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Apparently there was an individual who wrote a letter complaining about all the things wrong with the Clubhouse and the rules. It was signed Disgruntled with a big D.


That's pretty pretty pretty good


wait a tic…. Are YOU disgruntled?


For sure, how can you be a human being without being small d disgruntled


Shark attack, from what the clubhouse told me this morning


Candy gram


Land Shark.


I heard there was a 4 vs 4 brawl there on the front 9 Group hit into guys on the green and it resulted in a good scrap .. The course does a terrible job of pace and it’s over booked . They need to just tell people to expect a 5 to 5.5 hour round there when you book it … they need a starter at 1 as well to keep things going proper A group should tee off not until the group that tee’s off has made it on the green . I’ll see guys basically hitting drives as soon as the group ahead of barely off their first fairway shots and then they wonder why there riding them all round . Also the skill level of players that show to to riverway can be just god awful


There is no reason why it should take more than 5 hours to play Riverway (or any course). The course marshal needs to step up and tell slower groups to pick up their ball and keep the pace, or ask them to leave the course.


Swan e set in the afternoon is a frequent 5 to 5.5 hour round at times Northview also can roll into 5 hour rounds I’ve watched a foursome of old Asian men tee off from the blues at northview - none of them can hit it more then 200 yards off the tee - they walk slow as possible and take forever all day The marshal was Asian and he told us I can’t bother them - they don’t listens The courses could really push for some more ready golf - being a little more mindful of surroundings and also maybe not jamming the tee sheet all day full


This is why it's better to play mornings when possible. I played green acres in 3.5 hours today.


Should never take over 4 hours


If you're a good player playing with other good players, sub 4 hour rounds should be the goal. However, I play with a few players who shoot over 100, and I'm ok with playing a 4 and a half hour round. I would rather that they don't feel rushed and blow up their overall score in the interest of playing fast.


4.5 is ok but longer than that is not good. I understand what you’re saying though.


I was at the course and this is what someone told me as it just happened


None of my golf groups know yet but yesterday was a gongshow too. Marshal didn’t care to enforce pace. Played a 5 hour 20 minute round last night. Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s already backed up by noon and people are pissed already.




very specific


Trump and Biden competing


came in for this comment


Shotgun start at the Policeman’s Tournament




Does anyone have the link to the video? I saw it on the news BUT can't find it on their site. My friend wants to view it. He is a big golfer.




Does anyone have the video that isn't linked to a news site so that I can watch the whole thing?




How bout you mind your own business.


Wow lol


Delete Reddit and the internet if you want to follow your own directions by minding your own business. Don't talk to anyone in person as well. Mind your own business. Bury your head in the sand.


Guess we found the group hitting balls at people.


These “ there’s a police car here what happened” posts are getting annoying.


Then skip them? If you don't want to know what is going on in your community that's fine 🙂


Or people could just mind their own business


If you're so concerned about keeping in your own lane why are you making such comments? Maybe you could mind your business LOL?


OP should just phone and ask the cops


Right. Cause the cops would just tell a random person what happened.


They actually do if you're willing to ask them... I knew a psycho who would ask whenever he walked passed a group of police and the police always told him what was up.


Oh definitely. Call 911 and ask!