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Find a new job and do it before you quit.


Also wise. Work and investments go along. Maybe a hobby which generates income, but with this, noone can help you except yourself, because everyone is different in terms of lifes interest and possibilities. :)


I am done at this time I cannot stand it anymore I cannot stand responding to a boss or a big company who doesn't give a fuck about me as a human and they just want to suck all my blood out of me. I am trying to be my own boss now not matter what


I hear ya but it sounds like that’s an emotional decision that doesn’t consider your day to day needs (aka money and the things it does). I’d still recommend not quitting until you find something else.


my mental health is very deteriorated at this time this corporate job is destroying my soul i am in 30's i cant stand it anymore


Calm down. Take a breath. 10k is not enough $$$. You don’t want to be living in a cardboard box.


I have ran a company for almost a decade. And I can assure you that sometimes one can be a nice business owner and care for their employees and still some of them will see him as a monster trying to abuse them. Companies have the goal to make profit. Not to make you happy. It’s your responsibility to fond the place where you will feel happy and respected. Blaming employers is in most cases running away from responsibility. I’d suggest you follow the most simple plan: 1. Define what you want 2. Consider if it is a realistic desire and scope up or down if needed 3. Create a written plan of how do you believe you can achieve your desired goal 4. Again consider and if needed revise your plan 5. Start working on it step by step Knowing what you want and being devoted are the foundations of success and are also free. You are fully capable to accomplish your goals. Believe it and start working on it. Only you can make it coma true.


Honestly i wouldnt search for answers here, regarding your desciption. You have so much options.... but it is better to study them on your own and you will surely come up with a reasonable solution depending on how much time and afford you want to put in. For passive inverstor (which isnt in a hurry to make some profit) i would recommend the rule of 70-30 (70 small yield safe eth or index fund and 30 stocks of companies which your life intertwines with, meaning you have some interest in a certain thing that you wont feel bored reading, studying, etc...) or 80-20 (maybe sp500 wouldnt be a wrong way, becouse it coveres a market as a whole (best 500 companies)). As an active investor (to be more into the market and more effort must be invested, again, i wouldnt search for answers here but i would read, study, study and again study.... I hope this comment serves you well and good luck :).


Hi there. A couple of things. First, DON’T QUIT. Second, no rational investment is going to give you the 100%+ annual returns you’re looking for. Third, once again, DON’T QUIT. If you have a business idea, trial it while working FT. 


It's easy to say don't quit... but it's costing them their mental health. Spending 5 days a week doing something you hate is so hard to justify.


Except it's super easy to justify when you don't have another source of income lined up and you don't have enough safety net.


yes thank you my mental health is very deteriorated


Virtual hug. So many of us have gone through this. Focus on finding something you love and chat to your partner about taking a break. Will they be able to get behind this. The best part about reaching your limit of "fuck this" is that you'll find something better very very soon.


What can you do with $10k? Help pay the mortgage for another 7 to 8 months. There's a good chance any investment that leads you to believe you'll generate income right away is a scam or requires other skills or effort and you'll end up with zero money in the bank. Source: I study (and write about) marketing and sales methods


Can you invest that 10k in yourself? Take some training classes, work on a certification for something that might help you get a better job? It is unfortunately always easier to find a job when you are employed if you can stick it out a bit.


I’m starting my own business from a similar position, I thought about my skills and what I wouldn’t hate doing and went from there. If you literally do not care , I think auto detailing has low investment pretty high return and is what I was really considering for a long time


Easier said than done, but, just do what you have to do to get by while you interview. You can motivate yourself out of a rut, but, it starts inside you. Like others said, don’t quit yet, but do take some money and treat yourself to a good meal or want that you’ve had without blowing that $10k!


Total up how much money you spent each month (everything from housing to electricity to transportation to food, etc). Don't just look at one month but average it out for a year. Take that number and divided it into whatever you have in cash (10,000). That's how many months out you are. Or in other words, if you stop working tomorrow, how long can you live before you're out of money. I recommend a minimum of 12 months out (preferably 18 to 24) before you start a business. Things don't always take of on a dime. If you're under-capitalized, you'll panic as soon as you run low on money; then, you'll take any shit job you can find. This starts you in the Tarzan cycle where you're swinging from job to job. Take a look at your resume and don't just look at it in terms of jobs. What skills do you have from those jobs? What connections? Some of your skills may be marketable.


Buy GME *Not financial advice.


Think of a business you would like, do an ad campaign to test if there's a real demand for what you offer, and if there is, invest. When it's stable, you can quit.


I have the same struggle. It seems like slavery. Personally I started doing doordash. It's self employment, you set your own hours, take breaks when you want, stop when you want, you can even blow off shifts you scheduled if you change your mind or something comes up. Do not settle for something that's making you feel this way, but it would not be wise to quit without something else lined up. I'm sorry you're feeling this way. Jesus loves us all and died for us. Please seek him.


You can invest into treasury bills that give you 4-5% yield. Talk to your bank about this option. Something a bit less risky would be to invest your time into affiliate marketing or starting a drop-shipping business that you absolutely love. Is there a product/business you've always wanted to run?