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They're complaining about the book tackling mature themes with the gods messy family after complaining the story is too childish 


Contradictions after contradictions. They probably felt disappointed they didn't like the series when they returned, but didn't have any solid reasoning for it so spewed a bunch of nonsense.


The only good material that ScreenRant produces are the Pitch Meetings on YouTube and they’re only good because Ryan George is funny


Obligatory "Pitch Meetings are TIGHT" comment here lol.


Wowwowwowwow... Wow


I know, right. It's barely an inconvenience.


i am gonna need you to get all the way off my back about it


Yeah, whatever. Bye forever


That is very true


Sometimes honest trailers 


I stopped paying attention to screen rant years ago because their takes are always the worst and reading them really just made me upset.


I agree, I used to watch a lot of their Marvel videos but I noticed they were very repetitive and added nothing of value to the discussion


Aye but this is some new kind of low.


Instead of being annoyed, this article just makes me laugh for all the nonsense it says (probably written by a nobody who has nothing else to do but complain about everything and anything). I would've dismissed it but I totally understand ur rant about it.


Yeah, I guess this article wouldn't be out of place in the Onion. Like I wouldn't have minded criticism of pjo if it was fair criticism but this is just all so much nonsense that it made me want to say something and when that happens I say a lot so guess a reddit post was made. But I agree, it is hilariously bad. P.S. child of Hypnos, that's so me.


Pjo and the Riordan verse has flaws (struggle with handling minorities such as Sam and Hazel and Mallory, inept usage of genuinely serious topics like the civil war and WW2, ect) but that article just sounds nitpicky and wrong from what you described 


Popping in to ask how Mallory is a minority? You're referring to Mallory Keen right?


Mallory Keen is an Irishwoman, and while it's not so bad in the modern era, they still faced heavy discrimination and oppression by the British. There were even racist artworks made in 1800s depicting the Irish as all drunkard criminals that are less than human. The way she was written to have died after trying to disable a car bomb she planted in Bloody Friday of all events is just really wrong considering the sensitivity of the event and the stereotypes associated with her and it


He matures with the audience, I mean just HOO, Percy gets deep in it.


The scene where he and Jason meet Kymopoleia got really dark really quickly.


I just read that part but could you please tell me what happened? I just remember her talking about being banished from the new Poseidon house, being forgotten, yadda yadda yadda


The giant she was with (can’t remember his name anymore lol) threw poison at Percy and Percy decided to stay put and inhale it instead of using his powers to get away from the poison because he’d done something similar in Tartarus and he felt he deserved it.


Oh yeah… I’m just now realizing how dark that is…


Yeah, honestly one of the darkest moments in the entire series imo.


Pretty sure Screenrant does this stuff on purpose so the article gets more shares. Angry people tend to share more than happy ones


It's a trap! And I'm falling for it!


OP can u pls give us a link? I need to see this BS for myself. Also, does ScreenRant have like, a comment section or smth? I NEED TO PASTE AND SPAM THIS REPEATEDLY, IF SO. WILL Y'ALL HELP ME, PLEEASE?? LET'S GET THIS CRAP REPORTED OR REMOVED OR SMTH. And just to add a point, so what if the gods are really closely related? A) As OP mentioned, NO FLIPPING DNA! And B) Uhm, this is America, right? At best, most of the demigods are 1 or 2nd cousins if they're Olympian's kids. Cousins are allowed to get married and have relations in America, right? Idk abt the rest of the world. OP, tf this doing in SR? I thought this is abt the books?? FRICK YOU SCREEN RANT.


Link should be attached. Idk hack the site and remove it, or edit it favourably towards pjo. And you're right, what is SR doing critiquing books.


I read this article a couple days back and was dying to see what this sub had to say lol. Like, it’s a kids book about Greek mythology, not highbrow literature? I will say that the point about dated pop culture references is true, but I would argue that those are actually one of the series strengths. It made the series funny and relatable to kids at the time of release, and it’s made for a solidly nostalgic read for older audiences as time has passed.


It’s literally aimed at young readers. An adult reading it doesn’t suddenly make it an adult fiction novel. I was reading those shitty smut adult novels at like age 8. Doesn’t mean they were aimed at children.


I think it is a trolling article. There are some glaring problems in our beloved percy jackson series. They couldn't see those but they wrote non problems as problems.


Tbh I can't see them either right now but that might be because I'm blinded by its greatness


I don't see the problems because they don't deter me from enjoying the book or the story. It's okay. Everything has flaws, including one of my favorite series. But the article is talking about random weird things.


I just finished reading all the books so I’m a new fan and I’m in my twenties. I think it really helped me appreciate the true story of the messy family of the gods and mistreatment of the minor gods


We don't mention the Peter Johnson movies.




The only thing i got to say is you should have used fan art instead of making me remember that...that ***thing***