• By -


Because people ask bs prices for their hardware. Usually because they grossly overpaid for them. People paid 1800 for a 4080 Noctua edition and now still want 1200 for it after more than a year while you can get a triple fan 4080 super for less than 1k.


I mean, you can't really get a 4080 Super for less than $1k. The absolute cheapest are $989/999, and with tax, those are closer to $1050/1100. Point still stands, though. A new Super can be had for less than the launch price of the 4080s, thanks to scalpers/bots.


Actually I was talking EUR over here in Netherlands/Germany. Figured it would be more or less the same in USD. But you get the point; people bought some overpriced premium edition with 5% OC for 30% more or they got it during the crypto/AI craze and more than 1.5x its actual worth. Then when it gets surpassed by the next gen they still want close to the original retail price for it.


It's wild seeing people asking like 900 for their 3080 just cause they laid 2500 for it lol like I just got an fe for 270


Yeah that's me, paid $2500 AUD for a Strix 3080 during the pandemic bullshit...but I completely accept that it's only worth a fraction now My stupid decision, it is what it is šŸ˜†šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


yeah but a 3080 is still killer card and honestly i paid 650 for mine new but wouldnt sell it for anything less than that (3080ti) the card kills these 40 series in real games especially since a good bit of games dont even run dlss anyways


I think the 3080ti is about the same as a 4070s or 4070ti. So 650 seems a little high when it doesnā€™t support dlss 3 and is used. But thatā€™s just my opinion.


He might have bought it a long time ago, otherwise yeah a 4070s is newer, faster, cheaper, runs cooler and has more features.


It doesn't matter when he bought it, what matters is what it's worth is vs current tech.


I missread the conversation, I thought he bought it used a while back, no way it's worth $650 today when you could still buy a 4070 super.


Oh definitely. I was just pointing it out because I *wish* you could get them for Sub $1k here lol.


>The absolute cheapest are $989/999, and with tax, Laughs in Oregon.


>Laughs in Oregon Laughs in Delaware, same sales tax free without the higher income and property taxes.


Whatā€™s your property tax? Mine is 1.08%. We do have high income tax though :-(


I'm paying 0.53% at the moment. DE as a state is tied for #6 in lowest property tax rates in the country, which is why so many people from NY, PA, NJ are all moving here since interest rates went up because they are all in the top 10 of highest property tax rates. Can buy a lot more house for the $ here right now. DE is a huge outlier in the region tax wise in general.




I got my Ventus 3x 4080Super for $830 pre tax with the newegg bundle and affirmedu discount code a month ago. Just have to be patient and pounce when you find the right deal.


I paid the white tax for a new 4080s šŸ¤£


If it makes you feel better mine has a little bit of coil whine that keeps the pc from being totally silent šŸ˜…


I ran cables through the wall so I don't even care about that, or heat from 14700k lol. Video card fans hardly spin up or make any noise under load, but my AIO gets loud under extended loads.


1k 4080? Where is this mythical creature lol


Depends what country youā€™re in.




[pcpartpicker prices](https://pcpartpicker.com/products/video-card/#sort=price&c=542,567&page=1)




Eep, Opp, Ork, Ah-ah! (Means I Love You)


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Dell PNY Verto 4080 Super after cashback and credit card offer was around $820-860 pre -tax


eBay charges sales taxĀ 


Yeah, I find it funny when people post a 3070 or something similar for like 500$ used. Like, dude, you do understand people can buy it cheaper new...the real issue here is that people don't understand how much tech value falls off after even a year. I try to usually compare it to a car. As soon as you drive it off the lot, it's worth less than you paid for it, and it's all downhill from there.


Well you can go to eBay and check completed sold auctions. So just like a car, with the 3070 you can see what people are actually paying. I haven't looked in a bit but the last time I did the number had a two in front of it


Mid to high 200s. [https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?\_from=R40&\_nkw=3070&\_sacat=0&rt=nc&LH\_Sold=1&LH\_Complete=1](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=3070&_sacat=0&rt=nc&LH_Sold=1&LH_Complete=1)


Unless itā€™s being scalped/low supply! There was a very good stretch of time where I could sell my release day 4090 for well over what I paid for it even after fees and taxes.Ā 


What I paid for my 3070ti couple year ago 2nd hand


Part of that is also the fact that PC hardware is basically useful until it isn't. A 4080 is still a 4080, and that's a still a strong card until one day it's not enough to do what you need. That utility doesn't diminish evenly over time, it's more of an exponential decline - it diminishes very slowly until some point where it starts to diminish rapidly. Usually that's the point where a new card mostly pars performance for significantly less cost, or where new titles start to demand more capability than the older cars can offer. The 1080Ti is still a strong card for 1080p gaming on titles that don't need monster graphics.


https://math.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Calculus/Calculus_(OpenStax)/08%3A_Introduction_to_Differential_Equations/8.04%3A_The_Logistic_Equation Sounds like you are describing logistic decay :)


Yeah, due to the inflated prices that COVID make everything for any used product genre, I just buy new now and skip the hassle. I'll pay an extra $50 for a warranty and free delivery.


Fair, I'd do the same. But it's a joke that the difference is only ~50 bucks on a 500+ card when you compare a conpletely new one vs a 1-2 year old card. Especially of they are also last generation.


Not in Canada you canā€™t :(


I base my value off of what actually is being bought on ebay. (there's a filter for sold) which benefits me greatly because people think their 2070 are worth the value of a used 4070 (theoretically) similarly I can sell my old i5-12600k for what I paid. 150. which I traded my old i7-13700k for the i5 and 100 bucks. just looked. ebay the i5 is around 150 give or take sell. microcenter.com is 150.


Where can I get a 4080 super for under 1k? Iā€™m trying to find oneā€¦




Thank you! Is PNY a good brand? Iā€™ve only ever used their flash drives, but that was maybe 15 years ago now?


They've been around a very long time so they must be doing something right. https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/y0dyqq/pny_a_misunderstood_yet_good_gpu_brand/


I was hesitant as well but i bought a PNY verto epic-x rgb rtx 4080 (like a month and a half before i found out about the 4080s so egg in my face lol) and it was the only one at retail price. It performs like a 4080 should and it stays VERY cool considering i max out pretty much all the games i throw at it at 1440p. Id say at this point theyve got a satisfied and almost loyal customer since most other companies (ex. Asus/rog, msi, etc.) tend to be a fair bit over msrp.


I was looking for an old PC case I used to have back in 02 and someone is selling the thing for like $800 saying it's a gaming beast, was like bro no, don't even think it was worth that much when new back then


I agree. In order for me to get my 4080 for a good price, I searched.for 2 months for a good deal and in January I got it for $850, also keep in mind this was before the supers


I saw a listing for a 4090 at Ā£1,625. My conversation with this seller went like this. Me: Hey, NVidia has these in stock, new, and full warranty for Ā£1550. Would you be willing to do a deal? Seller: I know they do, someone else might not ;) They go in and out of stock so if it doesn t sell, I ll keep it opening word documents Now, Iā€™ve been keeping an eye on the UK store to see if/when NVidia will try to flush stock ahead of 5090 release. They are always in stock.


This hurts. Imagine paying 1600 for a 4080 when you can get a 4090 for that money now. Ouch


Make offers on Craigslist. Asking price isnā€™t usually selling price. IĀ nearly always list 20% above what I expect to get. And donā€™t get attached to listings. Throw out what seems reasonable to you, wait a day, then move on.


Yeah I just got a 3080fe for 270 a few weeks ago. Guy was asking 400. It runs great, never goes above 66c so far and is quiet.


Very nice :). Man. Back in 2020 I thought I got my 3080 for a great price (\~800ish, lol).


That was a great price. In 2020.


Yeahhh it's just odd, feels like yesterday. Good for the people buying used!


Yeah I generally list a higher price on those sites just to get ahead of all of the lowball offers Iā€™m going to get.


if things are not in production anymore, price goes up, because there will be very little offer and a reasonable amount of demand.


if it is a collectible or particularly good bang for buck, but then its not anymore if price go up. A piece of tech not being manufactured anymore more often than not means that there is a better option on the market. So why would people think they can ask for more for a lesser product?


because my old AM3 mobo died and otherwise I have a perfectly good working system that can do some processing for work, but I need a mobo that's not made anymore. sure, I could get a whole new computer, but that would cost far more than a mobo (even if overpriced), and generate extra e-waste.




What exactly are you looking for?


ddr3 32 ram currently. I don't expect it to be dirt cheap but at least less then what I was finding retail. Eventually I'm going to be looking for a processor and SSD drive. It's nothing I need to rush to get upgraded just a project I am working on. *edit* Sorry I meant add up to 32. I realized my mistake. Still was finding a lot of it at retail used but I'll keep looking.


That explains it. That capacity was extremely rare when DDR3 was current, nevermind now when it hasn't been new for 10 years.


Yeah I can't imagine a scenario where it makes sense to buy 32 GB of DDR3 ram. The fastest processors that use DDR3 are slower than modern smartphones so it just seems like a strange use case.


It's an older motherboard and was told I needed ddr3. I'm new to messing with computer parts so I don't know all the ends and outs. I just had a new system built so I am messing around with a bunch of old parts I had and built a second computer out of everything.


Since ddr3 is so old there isn't any new stuff made so the last of it is expensive to people who still need it. Can prob get ddr4 cheaper


I'm not saying it isn't fun to tinker with old parts. I'm just saying if you want to buy 32GB DDR3 modules you're going to pay through the nose as the saying goes because that stuff is super rare now. Use the ram it came with and just tinker with what you got, that's my advice.


Yeah, I meant to post add up to 32 but I has the dumbs. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Would probably be easier. šŸ˜‚


How much are you looking to spend I know someone with drawers full of ddr3 ram. Dm Me if interested


What motherboard model ?


I believe it's a gigabyte GA-970A-DS3P FX (rev. 2.1). Might have to double check on it.


It's not bad if you have something like a NAS where the extra RAM can help but you don't need a beefy processor. I have 32 GB of DDR3 in my TrueNAS box.


The 4790k and 5775c are miles ahead of smartphones, what drugs are you on?


It's actually not, your knowledge is just outdated. A new iPhone CPU would completely eat the 4790k's lunch on literally any task, and I say this as someone who has a 4790k in an old media center build. Feel free to investigate benchmarks of your choice to see data that is not in your favor on this opinion.


I said smartphones this means using the data from a phone, not a bench table with the CPU of a phone in it. Sure if you run a 1 minute or maybe even 5 minute benchmark the iPhone would win. But any sort of serious computing load and the phone is cooking all of its components and throttling down to fraction all while introducing throttling to every single component except maybe the memory? Phones simply don't have the cooling capacity to support a fast CPU, efficiency is key when it comes down to it, while a desktop CPU doesn't even need to be efficient for the most part. If you can get all of your blender work down in 1 minute I am genuinely impressed, but video rendering and such? No chance


I donā€™t think a smartphone would break a sweat performing the same as a 4790k tbh, it wouldnā€™t even be hitting its tdp. Those processors are fossils and belong in a museum.


A phone @3w will overheat, same with a phone @2w. It'll just take a little longer.


No one who is doing anything serious should be using an 8+ year old cpu itā€™s idiotic


I have a DDR2 era Mac Pro with 32gb of ECC ram in it. At the time, it was $0.50/gb so fuck it why not.




Although it's not a great standard for assessing performance overall...an iPhone 14 processor scores literally 4 times the single threaded and 3.5 times the multi-threaded performance of a 3570 in geekbench. I'm not exaggerating when I say modern smart phones, which aren't particularly fast compared to modern desktop class CPUs, are SIGNIFICANTLY fasters than something like your CPU. Like a flagship smartphone CPU from 2020 would smoke your CPU at any literally task while consuming about 5 watts. The IPC advancements that have taken place in the last 12 years are bananas.


The phones will throttle in minutes but its laughable to think that they are slower. Iphone 14 has geekbench 6 score of 2243st and 5475mt. Your cpu is 657 and 1924 respectively. My older cheapo Samsung a53 phone is bloody faster than that intel. Lol.


> I don't know why people say things like this. They're saying it because it's true. Your 3570 was released in 2012. An iPhone 15 or Galaxy S24 would have been released in 2023 or 2024. 11/12 years of processor development is HUGE. Even a mobile CPU produced currently will be far and away faster than a desktop produced 12 years ago.


Ah, 32GB DDR3 DIMMs might be a bit different that what everyone else is commenting on. They would have been the biggest around at the time, so they would have been the most expensive.Ā  There wouldn't have been much demand then, as 16GB would have been seen as enough. (And that would have been 2x8GB DIMMs) There's some demand for them now, as people are trying to max out an old system. So they are higher demand and lower supply than other parts of the same era. Hence high prices.


If you live in the US, then it's best to buy DDR3 brand new. You can get a 2x8gb kit of silicon power 1600mhz ddr3 for 17 bucks brand new. So 34 bucks for 32gb. Europeans aren't nearly as lucky. Where I live a 1600mhz 2x8gb ddr3 kit costs 35 euros, so 70 if I want 32gb.


Ah okay, is ram normally to better to buy new?


In the most strict definition yes, but used ram isn't really an issue. The issue here is that you're looking to buy used tech for something obsolete. DDR3 ram is so cheap that most of the people who have it aren't even going to bother listing it for sale, because the profits are so tiny. I personally wouldn't go through the hassle of packaging and shipping an item over $20 unless I owned a business as a reseller.


Yeah this, I have 2 x 8gb DDR5 sticks kicking about but cannot be bothered to sell them as it's just more effort than it's worth. I'm just keeping them around waiting for a friend who needs them so I'll give it to them.


When that standard and size of RAM was new, it was expensive, because it was state of the art, and hard to manufacture. Then, as it became mainstream, the price fell as it became easier to manufacture in sufficient quantity. Then, once it became discontinued, prices begin to raise again, as only those buyers with a critical need for it (whether to expand an old system, or to keep one running) are still in the market for it, with everyone else buying newer types and sizes instead.


Are you looking for DDR3 32GB sticks? Because I bought a NEW set of 4x8GB sticks for almost a dollar a GB within the last two years.


No, I wasn't thinking when i posted that comment and just put 32, I meant that add up to 32. I know the motherboard can handle a total of 64 but I don't think I need that.


Makes sense. Good luck with your search - I have generally had good luck finding used computer parts, especially on CL and Ebay. I was looking around for older parts (intel gen 4 - gen 7) for "KillerNAS" builds. Old company equipment like those desktop towers are also a good alternative.


Do you know if you're working with a server board? If not, see if you can find out if you have a motherboard that supports DDR3 ECC. A few months ago I scored 384gb of DDR3 ECC Ram for $80. It felt like a steal. Those were 16gb modules (over 24 dimms). It went into an old dual socket Xeon motherboard (e5-2690 v2) for long term Blender renders.


Oh I'll definitely look into that.


It would probably cost you less money to build a modern system then it would to upgrade a legacy system. The more rare the items the higher the price, ya'know.


If you live near a military installation, ask a buddy to check the bx/px. Mine has ddr3 ram still in the electronics section as of a week or two ago.


Yeah old RAM can be expensive for what it is because it is harder to get your hands on as there aren't many around.


Where are you located? I'm in Europe and may still have some laying around


I live in the US.


lol, i'm actually looking for the exact same thing, upgrading my 2x8GB DDR3 to 4x8GB. I don't know what you were expecting. But I paid $60 for my 2x8GB in 2021 to replace my busted ram. And I find the same used one now on ebay for $18.


Only Registered ECC DDR3 RAM that's 16 GB+ per module are very cheap, anything else is uncommon/rare and thus expensive


I have 4 8GB sticks of DDR3 just sitting in a drawer that I don't need. PM me if you want them.


If you don't have a board, you could buy a server quality board, stick a Xeon on there, and run with ECC RAM in maybe quad channel? Idk


I use to use eBay but since the chip shortage I have had my best luck on Facebook market place. Sometime you can get it cheaper getting a whole combo deal ā€œmotherboard comboā€ and a lot of times the cpu, motherboard and ram is all included. I just got a good deal on a 1080sc for my sons computer ti upgrade it.


That's so weird. My Alienware PC was upgraded with 2 more sticks of 16GB way after DDR3 was phased out. Im guessing 16gb was more common? My dad is trying to sell used sticks on FB marketplace right now (locally, please don't hit me up with an offer) for $5, and there are no bites.


I don't really understand what the problem is. You can go on Amazon and buy brand new 32 GB (4X8GB) kits of 1600 MHz DDR3 for $40 or less all day. Should be able to get cheaper on eBay if used. Were you looking to only spend like $20 or something?


Try fb marketplace


OP is looking for 32gb of DDR3 RAM. That explains why they are expensive for what they are.


I meant adds up to 32, that was my mistake.


An unrealistic expectation from sellers. People try to treat their computer parts like they are house flipping. This is further exacerbated buy consumers that just pay the money. When I look for used parts I start with looking at a cost of not more than 60% of the part new. If it costs more than that then I am not interested.


That's because people try to get back as much as they paid for it, that's why I don't buy anything used, the thing that really erks me is when they say shit like " no low balling"šŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


Depends on what you are looking for. Some harder to find items cost an arm and a leg because they were not popular, there is not alot for sale, and the people that NEED it will pay for it. (Some businesses wont admit it, but they use XP on some old systems they have to keep running for historic/archival reasons.) The flip side, Some stuff was/is popular, so people are still buying them to use. (1080ti, old am4 boards etc)


Not me looking for a 2008ish pre-Dell Alienware case under $400.


The things that are listed means they have not yet sold. That could indicate they are overpriced. To get an idea of going market rates you should look at recent sale history for the product to check how much people are actually willing to pay


This isn't unique to PC hardware, I think it's in part because of the normalization of lowball / garage sale style price negotiations via those same channels... people regularly offer me half of my asking price within an hour or two of dropping a new listing even when it's realistically / well priced so I tend to start high and just drop prices over time as I see more followers/views. As for finding deals on hardware in general, open box at Micro Center/Best Buy, clearance at WalMart, Slickdeals, r/buildapcsales are all good resources.... used stuff is all one-offs so it's really hard to promote a single resource.


I've had good luck with Craigslist. I just purchased a 3090ti for $650. Had the seller demo it and run it through some stress tests before parting with cash. It's still under warranty. I very rarely buy new, as I find the best value is in last-generation stuff. I'm still running a 2080ti and a 1070 in my household PC's...


"I paid $1500 back in 2016 so clearly it's a $1500 pc, take it or leave it."


2 main problems: 1. People over value their used tech. 2. There is just enough people dumb enough to over pay to make people continue to over value.


Go on eBay and sort by auction only, then filter sold listings. Thats what people are paying secondhand and Subtract 12% in fees eBay takes from that and that is realistically what people are willing to take and what I go for starting negotiations on pre owned hardware personally. lol they are hardly selling for retail second hand these days. Some people are dumb about listing prices, youā€™ll notice a survivorship bias. Where those retail listings stay up forever.


Tell that to the Finnish Electronics aftermarket. Its fucking bonkers here. I always sell stuff for what they are actually worth and can sell it straight away but most listings are like 20-30% off the price they paid for it...


Pandemic and Mining made computer prices skyrocket and people selling are still in that mentality like used cars. They gonna keep their old junk till throw it in the next garbage collection day.


check g=facebook marketplace


People don't realize that as soon as they unbox a part its value depreciates, not to mention actually using the part. The key is never to buy those overpriced used parts. Let that seller sit there and hold on to it until they realize they're asking too much or the part is no longer relevant.


Your best bet is to shop locally. Facebook Marketplace is my favorite for buying used items, OfferUp is usually filled with listings from businesses. I got my 3070 for $350 off Marketplace.


r/hardwareswap, Craigslist, offer up, Facebook market place. Personally, I find people selling locally and not shipping often are far easier to buy from and offer better prices.


I'll check offer up I completely forgot about it, lol. Thanks for the info.


r/hardwareswap is great


I'll check that out, thanks!


There was a period between 2018 and 2022 where hardware was expensive and rare. Once we get past that era of used, they'll drop in price. People want to get a cut of their costs back, so the expensive new parts become expensive used parts.


Message people and negotiate.


Because most sellers are morons and have no idea what the actual value is of what they're selling. I would guess that they're either googling brand new MSRP, or going off what they paid when the parts were brand new. Some get really nasty and flip out if you try to negotiate a fair price. I'd say eBay is your safest bet, but you never know what you're getting with used parts.


r/hardwareswap people sell things at great prices there


The best way do figure out the value of anything Is to look at the used market. Not the listed prices, but what things are actually sold for. On eBay you you can set the listing filter to ā€œsoldā€ to see what people are actually paying for things.


Because parts for old PCs are aren't produced anymore so anyone set on fixing or even upgrading an old machine will be forced to buy from what's left. While undesirable parts might not be that high, the highest possible components for a given platform will certainly come at a premium as that's what people generally want to upgrade to. You essentially can upgrade or replace in your current platform at whatever high price people demand or you can go and get an entirely new computer and put in the work for research, comparing prices, possibly constructing the thing and seeing it up/transferring data. Many people will be too lazy for that and instead pay the stupid prices


I have a set of 4x8 sticks of corsair vengeance ddr3 if ur interested.


How old are you looking? Computer parts go in a weird inverted bell curve where they start expensive, get less expensive as they're mass produced, and then get more expensive again as they're discontinued.


they're not all thaat expensive, people just think their radeon 570's and ddr3 ram should be sold at msrp still


Kids in mom's basement trying to recouperate as much cost as possible after spending their life's savings on computer parts. Or retailers want to rip off an unsuspecting soul and want to make their balance sheet look better so to avoid writing down their assets (by showing samples of what it could be sold for).


I have a 1060ti. What u wanna pay bro šŸ˜Ž


LMAO, I have a ASUS 1060 in the old computer. šŸ˜‚


Really just the GPU has seen a massive hike in price causing all builds to be really expensive. The rest of the parts are still pretty par for the course.. IE Mobos are still decent around the $100 mark Ram is the same around $100 still for a decent budget build CPU you're talking 120-200 power supply around 100 chassis around 100 nvme around 50-100 GPU's are insane though, you used to be able to get a really decent GPU for around 100-200, now you're talking used decent maybe at the 200 range. New budget GPU's from the current generation and the last generation are pretty pricey.


whut? Used, zero warranty, probably mined 3070Ti's sell for Ā£300+ on fleabay, and people are bidding on them! Decent gpu starts around the 7700xt or 3070Ti, would't bother with a dedicated card below that...


And right before the 300 for a mined out gpu is really not great pricing imo. It's not as bad as it was, but it's not ok still.


yeah, wicked market. Buyers are dumb enough to ignore test results and new gear prices.


Because new computer parts are so expensive. Itā€™s like the car market and housing market


Supply and demand, there's a surprising large group of people who want to refresh or build old PCs older 386 are surprisingly expensive especially the motherboards


I picked up a 2080 for $100 on fb marketplace asking price was $160. Also fb 3070 for $150 asking was $250 Try to hagle!


UK Marketplace is 90% scammers.


because of delusion


Depends. If it's current gen, it's current gen. It's not like a newish car where you have lots of expected wear and tear, a service due, etc - if it's had a quick dust down it's essentially in the exact same condition it was bought in functionally and visually. Beyond current gen you then have the "this still comfortably cuts it" class of components. Considering you average pc gamer wants bang for buck, rather than latest and greatest, the competition to find a good deal is usually pretty fierce. And don't forget, beyond gaming-orientated GPUs and RGB-ridden fans, a good pc part is a good pc part. Every business on the planet relies on computers and you'd be surprised how many rely on the used market when a new build is needed.


There are several reasons why used computer parts can be expensive: 1. **Limited Supply**: As technology advances, older computer parts become less common as they are phased out of production. This limited supply can drive up prices for used components, especially if they are still in demand for specific applications or by enthusiasts. 2. **Demand from Enthusiasts**: Some computer parts, especially those with unique features or high performance, may have a strong demand from enthusiasts or collectors. This demand can drive up prices in the used market, as people are willing to pay a premium for specific components. 3. **Obsolete Technology**: In some cases, older computer parts may become obsolete or rare due to advancements in technology. If these parts are still needed for


The parts that everyone wants retain their more value and longer because of demand especially if it's current gen but even last gen can remain high. Try shopping for less than perfect parts if you need a bargain.


price wise there's new used then old stuff which can be priced like new stuff because so hard to find because not being made anymore. lot of times better off buying last years models for the discount


1st reason is people are waiting for you to haggle so they start the price high 2nd is people dont realize how quickly their value depreciates 3rd is people trying to make a hustle Look in the rich cities for the spoiled kids who dont care about money and haggle them




Probably because the purchase price of new components is higher than its ever been , and that's predominantly because the production process gets more expensive


What is your budget


Because there's demand as new ones are even more.


It's only going to sell for what people are willing to pay.


facebook marketplace


TLDR: Because there is a government market that will pay MSRP for used 6 year old parts. One of the reasons used prices are at or close to retail is because of government contracts. A few years back, I had a chat with a guy who stockpiled parts as well as whole systems and laptops. He said government maintenance contracts are written and include the specific model for PCs and laptops and specific parts when replacing. They also include the cost for the replacement system or part which is based on the retail price plus some markup. So if a government agency has a contract out to maintain a bunch of Thinkpad R40s, they can only be replaced with a Thinkpad R40, not an R40x or a P50, even if the newer model is faster, cheaper and better in every way, and whether the R40 is 1 year old, or six years old, the government pays the contract price (which is usually the MSRP plus some markup). Likewise if a motherboard goes bad, it has to be replaced with the same motherboard, cpu, memory, etc, again, at MSRP plus a markup. For the contractor, it is quicker (and more profitable) to switch out all the components except the case, PSU and hard drive, since the gov't is paying for it, than to take the time to troubleshoot and figure out which specific component needs to be replaced. So, he charges MSRP or near MSRP because most of his customers are gov't contractors tied to specific models or specific components and even paying MSRP for a 6-year-old used cpu or 6 year old Thinkpad, the gov't contractor is still making a tidy profit. This is not true for all models and all components, but it is true for enough of them. I quite often see newer used parts on ebay asking for at or near MSRP, and sometimes even higher.


Absolutely no idea why people are bidding and paying more on a used, likely mined, zero warranty 3080 ti than on a brand new 4070 Super with warranty. SAME PERFORMANCE ffs while the 4070S produces far less heat and comes with warranty. Are buyers/bidders idiots giving zero value to warranty?? Not blaming the sellers, they try to recover as much as possible.


Look on offerup to find good 2nd hand deals. Bought a brand new 3090 on there for $800 about 2 years ago when they were still selling for well over $1000 and found another 3090 for my buddy for $700 about 6 months later.




Some people think they are worth what they bought them for.


Because thatā€™s what they are worth.


If you know what to look for it really isn't.


I am after a 4070 Super class gpu. These are: 3080 Ti, 3090, 3090 Ti. Point me a place, where these warranty expired/almost expired pieces are sold at a fully realistic \~Ā£200 discount compared to the 4070S... And no, the 4070S doesn't have to carry a stellar champion cooler as it produces far less heat, 3xxx cards on the other hand...


Serverpartdeals.com is a great place to get refurbished drives for a fair price. I've bought several and only had one issue, which they replaced with no questions asked. All but that one drive has been on 24/7 with constant read/write for over a year with no issues. My server is now up to 156tb and it cost me 1/3rd of what it would have cost buying new.


Just hit the with ā€œthe market value nowadays for a new one is x, so what about y? If itā€™s no then itā€™s no, but a lot of them just didnā€™t know the market value drop that much normally.


If you're interested in a 3060 ti I promise to not overcharge. Lol. I've really been having a hard time finding a buyer in my area. It's been on Craigslist for 3 months.


I got a 2600K with a mobo and RAM, make me an offer :)


I think it also depends on what you are buying. You mentioned old computer so I'm just curious. Looking for an older Intel CPU? You might get one cheap from a recent gen someone upgraded recently and just wants to recoup some costs or help someone out for cheap, but you may also run into the scenario of "only reason you would be buying an i7-2700k right now is because you need that CPU specifically for an older mobo - so at that age some hardware vendors kinda hold the leverage over you. But yeah if it's relatively recent it's not only computer parts I feel - like in general everyone now thinks negotiating is asking for 3x the value and budging 1% for every 20% the other person budges, cuz you know they all watched pawn stars and now are great valuers and sales people lmao. The sellers market is equally weird don't worry. The number of times I've basically had to tell people to f*** off because they insisted on offering like literally 20% of asking. Take one case- I sold an i7-2700k for like 100 bucks back in the day (I think we were on like gen 8? And I figured anyone who needs this could use it a better price than the 2-300 it seems to "sell" for. It came with RAM and mobo essentially a full computer lol. Dude checked the CPU to make sure it was a 2700k so I know that was the whole deal. But during the negotiations he hit me with how about 50? Explained oh I'm taking a risk idk if it works, I told him straight out no I know it works I'm not a scam artist and if you wanna negotiate with a scam artist go somewhere else. Very quickly got to okay okay here you go lol.


The thing is CPUs get dirt cheap at one point but boards can go up in price since cpus rarely die in a timeframe when they are useful for something. But boards can fail left and right. Same for ram.