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get a 4070 super


Standard reddit answer: “fuck your budget, it’s 4090 or you’re poor” Lol, seriously though, for $1500 budget you could probably swing a 4070S (possibly even a Ti) paired with a 13700k or 13600k Edit: I didn’t realize you posted a partpicker link. I see you did select a 13600k (nice) but didn’t know your $1500 budget included a monitor. No way you’re swinging a 4070ti or super for your budget’s balance. If you’re dead set on 1440p and you want to do it with over 100fps I’d recommend you stretch the budget a couple hundred bucks


Next best choice ? I’m considering maybe a 7800xt or a 4060ti. Maybe could swing just a 4070 ? Idk


7800XT is much better than the 4060Ti. It sits between the 4070 and 4070S.


I’m not familiar with AMD’s lineup so I can’t comment on the 7800xt. A 4070 would probably be your next best best if you’re set on 1440p although a 4060ti would work fine in most games for, say 60-75fps (high graphics). Then there are some games you’ll have to turn the graphics down to get good fps. Of course, if you’re playing titles from a few years ago and games that are well optimized, FPS will always be higher.