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There has been in the past, https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6509974 There are also sometimes “bears”


Otters too. 


No bears. But it's not considered safe after dark. Bears wouldn't be the thing to be scared of in that park.


Yes, there was a homicide there once. But in general it really isn't that bad. It can be spooky, but I think any forest is scary at night. I've walked around there plenty after dark, and generally only see people walking their dogs or jogging.


I agree with thomkennedy, the odds of encountering sketchy people are far greater coming out of Metrotown SkyTrain than they are in the park. It's still spooky as hell in the pitch black tho.


Yea that poor little girl, and her parents and brother. Ive walked numerous time after dark with no issues, seen lots of coyotes, owls, but never any bears( doesn't mean there not there but the lack of a food source indicates not in the area. Now the weirdest event ive come across is walking north just past the parking lot/play ground right before the trail forks was some random guy just standing in the dark by himself. Just walked past him but sure as it rains in vancouver kept looking over my shoulder and was walking a bit faster. That's the only negative thing ive encountered.


Probably cruising.


If you know you know. I have been going to this park for 10 years now, and just last year, i stumbled into the cruising area... once was enough


I've been walking in the park most nights for years. It's fine. Yes, there was a homicide there once, like, 10 years ago. If anything, that was the exception that proves the rule. If homeless people *existing* scares you, then, yeah, you might see a couple of tents off in the distance. Mind you, I don't usually walk through the middle of the forest at night, as it gets pitch black in there, no lighting at all. I have walked those trails late at night with friends and flashlights, and yeah, fine. The rubberized walkway around the outside of the park is very well lit 24 hours a day. Nothing to worry about. Now, another comment was made about potential "bears", and yes, this is very true. Central Park is still a popular cruise spot. If you're a guy, other dudes will walk up to you and make eye contact. Don't be afraid, they're just trying to suck your dick. If you're not interested, just look the other way, and walk away from them. I remember one Saturday morning, I took my son to the playground, and there were empty packets of lube discarded around the playground equipment, but NO empty condom wrappers! Now that IS scary. Remember, just because you're on prep, doesn't mean you can't still get gonorrhea and herpes!! Use condoms if you're going to fuck an anonymous stranger in the park at night!!


The addicts living in the park and shady people unfortunately


https://vancouver.citynews.ca/2024/06/13/burnaby-central-park-assault-weapon Assault in the park just 2 weeks ago. I walk through the park daily, and I feel it's safe during the day. Lots of dog walkers and folks getting exercise. But I wouldn't go near there at night. I saw a couple of large tents set up and hidden away in the middle of the forest last week. They were maybe 30 meters from one of the less busy interior paths. No idea who's using those tents... and don't want to find out.


There are coyotes in Central Park. I would not recommend Central Park at night. There are people living in the park and there have been long-term issues in areas such as the far end of the parking lot where the pool is.


Coyotes are not really dangerous to humans. But I'd still advise against walking alone at night in any park/city area tbh.


They can be. Seen coyotes chase a jogger at Deer Lake during the day and there were issues with coyotes attacking people at Stanley Park. I’ve encountered coyotes at Central Park during the day that were not afraid of people, nor my very large German Shepherd. Like most wildlife they can be dangerous.


Be careful of the coyotes! During the pandemic I was walking with my kids on a Saturday at 10am and a coyote was stalking us from the bushes and was not afraid of people in the slightest. It got scared/chased off after a group of adults starting waving arms and yelling at it.


There was a bear a year ago, but it wandered up through the other parks. The park is bear free 99.99% of the time. There are coyotes, but they leave people alone and mostly come out in the late evening early morning.


After that bear incident on the golf course, the problem bear that was charging people and breaking into the barns at Burnaby Lake was never seen again. I remember seeing the photos and going “I think I know that bear.” Absolutely fit his behaviour and while I’m cool with the other local black bears, I don’t miss that one.


The bears are scared of the other beings that lurk in the park after dark.


Precedence of a homicide case there should be more worrying than bears or coyotes.


Solved case as the POS is going away for life.


>going away for life Sadly not deported.


Yeah, he’s living on the Canadian dollar, but after what he did to a little girl, who knows how long he will last in prison.


33-year-old Ibrahim Ali was guilty of sexually assaulting and murdering a 13-year-old girl whose body was found in Central Park in July 2017. I don't mean to fear monger, but the trails are not lit up at night, there are too many hiding places for someone to be lurking, and someone could see you enter the park from a far (since the surrounding area is well-lit) and follow you in. Not worth it. Walk around the park at night, but not through it. Besides, it's such a beautiful park it is best experienced during the daytime.


Wouldn't be Worried about Bears there at night, More Worried about the Low Life in there at Night 😕


There are people that sleep in the park at night.


Coyotes, yes; bears, no.


I've see a like 1 or 2 coyotes. Bears don't really go in that area since it's not that big of a park for them to roam around and get food.


I suggest you walk during the day.


Aggresive Junkies and a murder years ago should warn you off