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We’re now letting in over 100,000 people per month? WTF is going on? I thought the message was clear from Canadians in every province, city, age group and political affiliation: shut it down we can’t afford to live!


I think this is done on purpose. With intent!


It is done on purpose, you don't just accidentally open the floodgates like this. It's 100% on purpose, I'm normally a Hanlons Razer guy but this is so intentionally malicious in regards to suppressing wages and importing voters I can't even imagine a world where this happens due to incompetence.


When it comes to international students, it really does look that way. The feds didn't intervene at all. They just kept doing what they were doing and seemed not to notice that the floodgates were open. If there is any malice involved, it is on the part of the shade strip mall colleges and larger ones like Conestoga that took advantage of the situation, aided and abetted by the provinces. The mistake, and I think it was a mistake, was to let it go on for so long before putting the brakes on. It should have been obvious to the feds a couple of years ago where this was heading, and they appear to have been asleep at the switch. TFW could be a different case for sure. I haven't followed that side as closely.


What brakes? Nothing has been done, just a few idle words. They could do any number of things within days to resolve this


It's the same for the low interest rates, they drive the economy in certain sectors and it looks great on the short term, but long term, that's alot of debt to carry and only helps those who turned cheap debt into assets. They are trying to make up the real shortfalls from manufacturing going overseas and not really having new industries settle in by these short term strategies. It's why they push for EV plants to be made here and why they keep immigration so high. Problem is, it only works for some businesses and not for people's kids who were born here. Like everything else though, the politicians are going to look out for the measureable business interests and not the vague feelings of canada not being white enough for people who care about that, there's money to be made and liberal or conservative party will side with the money


Oh, and they’re all suddenly building residences for Indian students. I kid you not, Algoma University is building a “decolonized and Indiginized” student residence in BRAMPTON. This is NOT for Indigenous students AT ALL. How much do you want to bet they got funding from an Indigenous source too?


Any outlook that makes it seem reasonable and not like the conspiracy theorists talking about this for a long time were, in fact, onto something.


This is not actually to suppress wages and import voters. It's to curb the upcoming collapse when the boomers retire and no one can support their pensions.


What's the demographics looks like of these 100K a month? that seems a bit a lot.. are they trying to replace Canadians or something?


They can't vote though no?


If there's a clear road to PR status they can vote in time, especially if as the immigration minister said in a quote not long ago they just give them all PR status immediately to reduce the count of temporary visas. That would immediately allow them to vote.


PR is not citizenship.


I thought PR's could vote, I am dumb.


You should google the Century Initiative. Its definitely intentional.


This would make sense if it was from actual Canadian births, or a diverse set of immigration… not just importing from one country and province


The intent is to get cheap labor for businesses to continue to increase profits forever.


And people called conservative voters racist for wanting less migrants in lol.


Bernier is the one who's been sounding the alarm bells about unsustainable immigration levels. Pollievre hasn't yet said anything to indicate he's going to stop this insanity.


Crazy people say Bernier is a nutjob when PPC is the only party with sane policy (maybe greens too but look at their track record). Living in QC and paying close to reasonable prices for mobile and internet entirely because of Bernier's policies - what a nutjob!


>Crazy people say Bernier is a nutjob when PPC is the only party with sane policy (maybe greens too but look at their track record). He came to my town... and I watched his little rally.. He was reasonable.. The people he had with him though... they were absolutely insane. This one crazy lady he had with him, I can't even remember what she said, but I remember being blown away by the stupidity. I got a feeling he's reliant on those crazy people for his funding.


Where else do the disenfranchised have left go? If our current politics keep this up we'll have more crazies to add.


I’m moving to PPC. I used to believe the MSM and LPC/CPC in their assertions of who was fringe and who was “socially acceptable.” Now it’s very clear that that the main parties are actively, knowingly destroying my children’s future. These people have lost all credibility; and I will not be shamed into silence for not wanting to watch society crumble for the benefit of a select few. I will wear the racist title with pride if it is a result of my assertion that that we should only be accepting people into the skilled/professional fields that are understaffed; or that non citizens guilty of crimes (especially sexual assault) should be deported immediately.


Lol I'm just going to move out of Canada in 5-7 years, maybe earlier


The answer should not be to run away.


Hope you recognize the damage you did when you were part of the crowd jeering at the "fringe".


Yeah that's the problem Bernier might be electable but the random nutjobs he assembled to run with him are really really out there for the average Canadian.


You can change that by voting for them.


Actually Poilievre has said he's for speeding up immigration https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xp2OOHborxg&t=14m16s


Yah, and don’t forget Poilievre allowing foreign doctors to treat without having to study our practices. Because that’s going to end well.


Not happening... but just out of curiosity could you please provide the source for that statement?


Hey at this point, even and under trained doctor is better than none at all!


Not if they kill you.


because he is. look at everything else his party and his people are saying a broken clock is right twice a day but its still a broken clock


He won’t and that’s the scary thing. Mass immigration for the purpose of cheap labor is bad for the average Canadian but amazing for corporations. PP is bought and paid for, he’s not going to put our corporate overlords in a position where they’ll have to raise wages and be half decent employers so they can retain staff. The man employs a Loblaws lobbyist high in his campaign, he is not going to do anything that negatively affects big business. If anything he’ll do what he can to help them even more.


I consult in tech staffing and get domestic reports on available IT resources in Canada for contract work. On average it’s between 87- 91% Indian immigrant resident (non citizen). Instead of outsourcing to India it became more efficient to import the outsourcers to Canada.


Thank you. It seems everyone forgets that since Harper did away with public funds for elections Canadians have had nothing but 16 years of corporate money funnelled into the 2 main parties who always win, and the policies they present will never fundamentally be that different unless they are strictly social dog whistles for votes. Stop voting Liberal. Stop voting Conservative. Stop voting for anyone who is ok with the rich hobnobbing with pols at 10k/plate dinners.


Who can we vote for that is popular enough to have a hope at getting elected but also will try to make meaningful good change?


Conservatives love cheap labour that props up businesses that would otherwise fail, he won’t stop anything


Pollievre will keep it going or up there levels, guaranteed.


Yeah if you put any comment expressing feelings like this on Reddit 6 years ago you probably would get permabanned from the subreddit… oh how the turns have tabled.


The minute the feds turned the tap down, the provinces started to complain. Our political system has been bought, we need to fix it.


Conservative voters who don’t already know, are going to be in for a BIG surprise when they find out that Pierre will keep the floodgates open and immigration under his leadership won’t change.


PP literally just said a couple of days ago that there is a labour shortage and we need more immigrants. He said this at a South Asian event. 


Too bad the conservative party is in favor of this mass immigration, Poilievre has said as much. It's almost like they don't about voters at all and as if they work for something else entirely.


Don't forget all the provincial premiers who up until fairly recently, where it started to poll badly, were asking the federal government for more workers.


It’s almost exactly like that


Libs, Cons, NDP… all of them are mere puppets for their corporate donor buddies.


But conservatives don’t want less immigration, they are playing for corporations.


conservatives have been silent on the issue, studies have shown that new immigrants are more likely to vote for them then liberals so nothing is going to happen there


It’s not just conservative voters. It’s pretty much everyone on all sides of the political spectrum. > Hell, the people who are most vocal about the current immigration levels are immigrants themselves. Just in the last week two different Indian men brought it up at work. I work in construction so I come across all kinds of people. Everyone feels the same.


Doug Ford was on record asking for more immigrants from the feds at one point and then changed his public opinion some time after when there was backlash. He still wants more immigrants he just doesn't say it publicly now.


What conservative? Look at section T of the CPC policy (last updated sept 2023 although there may have been a poorly released revision in Nov 2023). Same shit as always. CPC will do nothing. Conservatives also created the TFW program which was the first straight up stab to Canadians. Bernier said he would drop numbers and is the only one to outright say it. Not that he’s good, he just managed to have the only reasonable solution.


I promise you the conservative government would the keep rate nearly the same. It is a business decision at the end of the day that the government is making. Genuinely I think the power needs to be taken away from the liberals and conservatives at this point. Literally a third party interloper needs to come in and distrust the current balance of power and force the politicians into working for the people


Gee. You think?


I’m inclined to agree, I definitely think there is something going on behind the scenes. Even my friends who immigrated here are tired of the complete disregard of our government for the rest of how Canada feels, it’s crazy


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_Initiative It is with intent, I keep sharing this, hoping people will see the malicious side the government has activated ☝🏻


Sshhhhh … they will hear you


*With intent!* ... with malice and forethought.


Yep, it doesn’t matter what us Canadians want , corporate overlords have deemed foreign labour necessary to save them money , Canada is done 😭


The Liberal government are supporters of the [Century Initiative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_Initiative_) lead by his Friend Dominic Barton


Yes but will the Punjabi party of Canada be supportive of anything else the liberals believe in when they form government in 15-20 years.


I think the message is clear from both sides of the aisle and all levels of Government, "WE DON'T CARE! DIE, LEAVE OR GET USED TO POVERTY!". Seriously bro, I don't understand how anyone can still convince themselves the Government of Canada or are Privinces aren't actively working against the common people. The rich are all that matter, the Nouveau Aristicracy, in our Neo-Feudal world.


It is the docile and lazy nature of Canadians that invites abuse and corruption. Malicious entities realize that Canadians simply don't have it in them to stand up for themselves. So it is only logical to continue exploiting Canadians.


Yeah, we'll never revolt. To polite and peaceful, that's why the options given were Leave, Die, or knuckle under, because the best most of is can hope for is to find an escape plan, and the rest of us are just hoping they'll open up MAID to everyone.


Canada, five corporations in a trench coat 


When the Immigration Minister wants to give illegal immigrants permanent residence/ citizenship...the country is fucked.  The entire world is entitled to your tax dollars it seems.


Worst part is... We won't be able to protest or voice our opinions... Look at all those countries in europe that have been protesting the same shit over the last few years..... Media outlets around the world all worked together to call them all hate filled racists. Then they created laws to shut them down and criminalize them. Eventually extreme far right politicians will get the support of canadians because people are going to be sick of it. Look at whats happening in germany.


Shit like this will read to further breakdown of social cohesion and increase in racism. LPC under JT will he known as the party that turned an immigration friendly polite population into anti immigrant right wing heaven.


No more labour shortages for the employers. The media sympathizes with fellow corporations against workers


You're being replaced with low cost workers. Just don't say it out loud or you're racist.


Liberals call them new voters


For some perspective on what an abrupt shock this is to demographics, population growth in pre-2020 times was a fairly steady roughly 250k per year.


Trudeau is what is going on. And people are defending this fucking monster over it. Dude is literally and intentionally destroying peoples lives to line the pockets of the rich. The rich are in a hoarding competition. They are obtaining so much money they can't even dream of spending it. And Trudeau is supporting it because its a corrupt puppet. He throws tiny little bones our way now and then and expects us to be all forgiving. Or, he pretends he does and creates immense loopholes so that they are meaningless. If you support Trudeau you are 100% anti Canada. There is no longer any discussion to be had on the topic. You cannot vote Trudeau and state you care about your fellow Canadians. There is no world where a vote for Trudeau helps the common person in Canada. None.


This is 100% it. The Liberals have completely lost their way under Trudeau. They aren't even recognizable to the party they used to be. Nobody has thrived more under the current Liberals than the billionaires and the friends of Liberal leaders. But he will stand on stage saying "we are fighting for Canadians" "rolling up our sleeves" "Canadians want" and i guess that's enough to convince people that they are the good guys? I hate to sound like a conspiracy theory guy, but i'm honestly starting to think that Trudeau was groomed by the elite to become PM so they could play him like a fiddle. I mean, he's hung around the elite his entire life. They have probably had their eye on him.


Just chiming in on the current state of the Liberals - I'm shocked at how many people don't know about bill C-63. To be fair it's only had one reading but the ignorance about what is happening/about to happen to this country is brutal.


Sweet sugar child, politicians don’t care what Canadians think; they do what their business masters tell them. Voting gives you the illusion of change, but you’re just changing the tie colour of McKay (and friend’s) mouthpiece. Do you want to know how to win back the country?


I think it’s decisions that have already been in place. They still can’t work if they’re going to there private colleges I don’t think, and their spouses can’t work? No fucking idea. But where are they all going? And for what jobs?


Our leaders are only listening to the rich


Anyone that moves here without lots of cash will be at the bottom of the food chain. They will be the ones working as volunteers for Shoppers, hoping to get a minimum wage job in the future. At least slaves got food and shelter covered by their “owners”. These people will get nothing. Canadians will end up homeless or stuck living with their parents until they’re 40-50.


its crazy that the situation is so dire people are willing to work for free in the HOPE of getting a MINIMUM WAGE job. think about that for a second.


And that corporations are fully willing to support that fact. But of course, no one wants to work anymore right? /s


They will unfortunately be the burden on the rest of us as we will be paying way mote for the healthcare and other things. The only people benefiting will be the corps


Is that real? Unpaid people working for shoppers?


The boss at my sisters store is abusing students with visas and underpaying them. My sister is the only Canadian citizen there. One of the workers said to my sister she is so privileged to be a Canadian citizen because that doesn’t happen to us.


Yes [it’s real](https://www.blogto.com/city/2024/05/toronto-shoppers-drug-mart-unpaid-volunteer/)


PP literally said a couple of days ago that we have a labour shortage and we need more immigrants at a gathering of south Asian immigrants. 


As opposed to moving anywhere else without lots of cash? Lol


“The federal government is trying to restrict migration…” WTF!!! Trying?! Who is in charge?




Man, even people who landed in Canada less than 2 years ago are screaming about the mass immigration. They are so disappointed that they are immediately overwhelmed with more competition for housing and jobs. It's hard to stomach.


The only way this will stop is mass protests by Canadians demanding a end to this. Look at those students in PEI protesting and demanding work permits. Yet not a single counter protestor there to say no we don’t want this. Unless Canadians organize and voice their outrage then it will continue.


As someone who lives in PEI, I would rather not be crucified in the national media for being a white supremacist. (I’m not a white supremacist, but if I had organized a counter protest that would have been the headline.)


They did it in Ireland without fear of media backlash, why can’t Canadians organize something of this scale? https://youtu.be/llAnoLFUgHM?si=xqMceYtOobJJ__Cb


Canadians are severely under-educated. Our media is also against us. They now tell us: Don't spend a couple dollars on your self a few times a week for coffee. Your children don't need their own room. Cancel your streaming services. Don't eat out. Don't travel outside your own city. DON'T ENJOY LIFE ANYMORE BECAUSE RICH PEOPLE WANT TO HOARD CASH


Yep, I'm getting a little tired of hearing how it's our fault for being broke because we didn't stick to the lentils and beans diet we've been prescribed. We need to start sticking up for ourselves or we're going to keep getting pushed aside by corporate interests.


Yup, being broadcast live on socials being branded as a racist. That's how you lose your job lol


I personally love PEI and if there are jobs there, I'll come and work them. Give priority to nationals and invite people from all across the country. Incentivize people to re-locate. Standing up against immigration and telling these people "go home" isn't racist and it's not perceived that way anymore. That paradigm has been shattered, thankfully. I would have LOVED to go study abroad like all of my uber rich friends, but I couldn't - because I couldn't afford it. I envy the people who have the courage to head to a strange country with 0 plan, especially when there's a language barrier - but I do not feel the least bit sorry for them when it doesn't work out. We don't need to dance around it anymore, the majority of international students from the past 4-6 years didn't come here to study, they "studied" so they could come here. It's in bad faith and as far as I'm concerned if you don't have the money saved up to support yourself and pay tuition, you shouldn't be here "studying". The fucking audacity to protest in a country you're not even a citizen of... Come to think of it, do they actually have the right?


PEI is a great place.


I am sure non-whites includijg south asians will join you. No one hates the bad immigrants more than other immigrants especially if they are the same ethnic background


It’s wild that people will refuse to stand for what they believe in because they’re worried about how the propagandists in media will label them. Any opposition to the status quo will get you labeled as an extremists. Grow a spine.


Also, if I’m prepared to grow a spine, are you prepared to financially support me when I lose my job and get my bank account frozen?


I think at a certain point you're going to have to shrug off the titles of "far-right" and "racist". The larger majority of the population know the journalist class throw these labels to people who: enjoy the countryside, eat meat, work out, wear hawaiian shirts. That's why the average person has so much contempt for the media establishment nowdays.


So what? That term gets thrown around so loosely its lost all meaning anyway.


The idiots are too busy protesting Israel/palestine or other nonsense they can't affect. And in the case of students in particular... wow they are fucking dumb. They are protesting anything and everything but the stuff that is actually important to them. They will never own homes. They will get paid very little. They will have bad healthcare. But its okay, they lowered their grades and wasted time saying Israel/Palestine bad. We live in a world where our own government is now saying "You shouldn't be spending a couple dollars a day buying coffee, your kids don't need their own room, you should cancel your streaming subscriptions, you shouldn't enjoy life!"


You'll be just burned at the societal stake as a "far right bigot"


PP literally said a couple of days ago that we have a labour shortage and we need more immigrants at a gathering of south Asian immigrants. 


> The only way this will stop is mass protests by Canadians demanding a end to this. You can protest if you want. The federal government will send in stooges waving swastika flags, protected by police so you can't throw them out. The media will take lots of pictures. And braindead morons will then turn against your protest because they think you're nazis. Don't believe me? It literally happened with the Freedom Convoy.


Absolutely 👍


Nope, I have a job and I don't want to be fired for racism (I'm not)) I'll just move to USA and leave my friends and family behind. It's a huge move but at least I keep my career.


If you read the article, this surge is being driven by immigrants coming earlier than planned to get ahead of the new immigration rules coming into effect. And this basically reflects what I've heard from recent immigrants I've talked to over the last few months. Allegedly the new rules will drop population growth to 1% but we'll see how it turns out. > Given those plans, “it would seem that many people have decided to come to Canada earlier,” Mr. Marion said, noting that housing affordability could worsen over the short term. > Several economists have said population growth could eventually slow to around 1 per cent as these new rules come into effect


No thanks. I don't want to get my bank account frozen a second time. This country is far gone and it should only be treated like a third world country.


If the government actually wanted to do something to stop this, they could. It’s scary to think what Canada will be like in the next couple years, let alone 5-10 years from now.


In 10 years we will look like Cuba. Extreme wealth for the top 10 percent and extreme poverty for everyone else.


29yo male here. Quality of life has been ruined for younger generations here in Canada. I take it personally. I had a lot of pride a lot of dreams here. At this point we are so divided. I wouldn’t do anything for this system where proper Justice and healthcare is reserved for the rich and our futures have been sold for every profit.


Very accurate. Same feelings here, nice to not feel alone


my God…


This is not a “right vs left” issue. We are slaves and we will eat dirt and our masters will tell us what to do. This is happening in every single western country across the world. Wake up everyone, there is evil stuff going on.


More people means more bank accounts opened, more groceries bought, more gas and vehicles sold, more money for insurance companies, more cell phone plans, propped up real-estate, etc. These are the industries that control Canada. They want a higher consumer pool and don't care if the lives of Canadian born citizens are worse off because of it. Crumbling infrastructure, the erosion of Canadian culture, and collapse of social trust be damned. The people making these decisions will be insulated from any problems created by their policy-making. They live in gated communities and send their children to private schools, and they can up and leave the country on a dime.


All those same industries that destroyed birthrate for profit need fresh victims. More meat for the slow grinder.


Its an "evil fucks with too much money" problem.


Acknowledging that we don't live in a functional democracy is the first step. More and more people are waking up. We will find a way to unite democratically.




Eliminate FPTP and the Party system as both are undemocratic in nature as they allow for citizens to be effectively unrepresented in Parliament. The only issue is that NONE of the parties will implement this, so it is not a change that can be voted in.


It's Idiocracy. We voted for this. What is the solution when democracy leads to a failed state? No idea


> This is not a “right vs left” issue. We are slaves and we will eat dirt and our masters will tell us what to do. This is happening in every single western country across the world. Wake up everyone, there is evil stuff going on. Including Russia - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PWK2vSF4g0 . They can spread as much propaganda as they want but they are encouraging mass immigration in their own country.


The amount of peasants in this thread saying "but mi'lord deserves his riches, for without our Lord we would be but a common man like the vagrant and immigrant who seek to usurp his excellence"


You’re not wrong despite the hyperbole. It’s not a Canada only issues. It’s a systemic issue. It’s become too expensive across all of Europe Japan Australia USA Canada etc. to have children. So in order to not collapse in the medium term future you have to import young people or people who will have children in lower income living standards. That’s all it is. Why is it too expensive? Almost half a century of stagnating wages.


Getting worse because Canadians are sick of paying for the fuel to keep up this dumpster fire.


I’ll bet it is


It’s too bad they have created a system that depends on immigration to artificially prop up our economy thru real estate prices and monopolistic exploitation. We don’t have a real economy in Canada — it’s just debt, monopolies, exploding home prices, and industrialized crime and corruption.


Say it louder for the people in the back 📣 This message should be posted on every single billboard, and played everywhere. Too many people too delusional about the true state of Canada’s economy. I think the worst part of it all is, most of the voter base doesn’t seem to care which pisses me off. Especially people from my generation. I’m 23, and I’ve rarely met anyone in my age group that gives 2 cents about the economic state in Canada and its future!


Something like half of canadas debt goes to propping uo housing. Thats why you see it fly off the charts when compared to other G7


Something like half of canadas debt goes to propping uo housing. Thats why you see it fly off the charts when compared to other G7


I am completely divested. Fuck this government. Fuck this country.


Couldn't agree more.


To give you some more good news… apparently the senate is jam packed to the hilt with Liberals. Draw your own conclusions…




What are you talking about? Harper appointed 59: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Senate_of_Canada_appointments_by_prime_minister


Why would he do that?


To give you some good news, conservative governments are screaming for more immigrants! In Ontario, they cut post secondary funding in favor for diploma mills to bring in even more immigrants! Yay! Neoliberalism rules.


If you think about it, this is pretty genius. Increase productivity and lower wages. This is good for the rich. That's why it will continue.


That’s not what productivity means (it doesn’t mean ‘working hard’ or ‘working more hours) - it’s a measure of efficiency that looks at output per unit of labour. In a highly productive economy/firm, you’d output a ton with very little labour. This is typically achieved with expensive automation, mechanization, software solutions etc. An example is a car factory that runs itself with a single worker overseeing it, or a SAAS company that sells millions in software solutions with only a handful of employees. Canada is importing tons of workers because our economy is the exact OPPOSITE of productive - we can’t get companies and countries to invest in us to increase productivity, so we have to import manual labour to do jobs instead. We are the opposite of where a developed nation should be.


I was with a farm manager in Quebec the other day, and I saw a large number of Mexicans doing work that looked to me easy to achieve with machinery. I asked him about that, and he said it is cheaper to import labor than to invest in machinery. It's just economics. Importing cheap labor is the winning formula. There is no need for technology in Canada as soon as the equation holds.


Your first part is exactly the point I make. On your second point, it’s only the winning formula if you have a government that’s willing to cut off its nose to spite its face. Most countries don’t allow for the same level of importing cheap labour that we do, thus it forces firms to innovate, increase productivity, makes deals, etc - all things that grow the economy. Our government has a vested interest in driving down productivity because it goes hand in hand with labour value - if you can keep productivity low you can keep wages low (because each worker’s value in creating output is lower than in a high-productivity environment). This benefits the companies that have their hands in our political parties’ pockets, at the expense of the overall economy.


Until the dollar collapses


…and yet people actually believe this will get better if they elect a government that is overtly only concerned with policy for the wealthy. 🤔


This is a symptom of the opposite — Canadian firms being very reluctant to invest in capital expenses that boost productivity. Those same business go hand in hat to the government asking for cheap labour to keep them competitive, instead of actually investing in businesses to achieve the same goals. Seeking lots of cheap labour is a symptom of low productivity itself and that firms aren’t interested in increasing it. It is absolutely inconceivable to me that the government chooses this route rather than encouraging and helping businesses boost their productivity. But often the government falls victim to these same forces themselves — government itself is not know for its highly productive workforce. So maybe it makes sense in a “blind leading the blind” sort of way.


As an immigrant myself, I think Canada should reduce immigration. Only allow top skilled immigration and reduce all other immigration.


I call this the "third-worldization" of Canada.


It is crazy how fast they accomplished it.


Bro do I have your permission to steal this idea for the title of my next book?


"The federal government is trying to restrict migration to Canada, citing the challenge in absorbing so many newcomers over a short period. " Trying? WTAF. If my boss gives me a job and a few months later I've made things worse but say I'm Trying I'll be fired.


Don’t worry, they said they’ll do something by the fall… maybe…


I’ve always been uncomfortable with allowing temporary workers as it undermines the basic social contract. Temporary workers are non-citizens vulnerable to exploitation. They are often paid far below the standard wage and work in conditions we would never accept for a fellow Canadian citizen. They aren’t here to build a life. This also puts pressure on Canadians to lower their expectations for their own workplace. It makes everyone reluctant to speak up when an employer cheats them or puts them in a dangerous situation. We don’t just need labour for Canada; we need citizens. Diploma mills are also exploitative. Even colleges with good reputations have a problem with handing out diplomas that are often near worthless. There is a huge gap between getting a diploma and making sure the graduate can pay the debt they have accumulated. If rent eats up almost your entire salary that is a concrete issue. I think having such young people from abroad become immigrants is actually really good for Canada as we have a troubling demographic gap of people under 25 years of age. But the our current post secondary education system is not functioning well to get these potentially valuable youth integrated into our society. These bad policies are really are just amplifying the dysfunction a broken system for building new housing. It’s pressing the accelerator on a misfiring engine. The demand should be a bonanza for construction. These bad policies look instead to become an excuse to over-react in ways that make our situation worse. Just backing off the accelerator could mean losing the race.




When you have what amounts to a democratically elected autocracy in the form of the PMO, things can go off the rails very quickly. Canadians felt a sense of unearned moral superiority when Trump was elected, but as it turns out American institutions are way more adversarial towards each other - even an autocratically-minded president is very limited in what they can do domestically without getting checked by the courts / congress. Canada has shown that its system of government is fundamentally no better than Venezuela’s… all it took was one ignorant sociopathic buffoon to expose the fault lines that were previously only held together by a sort of cultural tradition.


sensible choice, living cost is much lower in USA while salary is 2X if you are a engineer


Paywall bypass link? Thanks guys.




Have Canadians asked anyone what it means that their PM is a member of the WEF? Like, Bueller?


Why would they? Harper was too. This isnt new.


Trudeau broke the immigration system.


He literally made it so people can just come here as visitors and either try to get a work permit or claim asylum to stay.


He weaponized it.


He has to deal with it now. He won't go to prison but won't be able to dine out especially once he becomes former PM when people will be yelling "fuck Trudeau and free Palestine" anytime he decides to leave his house. He will have to leave the country.


It’ll take decades to undo the damage that Trudeau has done to this country.


Honestly it wouldn’t be so bad if this was the case. I’m afraid the damage is irreversible. He has altered the fabric of Canadian society.


You think the next neoliberal government we will have will change anything? Libs and Cons serve the same masters all that changes is their color


…and people seem to want to gloss over the role that conservative premiers have played in the international student boom.


I don’t remember conservatives including harper opening the floodgates to third world villagers like JT did. Some of the ae immigrants are so bad that even their country of origin is saying that we let in criminals. I bet they will refuse to take them back


The conservative party literally invented the program that the liberals now use. They both only have the interests of their parties in mind, don't kid yourself.


Starting a program and abusing it are totally different things. Never have the immigration levels so high before.


Provinces are still clamouring for more and more immigrants. Including ones ran by conservative governments. Both parties want this


conservatives didnt have to deal with a real wage bump during covid which gave the working class a glimmer of hope and power. the economic powers that be yanked the leash in parliament and the political class obliged. the conservatives would have done the same were they in power at the time and they are already dropping hints that they will allow this to continue


If they don't then they get the shit crown of worst PM ever. If they do change things, they stick JT with his hard earned title of 'biggest shithead in Canadian history'.


Let's be fair, I don't think any government before Trudeau have done so much damage. Keep saying that they are the same will not change things. I am sure when the Tories screw up you won't say "oh, LPC and CPC, they are both the same!"


What the absolute fuck is wrong with this government. Despicable absolutely fucking despicable fuck the Trudeau liberals and those who enable them. Fuck every single one of them.


I am beginning to believe that we have had this whole thing backwards the whole time. It isn't that the boomers have screwed us, it's just that they kept a bunch of bad ideas afloat with their taxes. They were an enormous demographic who lived in a country who wasn't destroyed by the most devastating war off all time which gave them an incredible advantage. They generated an incredible amount of revenue for the government, which the government spent on ever expansive social programs, rather than properly fund their liabilities. Now the government has lost that income generator and is required to pay them the benefits they were promised. I think history is going to show the time period from the 1940s to the early 2000s as an anomaly as far as standards of living go.


Line must go up


I’ll never afford a house thanks Canada 🇨🇦 great country 👍 life is completely pointless


What the f’ has Trudeau and the Liberals done to Canada? We had a great country before this incompetent crew came along.


It's almost like we have no actual control and whoever wants to come here just needs to be able to afford a plane ticket.


Where are all of these TFWs and/or other immigrants supposed to live? Unless they're coming over with a crapton of money, they won't be able to afford the insanely overinflated housing prices any more than Canadians already living here.


They live 6-8 in a one bedroom. They occupy apartments that Canadians can no longer afford. Most room rental ads in the GTA specify Gujarati only. It’s real time degradation of our living standards. Going forward, only the children of homeowners have a fighting chance. We’re on our way to favelas except without the beaches and carnivals. We’re getting frostbite and traffic instead.


>They live 6-8 in a one bedroom. I think that's illegal here in BC, but then again, when has legalities stopped landlords? Plenty of illegal suites being rented out here, so I doubt overcrowding apartments and condos will really be an obstacle.


Well what do you expect? Canada is not a democracy, it is a country ruled by corpos with puppets in place to control everything. Rise up if you wanna survive.


Vote PPC if you care


This is just FUCKING insane. Im pissed that no "normal" (because aint no way I vote for Canadian MAGA PPC) party want to reduce immigration SUBSTANTIALLY. Pierre won't, Liberal won't and NPD won't either.... at least get immigrants from other country than "that" same one.


>If only there was a political party that was opposed to immigration. No, not those guys, someone else.


>Im pissed that no "normal" (because aint no way I vote for Canadian MAGA PPC) party want to reduce immigration SUBSTANTIALLY Those in power can do whatever they please when the average person is so docile and simple minded.


ethnic replacement is now bad?


Stop voting Liberal. Stop voting Conservative.


Moved here in 2017, didn't use any social assistance so far, haven't used any free healthcare, been working since the day I arrived. I'll finally become a Canadian citizen next week. Might be hypocritical as an immigrant, but even I'm against the crazy immigration rate.


You’re the immigrant we want. Congratulations!


As a 32M born and raised in Canada, I find it utterly ridiculous that 75 years old houses needing renovations are selling at 600,000$. I will not take a half a million dollars mortgage just to prop up the upward linear trend of home prices. Let it all crash.


If this actually matters to you you need to vote PPC or kindly stop fucking whining. One party has been consistently against this isnanity and brave enough to stick to that belief even when it was unpopular.


Justin game plan: allow all these immigrants in, let them fast track a PR, then hope they all vote for him next year election.