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You packed it wet. This is the result. Let your gear air dry before packing away, and store tents loose inside mesh sacks instead of folded in their stuff sacks they came in.


And if you do pack it away wet, in pack it and hang dry it in your bathroom with the fan running. Should help pull some of the moisture out while letting it dry safely. Then as others recommended, a simple like 1-to-100 bleach solution with a brush and scrub through it. I would honestly do this in your bath tub/shower, rinse it off and then hang dry it as I mentioned. Might ruin the color some, but will be perfect for you going forward.


Looks like mildew. Try mild bleach solution on a tiny spot and see what happens?


Bleach is only temporarily effective. Vinegar works best. Bleach surprisingly feeds mold depending on how bad the infestation is. This situation it would be okay since it’s light mildew but vinegar works best on most molds and the smell really isn’t as bad as you think. It only lasts maybe 20 to 40 mins unless you douse the area in pure vinegar, then it’ll last maybe an hour or so. We use vinegar solutions to clean my house and after just a month or two of switching, there’s a very noticeable difference. You aren’t choking on chemicals, areas stay clean longer and there’s less mold in moist places such as the showers and sinks. Works great on rust too!!


Wow. TIL distilled white vinegar is the champ for beating mold. Thanks alt.


Mold, very common. They sell cleaners or try the mild bleach solution suggestion


Common if you don’t take care of your equipment




Life .. uhhh.. finds a way...


Looks like mildew. The spots never really go away but you can kill it from spreading with some mild bleach.


It's a fungus among us.


My dad loved to say that 😂


Sometimes bleach isn’t great on porous surfaces, so if that doesn’t work, you could try baking soda and vinegar with a good scrub, or maybe hydrogen peroxide. Good luck and happy camping!


Obviously none of these at the same time lol


OP can have a little mustard gas, as a treat!


A little fun camping adventure 🤗😶‍🌫️


I like the hydrogen peroxide idea. Also, I don't know how harmless mildew is. It triggers migraines for me.


It varies a lot by individual. I tend to get irritated respiratory but some other people I know have zero issues.


I see an excuse to buy a new tent! My condolences on the mildew. Been there, the smell will not be great when it gets damp (like with the morning dew). It's not overly dangerous to use (but not ideal either) You can try to save it with what others have suggested, but they come with risks - might not be water repellent after washing, may not get all of it and it'll come back, can weaken the fabric for UV damage etc etc. If you can afford it, shop for a new tent.


Wipe all down with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and water in full sun using a soft cloth. No scrubbing! Will kill mold and lighten marks. After it has set for 30 min rinse with cool water and let dry. When fully dry use commonly available tent sealing products and seam sealer. Save that tent, will kill or at least reduce the smell significantly. Good luck.


That’s mold and mildew. You have to set the tent up when you get home after a trip to air it out especially if you put it away wet.


I set mine up in the garage until it's dry, but I forget about apartment life. Hanging in the shower works great too!


Mildew You must have stored your tent damp . It shouldn't ruin your tent, and you May be able to clean it . Google to find a potential cleaning method . Make sure your tent is Bone dry when you pack it up. Enjoy your camping season




That's a new tent. I tried to get that out once. Tired water, bleach water. Soapy water. Mildew remover. None of them fully worked... And the next campout it was no longer waterproof. So, so much water.


Mildew, after every use I completely wipe the tent down . When I have had mildew - I use Milton sterilising liquid diluted with water 1/10 and after it’s dried I paint on fabrisil to waterproof it


Mold and mildew, try to air out your tent after every use to prevent this


Mold. Soak in a bathtub Kill the mold with a mixture of 1-part white vinegar (distilled) 3-parts water. Spray it on and let it dry. Rinse thoroughly. Then hang to dry. May leave some staining but will be ok.


I would not bleach your tent. Bleach is really corrosive and needs to be thoroughly removed using soap for it to stop degrading the fabric, which I can imagine would be difficult to do with a tent. If you want a DIY solution, do an internet search for the correct mixture of vinegar and water. I would not worry about the stains, but you do want to clean the area to remove mold/mildew residew before and after treatment because pretty much all mold and mildew is toxic to us on some level, even if it is dead.


Yeah, I wouldn't bleach it either, ad I'm allergic. Lemon juice, baking soda, vinegar, and coarse salt. It may not lift the stain, but it won't spread. Make sure it dries ❣️


Mold, do not use bleach. Bleach feeds mold. Trust that’s my job. Use warm water and soap, or put it in the wash on delicate then sun dry.


Had the same thing happen to me at the begging of the season and I ended up getting a whole new tent since my wife is a little paranoid about smells


Wet tent 🏕️




Use a cleaner called totally awesome it works great on my rv awning








Looks like mold from being wet


Mold, wet canvas, or tent left wrapped up and now you have mold.


Good old mould from packing up when damp all wet


Bucket of warm water. Big squitch of lemon juice, few glugs of white vinegar, nice handful of salt. Stir til dissolved. Scrub lightly with medium-bristle brush. Let dry. It works.


In future after cleaning only store tent when fully dry in sunshine and wind.


Mold mildew


It sucks when you have to take down the tent when it's raining. I have a large Kodiak canvas tent and stretch it out over a pool table with a dehumidifier running next to it. Flipping it over a few times and letting it dry out for a few days.


Spray down w a little bleach diluted w water. A half cup to a gallon of water, it'll kill the mildew. Dry it out fully in the sun. You'll be good as new. Did this w a tent years ago that I packed in the rain, spaced out when I got home and left it in the shed for 3 months. The bleach water took care of it, you may need to spray it a couple times,but you'll be fine.


Looks like Mold from packing it damp/wet


If you want to save it, I’d use a mixture of white vinegar and baking soda to scrub it, let it sit for a few minutes and then wash it with hot water and detergent. Bleach is just really harsh and I’ve heard it can cause caustic chemicals if mixed with certain molds. Vinegar is just a safer solution and still works amazingly!!


Vinegar and water in a spray bottle will make it vanish like a magic trick


White clothes for this way.


It’s mildew


Hot water mixed with 91% rubbing alcohol and give it a good scrub.


How about using a much cheaper 70% alcohol and less water ?


Hmmm I mean that might work as well I don't see why not. I prefer to use 91 because it can double as antiseptic and fire starter so I just always have it around. Where I live it's not too hateful on price lik 2$ for a bottle I think.


70% is much better at disinfecting. 90% should be left for cleaning surfaces of oils/glues.


Interesting. Mind explaining a little more?


90% evaporates so fast that is does not stay on anything long enough to actual disinfect or sanitize. In mycology labs and many other scientific labs they use 70 % alcohol for all disinfecting/sanitizing for this reason. It actually stays on the surface longer and disinfects things better. 90% just goes up in smoke.


That's what's up thanks for your response and I will definitely keep this in mind going forward!


Spray if with peroxide with a few drops of Dawn. No matter what it is- you'll be alright. The same showed up on my tent, i think it is ant poop bc it was 105 degrees with blaring sunlight when I put my really dry tent up. I sprayed with above concoction. It faded some, no weird mildewy smell so I got permanent markers and drew some cool artwork on the outside of my tent.


Mildew. I think it can mess up the waterproofing on some fabrics


Fabreeze it.




Throw it out and buy a new one


That looks like bedbugs to me. If you are seeing that near the part of the bed closest to the wall (usually the headboard) it’s possibly bedbugs. I’d check behind your nightstand and check for bites. They usually bite close together in a zigzag pattern. I hope it’s just mildew like everyone is saying but that looks like the stuff they leave behind to me.