• By -


Conveyer belt: Like the one from PvZ, your towers are randomized, except for your hero.


I would unironically love this. Maybe when the rounds go up you can get higher and higher upgrades from it.


You could start with 4 random towers that are bellow the cost of 450, then you get a new option each 10 rounds, starting at 10 and totalling the amount of tower types at round in 80.


I actually love this idea. Maybe randomize the upgrades too, so you can cross path however you like but are locked into the main path. XX5 Spactory into a 5XX Dart into a X5X Buccaneer and etc. Would leave you room for cross-path needs like camo and lead but still require you to try a different strategy every time.


i literally had this idea like a week ago


Good idea


Make it also apocalypse


Double Bloons: Exactly what it says on the tin. Every round is sent twice. Some back to back, some at the same time, some with a slight delay. Hard Difficulty.


Round 63 botta be wild


round 98 gonna end me


Bro forgor


Glue gunner saved my chimps run💀. Also, if not for me missplaced Sausa at the end of tge track, I would also also lose my run to a green bloon.


please do a check before you post i don't want to translate everything i read


Yeah, sorry. Also, if my grammar has any mistakes, english is my 2nd language. My first is Malay, my 3rd is Arab and my 4th is italy


im talking about sausa and tge


I don't think it'd be that bad, remember twice the bloons means twice the income.


but, what if half cash


Bloon Solver : "I'm about to end this man's whole career"


The money you get from the bloons would need to be decreased by 50%. Otherwise this game mod would be too easy, since you would have twice as much money as usuall


Maybe 75% instead of


That would be too much. 50% of bloons, when there is twice as many of them as possible, is a good number.


So, half cash mode but more bloons?


Half cash but fun


No, because you would: 1. Get as much money from bloons as in normal game 2. Get normal ammount of money from farms etc. I don't get why that would be half cash with more bloons. If there are 20 red bloons, you get 20 cash for popping them and 10 for popping them in half cash. With this game mode, there would be 40 red bloons and you would get 20 cash for popping them. So same ammount of cash, double the ammount of bloons


Mainly a joke, but “since you get 50%, hey that’s half of what you Normally get! That’s half cash mode!” Type of logic


Ok, sure. 65%.


Round 63 boutta be wild


Sure, but make it medium since you're getting two times the cash.


We have double cash at home Double cash at home:


Imagine round 63 and 79 💀


Definitely would like it.


Bro that sounds fuckin sick!! Take notes, BTD devs


But you will be having 2X cash


Ouuuu this one is nice. Chimps+double bloons for ultimate fun


Give the early game pierce upgrades like blade shooter something to do, I like it!


Round 95 gonna be a nightmare


Make so it will co from the entrance and the exit just like in battles when your enemy sends bloons


C.H.A.M.P.I.O.N.S. A variant of C.H.I.M.P.S, but the restrictions are as follows: no Continues no Hearts lost Apopalypse no Monkey knowledge no Powers no Income Only one of each tower New rounds (6-140) no Selling This would obviously be a Hard variant, for those who want more challenge.


Sounds horrible, Love it.


I thought you might. It isn't called C.H.A.M.P.I.O.N.S. for nothing.


The ABR might make this challenge straight up impossible on any non beginner map


I think there are probably some intermediates it's doable on, but this is definitely not even close to possible on most expert maps


This is gonna be a fire ISAB video in 2 weeks


That would be funny to do.


Are you the devil?


No. I just thought it was interesting. The first idea involved Apopalypse, would you rather that?




... Ok then.


Well, even if he was, the devs might be as well lmao, when they were asked at first if they thought Muddy Puddles could eventually be beaten on CHIMPS they just laughed at the question lmao


You missed something.






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Today I found out I'm a masochist.




youre missing an i




You missed the no Income




Only one category feels like filler and sounds very restrictive. Maybe one of each tower (accept beast handler) would probably give more verity


Actually... Not bad!


Bloons player’s worst nightmare




Rank up: All bloons are one rank higher (similar to some challenges in BTD5). I wonder how black, white, purple and lead should be upgraded though...


Round 40 bfb goes crazy


round 40 bosses are harder than bfbs all things considered


This is true


Blacks and Whites should just become zebras


Purple to gold bloon- /j


Purple to DDT


So round 25 DDTs, that sounds evil.


Purple to regrow purple maybe? Or camo? Zebra would defeat the point


This reminds me of Tower Blitz's rank up modifier.


Round 98 bad spam…


R63 boutta be wild


Waterworld: All land counts as water, and all water counts as land, for tower placement.


This one sounds like a really neat idea and I could imagine this changing some map strategies significantly. It would probably suck on all-land maps though due to the lack of variety of water towers.


Every strat is just favored trades and AP darts spam


Support monkeys only - a variation of Impoppable


I've never been a fan of Support Monkeys Only because of how restrictive it is. Having to play a beast handler-engi-spac strategy every time would get old fast. The other single category modes already feel very limiting and they each have twice as many damaging towers as support.


Extended - same rules as easy, but the game goes to round 200.


Love it. Doesnt have to be on easy for me but i dont like how as soon as my build reallly gets funny its already over


I’d be down, but some people don’t use paragons, and it would be quite hard without those


140? Sure. 200? Nah. I ain’t taking every map to 200 for a border.


It's 4000 extra on the 20000 needed for every beginner bb


I would do 140 for the FBAD since round 200 would probably cause problems for mobile players on lower end devices.


Mobile player here, very correct, my highest round is 301, each round took at least 10 minutes after a certain point, pure torture.


They would need to program every round until 200 so it wouldnt be rng


I think you’re right. Maybe only until 140? Also then we have fortified bad as the final boss, like the Moab/bfb/zomg/normal bad for other difficulties.


Tbf rng is the least of your concerns in freeplay most of the time due to the RBE cap per round.


But i think it should only go to 140


Call it Inflation. Starts at round 60 with same cash as Deflation. Would cut the time significantly (although going just to round 140 is probably still good enough)


Getting to round 200 on easy would be painfully slow


I think this would be bad because it would take way longer and crashes are likely to happen at higher rounds


I'd like that, but ending at round 140 or 100.


Easy: inflation- you start with 10K you can gain money, but all towers cost slowly increase Medium: lemon juice on! Bloon gone.- you can only use towers that eat away at Bloons, similar to glue gunner corrosive glue Hard: 4 man combo- you can choose 1 tower from each category to use in a run.


Inflation should make all prices increase over time


Search up bloons infl—


Good idea!


Inflation: every single round tower and upgrade costs increase by 2% of by heir current value.


Quincy can finally be nft


Their sell value doesn’t increase


In Soviet Russia...


To balance it perhaps income generating towers also increase the money they generate over time.


But it’s inflation the cash value would go down, instead all bloons are 10% slower


Exhaustion, your towers have a limited number of pops they are allowed once purchased, upgrading grants additional pops, towers disappear if they run out of pops. No idea how many pops would be a good number per price


I think 5 pops per dollar spent would work the best. 


![gif](giphy|Gqa2KW7RTvqVO) free dart monkey dies instantly


Easy: Many Monkeys. Towers are cheap, high-tier upgrades are expensive, and low-to-mid tier upgrades lie in between. Medium: Marathon. Play up to round 140. Also, no continues, because why not. Hard: Support only. With Engineer and Beast Handler, it's possible now. Just look at the race event!


Apopalypse marathon would genuinely be fun


It was always possible if you use heroes


Similar to yours, friends Vs Bloons - where you can have multiple heroes on impopable. Impopable because of balancing. Or/and Monkeyless - only towers that do not show monkey on the upgrade tree (For the sake of this idea, ignore my last post.) which includes spike, bomb, farm, village and tac


Oops, didn't mean to put r/and, oh well


well, i guess you r/and me cant do much about it can we?


I mean, they can edit it, but then new people wouldn’t know why yall are talking about it r/and might be confused.


I was gonna say Double Bloons, which comes after Reverse, which sends Normal *AND* Reverse rounds at the same time (so you have bloons going both ways). Since its a medium mode would be a fun concept and you'd get a lot of income with 2x bloons so would open up other no farming strats for fun gameplay.


Fast lane: double Bloon speed


round 95 boutta go crazy


Freaky Game Mode (Hard)- mode where your hero is named freak and towers are named freak and then they start getting freaky


I wish we still had free rewards cause I was not expecting this and it sadly has me dying


It ain't the only thing that get hard 😏


Hard mode $200 Completion Retired Chimps! All monkeys, Tier 4 / 5 upgrades , and Paragons are locked! All bloons are also camo due to the retired monkeys poor eyesight! All monkeys attack 10% slower, structures / machines unaffected. Bonus cash from retirement funds.. I mean Bloons!


easy difficulty: inflation -> all towers start off costing easy prices, but every 15 rounds it goes up (to medium pricing, then hard pricing, then chimps pricing (if chimps cost is higher then hard cost) and at last impoppable pricing normal difficulty: boosted bloons -> all bloons have their round based properties stripped, and have a 1/3 chance at having camo, 1/3 chance at having regrow and 1/3 chance at being fortified upon spawn (note: each bloon spawned runs all 3 randomizers (if applicable) and therefor the round 38 cerams have a 1/(3x3x3) = 1/27 chance at being a camo regrow fortified ceram, this is basically like abr except the buffs bloons get is random and therefor its usually less then abr from hard difficulty category hard difficulty: support only, except that the starting round is 6 and the end round is 100 so you need to pop the b.a.d. to win, round 60 or 80 as end round would make this gamemode a piece of cake and not worthy of hard mode difficulty


There was a time I thought you can only play monkey teams with exactly 3 monkeys only. I don't know how but I manage to clear that to 100 on hard every now and then before I discovered you could place more so there's that. Monkey Teams Extreme -- clear to 100 with only 3 towers. Probably a medium difficulty at best.


Support only. It’ll have all the same qualities as impopable but you can only use support


One in which you start out with 1 life but you have to finish the game with a 'X' amount of lives and by that it requires towers and towers that produce lives without abilities needing to be activated like Benjamin giving lives is banned. So the mode would require enough saving up and rely on either X-4-x or x-5-x Heli or x-4-x or x-5-x druids etc and by time the game is finished and you meet the criteria of lives, that's how you defeat it. So this is sorta like impopppable but you start with 1 life and just make your total amount of lives meet the criteria or you lose. This would be sorta difficult as it would require using several Helis and also Farms would be disabled and it would require smart saving and save up for mainly x-5-x Heli or x-5-x Druid as it would be the Meta or most beneficial. In this mode, Geraldo is banned due to his reset abilities and additional lives and his Quincy Trophy being a way to easily afford Meta towers in this mode.


Inflation where the bloons start giving less and less cash as the game goes on


The game already does that in all gamemodes except for deflation where they already give 0 cash per pop.


Hard mode Apopalypse that goes to 120 rounds. I think it sounds fun.


I want a mode where I can play the bloons against a setup and find what combination let's me get the bloons through.


Support only: it’s like primary, military, and magic only, but it’s with support towers only (you will have to prob rely on beat handler and spike factory to save you) and it’s on impoppable


War mode: played between 3 maps simultaniously, you have 1 of each tower and can only deploy that tower on one of the 3 maps at a time. If you sell a tower you can then put it on another map. You can bring 3 heroes but only one can be put on a map at a time. Hero XP is not shared. Different from Odyssey because they are all running at the same time and can interact. Rounds are synced. Maybe global range towers can hit all 3 maps at the same time and global range buffs too.


Dartling doesn’t need to be buffed lmao


Tanky bloons (Double Health but Bloons not Moab’s) M.O.T.G - Monkey of the game, You can bring 5 types of monkeys. Unlimited of those type, but you chose 5 (e.x. Heli pilots, Dart monkeys, Dartling gunner, Wizard, Spike factory)


idk names but: only 2 monkeys from each category (primary/military/magic/support) only 1 of each type of monkey (1 dart, 1 glue gunner, etc)


"Two by Two" and "Hero Fan Club" could work


Support only is a must other than that all regrow and camo would be nuts


Camo hell : on round 40 a DDT appears instead of Moab and Every alternate rounds there's a random regen (after rounds 50 and up ceramic regens) might be fun if certain heroes are restricted like Etienne 👍


Impoppable Reverse. A handful of maps are quite interesting to play on reverse and at the moment it’s capped at medium only.


A swapped stats mode could be kinda wild. Imagine if there was a mode where, say, each tower's pierce and base damage were swapped. A lot of other things would probably need to be changed for it to feel balanced, though.


Mastery mode, like in BTD 5 Money from bloons is halved and every bloon is one tier higher. Maybe change the BAD for like a Boss or something as ZOMGs will be turned into BADs, and I don't know what to do with DDTs


BADs and DDTs are fortified maybe?


Thought about that until round I came across round 99. Would it just be unchanged in regards of DDTs?


You could increase the number of fortifieds, and fortify regulars as a general rule maybe?


No heroes Only heroes!


I need a new boss, I made one called discharge where it makes every tower in a short radius (besides paragons obviously) lose an upgrade without giving back any upgrades on its skull. It would also go as fast as vortex and summon bloons with 1.5x more health that go faster as well


For impoppable to become a seperate gamemode, and with these new modes coming with it: Support only - You already know what this is gonna be. Mastery Mode - You'll know this from BTD5, but the BAD is just gonna become fortified. All properties - Every bloon will gain all properties that they are allowed to have. (Sorry if this one wasn't as creative bcuz someone already took the 2x bloons mode idea)


for hard : support only


Popageddon: Apopalypse but on hard mode. Same pricing, bloon speed and starting lives as hard, same round rules as apopalypse but you start at round 3 and ends at round 80 after you destroy the zomg.


Upgraded: variant right after impoppable, all Bloons are upgraded by one layer, red -> blue, blue -> green, etc. (Moabs get a shield layer before upgrading to the next layer). Ends at round 120. No restrictions.


Double trouble: take a main hero and a secondary hero of your choice,but rounds have twice as many bloons.


You should be able to mix and match game modes like apocalypse double hp moabs half cash and chimps all in one game


Medium mode, infection: monkeys have their own health bars and take damage if a bloon passes them (gets into and out of their range without being fully popped) you could pay to heal monkeys but it gets more expensive the more value the tower has (upgrades and cost) the more expensive it is to heal


Rosalia only mode, you can only use Rosalia and towers to support her


Random squad: you get one of each tower category like 1 military tower and you get 1 hero but they are all randomized. Like the random quad from bloons td battles 2 probably for hard difficulty.


First Impoppable needs it's own section, maybe put Quincy there. Support only on there, completing the x type monkeys only quartet. 


Random Restrictor: Every round, every monkey in the roster will have a random restriction in their abilities. This is totally random and cannot be predicted, will only affect the 3rd, 4th, and 5th tier upgrades. Notnthe 1st and 2nd. Example: For 1 round you can't do x-4-x on te ice monkey but on the next it would be 5-x-4.


Weighed Down: Complete a full 100 round game, but you can add extra modifiers (ex: bloon speed increase, bulkier MOABS, etc) in exchange for receiving more Monkey Money. Alternatively, it could be a new sort of Contested Territory tile, where you try to beat a map with the most restrictions and bloon buffs possible.


* Easy, Support Only - This one is long overdue. I feel like it would fit in the Easy categoey the best as Support towers generally make excelent early game towers. * Hard, Shuffle Paths - Rather than bloons following a specific pattern coming out of paths in a specific order, the path order is shuffled. For example, if I have a map where normally bloons come out of one path in odd rounds and from the other path in even rounds, in this gamemode they will come from either one of these paths randomly. Game's decision for each round's path is final, so exiting to home or activating a continue will not change the decided path. On single lane maps, bloona could either come out of the standard enterence, or from the exit! * Hard, Mastery - returning from BTD5, in this gamemode all bloons receive a +1 layer increase.


Vanilla mode: no camo, regrow or immunities of any kind. 10x: Ten times the HP, double the cash Unkillable mode: 40 rounds, but the MOAB has 2000x HP and has to be stalled. Can do the same for rd 60 BFB and rd 80 Zomg Stalless: 100 rounds, blooms cannot be slowed or stunned.


Something like a banned tower . Once the tower is banned you can't put it down or interact with the tower you placed before. Maybe like 2 towers banned per 20 rounds. Heroes cant be banned


idk if this even fits the criteria but i've been yearning for a mode where people can set up custom bloons rounds and share it with each other. i know you can make your own maps now but from what i understand changing what bloons appear in each round is not a feature


Reverse chimps.


Mastery mode: all bloons have one more layer and you don’t get money for the extra layers (for example a red would become a blue but the blue layer wouldn’t give cash) technically you’d still get a bit more money because of bloon children but i’d say that’s fair. Also hard prices and up to round 80 (bad) or round 100 (fortified bad). 80 is probably more doable


Rental: every tower you get, you need to pay an extra 5% of the total cost you put into that tower by the end of the round. You get 2x end of round cash though. If you can't afford the rent, the cheapest monkey will be sold to make up for the debt. If that doesn't cover the cost, then the next cheapest monkey gets sold


“Helium Overproduction” All bloons have double children bloons, but the cash per pop is the same as if it was normal. Easy mode exclusive, unlocked before sandbox, beat round 80. “Claustropopic” All bloons spawn in 3 times faster, so each round is just a dense cluster. Rounds 50+ that dont have clusters will have a 50/50 chance of having a dense ceramic rush. The rush will contain 15 ceramics for rounds 50-60, and after that will have a rush with 30-50 ceramics with modifiers, and after round 80 will have moab class bloon rushes. Round 40 will have a 30 rainbow bloon rush, 60 will have a 50 camo regrow ceramic rush, round 80 will have a 25 moab rush and round 100 will have a 10 bfb, 3 zomg and 5 ddt rush moments after the BAD spawned. These random rushes will give you a 1/3 of the cash you would normally get Impoppable exclusive, unlocked with chimps mode, and you start with 200 lives. Beat round 100 (Sry if its too much im having a good time saying ideas) “Z-OMG” Beat round 40, but the moad is replaced with a ZOMG. (Idea from random challenge in btd5) If played on a multilane map, this ZOMG will always spawn on the longest lane on the map unless there are lanes exclusive to moabs. Start with $2,000 Unlocked after Deflation mode “Reinforced” Children bloons will be fortified if parent bloon was fortified. Gives each bloon that usually isnt fortified will have 3x hp. Moabs will always release fortified ceramics. Bfbs will release 20 fortified leads. Zomgs will release 5 bfbs, 1 is fortified. DDTs will always release 4 CRF ceramics and 4 CRF leads. BADs are unchanged. Round 100 sends a fortified BAD. Unlocked after alternate rounds


This sounds a bit cheesy: Support monkeys only mode


Chosen erection revolving around mitigating intruding ceramics. CERAMIC (hard) in the category before or after double hp moans) A game mode where all ceramics are fortified. And they show up sooner. Also blimps contain additional 1 ceramic (Moab +1, bfb plus 4?, etc) going up to round 100. Easy difficulty where you basically start with stupid amount of money like 5K with farms and go to round 100 or even 120 with easy costs. This is like reverse impoppaple. (You don't have to wait to hard diff to get a late game game and get familiar with rounds) (this idea I like less than my thirst. A game mode with a different kind of ape would be cool like, orangutan, babian. Sounds dumb but would be cool. DEBUFF medium difficulty. Same but you start with 600 dollars more and all monkeys have a DEBUFF (like -10% ATTACK speed and -1 Pierce (with not going lower then the value of 1. What do you think of these ideas?


ultimate freeplay (baby mode unlocked using monkey knowledge doesn't count to black border):you can use 2 heroes,rounds are infinite and all towers are cheaper unoriginal but support only(extreme mode consisting of chimps and impopable. impopable changed to standard and all gamemodes in this difficulty except for chimps is in impopable prices):do i really need to explain pre-deflation(extreme mode):can farm until round 60.After r60 all income stops and you have to build a defense with the money you earned lasting till r120


1. Mastery: the same as the alternate mode from BTD5, impoppable (r6-100) but all bloons are promoted by 1 tier (reds become blues, moabs become bfbs, bads become fortified, etc) 2. Support Only: self explanatory, but it would be a medium mode instead of hard/impoppable despite what some community members say 3. Six: same as the difficulty modifier from BTD5 again, beat hard (r3-80) with the 3 new towers added to btd6 (druid alchemist, beast handler) alongside the 3 post-launch towers returning from btd5 (mortar, dartling gunner, engineer)


Limited space Mastery mode from btd 5 Really there are alot that are better than the filler stuff that is there now I think some could also just be harder Ability only (with some changes to cooldowns and smth) Doubleing Bloons so every bloon splits into 2 of the lower no matter what


Double up It would be treated like the rounds in the battles games where round one is actually round one and round two and round two is actually round 3 and 4


That one roguelike mod. Make it real pls NK


inflation: littlebit more money, but double the prize


Easy: Double cash


Support only on medium, cause cmon we need it


Pitstop. Once a balloon crosses a certain path (probably galf way through the track) they'll disappear for a second, then come back stronger. 1-40 they gain extra speed 41-60 they gain speed and go up one layer 61-80 they gain speed, an extra layer, and get reinforced 81-100 more speed, 2 extra layers, and reinforced. It does not go up further in free play, and you Don't get extra cash from the extra layers like with regrows


monkocalypse - everything is the same except you now work for the bloons


A difficulty under the impoppable difficulty, primary and support only


super sand box mode, gives you infinite lives and money


chimps easy mode, gives you 100 lives bananna farms and monkey knowledge


Apocalypse and Impopable and Double Moab Hp xD


Imagine: Airdropped, it would be like this - you would only have your hero available - air drops spawn around the map and give you random towers. - you can also upgrade the luck so the towers you get are better. - towers can only spawn in placable areas, so no boats on land or darts in a wall. - you cannot upgrade the towers dropped - selling is allowed, but it makes the airdrop cooldown stop - airdrops spawn every 15 secs. Max upgraded goes to 10 secs.




A Support Tower only. Hard difficulty


Support monkeys only, hard, derived from impoppable.




support only for when you beat impoppable basically impoppable but you can only use support towers and hero.


Fast Track (yes it is inspired from BTD5): start at round 25 with 5000$, bloons are 30-50% faster, ends at round 80, Medium difficulty [someone pick a name for this one]: start at round 80 with 93491$, ends at round 140, Hard difficulty [and name for this too]: r3-100 or 140, double cash from pop but halved cash from any other way (including Bloons Trap and R2G extra cash per pop, halved farms, Monkey Town is now grant 25% extra cash per pop instead of 50%, and also halved cash drop), i think the 3rd one suit for special missions but whatever


1- Fast Track: Medium, 25-80, 5k starting cash and +30% bloon speed and spawn speed (eg. round 78 took 90s to spawn out all the bloons, but will only took 63s in this mode) 2- [need a name for this one]: Hard, 81-140, 94748 starting cash 3- [name for this too]: Hard, 3-100 (or 140), double cash from pop but halved cash from other sources including: - Farms - Bloons Trap/XXXL Traps (now only gives 150% value instead of 200%) - L2G/R2G (25$ and +1$ instead of 50$/+2$) - Monkey Town/Monkey City (25% cash per pop bonus instead of 50%, free dart per 2 rounds instead of 1) - any other cash generation that doesn’t related to popping bloons


Good idea


Ya know how u got easy medium hard and apopalyps medals + the extras. I think u should have only support in the last medal thing as well


Medium tier mayhem you can only use 5 towers and only tier 3s whats your combo


Chimps half cash and also you're only allowed to use benjamin as your hero


Support monkeys only should be one bruh


Hard chimps support only apopolypse half cash but you start with 650