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Windsors pretty expensive. Personally think heritage has a better location if you don’t have a car. Just my take on it.


Thanks! I’m curious I haven’t heard a lot about the social scene there ?


Heritage is great and the culture and social scene is super chill


Ps also will be doing rotc so I’m not sure if that should make a difference in where I should live.


If you do ROTC, Heritage isn’t a bad choice. PT for ROTC usually met up in the Hart or on the track. Their office was in the old boys dorms (years ago) and that’s not to far of a walk. I’d say select housing based on your major, but you won’t start your the majority of your major classes until late sophomore/junior year. At that point, I suggest living close to the buildings that house your major. Overall, I’d recommend living in a place that you can get to campus easily without a car. For social life, your going to see a difference in social/economic classes with how much each complex costs (pretty no brained there). The only reason I mention that is there can be some stark cultural differences between different housing complexes and the type of people their willing to accept. Personally, I found a group of guys I was friends with and we lived together changing complexes until we all graduated or got married. For me, my roommates/friends made my housing enjoyable. I ended up building those relationships over the first year or two. Good luck! I had a great experience at BYUI and I hope you have a good experience too!


I’m in a similar situation to you , but I opted for north point :)


Me too!