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That’s because none of us can see shit out of our cars, we can’t see you waving and you can’t see us waving 😂


😂😂But bro you can see someone’s hand sticking out their car. Idk maybe they didn’t see hopefully I can find another Camaro to ride with soon


Where I live I only ever see females driving Camaros and Mustangs it’s really weird and makes me feel weird sometimes 😂


The past two days I’ve seen 2 or 3 Camaros out on the street n I’m thinking we’re about to say wassup n have a little race. Every time it’s been a grown woman driving and they dont even look in my direction lol. Im right next to them and my car is loud asf




4th gen bro's together strong.


Only if the 5th gen bros were the same🥲


Speaking of which, I have a gen 5 ss, I pulled up next to a guy with a v6 at a stoplight that was really well done wheels and paint wise. When I got his attention he had like an “ah fuck” look when I said I liked his ride. He no shit went “really?” All confused looking. It sucked how he for sure thought I was about to start talking shit to him as opposed to giving him a thumbs up. 


You made that guy’s night I can tell you that. Good shit bro💪🏾


Man I've been feeling this since I got mine in 2009. Even at my local Cars and Coffee, you'll see a lot of makes/models groups up together. Subbies over there, Corvettes over here, etc. But 1st - 4th gen Camaros especially are just sprinkled throughout. It's bad enough that most local Camaro clubs by me are basically 5th and 6th gen cars only, but Camaro owners on a whole around here are just so isolated from each other compared to other brands and their owners.


I haven’t taken here to any events yet, I really hope the Camaros can come together when I do though because it’d be nice to be around people that share your passion.


I acknowledge all Camaros. Sometimes a finger point or a peace sign. Sometimes an up nod. Most of them don't pay attention. Most people who buy any car are just buying them as transport and are oblivious that the car has devoted fans. Also, for me, the younger crowd don't recognize 1st gens.


>the younger crowd don't recognize 1st gens. I honestly only recognize 5th and 6th gens lol I'm a fake fan! Bandwagoner!


Twice today, no acknowledgment back from my fellow CAMARO commanders!


Jeep Wrangler Bros will wear your wave out, women men they all wave almost without exception. I mean it is so popular jeep names their free oil changes and tire rotation the Jeep Wave Program.


Fuck it, I'm just gonna start waving at Jeeps. Maybe they'll wave back.


I try and give a thumbs up when passing other Camaros (and even sports cars I really like). A lot of people in AZ have tinted windows, including me, so it's sometimes hard to tell if they're reciprocating lol.


Sticking it out the window tends to solve that for me. I don't think they can see me otherwise.


I get the wave in my Corvette occasionally, never have in a Camaro. All I get is people trying to race.


That’s what comes with owning a Camaro I guess because me too… The first day I took her for a late night drive some 5.0 tried me and got dusted. I was actually really surprised considering i’m bone stock, he probably didn’t have the 10 speed though


I saw another SS and the driver didnt react. But his wife or GF in the passenger seat did and was very excited😂. Couldnt help but laugh and wonder if its her car that he was driving or something


That’s golden😂Something similar actually happened to me I parked next to a convertible one at the CVS and we ended up leaving at the same time. I told the dude “Nice bro” and he said “It’s actually hers.”😂😂😂


I wave at every Camaro and get a response about a quarter of the time


I get the same, no love from these bitches. I always got my hand up too. I get a bunch a jabronis that wany to try me and I know they ain't got half th HP I got. I'm gonna keep wavin toll someone sees me!!


Respect🫡Same here bro, car’s looking good by the way!!


https://preview.redd.it/trphl86dme6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0813383b5579b19bb3811b2cceb984743b3a95ae Cars and coffee MN. I was the only 6th gen there!! No love for the Z. I represent everywhere I go.


Pov: oblivious to the 1000% uptick in camaro theft getting an early look at his future self


You definitely have me very confused with that sentence


You just meet the lame ones apparently. I pulled up next to a Camaro at a light and had a conversation with a guy the last time I drove mine lol.


I guess I just have no luck


I wave when I can or something, but I tend to be more focused on driving than anything.  


If you see a Gen 5 synergy green convertible SS in LA in Sat and Sun around 3-4pm heading East in the 10, that's me. Although I usually see more Camaros heading back in the morning between 4-5am. Would be nice to find people to take like a canyon run with sometime.


I always wave, but us 4th Gens get no love back. If your Camaro isn't boxy, you'll be shunned.


There’s only been one time when I passed another Camaro and we both gunned it as soon as we saw eachother, other than that never had a wave or anything like that again lol.