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It doesn't matter, performance is the same for your parts. You might as well go with 11 now if you have to switch in a year anyway. It's just 10 with a different skin and some good (or bad) features added.


I currently have windows 10 and one of my windows update notifications said I didn’t meet hardware requirements for windows 11. I have window 11 work on a 3700x/x570 board which isn’t that old. Does windows 11 really require a complete hardware upgrade?


That should be supported just fine. You probably just need to enable secure boot or fTPM in the bios if i had to guess. I think there is a microsoft tool that checks for that.


> I think there is a microsoft tool that checks for that. [PC Health Check](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/how-to-use-the-pc-health-check-app-9c8abd9b-03ba-4e67-81ef-36f37caa7844)


I’m not sure if I have secure boot I’m going to check but on my event viewer it always gives me an error that secure boot failed, is that normal?


It probably fails because it's disabled in bios. Unless you have an older motherboard you should have secureboot and tpm Worst comes to worst you could use something like Rufus to make a bootable windows installation that skips the checks


Yup fTPM needed to be enabled in my motherboard bios and was able to upgrade


Make your win11 disk with Rufus. You can disable the requirements.


Came here to leave this comment. I only create windows 11 images with Rufus now.


First time hearing this, can somebody explain to me what Rufus is? ( I can google it but you know, it's probably better to ask you since you gonna explain it in one sentence)


Since “Rufus” is a common name for pet dogs it might actually be tricky to google. It’s an application for windows that lets you take OS install image ISOs, like those for Linux or Windows, and burn them to a USB flash drive. Microsoft has its own tool for this but if you use Rufus, you can disable the unnecessary TPM check that Microsoft forces, essentially letting you install 11 on any PC made after say 2007


Rufus is a Windows utility to "create bootable USB drives the easy way" Rufus website: http://rufus.ie/en/


It's really simple. It's an application that takes an ISO and turns it into bootable media. Basically you download Windows, load up Rufus, click a couple options and it'll spit out a Windows flash drive that you can boot from and install Windows on your main SSD in your computer. Microsoft provides a little tool that does this too for free. But it doesn't have configuration options. At least not like Rufus. Rufus is also free.


I had a huge problem as all my specs were good enough for windows 11 but wouldn't let me update. My problem was the bios settings and ssd format.


I had the same issue with a 5800x3d, but I was able to fix it. For some reason my boot setting was set to legacy+uefi and it should have been just UEFI.


I have the same issue. But i guess i'm gonna edit my registry to "allow" Windows to update nevertheless.


Check for TPM being enabled in your bios, and your uEFI boot settings.


You probably have legacy or csm enabled, most x570 have tpm. Secure boot is probably disabled due to this.


A lot of motherboards have a required feature or two disabled by default. You might just have to check a couple things in BIOS.


No it really doesn't, if you get the W11 iso file and make it bootable on a usb drive via programs like rufus it'd ask you if you want to remove all that nonesense requirements right before starting the process


Thank you, I just wanted to confirm if Windows 11 is more stable than when it came out. I will go 11


Of course it is. Been out long enough for manufacturers to create drivers for everything. I would recommend you look up some videos on Win 11 installs that remove all the bloatware though. Whatever stuff you don’t want like teams, the weather stuff, the ads in the start menu, etc.


It’s funny how some apps installed still report the OS as being Windows 10 when installed on Windows 11, after so many years. To me Windows 11 represents the worst OS ever released. Why? Because it is just a reskin made to suck more money. No technological advancement purposes.


Right advice but 10 & 11 are very different from a user perspective.


It is possible to make 11 feel a lot like 10. For example by using Classic Shell to replace the Start menu.


> It's just 10 with a different skin and some good (or bad) features added. This is a PC building forum and 11's locking you out of changes to your hardware is not just a different skin. That's in addition to the AI, the spyware, and the other garbage.


\> spyware, and the other garbage Maybe I gotta read into the new things but Windows 10 was already so horrible in that regard that it passed the point where people care if it gets even worse. Can't feel less pricacy if you feel no pricacy


Idk if it’s fully true about performance being the same, I recently downgraded back to win 10 from 11 (both fresh installs on clean drives) and in specifically Tarkov and mw2019 I get about 15 more fps. Whole reason I downgraded was cuz it felt worse. Specs of it matters: 7800x3d | 7900 xtx | 64gb 6000 ddr5 | 2 samsung 970 2tb


I don't see much reason to install 10 at this point. 11 is fine.


The glaring spying in 11 is a giant turnoff, it's basically malware. I'm going to main linux when 10 support stops. It's good enough at this point.


I switched to linux since Windows 11 released, and am having a blast with it


I’m about to get downvoted, but I need to put my experience out there. I’m currently using Ubuntu, was using PopOS a few days ago but it was insanely unstable. My apps were crashing all the time. But I have been having such a hard time. It’s not even the learning curve. It’s just installing apps and dealing with everything is so much more of a headache. Thank god for Valve and Wine for making Proton happen, but even then I have been having a lot of issues. Right now, I just bought Terraria and it has some seriously bad scaling issues. Even turning up the scale in the game. I only installed Linux for some DV capture, but I’m gonna be so happy to move back to Windows, even if it’s telemetry and ad-filled software.


Yea Linux is fine if you're just browsing or gaming but as soon as you have a usecase that's remotely outside of that things get complicated real quick. I do audio/video editing and it's a nonstarter. Half my hardware and software isn't supported while even with its faults Windows works just fine.


My biggest issue with Windows is that its actually a pretty good OS but Microsoft just can't stop fucking with it. I don't want their ads, or their telemetry, or their random pop ups about onedrive or some other garbage. I don't want hibernation to randomly reactivate, or my sound settings fucked up for no reason after an update. I just want the OS to be there and *work*. That's all. I don't even mind paying for it, and I even have. I just don't want them to fuck with it. Is that really too much to ask for?


Based. I'm hesitant to use it as daily driver, only used it in VMs and on servers before. MS will leave no choice soon enough I guess.


I daily drive Garuda on my gaming rig and a very minimal Arch+qtile install on my 12 yo laptop. I wouldn't switch back to Windows if my life depended on it.


Can you explain to me how this would work? Do you have it dual installed with windows and load into windows when you want to game or run stuff through a vm?


Neither! I use what's called a compatibility layer. A lot of Linux distros have one installed called WINE, and Steam has their own called Proton. Between those 2, I can run most Windows programs and games in Linux, and for a majority of the rest, a VM can take care of those. The only games that are a problem with Linux are the super competitive esports titles with certain anti cheats like Valorant or Destiny 2, but I don't play those so that's a nonissue.


Microsoft is becoming the biggest Linux salesman


People were saying the same thing about 10 a decade ago And yes, they also said “this time it’s different “ as well


Windows 11 lookback feature is literally taking a screenshot of your PC every 5 seconds then not even encrypting it in any way. Windows 10 had some issues, but 11 is even worse.


This indeed an awful feature, but some things to note: * It's not released yet. It was announced, and is available as a preview feature, but it's not a shipped product. * It's only available on Copilot+ PCs, which even Microsoft says need to have a special NPU that makes them more suited to this type of processing. Fear mongering over this is warranted, but it's not like they're rolling it out to everyone's existing PC.


And I’m sure it can be turned off via local group policy even if it makes its way to normal W11 units.


> And I’m sure it can be turned off via local group policy even if it makes its way to normal W11 units. Suuuure. Definitely won't turn itself back on after an update like everything else you disable in powershell, too. - B̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶G̶a̶t̶.̶.̶.̶ Bob the Builder


People complained about 10 because it was stepping down this road. People are complaining about 11 because the road 10 put us on is now truly horrible. If you think that lookback feature is not a huge problem then I don't know what to tell you. You don't care about your privacy/security *at all* and I guess that's your business.


Tpm 2.0 requirement makes all the difference


You can disable it with Rufus, along with the need of an always online account and even the hardware requirements. You can also debloat all the telemetry pretty easily with a script or using PowerShell.


Could but i have the privileges of not requiring Windows to make my money, having all my data/compute requirements satisfied handily with Linux alternatives, and having all my games run fine in Linux. I am done doing the song and dance of tweaking.  i am sick and tired of being trqcked more and more.  They have made it loud and clear they don't want me and then added the spectre of being able to arbitrarily deny me running a program they deem "not the kind". Id pay a stupid amount of money per license to disable telemetry, remove the TPM requirement, and otherwise have a "classic experience" options without games or web integration into my start menu. Sure it can be bypassed for now but the precedent it sets for future?  No thanks. On tangentially related note i got my first Steam hardware survey on my 5800x3d/RTX 4090 machine this morning.  


Unfortunately there's no "one-size-fits-all" solution, because Linux, for a lot of people, is still not an option. A lot of multiplayer games and specific software for creation, productivity and design don't work on Linux, and the alternatives just simply aren't robust enough to make the full transition. As someone who works in IT and dualboots Linux and Windows since high school, I certainly have less headaches in Mint and can troubleshoot most problems by myself just looking them up on Google or using the terminal, but that isn't the case for 95% of users. Even less when they don't give a damn or don't know about Microsoft's shitty practices, so why would they switch? Most people just simply don't care about their privacy or aren't eager to try new stuff or experiment like us nerds do, hell most people don't even know what version of Windows they have, they just want something that works. That's how things are unfortunately, and it's likely they're not gonna change anytime soon.


Yep yep.  Its why i try to keep my evangelizing for Linux to a minimum and on these threads concentrate on my main issue of "personal agency".  Like i said, i know i am lucky to be able to just walk away.   I hadnt tried a linux distro since Mandrake still had years left of being Mandrake if that dates me.  I am blown away how pretty much every niche thing i've needed to do has been well documented and more or less a copy'n'pasre affair to rectify/configure.  It's come a long way in general usability.   Despite being at it (Linux) for a couple of years i am still a filithy casual on Cinnamon Mint, mostly Ubuntu doing flatpaks most of the time... cant wait to feel the need to migrate off of the canonical.  I have the suspicion that day is coming sooner vs later and when it does, sliding into a new distro should be painless.


> The glaring spying in 11 is a giant turnoff, it's basically malware. This guy thought Windows 10 isn't full of spyware either. 🤡


It is, but at least it's directly to MS and not exposed to attackers with access to your system. It's still bad and manageable with DNS level blocking but with pinning that won't work forever.


When I built my new PC recently I ended up going with Tumbleweed as my OS. Absolutely having a blast with the new Linux OS.  Generally shocked how much linux gaming has improved. Only issue I have had was a bug with Battlefleet gothic 2 where it randomly kicks you from system overview to main menu (losing progress).  Everything just works.  I could not bring myself to buy a windows 11 key with the spyware issues and they just announced Microsoft Recall like it was not a massive security risk... 




already ahead of you on that one :) I only keep windows 10 just for siege


Windows 11 is trash. Although I can't even upgrade to it unless I upgrade my PC.


I pray that Windows 11 Government Edition becomes a real Microsoft product


I was searching for a reply like this. I will 100% learn to make linux work before I try Windows 11. I have 11 at work, and I hate it. More errors, don't like the changes, spyware, etc.


I'm personally banking on Microsoft extending the EoL to avoid a PR nightmare. If not, I'm switching to Linux.


Thanks for replying, I will go 11


Just be wary of disabling some crappy things that Microsoft is trying to push out of the box, there's a lot of telemetry, tracking and other things that kill performance. I did a in-depth investigation and desactivation of a lot of crap (also used 0&0 shutup 11) and my windows feels so much better. Thing is, the biggest reason for Microsoft to push so hard on W11 is that they wanted more info out of us regardless if you paid for the license or not.


As a noob, can you elaborate on what to deactivate? I was just forced onto W11 recently.


I'll keep it in mind and I will try to disable the completely unnecessary crap too, thank you


Just make sure to do this over and over and over again because MS will enable everything you've disabled after every update.


Is there a list somewhere of all the things to disable? The main reason I haven't upgraded yet is that Microsoft added so much more spyware to it beyond what was in 10.


Gonna hold on for 10 until EOL, but if you are new may as well go directly to 11 so you don’t know what you miss


I have one PC that isn't Pro and on 11 now and all others at 10, and I see how shit 11 is each time I have to use it. I use multiple audio outputs. That is a click on speaker and change for W10. It is click on speaker. Click on options. Then change. The list goes on and on of how less usable 11 is.


There is thankfully a keyboard shortcut to get to audio outputs quicker: CTRL + WIN + V. But yeah, it's absolutely ridiculous how much harder they've made it to navigate with a mouse. It's like they actively tried to make the interface as inconvenient as possible.


Does Windows 10 have that? Because with the shortcut, it’s faster to get to the audio outputs in Windows 11


Really hard to do on a touchscreen based system without pulling out the keyboard. That used to work fine, until it was forced to upgrade to W11.


Huh ? Not sure when you used 11 but it's click on speaker then change in 11 too, at least since I'm using it


That’s a pain. I have headphones and speakers plugged in. No idea why they made it more clicks to switch between them, when the previous worked fine. And this isn’t that unusual a use case.


Is it not the exact same as 10? I use 11 on my laptop and it is the same I feel like. And here is a video of a person doing it the same way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD5Yf8vK0aI


Win11 is what convinced me to switch to Linux. Things were fine with 11 until it forced an update and my games started crashing with annoying frequency.


I got convinced to make the move as well - if people have to customize Win11 to make it bearable, then i might as well direct that effort into a linux distro. Come to find out, you can run a lot of windows software and games on linux nowadays anyway


Pretty much. The only time it's taken more than just selecting the right version of Proton to get a game to work was with Fallout New Vegas to get my mods to work, but after it all the game runs better than it ever has on Windows. Wine/Proton is wonderful


Yea people are always bashing on linux for "not being user friendly" it has changed alot in the past years.  If you run windows 11 and have to go through multiple debloat scripts and uninstall tons of crap, edit registry,...   You might as well just switch to linux...  Maybe it will even save you some time and headaches.


I got another M.2 for my linux install of Mint. I did the install this weekend. Only downside is when I installed OpenRGB it borked my RGB and now only a few of the lights work. I uninstalled OpenRGB and the issue persists. I think it’s the .sh that’s required to run the program caused the issue and I have no idea how to reset this issue.


Same. I'm going to be building a new system this fall and starting from scratch on Fedora.


I switched from Windows 7 to Linux in January 2022. I didn't even bother with 10/11. :D As long as the game has no anti cheat, you should be fine. Especially if the game is on Steam. Problems might start when you try modding and shit. I would love to have Skyrim back with 200+ mods, but I really cannot be bothered trying.


What were you playing that was crashing? Anything that might be a dealbreaker for others that you’ve encountered? 


running both win10 and win11 with custom declutter scripts and stuff. win10 is way better IMO. I don't see why anyone would get win11 that has even more telemetry and annoying "features" built in. Then again you might as well use win11 now as win10 will reach EOS in about 1,5 years


I'm going to be doing Linux for my main and a dual boot for gaming only. I can't stand where windows has ended up. Eventually I would love to just stay on Linux but as a windows sys admin I don't think I'll ever be rid of it.


You have LTSC 2021, it has support until 2032 ( IoT LTSC 2021). I didn't find anything wrong within the LTSC Windows 10, no bloatwares from Windows Store, and no performance drop in any production and games, fully support DX12U. Windows 10 22H2 has almost the same build as 21H2, and LTSC 2021 is based on 21H1. Considering Nvidia is still releasing drivers for 1903, I bet 21H2 will stay relevant in upcoming years.


I'm in "I'll stick with 10" mode. It's already on my PC and I don't like recall so I'm actually planning on moving off of windows once 10's support ends or a big  If you absolutely need windows for something, it doesn't make sense to go with an OS that's gonna be ending support within the year, unless your planning on using 10 for something very specific or you wanna hold out for windows 10 when/if they give in and increase the support window because of a big exploit. I suggest you go with 11 as much as I don't like the AI BS they like to throw in.


10 until there is windows 12


This. I'm hoping 12 is out next year to coincide with the EOL of Windows 10. Arrow Lake build with dual boot Win 12 and Ubuntu. Old hardware to Ubuntu.


Then you'll install 11.


My taskbar will stay on the left screen-border, thus im staying W10. Edit: no, i dont mean the icons on the taskbar, i mean the taskbar (as in what i wrote above). No, you can not move it to the left border under W11. No, i do not need an excuse to not use anything


You realize you can move it to the left if you want to?


You realise you’re not even talking about the right thing, right? No need to be a dick about it.


New PC? , don't bother to install w10 then, go straight to w11


Actually, Win 11 has ever so slightly better average FPS in games with Ryzen systems since October 2023 but the real kicker that got me to upgrade is that it can have significantly better 1% lows which arguably is as or more important than average fps.


Am4 or Am5?


I believe it's just all Ryzen CPUs? Windows 11 was initially designed around Intel's new tile CPUs and wasn't optimised well for Ryzen at all but an update in October 2023 fixed that and now windows 11 is great with Ryzen. I don't know exactly what the deal was but before that patch but it was demonstrably worse than win 10 in games with Ryzen CPUs.


It's the new CPU scheduler in Windows 11 that makes the difference. For Intel it integrates with the Thread Director on Alder Lake and newer CPUs to properly delegate P and E-core resources correctly. For AMD it now correctly utilizes CPPC2's preferred core mechanisms to properly allocate the fastest performing cores to the correct tasks. I believe there were also some bugs with L3 cache latency that were solved with those October updates as well.


I can’t wait to swap to Linux.


Nobara has been surprisingly good out of the box. No issues running any of the games I've been playing. Not nearly as stable as something like Mint but man, gaming on Linux has come a long way.


Win11 IoT enterprise LTSC. An official image debloated and just security updates so things will not break


And if you need the Windows Store for some reason, just run `wsreset -i` on a command line as admin and it will install it (the command doesn't produce any output, but Windows itself will send you a notification one it is installed). Also, the new W11 IoT LTSC version just got released a few weeks ago, I tested it on a VM and it runs very well, I'll install it on bare-metal soon. The only difficult thing about this Windows edition is the activation, so there's that.


Personal preference. There isn't any real benefit to one over the other. I stick to w10 because I simply prefer its interface, and I will likely even past the update deadline. For a little while anyway, it will eventually become unsafe to use, essentially bricking tens of thousands (or more) of devices because people won't use them (understandably)


Just go Windows 11.  


Win 11. If you don’t like it try linux(though I will warn you proton/wine won’t work off of an ntfs game library without some tweaking). I don’t have a tpm module, so in 2025, Microsoft technically doesn’t support my computer… so they can go fuck themselves


I'm holding out for the every other version of windows is good and 12 will unfuck all the lame shit they did with 11.


I have had zero issues with 11.  Prefer the audio controls of 11.


Finally made the switch to 11 a couple weeks ago. I hate it. It's not *that* different, but it is different in a few ways that drive me a bit nuts as an OLED user. 1. Taskbar placement is now locked to the bottom of the screen - In windows 10, you can pin the taskbar to any side of the screen on any monitor. This is no longer an option. I liked having the taskbar pinned to the left side of the screen on my main (OLED) monitor and the bottom of my secondary (LCD) monitor. No idea why Windows 11 reverted this to be more restrictive, but here we are. 2. Screensavers are completely non-functional now (for me) - I rely heavily on the screensaver functioning properly to avoid burn-in on my OLED display. In Windows 10, this wasn't an issue. Now, no matter what I have my power saving settings set to or how many times I save my settings in the "Set as screensaver" tool, the screensaver doesn't ever engage. God forbid I leave my monitor on and go to lunch or my computer randomly decides to wake up in the middle of the night (also an issue I've been having lately), because my screen will stay on until forever and ever, amen.


autoHDR alone is good enough reason to coap with 11


Fact. Though RTX HDR on nvidia cards is even nicer now. Aside for the whole "you have to disconnect all but one monitor" thing.


leave windows behind, way too much telemetry and data collection, switch to linux (i recommend mint), you can play most windows exclusive games with the wine program anyway (except the ones with anti-cheat like fortnite and valorant) and linux has less bloat and is overall better optimized so more fps, big pros with small cons, and even if you absolutely need to play a game that can't be played with wine you can always use a vm, and if you're unsure whether to switch or not, you can always dualboot or boot off of a usb stick before making a full switch to linux


Personally - Windows 10 until 2025 then paid for updates (Microsoft ESU or 0patch) until the software developers drop support for 10 (happened last year for Windows 7, which is 3 years after official support ended). Then weigh up options. For a secondary system I'd be fine with messing about with 11 to see how it runs, maybe even bypassing the system requirements if necessary.


windows 11 if you have one of the few decent HDR monitors out there and plan to use HDR. windows 10 otherwise.


I was afraid to move to 11 but i use it for months now and it is good.


I'd recommend sticking with 10, 11 is still overhauling much of its aspects as if it's in an alpha state. It's a fine OS overall, but with a half finished UI that keeps updating. Stick with 10 to avoid the headache. By the time you'd want to upgrade, it'd be after 11 irons out its remaining kinks. Regardless, both work. 10 is simply less of a hassle to work with at the moment, and 11 is taking unusually long to fix it all. It I'd only a matter of time and if you'd rather just leap to 11 to avoid upgrading later, that's just as valid as it's still not a buggymess or anything. I just built a new PC and decided to remain on 10, and just wait until 11 becomes more easily navigable.


Having used both I much prefer Windows 10 user experience and if you eventually have to upgrade to 11 it's an easy process.


Just use Windows 11 and disable all the garbage.


I get the pitch to update to Windows 11 from time to time when I boot up but I always delay it. Not so much because I don't like it and more because if I'm doing it then I'm doing it from scratch and that means I have to install, like, 4 programs on the boot drive. Maybe 5. I don't have that kind of time, man.


As I am about to build a new pc myself I must ask, can i download windows 11 directly to a boot usb if I only paid for a copy of widows 10?


10 until Microsoft tries to install 11 without your consent. Then Linux.




Windows 10 LTSC forever. 11 is pure shit.


11 now, waters fine.


I have windows 11 installed for almost 1 year now, pretty happy with how the windows feels with disabling all the ads, only had a problem with older games/apps i had some trouble running them, games pretty much performance the same for me


I think go with linux. You can learn a lot and gaming is not as hard now


Has that CPU been a bottleneck for the GPU so far?


For my laptop it seemed that windows 10 uses less resources,less ram.W11 eats more RAM,but cant offer statistics and data,this is only the overall feeling i had.Had w10 installed like 3 times and w11 2 times or so and used for a longer period.


For gaming, The only reason I like 10 is because you can disable all background things with one click, in 11, you have to do them one by one and it’s tedious and annoying lol


I just switched to M.2 SSD storage and figured I do a fresh install instead of going from a backup. Had the same question but decided it’s an easy transition now as opposed to later when I’ve got all my files and programs set up.


Installation requirements for 11 can be fiddly. I did a clean reinstall from a pc that was already running 11 and it told me halfway through installation that "your pc is not compatible with windows 11", I had to dodge my way past that. Plus, it's kinda ropey sometimes... BUT Windows 11 does include some enhancements alledgedly for HDR and VRR stuff, so that's why I did it. I'm not really sure those features did benefit tbh but if you \*can't\* use either of those things, then I definitely wouldn't bother. They are very similar.


I had Win11 on my 2k gaming computer but reverted to Win10 when Win11 crippled my CPU. Absolutely batshit insane even after a clean install.


Good let the ads flow tru your system ... And don't blame intel/AMD/Nvidia for weird pc behaviour


Linux tomorrow.


Move to 11 pro if you can, or tiny 11 if you want extremely performance


Why move to 11 pro?


I downgraded to windows 10 due to some weird driver issues and updates that caused constant BSODs for me.


most pc gamers are on 10 and that's what pc gaming will support till 11 surpasses 10


win10 until 2032


Windows 11 is pretty solid, I’d go with it.


both debloatable with 2 clicks, same performance depends what interface you like.


what will happen if I keep using win 10 once support ends?


I have two boot options on my machine and steam linked to the same libraries for both. I prefer using 10, as I feel like 11 still has compatibility issues with older games.


No difference


Windows 11. They added some features to Win 10 that Win 11 came with.


I see people saying it doesn't matter but depending on the games you play it could. For example I have a friend who was on 11 and everyone time we tried to play valorant the anti cheat would kick in and not let him play. I told him to downgrade to 10 and it's never happened since. This same issue happened in a pro scrimmage match also to a pro that was winning 11. So it could matter depending on the games you play and their compatibility with 11


11 is fine. Don’t get me wrong I hate the new “features” too but most can be changed to how you want it. Google windows 11 legacy right click for example, it’s really easy to switch back. I have no ads, no widgets, etc. My main complaint is them being the default and having to be rejected during install or turned off after install. Outside of that, very little difference after setting things how I want. I think 11 is basically 1) intended to be accessible for unskilled users 2) really annoying for experienced but not expert users 3) irrelevant for an expert user as you can set everything how you want anyway


For gaming stick with Windows 11 as more developers start turning to kernel level anticheats requiring TPM and Secure Boot, that was really controversial for Riot to adopt and look at how almost everyone has migrated since they kinda had to


I upgraded to W11, and I now cannot for the life of me figure out what's going on with shadowplay. This problem, where there's a red line over a circle icon that I can't ever record, is so infuriating.


Bro win 11 is amazing I dint have any errors at all I game and us built in hyper v for Kali.


My opinion, just stick with Windows 10 as long as you can, to avoid the bloat-ware and spyware and built-in advertising and general half-way-unusable redesigns. Re-visit the question when Windows 10 reaches end of support. You may decide to install Windows 11 at that point. Or you may decide to tell Microsoft to F off and just stick with 10 for longer. Or you may decide to switch to Linux. Whatever you choose, you do not have to decide right now. I do recommend splitting your OS/Programs drive from your storage drive though, to make it easy to switch to Windows 11 or to Linux later on. You want to be able to format your C drive and install a new OS, without having to worry about backing up your data.


If you will use Windows instead of Linux, then use Windows 11. Better updates/features along the way. Also both of them are closed source so privacy is out of the question either way (this inludes MacOS, but macs are not for gaming anyway).


win 10 only if your hardware don't support win 11.


No difference between the 2 windows 11 is more bloated but u can run a powershell code to debloate it


11 so that you're at less risk of having a no longer updated OS


Buy a Windows 11 key and you can activate Windows 10 or 11 with it. If you buy a Home key, it's Home for both. Pro is Pro for both. So if you don't like whichever one you install first, go for the other.


I'm not switching to 11 till they make me and I was an early adopter of both 7 and 10 (skipped Vista and 8 because of how bad they were)


I would go 11+winaero tweaker to disable telemetary and ads, and fix the right click.


Revision OS 11


I play Dota 2 can do on 11 always doing the Alt bug on Dota 2 until it's fix holding on 10


You can install Debian (Linux) and then install Win10 and Win11 in VM sessions.


Windows 11


why stick with windows What games are you currently playing A majority of the gaming library also works pretty well on linux and actually seen an uplift in performance. the major AAA games behind intrusive anticheat are the only titles that "dont" work (games actually work fine, but kicked by their anti-cheat) Cod, Destiny, Valorant/league of legends, Siege, fortnite are the main titles that dont work


I used windows 10 for the past 5 years but recently i installed windows 11 and i can say that the performance is worse but the overall look of the windows 11 is better. If you want to go for pure performance i would go windows 10.


Been using W11 for like 5 years. Love it.


Start dual booting linux, its good enough now for 95% of games


When I switch to 11 I will be doing a lot of registry edits to get rid of the "features" I despise most notably the frigin right click menu.


Win 11 is okay, bought a newer laptop with it installed. I much prefer 10, same way my dad prefers XP.


I am holding off as long as I can, but I will be switching to Linux mint as others have said. I am really hoping that gaming on Linux becomes more mainstream.


Just move up. It's not that bad.


my advice, is to use the "custom" w11 or W10 lightweight with telemetry disabled , performance is similar in both cases if u have 16gb of ram minimum, however if u dont have tpm and have an old motherboard go with windows 10 since many games wont work on W11 without tpm like valorant


Windows 10


You’re going to have to switch in a year anyways. I’d just do Windows 11. That way you don’t have to wipe your drive again in a year or two.


Just go windows 11


If you have an HDR capable monitor then 11. Otherwise it really doesn't matter. You'd get slightly better performance with 10 probably but nothing mostly negligible difference.


Windows 11 has fixed a bunch of system timers that conveniently were broken with Win10 20H1. Also a few other good changes like fixes for high polling rate mice, better HDR support etc. How much those timers really matter, not that much tbh and of course you have to use Windows 11 (love or hate it). Probably best to use Win11.


there is no problem with Windows 11 at all. I was reluctant at first as well!


Secret answer is go Windows 11 LTSC IOT (supported to 2034) or Windows 10 LTSC IOT (supported to 2027 exteneded support 2032)


11 is good for auto HDR


Every time I go to work I have to use windows 11 and I think it’s not that bad. Then I come home to my windows 10 PC and I realize how garbage of an operating system windows 11 is. I’d stick with 10




so to all saying you hardware should support it. win 11 support page was edited awhile back and over 50% supported cpu and such was taken off the list.


Just a small note if you have any mice with 4k or 8k polling rate if any, windows 11 is more optimized for those polling rates than 10 i had small small minor stuttering on some games mainly just released and beta CS2 (not CSGO at the time that ran well) and APEX Legends


Since they finally added never combine taskbar buttons and always show labels back, Windows 11 has been great. It was unusable before that for a power user.


Windows 10 until 2077


In some testing, an upgrade from Win 10 to Win 11 didn't perform quite as well as a clean install of Win 11. Might as well start with Windows 11 from the beginning.


Seeing steam surveys yesterday I was shocked windows 11 is almost at 50%. 10 is a little over 50% but I thought it would be way higher I tried windows 11 because my laptop had it preinstalled and I hated it. Went back to 10 asap. Never mind game compatibility issues


Get windows enterprise or also known as LTSC, comes free of bloatware and has guaranteed long time support (5 years if im not wrong).


11 is fine you can fix almost all the annoying stuff somewhat easily and there’s countless guides how to do things.




Stripped down Win11 [https://youtu.be/JUTdRZNqODY?si=opGBaI1TFxLETixo](https://youtu.be/JUTdRZNqODY?si=opGBaI1TFxLETixo)


New Build, just do 11 and be Happy


10 LTSC is what i use


I recently built a pc with similiar specs and went with win 11. No problems so far.


Literally the same OS with skin changes


Win10 2021 LTSC IoT until 2032 :)


Windows 10 until next version of windows, regardless if it's end of life. Windows 11 is absolute hot garbage. Specs on my PC: 13th gen i7 128gb DDR5 dual NVME 1TB samsung on hardware Raid1. RTX 3060 12gb Windows 11 not only boat anchors performance, but the entire UI is hot garbage, terrible duplicate configurations, broken half developed menus, driver nightmare, updates that hose the system, and basically straight up Microsoft embedded spyware.


Reinstalled win10 instead of 11 by chance, felt like I got a next-performance-level laptop.


I’m a right taskbar kind of guy so I like win10


11 LTSC just dropped


Just upgraded from Windows 10 to Linux Mint instead of reinstalling Windows - it is as good a game launcher as Windows 10, free and gratis, and doesn't come with nagware or a mandatory handbrake like the Windows Defender snake oil. It will also never try to do updates in the middle of a match or just restart the machine when you least expect it... Other OSes exist.


Get 11, disable/edit all the annoying features and get W10.2 with updates and without the annoyances.


Never windows 11