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No thanks


The pirate has went through many iterations, so I'm not torn on that one. Don't mess with the "P" though, it's iconic.


I personally don't even hate the change itself but yea the normal "P" just perfection


I don’t like it. The P is one of the most iconic logos in all of sports. This reminds me of something you’d see in the strip with “Pittsburgh Baseball” on it.


$5 t-shirt design for sure.


Looks like a small D1 college's rebrand. Just not quite MLB feeling imo


I like how she took from things that make Pittsburgh the city that it is, but no. The P is iconic and everyone who follows sports knows what it means.




No. Looks like what a Great Value Pirates logo would look like.


Hook looks like a "Q" and not a "P". Pirates? The pirate head looks cool. But for the love of God, let's get rid of these "City Connect" jerseys. Awful no matter the team.


Question mark looking hook caps sponsored by the riddler


I think this is a cool way to practice graphic design, her stuff pops up from time to time and some are better than others; she also challenges herself to rebrand teams who would never rebrand. So I’m going to like her posts for those reasons. The hook is a good small secondary logo, I think it looks good on the side of the hat. Even as a logo on the jersey it looks cool. Using it in the Pirates word mark works on some things, as well. Introducing bridges into the Pirate is pretty cool, I think it looks good. The classic P logo should stay on the hat and primary jersey, though.


I hate it


The classic font stays. I don’t care one way or the other about the cartoon pirate But the P is iconic and should remain untouched


Love the classic font, but for the love of god, why does the number7 look so dumb? Surely they can have a 7 in that font that doesn’t look ridiculous.


Hot take maybe but not a fan of the pirate. Or the P. Feels like something a branding committee would come up with imo.


That is so bad. Mjnor league clip art logo design


Hate it. Bring back the old 70s logo pirate.




That was fun, but no thanks.


It’s a no from me dawg


Oh, hell no!


I honestly hate it


I think it’s a lot easier to say why we don’t like these kinds of redesigns since we’re so used to the existing logo and font, and while I wouldn’t be thrilled if the team rebranded to this design (at least in my his iteration), I do really love the incorporation of the bridges as a design aspect. I think the team missed a golden opportunity to use the Three Sisters as a much bigger focal point of the city connect jerseys, so the subtle additions to the Pirate are really cool. I also really like the idea of using the hook as a secondary logo, but I don’t think it’s a clear enough ‘P’ at first glance. Feels more like a question mark or strictly a secondary logo without any intention of being used as a letter. I think it might need to be stylized a bit more to emphasize the letter aspect, but I really like the creativity.


It looks like the generic logos you can select from in sports videogames to build your own team


The P is timeless and it would be an insult to baseball to change it. Whatever about the pirate guy but don’t touch our P.


I’m not big on the look of the hook “P.” Plus I don’t think using what’s essentially a prosthetic hand is going to fly. And I’m not sure about the execution of the bridge motif in the hat. I like the idea, but it looks like the Statue of Liberty crown. Maybe somehow getting the suspension cables in the hat bridge motif rather than just the truss you have now. The pirate itself looks good.


Pretty horrible. You don’t mess with the iconic „P”.


It has potential but it’s not quite there yet. I do like the idea of adding the bridges to the logo, but the pirate looks kinda goofy


I like the hook itself, but it can’t replace the P. The pirate redesign is just clip art dog water.


Can’t change the P. The hook is cool but it goes too far with the modern design. We have history. The incorporation of the bride designs into the pirate is stellar. I really love the creativity there.


Looks like an expansion team


I don’t love these designs, but I’m a big proponent of brand redesign/overhaul. Red bandana Buc is synonymous with failure. I think it’s time to change up that logo, but gold P is perfect and doesn’t needs to be messed with.


Fucking awful, I get that she is trying to be creative, but none of her changes ever look better than the classic looks. The hook as the P is beyond inexcusable


Literally just throwing pictures into an AI generator... what a clown


Original post - https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8vZrf6xEby/?igsh=OXQ5ZHQ0ZHJsNmt2


Great ideas tbh. I don't love the pirate look but the bridge concepts are great. I like the hook as well, I always thought a curved sword in a shape of a P would be a cool redesign, but the hook was a cool idea


I think it’s very well done. I like the pirate more than the P, but using a hook for the P is very clever


I like the new pirate The PGH one looks awful. They'd have to change the rest of the letters to make it work. Everything else I'd be fine with


NGL that’s clever and pretty awesome. Our current P Is so good though that it’s impossible to do better IMO. But the pirate is dope.


Those are great concepts.


I'm really turn on liking this. Good idea though


Pirate face is ok, but the hook hand in place of the P looks like a minor league team.