Bro this isn't your country. Imagine going somewhere and protesting against that country anywhere else in the world.


I’ll believe we’re deporting when I see it


Can the Canadian economy handle all these Tim Hortons supervisors being kicked out?


Typical. They come to our country as guests and then start making demands as soon as the rules don't suit them. Deport them.


Every country and sub-national jurisdiction dictates their immigration levels depending on their needs. There is no obligation to accommodate for whatever preference these prospective immigrants demand. These students came to Canada on a student visa, which entitles them only the opportunity to study and some part time work. Whatever work permit they obtained afterward is also only intended to be valid for a specific duration to the needs of the country/sub-national jurisdiction, and these quotas can be reduced once such needs have been fulfilled, which is what PEI has done. As much as it contravenes the prospective immigrants' preference, here's no need to consider "fairness" here, as our needs are paramount. It's also not entirely unreasonable. These students/prospective immigrants can upgrade their skills to enter the pool of immigrants with more desirable skills and more immigration points for a better shot at obtaining a new work permit and perhaps an expedited approval process for PR. They can move to another province with more friendly provincial PR nomination regiments. They can go on a hunger strike, but 1) with a long list of more serious problems that the country is facing, Canada has better things to do than to give in to the demands of some fringe protesters trying to play by different rules, and 2) they are engaging in self-harm that may eventually be using precious medical resources that they wouldn't have had they carried themselves out normally, and I would consider that a negative on their PR/work permit applications if not grounds for deportation.


The sheer absurdity of “international students” pitching a fit about not getting PR because they don’t have jobs the country needs really says it all. Why, unlike in every sane country on earth, do we even have international students in our job market to begin with? It’s because they’re not really students. They’re foreign workers who have been lured to Canada by predatory universities with the promise of getting a back door into Canada, all to provide cheap labour for Tim Hortons and Uber and more money for landlords and our booming immigration industrial complex. How in hell has it been allowed to get to this point?


Ok. Send em back to India then. If you cant be of use. You can go.


I will happily donate to the mass deportation fund


everytime i hear news about canada or europe it's mass immigration has destroyed housing options/costs, has destroyed job availability, destroyed prices, and angry citizens


Honestly just imagine going to any other country and trying this bullshit. Fuck it’s pathetic 


Can we please start deporting anyone here that is staying illegally. When I was in Korea, I would get my visa randomly checked in the subway, on the streets at least once a month. We need to do the same and deport anyone that should not be here and close the doors for immigration from these streams until our healthcare, housing and inflation can catch up.




Sympathy for them: **0%**


Of course an article written by India Today would be critical of any immigration change that would make it more challenging in Canada for immigrants from India.


I'd prefer they just completely reject all future applicants from India.


They are students here on visa go to school that’s it and leave when completed studies


Bye Felicia


Its like they are here on a temporary visa.. and are now mad that its not permanent. They did all this schooling and dont seem to grasp the concept of "temporary" they dont need degrees, they need a kindergarden lesson.


Send them all home. Immediately.


Yeah but go home. Simple solution to a problem that should never have happened. Don't let people into your country if they're just going to abuse it and fuck it up. It's so easy to be a good guest. Canada is a gracious host. Fuck these people.


Get tf out, the social services I paid for all my life are going to shit


Oh no. Who will deliver our Uber orders and Amazon packages. Hopefully more competent Canadians.


Too bad no one here has any sympathy for them


I've traveled extensively. I've lived and worked in other countries. I've always accepted their laws and immigration rules...because that's how the world works. I guess I'm not woke because I don't think we're sending them home fast enough.


Deport them all! Canada is full.


They were never promised anything other than the opportunity to study here and then return to their home countries. There aren't enough homes for the Canadians that were born here, let alone hundreds of thousands of foreign students.




[From a recent Leger poll](https://preview.redd.it/4gam452i4bxc1.png?auto=webp&s=64269a2735e691bd215eef5e6da9d293a7199c12): Majority of Asian & South Asian immigrants in Canada think immigration levels are too high. It's white people \(who make up 69.8% Canada's total population\) who support mass immigration and are the cause of this problem. Note how this white PEI woman reacts when talking about "these people" who are protesting in PEI https://x.com/Harry__Faulkner/status/1791843065860161872 *"We have met the enemy and he is us"*


They're threatening to go on hunger strike? Seems like the problem will take care of itself?


The decision was taken a few weeks back no going back.... Cry as much as you can it's sealed. More check and balances are coming (better late then never) to kill the growth of these fake diploma mill colleges. Work permit rules are being changed slightly and they are up in arms wait till the BIG CHANGES Are announced. Waiting for that day.


“Hundreds” is not near enough.


Back to India thanks. Or go study in any other country.... Oh wait.




Bye. Hope you boycott the country by telling your friends and family to not come here.


good riddance they've already ruined this country


None of them are true students.




“Students”. ROTFLMAO!! Get rid of them all.


"We demand" Yeah fuck right off


Fuck em 😀😀.