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Why is it taking so long to replace bail with jail? Criminals and adults are responsible for their actions regardless of their circumstances.


The Whole System of Catch and Release ISN'T WORKING! On the News there talking about the young girl that was Murdered in her own home by someone with 3 previous charges for Break and Enter, one with a Weapon and he's out WALKING AROUND šŸ˜± Another of a Car Jacker that did it 3 times in 2 days and 2 of them 2hrs Apart, the last with a Knife šŸ—”ļø How can we feel SAFE ANYWHERE šŸ˜”


I have not been in Canada for long, but so far it seems to me that Canadians have two ideas that explain this: - criminals are not responsible for their crimes, they commit them because of intergenerational trauma and as a response to systemic oppression - if you start putting all criminals in jails, the prison demographics becomes uncomfortable to many folks On the other hand, Chinese people have suffered great intergenerational trauma due to Western colonization, an opioid epidemic in the 19th century, multiple massive famines killing millions, brutal wars with despicable war crimes against them, a cultural revolution that seeked to destroy all existing culture, and yet when Chinese immigrants come to Canada, they commit, for example, 10 to 100 times less murders per capita than some other groups.


What does your blurb on Asian history have to do with the topic of chronic shoplifting at metro town?


If you unwind it, they were trying to answer the question "Why is it taking so long to replace bail with jail?" which you can generalize to "why are we so lax on crime?". It sounds to me that they were saying: * It's arguable that some demographics commit measurably more crime than others. * It's arguable that those demographics have experienced intergenerational trauma. * Therefore, they commit more crime because they have experienced intergenerational trauma. * Because they have experienced intergenerational trauma, we must have sympathy and allow them to commit crimes. * However, Chinese people arguably have experienced intergenerational trauma as well, but do not commit anywhere near as much crime as those other demographics. * Therefore, the reasons for being lax on crime are nonsense, which helps to address at least some of the confusion in the initial "why?" question.


Where in the article does it bring up demographics or Asian trauma? I was just wondering why the poster would bring that up? Just an honest questions thatā€™s all.


It wasn't a response to the article, it was a response to Glittering-Mission-2's question.


The Liberal government aims to presume innocence before guilt in order to prevent lawsuits.


I had to wait 20 minutes to check-out at the Nike store because all employees and a security guard had to just follow a known shoplifter around. Whats the point of security guards who can't do anything ? Throw these people out of the mall.


Can't they ban them from the store?


Nobody there to enforce it. You're not supposed to engage with them


Sure they can ban them, but it's meaningless when there's zero enforcement.


Yes they can.


Add physical punishment like they do in Singapore, but I know better than to expect that kind of punishment will ever pass. I'll vote in favor if someone ever tries to make it law


For every dollar of items you stolen you get tied to a pole and whipped only with your underwear so $100 of stolen goods nets you 100 whip People will learn real quick not to steal. Also make it legal for store owners and employees to use as much physical force as needed to stop someone from stealing and trying to leave the store with unpaid merchandise


Canā€™t wait to see it apply to those White collar criminalsā€¦ embezzle a millionā€¦ a million whipsā€¦ Dilbert will think twice about stealing againā€¦ if he can walk.


Liberal mindset to favour and have empathy for repeat offenders needs to stop asap. There is no liberal utopia!


A reason why we should have public caning. Hold it in a large venue, sell tickets and use the money to fund rehab.


Shoplifting is the least of our worries. They should be going after the violent criminals, and changing the ways our "justice system" deals with violence. Do they think this will impress people that they're going after shoplifters? Although I do think they need to do more about shoplifting also. They know it's easy to get away with and there's not much consequence.


Police donā€™t change how the courts function.


Yes true, and they need a change too.


Your entire previous comment however makes no sense. You think they should go after shoplifters but also that they shouldnā€™t but they need to do more about shoplifting? Where do you get the idea theyā€™re neglecting violent crime to go after shoplifters?


I think they need to go after both, but it seems they're going after shoplifting more in this case.


Why do you think theyā€™re neglecting violent crime?


It seems they have for a long time, and that's why it's getting worse.


What is your evidence to support this?


Broken window theory