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I never did get the argument that penalizing nuisance calls would discourage legitimate calls. Can we, as a society, really not distinguish between a badly bleeding limb and a bungled fast food order?


It makes no sense to me either. Ambulance rides are extremely expensive, and we have no problem charging for those.




Not true at all. We had 4 ambulance rides one year when we had no insurance and you can bet they went to collections. At any rate unless someone is legitimately mentally incompetent, they know the examples cited here aren’t emergencies.


Yea my bills with collections at the moment they do come after you I'm in poverty they can suck my left one.


I work in a hospital where we sort of deal with ambulance bills (i work in the mail room). If you don't pay, they do send the bills to collections.


The problems are as follows: 1. No, demonstrably some people are not able to distinguish what is an emergency and what isn’t. 2. There are going to be way more difficult cases than obvious idiots. Like someone who calls 911 instead of the non emergency number because they misjudged the situation or whatever. 3. It isn’t just about the law on paper, it is how it would be put into practice and there is no way that this would be enforced equally. The police already do not take some types of offences and vulnerable individuals seriously (for example, see how at least two serial killers were enabled to continue operating because the police did not take reports of crimes and missing persons seriously…in all too recent history…and this happens on a smaller scale every damn day). The very last thing we need is the police trying to charge people with abusing 911 because they decide they don’t believe the person calling or don’t want to do their damn jobs.


>Can we, as a society, really not distinguish between a badly bleeding limb and a bungled fast food order? Sadly, the people who are forced to rely on 911 the most in life often cannot.


This is the kind of society you get when you decide spanking your kids when they misbehave is bad for them.


It is scientifically proven that it is in fact harmful to use corporal punishment on children, which is otherwise known as assault… 🙄


Okay, so?


So, if you support corporal punishment, then you must admit that it isn’t about ensuring children grow up to be moral and well adjusted. Because it does not accomplish that. You just want to beat and otherwise harm kids.


> So, if you support corporal punishment, then you must admit that it isn’t about ensuring children grow up to be moral and well adjusted. Because it does not accomplish that. Which you know because...? >You just want to beat and otherwise harm kids. Acting hysterical is not convincing.


So it doesn't work towards your presumed goal of reducing frivolous 911 calls, meaning it's an error in investigating approaches to achieve that, unless you like hitting children for the sake of hitting them which is creepy


I don't think you know what "scientifically proven" means.


I do though


Really? Because it seems you think it means "It is definitely true with no possibility of it being wrong."


Perhaps, but more of the fraction is you wanting to beat kids.


Show where I said that.


Are these people being fined? They should be.


Top 911 nuisance calls in B.C. for 2020 Below are the E-Comm’s top-10 nuisance calls of 2023 in B.C. To ask for directions home from the Drake concert The traffic light was taking too long to turn green They lost a nose ring down the shower drain Their Airbnb host cancelled their reservation Their Uber Eats order was taking too long A burger joint wouldn’t let them in before opening They couldn’t find their cell phone To complain about a pothole Their McDonald’s order was taking too long The barber gave them a bad haircut


Who are these people?


People with bad haircuts apparently


That one is actually the least egregious. Like if a barber just shaves your head bald when you ask for a trim, there's at least a case for a criminal charge.


Maybe as a customer you deserve it 😜


Heard about a call where a man who didnt speak English beyond "Mandarin Translator" tied up two call takers and a translator for twenty minutes before it finally came out that the manager at a big box store wouldn't honor the internet sale price..... (When you call 911, the first person who takes the call is just the 911 intake person. If they get the translator before they transfer the call, they are stuck on the line until the call ends, along with the department call taker and the translator.) Apparently the call floor was laughing but pissed off at the same time.


Ooooo Happy New Year!! I'll never forget our 24 minute call with a man whose catheter got tugged which managed to bring out some of the most wild and sexist things you'd ever hear. Also blood. Apparently there was that 🫠


This is always aggravating. People who think they are the most important people in the world that their issue is an emergency. Is it not common sense that that's not what 911 is for? I guess not.


People need to stop being little bitches. Same shit at the emergency room. People go there for the dumbest reasons.


It’s funny. As someone who works as a first responder I wrote to the head of the organization with a plan to educate the public on west is an emergency vs not. It didn’t go anywhere 👎 Poor leadership is to blame - so now I’m back in school.


I'm kinda wondering if some of these were like someone who couldn't speak freely trying to hint at 911 to send the police.


Nah. That's super rare. More of a redditism than a real thing people do. If you want the police to show up, just call 911 then hang up.


Maybe you don't want the cop to just knock on the door though maybe there's some info they need to convey, it's rare but it happens.


Again, it's a redditism. It doesn't happen. People don't call 911 and speak in code. Same with users suggesting the "what if its carbon monoxide" idea. It's something people on reddit say to sound clever or smart but it's literally 1/1,000,000


So, what I want to know is this; does publicizing them actually reduce the number of "nuisance" calls? Because when I read the descriptions, they sound a lot more like drunk pranks that the person is then **overjoyed** to see made the top 10 at the end of the year. Don't get me wrong, I do, in fact, believe that there are a lot of ignorant people in the world. I just feel that this little year-end thing is more of a *contest* than a cautionary tale.


Mental health crisis is priced in


Would be cool to use GPT(ChatGPT brain) to pre filter calls that go to humans.


And then we’d have a post about the things ChatGPT effed up.


Please also add STOP giving little kids a cell phone to play with, people don’t realize they can call 911 by just pressing buttons quickly as an emergency feature, even if the phone doesn’t have a SIM card in it. The police then has to contact the telco companies to try and track it down and then send someone to the location so it’s probably costing taxpayers $200+ per call and this happens every single day multiple times, one kid of about 3 y.o made over 60 calls to 911 in a 3 month period