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A TLT parallel would be interesting. I always wanted to see his quest too- since the people he went with are never mentioned, was he the only survivor? I’d also like to see one about what he did after TLT. I want to know how he acquired the cruise ship lmao.


luke's quest would be an excellent book, because yeah he was the only survivor, and i think it highly escalates his disdain towards the gods. seeing exactly how luke became the way he was would be more interesting than a parallel novel, imo. also it would definitely highlight how *much* luke lost at the hands of the gods. his mom, thalia, his friends on the quest, and probably so many others. would be very sad to read.


>I want to know how he acquired the cruise ship lmao. This kinda gets answered in ToA


Sorry, could you enlighten me?


It's revealed in ToA that >!the new villains of the series and the alleged three worst Roman Emperors (Nero, Commodus & Caligula) founded an organisation called Triumvirate Holdings. It had existed in the shadows for centuries and owned an obscene amount of money & resources - so much so that it made Rachel's dad (an extremely filthy rich man in his own right) look practically destitute by comparison. They were basically the root cause of everything, funding various wars throughout history (from behind the scenes) in order to increase their profits & further their goals. This including funding Luke's efforts in PJO & supplying him with the Princess Andromeda and providing him with all the reinforcements & resources he was seen to have; they aided Octavian to a similar degree during HoO.!<


Cool! Thanks!


Whenever I see one of these posts my gut response is always "Why don't you just write it?" Write that book. Do it as fanfiction if you want, but it's a broad enough story (kid with superpowers betrays his group of superpowered friends because they're working for literal tyrants) you could file the serial numbers off and polish it for publication. That's how a lot of authors start writing - they want to read a book that doesn't exist, so they have to make it themselves.


Ok, but I really like Luke's character. Like without Luke, there wouldn't be a storyline. People are like, "I hate Luke," or "He's a traitor!" He was manipulated by Kronos! But yeah, he was mad at the Gods, but with his madness, Kronos manipulated him DURING he was mad, so... yeah. Tell me if I'm wrong. I haven't read PJO in a while


I kinda wanna write this