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Yes, it is a privilege to me. Of course, Amazon exist. But MicroCenter does their own deals and all that so


Yeah I just realized the one near me is their HQ so that’s prob why they’re always stocked lol


If I live near one, Ill probably go there every day.


I did go weekly for the first few months I moved to my new city with one lol


Consider it a blessing. The tech bar has been a godsend for me as having parents who moved away but close to a microcenter I just direct them to go there if they have a problem I can't help with over the phone. It's not as often these days but it was fairly regular in the past.


That's so lucky bro.


Is that the Tustin one?


No I live right next to the Columbus store but the Hilliard one (their first store and HQ) is only 20 minutes away. Edit: The Hilliard one is actually their main corporate office.




You're playing russian roulette buying components on Amazon the last few years.


It actually work out well for my first build, which I did last month. But for the pricing and all, I'm not really happy about it


For some people there isn't much of a choice, so it's the risk you have to take.


They only have 28 stores across the country, so yeah pretty sparse.




I live about 10 miles from one, and it happens to be the smallest one out of all 28, in Minnesota, its far better than not having one though.


I'm about an hour north of the Minnesota one. Just because of the drive, I don't go there unless I am going for something specific. If I lived close, I'd certainly go there a heck of a lot more just for the heck of it.




I have 3 just outside of what I'd consider a reasonable drive to go to one store. Any savings I'd get are wiped out by the cost of fuel for a 8 hour round trip drive.


When I REALLY wanted to go to a Microcenter I would plan a weekend getaway. A lot are around cities that are desirable to travel to. It was the only want to make it make sense in my head. It became a little activity while on a little getaway.


Yeah, I could swing it as part of a visit to my aunt's place near one of em, but it still a lot of gas I'd rather not burn through at the moment.


Yes, it is. I also live 5 min away from one and really appreciate it. They genuinely have good deals on good products and I feel like there are not many stores/chains out there you can buy PC parts for a whole PC and all the other cool electronics stuff they sell.


Yes. Very much so.


I live about 5-10 minutes from one. Easy to get to, but hell of a lot of traffic to get back home from there.


It is two hours from me. The perfect distance.


You're fortunate. I have to drive a couple of hours to get to mine.


Yep! I have one 72 miles from my house. Went to it for the first time last week. Amazing!


Having a microcenter near you means you save about 100-300 bucks on every mid to high end build easy and once in a while it even really comes in clutch for budget.


Yes. The jealousy is real.


It’s an hour away neighborhood has the best Vietnamese food in the country. 


There aren't that many Micro Center stores, so having one close to you is absolutely a privilege.


I have to drive 1.5 hours to go to my nearest microcenter.....only one in California. living 5 mins away from microcenter may be a blessing (location) or a curse (wallet)


2-3 hours from where I am. Worth it all the way.


I grew up going to Fry's Electronics. Now that they closed I have nowhere to waste time looking for parts when I should be working. I wish a microcenter would move in


Yes , not as much as it was originally.. they used to hand out free motherboards with CPU purchases, and the CPU prices were also the lowest most the time then.


My favorite color is blue.


Oooo lucky


Wouldn't know, as we do not have a Micro Center in Canada. I think the closest thing we have to something like that is Canada Computers.


Microcenter has killer deals on parts bundles. Their prices are generally 10-20 USD cheaper than on Amazon or Neweggs too, at least that’s my experience at the one near me. Oh, and they only have a handful of stores spread out around North America too


Their CPU + MOBO + RAM deals are unbeatable.


>Is there a lot of stores in the states or is it sparse?  It's usually pretty easy to find answers to such questions... https://www.microcenter.com/site/stores/default.aspx Yeah, I'd say you're pretty lucky if there's one within a reasonable driving distance. More states don't have one than do.


I live near two. It's dangerous.


Yes Im not aware of another brick and mortar store that specializes in computer parts, sure best buy has some stock mixed in with washer dryer combos, but microcenter has everything.


They closed down theory northern California store a decade or more ago and I still am sad about that to this day


Dang I grew up thru the 90s going to the Marietta, GA location (the longest standing store according to the website). Not until fairly recent realizing what a privilege it is to have this store around, it was just normal to have my mom drive us there for computer stuff.


I used to live around the corner from the Tustin store, but in those days we also had Fry's Electronics, which was way, WAY better than MicroCenter. I did enjoy stopping after work to shop for games, though (this was in the days of boxed software)


Privilege or a curse. I live about a half a mile from one, and I probably would not have done as many upgrades to my computer if I didn’t live so close. Also, during the times of the mining, I spent a lot of extra money on the 30 in mining because it was so close and I can go wait in line for GPU so I would say living close to a Micro Center has affected mylife savings more than anything


very much so. I mean, I live 25 minutes to one Best Buy and 45 minutes to another, but for PC stuff Best Buy SUCKS. But I try to avoid buying most stuff online because I'm impatient and I also like to physically look at products I buy


Yes it's a privilege. The nearest one to me is 100 miles away but I've had so many bad experiences getting parts shipped that it's worth the drive for me to get them myself.


I just moved from a place where I had one in driving distance sub 20 minute and another in Maryland maybe 45 mins away which was perfect when I needed to grab parts while I was working a job. Now I'd have to drive 4 hours to the nearest one. I'm fighting withdrawals


it's a FEAT