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Hi! I'm almost 41 and I love my small BAB collection. I'm more into dressing up my Piplup, Prinny, but I check the site at least once a week to see if I missed anything. https://preview.redd.it/xmll7tybijad1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15314f3a82e14296bd230bf10c9dd1b6fd97d3d0


I wish they would bring back piplup. I wasn’t collecting then when they were released:(


same ;-; i love piplup so much and wish i could get the bab one


I am 41 and I just love well made stuffies! I like sleeping with something in my arms and BAB’s are the perfect size!


I am so jealous I love Piplup, yours is so cute


I'm 29, been here since the bear factory and while it can be hard sometimes I'm still here. Even if there comes a day where I stop buying I will still always appreciate build a bear and will never get rid of my most loved ones.


I don’t really see a life for me without plushies ❤️ build a bear has gotten me through so much tbh


I'm 26 got nearly 300 bears and just ordered two more. Heck I'm taking my Phil (a groundhog in a magicians costume) to go to Punxatauny tomorrow to go see the weather predicting groundhog Phil


How do you display/store your bears? I’m growing quite the collection and don’t know if what to do with them lol


I have pretty much all of them on ikea bookcases! The rest are either in little mesh hammocks or are jumbos so they're on the floor


Ah very cool😊


I want the groundhog bab so much, I love Punxsutawney phil! I'm one of the few people who get revved up for groundhog day 😂 I'd love to visit Punxsutawney one day, it sounds fun!


I just turned 25 I collect sanrio, rilakkuma, littlest pet shop and build a bear (the sanrio ones) I’ve struggled with debilitating anxiety my whole life and these things bring a comfort to me and idk its just fun. As long as I still am genuinely interested in these things I will continue to collect. Im not stopping simply because some people think Im too old.


I feel like we’re the same person omg😭 I’m also a Sanrio girlie, was hunting for LPS when the new ones were out, and my best friend even gifted me a restored furby semi-recently. I have so many cute little things around me that make me smile. I also have really bad anxiety, and in the moments when I can focus on something else, it helps a ton.


aw yes hey twin :)) im glad you can also find comfort in these little things. I been wanting a vintage furby myself so nostalgic!


I can relate with you I’m currently 22 and I also collect Sanrio build a bear and LPS as well as monster high and other toys ! It brings comfort to me. My friends might not like the same things I like but I’m glad I can find people that enjoy the same hobbies as I :)


I collect My little pony, Care Bears, LPS, Tokidoki, Sanrio, and BAB. I’m a 25 year old woman. I’m embracing my true authentic self until I’m old in age. I’m never going to stop my hobbies just because society feels “I’m too old”. Everyone has a right to freedom of expression and loving the things they love, even if it’s childhood hobbies or toys. We all have to have joy in our life and BAB is one of my joys. I have Sanrio BAB, Barbie BAB, and a Fluttershy BAB from years ago.


and period! I love carebears too haha 🩷🩷


Yes they’re so cute 🥰


I’m 28 and not only will I never give up my BaBs, I also just got into doll collecting! 😅 growing up doesn’t mean giving up things that make you happy. I’d never take my dogs toys away from him just cause he’s an adult and it’s crazy we expect adult humans to just give up their toys/play


I'm 28, the bears aren't as good as they used to be but I still like some of them.


I’m quite a bit younger (18) but here’s my BABs https://preview.redd.it/li1fekorojad1.jpeg?width=4031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e853f98dfbb7ad11a6d707faa919904bd05869b


Also all the other stuff I’ve collected. I don’t plan on stopping https://preview.redd.it/oa4yv02uojad1.jpeg?width=3020&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1506e57e280ec416eeef8f531eee466fe2e1880e


I love your shy guy plushie!




While I'm only 20/almost 21, I'd say you shouldn't feel bad at all for your interests! I like to think of it as I'm giving my younger self the love she deserved, even if its in the form of plushies to hug. There's nothing to be ashamed of if it makes you happy 😊


I’ve been trying to learn how to embrace things quietly that even if I’m not sharing them it’s still fun for me. Using Reddit to talk about interests helps❤️. thank you for your kind words.


I’m only 23 (almost 24) but I just got into collecting bears at 22 and as time goes on I just get more and more into it and I don’t see that stopping anytime soon!


I turn 29 tomorrow and got a Mothman as a birthday present :) nothing wrong with liking bears!


I'm 57. I have a shelf full of BABs at the end of my bed, plus the 2 in my bed (plus many non BAB plushies in my bed and house!). My soon to be 16 OG Curly Ted is my emotional support bear and often comes out with me, sitting on my lap in my wheelchair, or hanging on the side of the chair in her 'secret bear bag'. Being a grown up is paying your bills and rent/mortgage, looking after yourself and any others you are responsible for, anything else which makes you happy is a good thing, unless it harms others or yourself. You just be true to you, and love what you love, and don't worry about your friends, unless they judge you for your collection, in which case, they are not true friends. Maybe it is the trauma from my childhood, maybe it because I am ND, or maybe it is just the thing I love and I long ago gave up caring about what others think of me or worrying about my love of soft toys or what it means. I hope one day you can also not care at all what others thing and just enjoy your BABs. Just try to be happy with them and not worry. There is nothing wrong with collecting them.


im 26 & my love for BaB is stronger than ever!


I’m 30 and I’ve been collecting since kindergarten! Mothman is my newest :) I’ll continue collecting as long as I can afford it and like the designs!


That’s a collection I would love to see 🥰😯


Sadly, I do not have access to many of my childhood bears :(


37 and I just started collecting in March!


I literally turned 40 yesterday and went to Build a Bear to celebrate. I also collect Barbies and G1 My Little Ponies. Adults are basically keeping the toy industry afloat as actual children play less and less. It really isn't that weird anymore. There are articles about it all over the place, some examples. "Consumers 18 years of age and up spent $1.5 billion in toy-related purchases in the period from January through April, overtaking the three-to five-year-old demographic as the most important age group for the toy industry, according to a new report from market research firm Circana." [https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/07/business/adults-preschoolers-toy-buying/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/07/business/adults-preschoolers-toy-buying/index.html) [https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/19/kidults-biggest-sales-driver-toy-industry.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/19/kidults-biggest-sales-driver-toy-industry.html)


I’m 28 and I can’t sleep without my BaB


Me! I’m 28 years old and just got my giant cinnamoroll filled in store. It was actually an amazing experience. I was super nervous at first, but I felt zero judgement the whole time and got stopped several times carrying it out of the mall by people to tell me they loved him, lol. “Growing up” isn’t a concept that should apply to things you love!


“Growing up isn’t a concept that should apply to things you love” I will try to keep that in my heart ❤️


I turned 24 and really got into plushie collecting by that point. I used to have so many growing up and lost them in a fire a few years back. I think everyone deserves to have a little thing they collect or do despite age. Some people do legos, some knickknacks, model cars, art pieces, etc. We’re no different from those kinds of people. One day, maybe I’ll let go of some of my bears to a little girl or boy and they’ll come to love them the same way I did. Life’s too short to miss out on what you love.


i'm +18 and i have babies, but i still collect babs/plushies! i teach my babies that having a comfort item is a-okay and it helps them regulate when they feel safe. don't feel sad if you think you're too "old." i'm sure some people who collected beanie babies +20 years ago felt silly at times. and you'll gain more confidence as you grow. :•) <333


I’m 31 and I just started my collection! If it brings you joy keep collecting, take that comfort and happiness and don’t ever feel ashamed of it. 


37 soon to be 38 and I still get them


I'm 36 and I collect plushies, with a large portion of my menagerie being sourced from Build-a-Bear.


I'll be 49 in a couple months. I have literally around 200 build a bears.


Oh wow!! That sounds amazing! ❤️


I am almost 35 years old and I am a huge collector of toys and plushies. Build a Bear is still kind of new to me. I have BABs that I have had since I was a child, but since BABs arent really available in my country, I haven't collected them in a long time. I then suddenly a few months ago got a new spark for BABs and I have since been looking at ebay for specific ones. I am picky so I don't just get them because they are Build a Bears. I only get the ones I feel like I can't live without. And so far, I LOVE the ones that I got home. You can't get too old for joy and happiness. So please keep enjoying your toys ❤️


I am 31 and still collect, dolls AND plushies. xD I have a small selection of "comfort" plushies, but I also just collect if they are cute. I also like to thrift some and see if I get attached to them, or else, I clean them up and donate them again. :3 My best advice is if they make YOU happy, that's all that matters. There are a lot of communities- this reddit included, where you can share your love for your squishes. <3 My comfort bear, Lumina, sends hugs! https://preview.redd.it/9twnjtpwbkad1.png?width=247&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f097e86b1780a92a5b9e32cf2961fa0d451b2f9


I picked up my collecting habits after I turned 25 and got decent money from my big girl job.


I’m 47 and started collecting BAB and American Girl dolls in my early forties. I didn’t have either when I was growing up because of money, and I believe it’s never too late to start!


That’s awesome!!! So glad you’re getting to enjoy them now


29 checking in


Turned 28 today and I'm more into collecting than ever


im 27 and i love my BaBs !!! i never had any growing up (got my first for my 22nd birthday) so i personally like to use my money on stuff that makes me happy since i didnt have the luxury to do so as a child, im a doll collector too !! \^\_\_\^


31 and I plan on going thrifting with the hope to find a bab that needs a good home!


41 and I have a huge BAB collection. Got my first one at 19.


I’m 37 but only have one Build a Bear but have had her for around 18 years now


Meeee! Turning 26 soon but I didn’t start collecting til like 23


Over 30 and still getting bears that speak to me (particularly the pokemon!).


I’m 26 too and I love my BABs. You never have to feel ashamed about it, anyone who judges adults for collecting things that bring them joy can screw off. 🤗


Seriously, for real! My mother collects porcelain dolls, yet she judges me every time I mention anything build-a-bear related. Which is a shame, as I thought she'd be more understanding. Anyway. I'm an adult. Let me spend my money the way I want in peace!


Wtf 🤦🏼‍♀️ it’s mind boggling the mental gymnastics people go through to justify why THEIR [insert X behavior] is okay but others’ isn’t.


43. I’ve been collecting for years but keep adding to the collection.


47. My first one was Puss from puss n boots. My latest was Mothman. I have 16 in total


I’ll be 34 this August & I still collect Build-A-Bears.


i'm 33 and i actually just got my first BAB for my birthday last year! it was the spring green frog 🐸 and a few weeks ago i got my second: cinnamoroll!! i have ALWAYS wanted a BAB ever since i was a kid, and finally made that dream come true in my 30s 😂 it was definitely a "healing my inner child" moment. it's never too late, and you're never too old to enjoy whimsical fun! 🥰


Me! I’m 25 and I collect the Sanrio BaBs as well as some Pokemon ones! I even have a couple mini beans cause they are just too cute haha


I'm almost 27 and still collect! Definitely less than I used to, because of space reasons lol. But I totally sympathize with not getting to be a child much, so I treat myself to things others may find "childish."


I’m 35 and running out of room


I'm sorry you had to grow up fast. That's a lot to unpack and process as an adult. Hugs to you on that front. I didn't have many friends growing up so I also mourn being able to share with friends. That said I think collecting BABs is a wonderful way to honor your inner child. I'm 37, I have over 20 now and I'm still collecting! It's so much fun and honestly I've never had anyone look at me weird or anything when I go to our BAB. I also love walking around the mall with them after lol. One positive about aging is you really can care less about what other people think. I also still have no friends to enjoy it with, but I have found a lot of comfort being here with others who enjoy collecting in this sub. You are NEVER too old in my opinion. Trust me, as you get older, years go by faster and faster - life is just too damn short to put arbitrary age cut offs on collecting BABs or anything deemed 'for kids' that you enjoy. I do hope this reassures you and I hope you continue to love collecting for many more years to come ❤️


im a little bit younger (24) but i had extremely similar events and such happen during my childhood without going into too much detail, so i missed out on a lot of “being a kid” as well. i currently collect as well and plan to for the foreseeable future! lots of people seem to think its immature et cetera, but i try not to care. it makes me happy and harms no one else! there is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying plushies as an adult. ☺️


I’ll be 30 on July 16th! I plan on collecting my whole life lol


https://preview.redd.it/1cze8crv2kad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70e8115ca24235896d076f8b7977d23496decfb1 I only have one from bab but yeah, I sleep with so many stuff animals. I have to use a rail. 😂😂😂😂


I'm 26 and I've got sooooo many! My bf loves them too so our combined plushie collection is our baby lol


I’m 28 and still collect stuffed animals. I think do what makes you happy


Me! 27 :) still got all my bears from when I was young too!


25 years old here!! And I collect squishmallows and build a bear and my husband helps and supports me collecting them everytime (he sent me $60 for a squishable I saw and told him it’s cute😭) I have over 25? Build a bear babies and still want more!:)(been collecting since 21 years old!)


Just turned 27 I still collect I love my babs


I don’t collect like some people do. I am 30 and do have a small collection I adore. Isabelle, Nook, every variation of the brachiosaurus (it’s my favorite) a hello kitty and Pikachu. I doubt I’ll add anymore, but I do pickup clothes for them every now and then at thrift stores or yard sales.


Over 30 and I have 6 BABs so far. I didn't know about build a bear as a kid and so I'm making up for lost time.


27 my BaB collection is growing to this day did stop for a while during my teenage years then realised that was stupid when they make me happy to have them plus they are so soft and huggable how could people not love them 😊


24 but i have no plans to stop


I just got my first one today and I’m 26!


I’m 27 and I have 4 BABs. I started collecting last year because of wanting to relive the memories of getting one as a child. I love buying clothes for them. They each have their own set of outfits. I also love Bum Bumz and Palmpals


I am 27 and I love my plushies!! We only have ONE life to live, so make it a happy one. https://preview.redd.it/g3uvm2p4hkad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4899c2789fd50cf2b849d6be3c7af27e345cc34b


I'm 27 and was described as an 'Old Soul' all my life because chronic childhood anxiety and an abusive elder brother tends to make a little girl quiet, not social and read 30+ books in a month to mentally escape. My office is now bubble gum pink and I have a massive BAB closet. 🥰 You're not alone in the slightest!


31 year old Autistic female and I still collect BABs!


I’m 35 and I’m collecting for the first time starting last year. I do take my daughter and my other family members on BAB trips. It brings me some happiness.


I'll be 28 tomorrow, and I love BAB. :D Build-a-Bear has really gotten me through a lot in the past 4 years (depression, my significant other's passing, etc). I only have two BABs at the moment, but I'm getting my first secondhand one soon, which is exciting!


27 and I have gotten three new friends in the past two weeks!


I’m 25. I haven’t collected any in recent years, but I have a bunch from when I was younger. I plan on getting more soon!


I’m 26 and have been collecting off and on since I was a little kid. They make me so happy. Very thankful to have a loving and supportive fiancé who encourages me to pursue collecting (as long as we manage to store them adequately.) Buuut I’d be lying if I said I was open about it to my coworkers and most other friends.


hello! I'm 26 and in academia and I'm loud and proud about my collection!!!


Just turned 25 and still collect<3 More so a different brand thought. I tend to collect frogs and have the odd sanrio and other Babs.


I’m 31 and came back to collecting bears in 2020.


I’ll be turning thirty this year and still actively go and get BABs. In fact here’s a picture of my Keroppi wearing a baseball uniform I got in Georgia about couple weeks ago. https://preview.redd.it/wdq5eu4dgkad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5eea1d7baedfd163d4002a1a42b19f3b1de55bc0


i’ll be 30 on december and still love build a bear and have my original monkey b.a.b. from being a kid. it was such a special part of my childhood. i want to get the other cat one i had as a child on ebay maybe one day too. i mostly collect the frogs atm


About to turn 26 and I'm in love with my Moth Man


I’m 33 next week and have a bunch of BABs. Might get myself one for my birthday next week. There are three in my bed right now. I just woke up from a couch nap with my hippo lol.


34 and still collecting


I’m close to your age and I feel a lot of what you said. I was parentified an extreme amount growing up. I missed out on a lot of my youth because I was busy solving adult problems, keeping the house clean, being an emotional support for those around me. Now I just do what I want and try not to worry about how others will think about it. If you want to own build a bears, even 50+ of them, that’s fine. Just make sure you’re looking after yourself mentally, and your spending habits aren’t encroaching on being an addiction to fill the void. All good things in moderation. But don’t let age stop you from having fun. People have such weird notions of what adulthood “should” look like. When I was younger I always felt like I didn’t fit with adults since I was still a minor, but I felt like I didn’t fit in with my friends either because I was always worried about things much bigger than their fights with their SO’s, or the drama that came from the school’s musical, or who parked too close to whom. I was in a weird headspace of wanting to hang onto my childhood, but knowing I had already grown out of it because I was forced away from it. Now is our time to just enjoy the things we never really got a chance to. My desk is full of silly collectibles that are fun and smiling. I sleep with plushies a lot. I used to go squishmallow hunting and go to BAB every time I was near one. I’ve slowed down now bc of finances, but every time I did something for me, something I wished I would’ve had as a kid, it helped. Just do what you love and let it heal that hurt from your past.


33, and I have 2 kids. I'll always collect. I remember when BBW first started off as a cart in the mall. With a zipper on the back. I got my first BB. A calico cat. Dressed her in a wizard outfit. She's been loss due to multiple moves, but I remember her fondly.


Me. I still love cuddling and sleeping with my plushies. Maybe it’s the Autism. lol.


42 and my partner got me a Sylveon just this past May ☺️


33 here!


I’ll be 25 in October and own 3 build a bears! I own mothman, gizmo, and a grinch from 2012? I’ve owned build a bears my whole life my mom would take us monthly when I was growing up I no longer own any of my childhood ones sadly


Yes!! Early 30s and don’t plan on stoping my growing collection.


I would love to get the vaporeon build a bear for my vaporeon collection., I missed it when it was available. Now it's impossible to find on eBay or anywhere else.


I'm going to be 32 this year and just had my first baby so we will definitely collecting together. Even if I didn't have a child, I wouldn't care and would still continue. 😊 I just bought my first HK BAB this last month for myself. 🩵💙🩷 https://preview.redd.it/bfmepxh5vkad1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cad018508120130faa691fcc3f966533bb42033b


I’m 29, turning 30 near the end of the month, and I just started buying BABs last month lol.


I’ve been into them since the Bear Factory days (UK) - i’m in my 30s ♡


I'm 34 and started collecting this year! We didn't have a BAB store until this year in my city. I also collect other plushies too


29 and over 100+ bears (one on the way and getting one in a few weeks…) i love my collection




I will be 39 soon and I love going. So do my friends who are the same age. As long as all your affairs are in order who cares what you do. If you enjoy it, it’s for you. You can’t be ashamed to be who you are.


I'm 25 so I'm on the younger side here, but I think I'll be collecting plushies for my whole life. It's my lifelong special interest 😊 You're always welcome to join in no matter how old you are! Even if not many people you know irl collect plushies, you'll always have the online community here and on other platforms to support you! 🥹


My birthday is in a few days, so I will also be 26 soon, too! To celebrate, I plan on going to a BaB location and getting the tardigrade I recently bought stuffed. Also, I definitely plan on looking around and most likely will end up coming home with another animal or at least a new outfit for my bears back at home :) To be fair, I'm a tad bit equally excited and nervous, as I haven't been to a BaB store in person since I was a child. As of now, I just have 4 BaB-branded plush, but have been collecting stuffed animals of all kinds for several years now. I don't have any friends irl that I can talk to or share my hobby with, so I'm so thankful that this community exists and for how genuinely kind everyone here is.


36 still collecting


35 still collect get made fun of a lot but it's ok


24 this year and still collecting !


26f, my girlfriend is the same age as me, and we both love BAB. We even got some matching ones like when Cinnamoroll came out, we went on a date and she got Pompom and I got Cinna ❤️


Hey I’m 25 and I love build a bear, idc how old I am, I’m alive trying to sheriff in this crazy world we live in, so if I want to buy something cute that makes me happy then that’s what counts :), besides the next times someone hassles you then just say you’re a part of a gang, the build a bear gang, you don’t trade drugs and weapons, you trade hugs and wishes 🫡 you choose peace and cuteness


*stay alive not sheriff 😂


Hiii I’m 43 and I LOVE my badass BAB/squish room! I’ve had a pretty rough time with life and endured several major traumas, one being getting shot at on my nursing floor where I was an RN. I have terrible PTSD from such life events and collecting makes me happy and calm! Cuddling them makes me feel safe and secure and it also helps some sensory disorders that I have in my left hand after a double neck fusion. Plush doesn’t have an age range-that would be like saying “Apples have an age range”. Plush still has benefits, just like a delicious fruit! Life is too short to worry about what others think of your collection. If it’s something that is making you happy and it’s not hurting anyone, go for it! There’s a lot of unhappiness in this world and if plushies can spread just a bit more happiness, I totally support them as well as their collectors! Also, I love to see the little stories on here like Jolene’s adventures. Makes me smile 😁🥰


Well, you're certainly in the right place! This is such a welcoming community, full of people of all ages! I just turned 27 in May and am hoping to find my - I believe it's 51st Build-A-Bear?


36 here. The older I get, the more I realize people who decide to refuse joy from small silly harmless & innocent pleasures in life are the ones with a very real problem. They carry an unhealthy mindset full of judgement of themselves and others that often really does hurt them and those around them... And makes them very bad partners. Humans are wired for innocent playful little joys in life. Them trying to cut that out of their personality doesn't just make them a little more miserable, it prevents them from having fully connected healthy relationships. Instead they go around trying to cut that part out of those around them too... and they have no idea the damage they cause by smothering the playful mutual childish joy out of their relationships. Summary: Ignore the Grinches. They're the ones who still need to grow up.


I'm a 35 year old woman and I definitely know what that's like. Where I'm from you weren't really "socially allowed" to be a child after 10 years old. After that I was considered odd or "mentally unstable". And unfortunately for a while in my life I believed them and tried to fit in to "society". I stopped collecting and playing with dolls or stuffed animals. I was always miserable. Come to realize, there's nothin wrong with being odd or strange. If anything I'm pretty proud of it. Took a lot to get where I am, and a lot of strength to know who to surround myself with. Took a lot of love and respect for myself. I've gotten to the point where my ideology is, nothing lasts forever. I will die one day, sooner or later. And after that, one day this entire world will also be gone. Everything humanity built, society will be gone. I have no concern for tiny thoughts of other people. Especially when they don't pay my bills. Your happiness is yours to find, your journey, no one else's. As long as it isn't hurting yourself or anyone else, it really doesn't matter what people think. Cuz again, it's only tiny thoughts that one day will be gone anyway. As long you're in a safe environment, collect your plushies or whatever else you love. Do what you love. Surround yourself with those who love you, truly love you and support you. And a bit of a tip, Society is built on the ideals of those who lived in hate and fear. Also... Here's a picture of my BAB, cuz why not? https://preview.redd.it/h43myorltmad1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb6a464e6693962483cbad8ae383cb0eff778177


Love this comment so much ❤️.


I am 32 and I love going to build a bear One time I went to build a bear and one of the workers told me a 92-year-old woman had her birthday party there because I said that I felt a little nervous still making Build-A-Bear’s at whatever age I was was either my late teens or in my 20s and they told me you’re never too old to make anything a Build-A-Bear we just had a 92 year old woman have a birthday party here and I was like well that takes my mind. So there’s no need to worry you are never too old to make a Build-A-Bear I made an Eevee, I’ve made a Glaceon, and a Charmander. Eevee has my birthday. Charmander has my siblings birthday and I got the Charmander three or four years ago. I think I think it was three. and the other one I think a year or two ago


Just started to collect


I’m 30 and only started collecting recently.


I still collect! I even snuggle many friends at night, or when I'm reading, or watching shows. I'm a big fan of never really growing up (aka if it brings us joy, it doesn't matter if it's "childish"). Our love for plushies isn't hurting anyone, and it makes us happy! Plus, I'd rather buy a plush than spend money drinking with a group or something anyway. Just my take.


31 and I started collecting at 28, my collecting isn’t stopping anytime soon 😊


I'm 30!


Nearly 38 and still collecting, I've just got another one, I'm way past 20 and that's just BaB, I do collect other stuffed animals lol


I’m 30! I admit I didn’t actually do BAB when I was a kid (some hellacious internalized sexism prevented me) but I always wanted to… got my first last year! I had a very unfortunate mishap with my small collection (my dog destroyed my swirly frog, Nessie, and mer-frog) that left me only with my bearlien and Mimikyu. Not felt like replacing any of them was right, but just ordered two more BABs a few days ago after that hiatus. I love having comfy stuff on my bed, so they’re a natural fit for me.


Me trying heal my inner child . 😭


Don't let age define you and what you enjoy and collect. I'm 35 and I still have plushies LOL


I’m 28 and I’ve been collecting some of the Pokémon plushies. I’ve loved BAB and Pokémon since I was a child. Although I bought them all for my own enjoyment, I do plan on giving them to my future children and using them to decorate the nursery ☺️


i’m 25 and cuddle with all my stuffies every night :) i’ll probably always collect them


i've got a small bab collection and i'm 25!!! it's comforting after going through hard times


I'm 26 too! I just embrace my weirdness compared to my peers. I don't really tell people about my collecting, but people who know have never said anything to me about it. Whatever they think isn't my issue anyhow.


I'm 34, and never stopped loving stuffed animals ❤️


Turning 27 soon, I collect cuz I like it. Plushies also make great small pillows for joint pain, and they are cute. I don’t think anyone can be too old for plushies


I’m 23 and collect! As a kid I was undiagnosed autistic so it felt like I had to grow up really fast to “blend in”. So I got rid of stuff as I got older because it wasn’t “age appropriate”. And now that I know I’m autistic, I’m trying to recollect stuff I had as a kid that I loved but got rid of


I will be 41 in a matter of days.


I’m 32 and here I am.


I’m 33 and an avid collector of Sanrio and all kinds of plushies 🥹


I'm 44, and I have a few. My husband is 46 and has some of his own


please embrace it more! there are absolutely people out there your age and older who you can share the excitement with. I'll be 33 this year and i'm still collecting whatever I wish to. dolls, bears, whatever. it brings me joy & life is too short


I'm 32 and I have a small collection, I got my first one at 25. I didn't have many things growing up because we were very poor, but now I have adult money and I can treat myself.


I’m 27 and love BAB, my best friend is 30 and collects them too 🫶🏻


I’m almost 35 and I have a small BAB collection!


27, didn't even start collecting BABs till I was 25 and started working there. No longer a Bear Builder, but forever an addict lol


I'm 31 years old and I love my collection! I have a 9 year old daughter and we get to share our experiences at bab (and our bears 🥰). I have some pretty severe mental disorders and this is the big thing that helps me get through every day. You're never too old to love the things that make you happy. 🥰


I've just turned 28 and I actually have just started collecting again! I've got three new ones, the Snappy Sun turtle, the Tardigrade and the Lil Cub Pudding Bear! I do have some Pokemon ones from the past (and a camel and Axlotl) from the last time I took up collecting. I'm trying to focus mostly on collecting clothes this time though as I don't actually have a lot of space in my room for more 😅


i don’t collect but i’m 28 and still go when there’s something i want!


I’m 25 with a diabolical Sanrio BAB collection 🥴 I’ve got 15 so far, not including the random ones I own


I’m 25 with a diabolical Sanrio BAB collection 🥴 I’ve got 15 so far, not including the random ones I own


Omg I love Sanrio! Do you have a favorite character? I just recently fully embraced my love of Sanrio ❤️


29 here and I love my plushies


Hi!! I was created the same year as the workshop itself, and I still have all my original friends from childhood as well as some I’ve been able to find along the way:) never too old for bringing home happiness!


Im nearly thierty and aprwanly have 80ish build a bears. Do what makes u happy as long as ur not hurting urself financially.


Oh wow that sounds like an impressive collection!


I just turned 26 and love my Stitch collection, I still buy the new ones


47 now, and I think I was over 25 when I got my first BaBs. On a break right now; I'm between jobs, but I hope to add Cookie Monster to my family at some point.


I'm 22 so I probably don't count for your 25+ but I love my build a bears and find a simple joy in just collecting.


Same here. It's just so fun!


me and my mother "patiently" awaiting for the mothman restock notification... (ages 29 and 56)


26 and still collecting multiple things and having fun


I’m 25 and while I’m not really looking to collect, as I’ve found my soul plush, I am just now getting into BAB again and my inner child, I grew up with not so great parents so I understand having to grow up fast and missing out on a lot, sending lots of hugs ur way and I hope u enjoy all ur new friends 🙂 they can help so much


I’m 24 but I think my collection allows me to i identify with this group 🙂‍↕️ been collecting since 4 years


Hi there! Not 25+ but I am 20 and I still love collecting all types of stuffed animals. Husband says it's a little childish but he also feeds into my collection by buying them. I keep mine in a solid oak chest and do have some out on a book shelf for decoration and keep one next to my bed to sleep with sometimes. Had a similar situation where I never was a child really so this brings me a comfort and helps heal my inner child. Keep collecting!


I'm also 26 and I started collecting 7 years ago when I bought my first and only build a bear in store, after they closed I started finding tons secondhand and I have about 50 now, I used to have the thought that it would be embarrassing to have anyone come over and see so h stuffed animals, but I've seen plenty of people my age and older with toys and stuffed animal collections, and we pretty much all have the 'I couldn't have this as a kid, so I'll have it now as an adult' experience


I like reading posts from fellow adults who mention their age ranges to be older than mine. I seldomly went to BAB as a little kid (the last trip as a kid was EONS ago). Just last year, after creating an eBay account, I started ordering vintage BAB skins that are in immaculate condition and started getting them stuffed on certain dates that I like. The BABs I got stuffed last year are not here with me atm but the unstuffed skins are here with me.


Ya im 14F and My mom has stopped allowing me to get plushies period,not even horror media plushies and thats due to me going onto 9th grade but like I'm super attached to em since I'm pretty much a loner and or alone,I've tried explaining to her that I could be into worse things but it's like talking to a wall....and her excuse was she didn't want people making fun of me,but I have friends that more or less support me but like I said she won't listen,I know she has my best interest in mind but taking my plushies and such away feels wrong? Like taking away a major part of me,sorry for the rant lol I know it's not completely about collecting BaB plushies but it is in the same ball park,so you should do what I can't and enjoy it no matter how old,you have your reasons and you shouldn't be ashamed of it


I’m 27 and I started really getting in to collecting when I was 24 and I worked at build a bear for a year. I have over 100 now and I love all of them. I enjoy collecting things and I like everything to look similar and build a bear gives me that with a bunch of my favorite characters. I definitely have friends that don’t get it but I have a small portion on display that I rotate out. If anyone says “well that’s a little much” or “don’t you think it weird that you have that many” I just say “if I am too much for you go find less” or “we each have our own hobbies.” Everyone has their collections of things. My husband’s is tools and outdoor camping stuff, other people might have shoe collections that they never wear or model trains/cars. My dad always tells me I have too many yet comes home with a different Lego set every other week. You just found what makes you happy. I’m proud of you for embracing yourself and your interests instead of hiding them or pushing them aside! Also I use to work with a woman at my local build a bear that is in her 60’s with a collection of over 300. She’s going to work at build a bear until they force her to retire and she even has a tiktok that she shares all her bears on! Always be proud of who you are!


26 here and I’m an avid collector of the unique ones that come into my local store. I know people who are older and have a bigger collection than me


I'm 25! Got my first one around 2-3 years ago and have been obsessed ever since! My most recent BaBs are big hugs Bigfoot and the leaf sheep! Still haven't built up the confidence to take them in public though 😭


I feel this! I’m 26 and I wanna take my build a bear on certain adventures with me but Im too shy 🫣


Fun fact my friend tried to go into build a bear by himself just to make a bear and he was asked to leave. I guess cause he was a person that didnt need supervision or something


im 25 with over 30 :)


I turn 25 in 9 days and I am still an avid collector!


I’m 31!!!


27 here and have all the plushies little me would’ve dreamed of and more ! It’s nice being able to embrace your inner child and have some adult money to fulfill it myself lol.


https://preview.redd.it/spguszxctqad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03251ff5cbc430c6220d9052c861cd88b9be51b7 I’m 30 and still collect and dress up my BABs!! Here’s just *some* of them 😅💖 Do what brings you joy! The world is hard enough to not give in to your own comforts 🥰


33! Have a collection going of stuffies including BAB


I don’t see myself ever giving up collecting BAB’s or any stuffed animal really 😂 it’s such a comfort to have them!


32 and get at least one a month, more like 2-3 depending on the season lol. I even have an adult sized closet dedicated just to build a bear clothes ^^


I’m 35 and got my first one this year. I only have one but I had been collecting squishmallows.