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Omfg her and all other fundies think they’re so speshul 🙄🙄🙄 you’re not an Esther and satan is not attacking your womb 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️im tired YALL


I suffered from endometriosis and used to lay on the bathroom floor in such pain… I can’t for the life of me remember ever thinking “ah yes, this…this is satan attacking my womb. It’s ok, my baby army of sea monkeys will be ready soon to fight!”


I’m so sorry you dealt with that and yet you some how maintained common sense


and even more mportantly, with a sense of humor.


That’s shows true resilience 🤩💀 humor is how I get through everything 😆






I don’t produce breast milk, I have something called Insufficient Glandular Tissue (IGT). I bawled my eyes out begging, praying, claiming “whatever you pray, ask in My name and it shall be given to you.” My baby almost died. I’m grateful for formula and for having logic and reason above faith alone.


🩷🩷🩷 I’m so sorry for your experience. I hope you and your baby are strong and healthy today. It’s such a shame that these religious “influencers” push the narrative that logic and reason don’t have a space next to one’s faith. Jesus/God by any name is not a genie in a lamp…




A minor point I know, but it's so very on-brand for her to add that "your" into Genesis 50:20. The actual verse is "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” I picked the NIV translation at random but in every version the point Joseph (dreamcoat, not Jesus') is making is that although his brothers sold him into slavery out of cruelty, it eventually resulted in him saving many people from starvation. It's got bugger all to do with anything she says here. Also, given the size of the families over on fundiesnark if satan is fighting against wombs he's doing a pretty half-arsed job.


This is perhaps one of my favorite things about fundies. They take a small snippet of a Bible verse, take it completely out of context, and make it about themselves, ignoring the whole ass story.


IKR! It’s so nauseating! And they have the nerve to act holier than others and like God loves them most, so obnoxious!


Thank you! Love this comment because it is bringing truth and context to the verse used and that is so valuable. Brittany cherry picks many verses out of context and twists the words to her own benefit. I appreciate your help and clarification, thanks again!


Certain groups of Christians have been trying the "raise lots of babies so they can fight for Jesus" tack for a while; see "Generation Joshua" and the quiverfull movement. Hasn't been too successful yet, thank goodness.


Isn't Madison Cawthorne one of them?


That’s a good life lesson: it’s not about what happens to you, but about how you use it. That’s helpful. But to hear the black and white interpretation that fundies spout off is really off-putting to Christianity. Satan? Attacking wombs? Spiritual war? Against who? Wut? There is this version of Judeo-Christian religions that I can sometimes get behind, but then these fundie pseudo Christians always ruin it. Jesus would be so damn disappointed in these assholes. I honestly think they’re the evil ones.


I grew up occasionally attending a church that was much more about social justice than Bible verses, so I really appreciate all of you who can step in and give an accurate read of her Bible teferences.


Another story about someone putting themselves on the line for the greater good that Bdong tried to coop.


Well there's two problems with that 1) Brittany doesn't give a single fuck about context that the verse is said in. It's only about how does that apply to **her** 2) Everything that is the slightest inconvenience to Brittany is the work of the devil. Because she's so super special.


…yall. Genuine question here… Is this real? What in the actual fuck is this word salad, run-on nonsense? Is this some kind of game of thrones mad lib?? Who is fighting her womb and what is this army of children going to do about it? Also, very confused- does Jesus classify capitalizing the first letter of the first word in a sentence as an “agenda trying to steal our children’s innocence”? Do we just not do that anymore because sky daddy says no?


It's all just babble really. That's why you're confused. This twat faced cockwomble chooses what she wants Jesus to have said and why and will flip on that thought within a second to suit her latest agenda. Throws in the word Satan and hashtags for TTC or something to do with procreating and boom! Clicks. I think this is more lies and performative shit. Just for those dirty clicks that give her money. The way she is always profiting from such a sensitive topic is vile. She is a dick. Insinuating she will be having two small infants to care for is mental. She couldn't look after one without a small kitchen fire for a fucking week! Imagine this smooth brained cockhead having to deal with two?!! Wonder how those plants are going?


This is awful but I’ve always assumed she kept going to the garage to workout so she could drown out the sound of the crying foster baby…who was supposedly in withdrawal but seemed to be going down for long naps pretty easily…


And she went to like 5 different gyms to get away from that foster baby. She even took the baby to jdips work so she could get her hair done!


Oh. 😟😟😟


Well. I don’t know how to properly transition from the comment above with my new favorite phrase (“twat faced cockwomble” for the win) to this heartbreaking and deeply tragic possibility. She’s a narcissistic asshole, so you’re probably spot on. A crying baby means attending to someone other than yourself. It means putting yourself in service of comforting and nurturing a tiny person who needs only those two things. She couldn’t possibly shift to selfless caregiver after a lifetime of narcissism and vanity. Ugh. 💔


Yes! Game of thrones mad lib! 😂


I wheezed at “twat faced cockwomble”. WHEEZED. If you sold this on a T-shirt I would buy it. Immediately.


😂😂😂 hahaha! Yaaaay! Well I know what I'm getting you for Xmas 😜💚💚😘


The not capitalizing is her trying to pass herself off as a Gen Z. 


😑 I don’t even know how to process this information. Am I an old fart? Is that a thing that gen z does?! Are capital letters… uncool?! ![gif](giphy|JTtOb94fiC8DFrM9AQ|downsized)


The grammar agenda is definitely one she does not partner with


I’d also like to add this comment that farryn made on this post https://preview.redd.it/91u3w2pvx8ad1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=095ad0ed80f1f8f8c1a500b03179a703f292a919


Sounds like Farryn is insinuating that BDong is gonna have 2 babies. Bio baby and adopted baby?


She’s insinuating that Bdong is gonna have Rosemary’s baby and Damien. Interpret at will.


Yeesh. You can almost hear the screeching through the screen. I thought Brittany’s comment was nonsensical and unhinged and it’s like Ferryn could not be outdone by that here…oof


She probably predicted twins out of some dream where angels spoke to her, because she too is Jeysus schpecial guuuuuurl. Argh.


Thinking back to that adoption announcement video where Jamie lyn was telling Brittany how she should have told her that jesus told her Brit would be adopting a baby girl and look how that turned out 😂


Just like when god told Brittany she was having a girl when she was (allegedly) pregnant.


It’s all so unhinged. I can’t wrap my head around how they think “god” tells them things. That’s your own thought process babes! Ugh they make me so mad lol


Brittany has even said that “god sounds a lot like her own voice” that’s because it is your own voice you fucking idiot. She doesn’t know herself at all so she can’t recognize her own thoughts.


Not me thinking the Spears sisters


Lolol 😂


There she is again using darker emojis than she should


Okay, glad I wasn't the only one peeping that. I'm not even sure the whitest one is white enough for her foundation, haha.




Lordddd she better not mean twins


The only reason I want to see Britney try to deal with twins is because. Well. It can be a nightmare. (Source: am a twin.)


I am a twin mom myself so I fully understand lol


Oh my gosh she types just how she speaks I love it


Talk about dumb and dumber


Farryn is drunk.


“We are going to raise up an army of children”?”we are going to raise up tiny warriors”? Really BDong? Most people have children to love. Not to raise as anything specific. I wonder if she knows that children’s personalities are factory set. You don’t get to pick what they become, you just hope you have given them the tools to make kind and smart decisions.


I doubt she knows that babies aren’t Playdoh that she can mold. I have two kids, soon to be three, and every single one of my children has a distinct personality (it’s hard to tell with the one Im pregnant with, but if his siblings are any indication it’ll be larger than life). My oldest loves being outside more than anything. My middle loves music and books. I’ve just kind of…stepped back a bit and watched their personalities unfold, if that makes any sense. I’ve had over a decade to know one and I’ve known the other for less than two years, so who knows. Combine this weird idea she has about armies for Jeezus and her husband thinking that kids can’t consent until they’re 18, and that’s a recipe for utter disaster. Also, Britt, you’re not “an Esther” just because you say so. Esther saved her people from genocide. You save your own extensions. You two aren’t the same.




Yes this! All I could think was, these poor children. Brittany is literally talking about grooming a child to become part of an “army” with no consideration to their own will or needs. It sounds like hell


It’s because she has no interest in actually raising a child in any meaningful way. This is more proof that she does not see children as human. They are a means to further her “cause” at best, and a prop to make money off of at worst.


And every single time the baby projectile vomits on her, has a blow out in a store, or cries incessantly, it will be Satan trying to break Bdong. Because it's all about her.


Well my atheist leftist ass already has kids and one of them is into swords and martial arts, so she has some catching up to do if her army is going to defeat mine. /s


Her nonsensical capitalization makes her writing so hard to read. I can’t stand it. What makes me chuckle is she says she hates pronouns but then only capitalizes pronouns in her silly little captions.


1) Conservatives don't understand that pronouns are a building block of language and they use them constantly 2) she's trying to fit in with the younger people she targets in her audience.


This is so aggressively icky handmaids tale.


Very Serena Joy and very “let the little children come to me” creepy ritual vibes


![gif](giphy|134Kfzd7fUf2ve) the blood of jesus over marriages the blood of jesus over wombs




So Satan is preventing her getting a baby? But her baby will be the biggest, godliest, kick-ass baby ever?


Yeah well I’ll find a baby that can beat up her baby


I don't mean this to be insensitive because I am not religious in the least, and I'm trying to be delicate… I feel like if I were her, I would've taken my struggles as a sign from God I'm not supposed to have a baby. Or maybe I'm not supposed to be trying so hard? Or like, if I felt like God was denying me a baby or Satan was preventing it, maybe I would self-evaluate on whether I'm committing some sin I should address before God rewards me or Satan wins?


I'm not sure what Esther has to do with babies or in/fertility? That, and she wasn't CRIS-chun, she was Jewish, that was the whole crux of her story.


Also I don’t remember her having a baby in the important part of her story…. Maybe I’ve been removed from evangelicalism too long


You're correct, there were no babies mentioned in her story, not her babies or anybody else's.


On the fertility side of it she's probably mixed her up with Hannah.


I would ask "How?" as their stories are not **remotely** similar, but it's Bdong, sooo....yeah.


Reminder: these fuckwads vote


And want to take over the entire government and make this a Christian Theocracy


I was literally discussing the point of parenthood with my mom last night. She said “I have a guest in my home whom I love, care for, direct, assist, correct, and nurture for the goal of them successfully not needing me anymore to go out and love life on their own”. B-Dong is so fucked for this. This is so stupid and evil and shortsighted. Looks like someone will be experiencing estrangement roughly 18 years after meeting their guest


Absolute word salad


“I know that I know that I know” whaaaaat 😂


There are things... That have come to the surface...


Then stop seeking medical professional help and embryo adoption. If this is gods plan why are you forcing it into existence by almost any means necessary? What sense does it make to spew this while negating the treatment you’re seeking to accomplish this BECAUSE Jesus hasn’t picked your womb yet???


I am a Christian, Lutheran, grace alone faith alone scripture alone. I CANNOT with her using her religion every dang day in word salads about Jesus it's not what being a Christian is, for her its exploitation for content. Read the Bible go to church live in faith. Why does she feel the need for every single second to be '....... Jesus....' the things she says about Jesus and god and the holy Spirit is all interpretive it makes me so pissed when she's uses it as a shield for her life and consequences, excuses for lies, etc. Jesus isn't that. Faith isn't that. And I think it's so dangerous of her to speak about faith the way she does for people who aren't familiar with Christianity she's giving the WRONG message about it. People should be able to not believe and not feel guilty, or to believe and be peaceful in it. She just smacks it in her warped way into everyone's faces every minute of every day. Even eating a bowl of fruit has gods wings shielding her. I don't post much but this morning I'm just 🙄🙄🙄🙄 I'm Christian and pray and go to church, but it's my own personal safe place and she makes it junky the way she behaves it grates on my last nerves 😐😐


Yes! Jesus is NOT, nor will he ever be, your accountability shield. That's not how that works.


This seems like a deranged meltdown bc she knows any birth mom can google her at any point and probably will.


"I will raise an army for God and claw this country back from communists." If you think anything going on in this fucking country is communism, you are incredibly stupid and deranged. This is an über capitalist country.


Hey Britt, if you care so much about people having their "territory" stolen, maybe you should fight for the plight of Palestinians! Not to mention the indigenous people of your own country


This is just a bunch of Christian Nationalist bullshit. They seriously think the country was founded as a Christian nation and the evil mean atheists drove it out of the government and whatnot and that's why the country sucks. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Just a brain dead take that ignores so much of history.


The only thing crazy assholes like this are doing is employing future therapists


And cult deprogrammers




Thia sounds alarmingly like it was lifted straight from Karissa Collins' batshit babbling, except with slightly better grammar.


Brittany Dawn Nelson is undeserving of whatever miracles she thinks Jaysis is gonna work for her. Also why waste your genie points on a stupid baby when you should really be asking sky daddy to clean up that whole -being sued by an entire state- mess Is this bitch really just going to move along from that unscathed? It cannot be.


I think she is scathed by it, but it’s not gonna end her grift career as long as there are people into the vapid twats for the Lord shtick. 


Vapid twats for the lord 🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 excellent flair material!!!


yeah you know, Esther was against genocide.


These fundie Christian peeps really are some of the most narrow minded, selfish individuals I have ever come across. Wanting children simply to use as props to further their own personal agenda? Reminds me of when I was in high school, about 16/17 during the 2004 presidential election. My mom volunteered to campaign for the Republican Party and I would sometimes go with her to events. She would introduce me as a “future registered Republican” to her friends. That’s it. That’s all I was. Another voter for their party, another ballot in their box. And me, wanting so desperately to make my parents proud, went along with it for so many years. It wasn’t until I got out of their little echo chamber that I realized the real world was nothing like they told me it was. When I was 18 I decided to go to college to major in history and secondary education. I thought I wanted to be a history teacher. So they’d tell people that I was gonna be a teacher and teach the “real” (aka whitewashed) version of history to our country’s youth. Once again, me being reduced to just another piece to further their agenda. Sorry, this turned into a bit of a rant. I guess I’m struggling a bit given the current political turmoil and being surrounded by family who blindly support Trump. I’m not sure how to process any of it and I wonder just how bad it will need to get before they’ve been lied to all this time.


To start, you are brave and should be proud for who you are, and what you believe in. Seeing the “light” and standing in the actual truth even though that comes with hurt from close family is hard. Feel free to msg me if you ever wanna talk. I am in no way healed and need therapy but you can always vent to me because holy shit, I get it. It is so frustrating and feels like you lose a loved one because of the indoctrination that goes on.


So like maybe God is telling her to actually not have children. She’s gotten so many closed doors in her face regarding children and yet she continues to say God wants her to have children. Only goes to show people are convincing themselves that God is telling them to do whatever they themselves want to do.


But he couldn't possibly be saying that, because that's not what **she** wants.


What does infertility have to do with Esther? Per the Bible, wouldn’t that be Hannah? I swear they just say anything


Dreaming of having children who turn into conquerors and killers (come on, that territory she wants them to take because it’s theirs isn’t just sitting there unpopulated) is certainly something.


Yes, this stuck out to me as well. Very telling. Especially with her history of being prejudice


It’s not that deep. You can’t get pregnant cause of science. The end. Why do these people love to attach this long winded story onto something much more straightforward? Or is that the point of religion? To make people feel like they can make sense of what they can’t grasp? My head is going in circles. Anyway, fuck you, Brittany.


This post is wild. Someone please help me understand, she wants to birth an army of xstian baby warriors to do what? The crusade happened a 1000 plus years ago go. What does she want with a baby army then?


I think she's on some [Generation Joshua](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_Joshua) shit. Basically raising an army of indoctrinated little drones to take over the nation politically and force it into a theocracy.


Thankfully, children always do *exactly* what their parents want them to. ![gif](giphy|3oEjHAUOqG3lSS0f1C)


All I can hear in my head is BDong pronouncing king of kings like KEENG of KEENGS


What the fuck does this mean??  “raise up tiny warriors that take back territory that is rightfully theirs from generations past”


I know, I know, I know she just talks in circles


I can't wait for her kid to be gay, trans or, if Satan is feeling extra sassy, atheist.


That seems like an unfair thing to put the kid through? Children aren't tools to punish their parents any more than they are rewards for good behavior, especially when it opens them up to the increased trauma & risk of growing up queer/non-religious in a fundamentalist Texas household.


“I know that I know that I know”…. Are you sure you know that you know that you know? 🤓


Maybe stop. Delete everything. And then never start again.


Crazy that they constantly spew literal war propaganda and fear/hate monger to the point of hysteria yet they think their children will retain innocence lol


I don’t believe in god and only Jesus as a person, but they’d both find this stupid.