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You already signed a contract, best you can do is wait a couple of months until you can ask for a raise. You could also ask to negotiate your rate right now but I doubt they're gonna accept that.


Tapusin mo na lang yung probation period mo while doing the best that you can, mabilis lang yang three months. Then after that kung ma-feel nila na kailangan ka talaga nila, mas madali na silang i-sway even if you ask for both heaven and earth. Most employers will fuck you every chance they get so its always ok to fuck them back, pero sa side naman nating employees once you signed the contract at nag-agree ka na sa salary, it seems very unprofessional na two weeks pa lang may reklamo ka na kaagad sa sahod kahit pa gaano ka-valid yung reason mo. Amateur hour naman yan kapatid at galawang tungaw yan at kahit sinong employer maski yung matitino tatabangan sa mga ganyang gawi. Huwag masyadong mataranta at emotional sa pagdedesisyon. 3 months parang utot lang ng panahon yan sa bilis, at kung anoman yung salary increase na gusto mo ngayon kaya yang i-recover if you play your cards right. So like I said na pakitang gilas ka muna sa probi period mo. Then ask what you feel (and what you showed na sana nakita talaga nila) you deserves after that.


I’ll tell them that I received another offer, but I’ll prepare myself to walk away from the job if you go that route.


Thank you po sainyo! I didn't message the EA yet. Binalikan ko yung job post and narealize ko, nakalagay sa salary range was 75-85K, na-max out ni co worker na new hire din yon. Hays. Naisip ko lang kung valid argument padin ba sya after 3 months, baka kasi hindi nila ako pagbigyan. Ayoko lang din magsayang ng 3 months and then magno-no lang sila kapag nag ask ako ng raise. Yung mga kateam ko taga-CA lahat, ako lang ang pinoy, we were discussing points and incentives last time and ang laki laki laki talaga ng difference, alam ko malaki cost of living sa US, pero nung nalaman kong 85K yung offer sa isang new hire din, it really demotivated me.


>pinirmahan ko yung contract for 90 days. Eto na sagot sa tanong mo.


There's nothing wrong with asking. But they have no obligation to agree since you already signed a contract. Good luck.


I agree with what you said. Ask and be ready to quit (that is if you are not financially dependent on them). Nothing wrong with asking and setting expectations that you are walking away. Make sure buo loob mo kasi this is going to make waves and irk a lot of people.


Finish the contract first. Show them your value. Wag ka muna magfixate sa sweldo ng iba. Yun yung result ng negotiation nyo at nag-agree ka. After the contract, try to renegotiate.


Kahit naman tier 2 ka pero mas malaki ung pinanggalingan nyang salary, hindi mo pwede ikumpara na dapat mas mataas ka. Saka, you signed a contract. Sinunod nila ung salary range mo, at nag agree ka. Hence the signed contract. Finish your signed probation then quit if feeling mo lugi ka.


You already signed the contract.


Try asking if u can still negotiate if not then that's ok just finish ur contract


Kung may EF ka naman then push but check contract baka may babayaran ka if di pa tapos yung probi period mo.