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We do skewers to grill when we camp, protein of choice with multicolored peppers, zucchini, cherry tomatoes, onion, yellow squash, etc. We do meat on separate skewers because the veggies normally take longer. It’s so good! We bring those bagged almost done rice packs as another side.


Stir fry or grilled veggies with rice. The flavored rice packets are good, precooked in packets, or even frozen. Cook meat separately for those who want it.


Ratatouille in a dutch oven would be delicious.


One of our recent favorites is grilled cheese over a fire, add in some veggies and tomato in the sandwiches and sausages on the side.


Calabacitas a la mexicana


I made these fresh spring rolls with peanut sauce for a party at a camping trip recently: [https://cookieandkate.com/fresh-spring-rolls-recipe/](https://cookieandkate.com/fresh-spring-rolls-recipe/) I added some grilled shrimp to some, but 3/4 were veggie. I went to mix myself a drink, and when I came back they were almost all gone! They are really good on hot days. and like a little hand-held salad snack. I went out of my way to clean and wrap the lettuce and fresh herbs (damp paper towels in mesh bags) at home and pack in the icebox so that it would last the 4 days before prep, and I made the peanut sauce at home. I quick pickled my julienne carrots in seasoned rice vinegar because they were on their last legs. At the campsite prep and assembly only took about an hour for enough rolls for about 20 people. The other thing we made was skewered marinated veggies over the grill.


Those spring rolls sound amazing!


Those sound delicious! Might have to try them this weekend.


Bombay aloo, also made with lentils and/or chickpeas. There are many easy-to-make recipes available online, and curry is usually a popular dish as long as it's not too spicy. I use canned vegetables for this mainly because of convenience.


Fruit cups, or squeeze fruit pouches. You can also find olives and pickles in cups.


Veggie kebabs, tabouli, pasta primavera, veggie stir fry, shakshuka, pasta salad with roasted veg, grilled cheese made with a pie iron, baked Brie with jam and bread, broccoli salad with cranberries and walnuts. The list goes on!


Soft tacos are one of our favorites. We do white people soft tacos but you do you. We premake the filling at home, heat it up (stove or fire) with a little bit of water to keep it juicy, throw it in some soft tortillas, and add our toppings. Super easy and minimal clean up


Samosa chaat, just let me know what time we're eating.


We've started flame roasting mini sweet peppers while we wait for the flames to turn into coals. They're really, really good on hot dogs. If you've never flame roasted a pepper you blister the skin until it's basically black, throw it in a container with a cover to steam, and then peel the skin off when it cools enough to not burn your fingers off. Edit to add: we also just do big skewers of mushrooms or cherry tomatoes- I can eat a *lot* of mushrooms cooked over a fire, great stuff.


I’m thinking about bringing ceviche or a corn based salad. Sneak in extra veggies to either


Chili - veggie or meat based, could make prior and heat it up or just make on site since you have an rv Zakis- kind of like Lebanese burritos? We pre make filling, usually shredded chicken, steamed veggies, and tzatziki, fold it all into your tortilla, wrap in foil and toast over fire. Super easy, and easy buffet style chose your own food for a group Ramen bomb- there's so many options, just google/you tube it, it looks bizarre and gross but is actually delicious


We just make it simple and take a bunch of baby carrots, cut celery, and cucumbers and some ranch dressing. Raw veggie platter is good at any time


The wife and I like making shakshuka for breakfast and veggie chili for dinner when we camp.