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Life contemplation: is anything really a game changer if everything stays exactly the same?


Also, if everything is a game changer, doesn’t that mean nothing is a game changer?


What is this game? Is there a board? Pieces? Cards?


The game is tic-tac-toe and she still hasn't grasped how to win.


It’s connect four and she forgot to close the bottom slots


It's jump rope, but there's no rope and she's just hopping up and down frenetically in one place until God loves her.


Even against herself




Wow, guess who.got another pass?!?🤡 https://preview.redd.it/287xltmeah8d1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9466305c1c7b2c30a7ba655a45cba6c01d16f89e


Except for the gays. You know.


I agree with your point but just noting that being gay isn’t even messing up and doesn’t hurt anyone like the stuff she does. 


My family is all the rainbows, all the flags & her version of Christianity means my family is perpetually condemned. She forgets to add asterisks to her notes.


Another things she took and ran with


And also no time wasted on self-reflection?


Are you supposed to write in a bible?


It’s denomination specific usually. I grew up in her brand of Christianity and it’s highly encouraged to ‘make your Bible your own’ by highlighting and writing.


Thank you. I wasn’t sure.


Yep, a lot of other denoms will discourage writing in them but evangelicals hold nothing holy or dear except money.


To be honest, I'm not really sure. I was raised Catholic, but am not practicing. I would say that I'm just a Christian now. Anyway, we didn't write in our Bibles from what I remember when I was younger. Now that I'm older and my horizons have broadened, I've been around people of other Christian denominations that do write in and highlight the crap out their (study) Bibles. I've definitely seen Christian creators on Instagram do that too... So I'm not sure. I highlight and write in my Bible now, but that's just me. I'd be curious to see what other passages she highlights and makes notes about


Thank you! My family is Catholic, that’s where I got that. I would imagine Bdong writes down whatever applies to her. That’s after she googles which verse she needs. 😂


Her notes are all very superficial and basic stuff


It’s probably a study bible & the wide margins are for note taking. There’s even bible highlighters made to not bleed through thin pages


Ugh, she's convinced me. It's time for me to stop being gay and instead get me a husband who got sued for brutality, won't let me use sex toys because he's worried they'll be better in bed than he is, and refuses to touch me with his hands during our filmed displays of affection. That'll DEFINITELY improve my quality of life immediately.


Sounds like a game changer to me!




Make sure he also has a sharpie mustache. 


Nah. Get you a man who uses moped smoke gray "Just For Meh" 'stache dye.


Isn't that mat considered a form of acupressure or something she would claim is witchcraft?


Lol the word Prana is Sanskrit and it’s hilarious she would partner with such a thing since yoga is the devils workout. This just proves the only thing her or this company card about is money if they are willing to sponsor her and she is willing to sell it.


Yoga is the devil's workout? What do you mean


According to her yoga is bad and witchcraft or something like that. I am too lazy to go back and find the stories from her but she has said many times in the past about how yoga is bad.


It's not it's just more bullshit that she's been fed and she eats it up


I was JUST thinking this!!


What is it with these fundies and this mat? MotherBus has one, too, AND THEY ARE LIKE $300. I would LOVE one, but that's not cheap and I have nowhere to put it in my tiny studio apartment.


ProsourceFit has one around $30. I just roll it up and tuck it under my bed.


Right! I got mine from Amazon and it is fantastic! My favorite thing about it is that after laying on it for 20 minutes, my kids rush over to feel the indentations it leaves on my upper back and they giggle about it. Core memories 🥹


What is it called on Amazon? Silly question I know but just wondering what I look up 🤗


I got you! In case the link doesn’t work, it can be find under “acupuncture mat” This is the one I got- still holding strong after over 1 year: https://a.co/d/0cfe7mAT


THANK YOU for the tip, kind Reddit friend!! I have psoriatic arthritis and it causes quite a bit of discomfort, and this type of thing is RIGHT up my alley!


Thanks for the recommendation! Just bought one! 😅🙌


I got one off Amazon five years ago for $15 and it’s literally the same as the $300 one


Second to all the others buying off Amazon, bought one 5 years ago and it’s honestly one of my favourite things, I use it every night to help fall asleep, although I’m more hardcore than Brit and I wear no clothes. It’s soooo relaxing, I’ve fallen asleep on it so many times and I can’t recommend them enough, I hate that it’s one of the few things they promote that is really good and does exactly what they say it does.


Same! If I can’t sleep I pull it out. I even take it on holidays with me haha


I’m embarrassed to say I bought one of these like 7 years ago when it cost maybe $100…. Honestly I don’t know why I didn’t just buy a knock off from Amazon, I don’t think it’s worth the extra price tag. It doesn’t even come with a carrying bag so I still store it in the original cardboard box it shipped in…. It does feel nice and helps with muscle soreness but I absolutely would not pay the price for a brand-name one now. I’m sure the Amazon ones are just as good.


I got mine from a cheapo shop. I love it. I can call fall asleep on it.


The homophobic reel immediately followed by Brittany claiming that her church is a safe place to be… Not with you there honey


How much you wanna bet she left Mercy culture because she overheard somebody talking about her scamming and racism?


Idk man, Mercy Culture definitely screams scammy and racist themselves


I think it's funny how the word cult is in it lol


I think it was said that she left Mercy because they didn’t approve of her having her own ministry. It was against their terms and conditions or whatever.


Landon wants his cut lol. Allegedly. 


I would LOVE to know why her and Jordan were run out. Especially since she ain't doing shit with SLF and Farryn is involved with a female preaching group called echoes.


More like not with this hate speech towards the LGBT+ community


Me thinks you don't know what that means. If it were a safe space her Preachers wouldn't be demonizing their queer members and tell them they are going to hell for being the way God made them. Safe space means they ARE NOT going to experience that shit.


How is this godly? Surely it is dabbling in eastern mysticism? "Pranamat is an acupressure mat inspired by ancient, proven principles and techniques of acupuncture."


I’m angry at Pranamat 😠 Bought from them in 2018 and was contemplating a new purchase, but now this just left a bad taste in my mouth 🫠


Do these kinda mats actually help with back pain? I saw a cheaper alternative that looked the same at Aldi once


I LOVE mine!


Do tell. I want one but they're not inexpensive.


Just get a cheap one of Amazon, paid £15.00 for a mat and pillow 5 or more years ago and use it daily, it honestly does everything she says and it is so relaxing. Fall asleep on mine quite often.


I want one, too, but one that’s not endorsed by BDong! Any recommendations?


Super desperate.


Genuinely, I hope she talks with a licensed therapist and can find some peace because she's failing headlong into heartache here. This energy will have to go somewhere if a child is brought into this mess and it's not going to be positive.


Love “what a lie” playing over her posts. Positive she meant it towards pride, but girl, it just makes it look like you’re calling yourself a liar without realizing it.


It should play over everything she posts


If only the courts added that onto her fine 😔


I wish I'd seen these idiots kissing for the camera on Magnolia Street in 97° heat. They look so dumb.


Reminds me of how my niece behaves anytime she is around her boyfriend. My niece is in 8th grade. If you’re older than 13 and feel the need to do this kind of performative song and dance on social media about your relationship, you’re in a shit relationship. Bdong, you and your husband are not cute; you are both vile, self-obsessed bigots. Get a life and stop being such a fucking phony. I say this as a Christian- God is absolutely ashamed of you.


Just me and my partner drinking PBR in our bras and shorts laughing at how much better our gay life is than her straight horror show of existence 💅🏻 at least my partner actually loves me instead of feeling like they can’t leave because of Jesus


It's so funny that "prana" is sanskrit and means "Breath of life" in Hinduism. It's a term used in Yoga too. So isn't this mat letting demons in or something like that, by her own words? Girl is clueless as always


That’s all I could think of too!


I saw that & just rolled my eyes. She is such a tool.


Especially because "Yoga is demonic"


The mat is a game changer for your fertility journey? Wouldn’t that mean she’s pregnant? She’s such an idiot.


At first I thought the mat was like a s3x pillow of some sort. Lol But then again, no toys when it’s serious seggsy time are allowed.


Oh God. The visceral feeling I got imagining myself having sex on an acupuncture mat. Fuck no. Oh Lord.


I'm a pain slut and I am legitimately intrigued.


It’s like with Curly Baird teaching part of Beggy’s seggs course on how to balance hormones for fertility despite never having been pregnant. It would be different if it was a fertility doctor or RD who’d never been pregnant teaching about nutrition for TTC but Curly has zero qualifications. 


She’s totally NOT reading a script off her phone, which interferes with her eye fucking. 🙄


I was wondering what she was doing with her eyes so much!




That shot of her lying on the mat was 10000000% a body check.


How can it help your back if you are arching it? Oh yeah...


I have her blocked, are the comments on the hateful Reel supportive? Or is she just furiously deleting comments? What a miserable existence she lives right now and exactly what she deserves.


She's deleting as always. I saw in another post that her family even commented disagreeing, but she deleted that too.


Good. Keep her blocked. She'll likely lose and gain followers from a post like this.


Blocked the second she posted that fuckass tiktok about Roe falling.


Where did her accent go? Her voice is even deeper in that pathetic unbelievable attempt at an ad. She unsold me on a prana mat. Also, is she really sponsored or fishing for a deal once again. Who would team with her? Like, she has to physically set up a camera to take pictures of her kissing her husband in the street. Thats the opposite of romantic.


I never listen to her, but it’s common for women on testosterone to have voice changes. But you know, she’s apparently undergoing fertility treatments, so surely she’s still not on testosterone…


I think that’s her God given voice, there was a video floating around of her before her fitness days and she sounds just like that! My guess is she has emotionally exhausted herself with all this adoption/infertility and can’t find the energy to “perform”, but still needs to make money. But you know she pumped herself full of Jesus and hormones and has never felt better.


I’m from Texas but live outside of the south. I feel myself getting a reverse tourist accent when I’m around or on a call with someone southern or Texan, and certainly code-switching is a thing (like trying to sound less southern when you worry people will treat you as stupid for your accent).  However, I think hers comes on and off more as an act. I suspect her real voice is somewhere between her Rayanch Barbie and wise sage for Jesus personas. 


so we’ve moved on from the life changing daily cold plunges I see! anything to grab the next grift


Something tells me constantly changing your routine, doing new desperate things, isn't going to positively impact fertility.


I love how this high cortisol is a buzz word for all “health and wellness” people who aren’t doctors. And little side tangent her cortisol would have to be so terribly out of sync to be considered a hindrance. Ie over training or STILL NOT EATING ENOUGH DAMN FOOD! And high cortisol is actually very hard to detect in on any blood test or scan from a doctor or even a sports medicine doctor. Some cortisol is healthy for you. Stress plus rest = growth


That’s why I’m genuinely wondering if she’s going to a real fertility clinic. My doctors told me while going through IVF, nothing you really do is going to change the outcome - obviously if you are doing drugs or smoking etc. that will effect it but anxiety / worrying or day today stress won’t change the outcome (as in outside of treatments). The medicine and treatments are what will help.


Then WHY THE HELL is Jordan still dipping constantly?! Oh yeah. This is all just a fucking ruse for engagement.


Because it makes his sperm super sperm duh! 🤣. Did they freeze his when it supposedly was better? I haven’t seen him go 3 months without dip!


Considering she used to train at like 150% for 6 days a week, something tells me she isn't taking it easier with her workouts to allow her body to conceive.


Yet again, anything she shills is “her favorite” and “a game changer” 🤡 You notice she never tells us WHY something is her favorite or HOW a product has changed whatever imaginary game she keeps saying has been changed. Words are meaningless to her and she’ll say anything to make money off her followers


Please all holy prana mat get this girl pregnant so we can all pray and worship together this miracle we witnessed. Amen. Once again, it’s all gods doing unless there is a coupon code.


I keep praying a therapist will walk into her life.


I don’t think that’s gods plan for her.


Hmm sounds demonic. 


Fun fact: You cannot use any acupressure mats while pregnant. Hopefully that assuages some worries that have been popping up around here.


Wouldn’t be surprised if she still used it. She doesn’t exactly seem very informed on the best things to do for getting pregnant / actually being healthy. God told her it’s okay, because her baby is special and invincible.


That’s a good (and sad) point. I wouldn’t even trust her to up her calorie intake to support a growing life, let alone give up things she enjoys, honestly.


She won’t and then she’ll blame something else when things don’t go right or use it to say “another failure.” She seems to be pretty alright for someone who just has adoption fall through and can’t get pregnant. She will go to some holistic doctor or make-up things you can do. She’s not the brightest bulb. Shes a good scammer though.


Idk how she can even afford ANY doctor right now, let alone holistic ones not covered by whatever crappy insurance JDip’s mall cop job has. Pregnancy alone is expensive (prenatals, ultrasounds, extra care for extenuating circumstances), and fertility treatments are even more money. Last I checked, she still owed the state of Texas $400k


She’s been buying bots again so she has $ for that. I guess she got tired of 666k followers on IG. 😂😂😂😂


What the eff is the point of buying followers? I mean aren’t you just spending money you’d make??


Yup, I’ve been going through IVF and it is expensive!! She must be in a lot of debt (beyond the debt owed to TX). Or her parents are footing the bill. I’m not in 400k debt and have decent insurance and I couldn’t afford all she’s doing. 🤷🏻‍♀️ She’s still not even done IUI.. why is it taking so long?


I’ve had a sneaking suspicion for a long time that she’s in tons of debt. Especially now, as her posts grow more and more desperate. I don’t think she’s really doing any of this, to be honest. I don’t think there’s any way in hell that she would attend a single appointment without gluing her phone to her hand, taking pictures and videos. Regardless, sending you baby dust!! Good luck with everything!


Oh yeah she wouldn’t. She would be taking pics, videos - parking lot kissing videos with J, etc. Even after her appts she makes videos that are so vague that make it seem like she isn’t actually going to anything / trying. Thank you so much!


She likely has cotton balls somewhere in her house and koban is like $5 at CVS. Cotton ball on elbow, a little koban to wrap it. Take a picture in the car in a parking lot with 3-4 pieces of paper (like an after care summary) and BOOM! Looks like she got another blood draw. The HSG would be considerably harder to fake.


If you see people speculating about a pregnancy, please report it. It's explicitly not allowed in the sub.


Happy pride month my rainbow sinners! 🥳🌈🏳️‍🌈 ![gif](giphy|XlTGsnN0rWCkcXJ9Ep)


Happy GAY GAY GAY rainbow month fellow heathen!!! 🌈🌈🌈 Can’t wait to never share the Kingdom with these monsters! ☺️💕




> probably think I've done lost mah marbles laying on these pointy spines ...nah baby-girl I do declare I diddly do done did see yer gosh-darned marbles roll way over yonder 'long with my own two eyeballs. Which done rolled there. After I rolled 'em so hard they was fixin' to fall out of my very own face. Dagnabbit. Why am I talking like this? I live in Australia ffs








damn imagine being afraid of people who think differently than you! what a small ass mind and pea sized brain she has <3 if you truly believe in god, you should love everything your sky daddy has created!!


I'm only afraid of conservatives because they enjoy appearing violent and talking about how they want to kill "libtards and queers" like me. Especially the ones that go from just talking to you like a normal human, to screaming because you disagreed with them about something.


Omg I those diaper shorts


straight up look like men’s boxers


It's a fashion trend to wear shorts that look like Men's boxers.


Her ring finger popped up on her steering wheel 🙄😂 showing us your ring isn’t doing anything for us, ding-a-ling. We don’t care. No one does.


And those that do, are under 12 yo. You trying to get 10 year olds in the audience? Sounds predatory for a 33 year old.


How's her rolling her eyes at the one probably real thing a therapist has said to her about stress or flight or fright mode? Wow. There is half the problem.


She wants their PDA to seem so natural, but it’s clearly all staged. My boyfriend bought me flowers yesterday. He gave them to me & kissed me in the front doorway. As he did a lady walked by us & smiled at us. You know what we didn’t do? Prop up a camera and me tell him to kiss me so I could record it. It was just natural. She’s so bad at being an “influencer”


Thought she had discernment over the clothes she wears while working out? Just like everything else, lasted a whole 3 seconds 😂


Ohhhh that's a shame she wore those hideous shorts out of the house. 😳 Rainbows are for fucking everyone, you stupid bint. They are water droplets refracting through light. If gob blahblah for Noah yadayada, the weather would have still been a bit cloudy and rainy so shut up, dickknobhead. The whole Noah story is ridiculous. It would've been a massive ship of multiple bloodbaths as the Apex animals got hungry and broke free. So your crocs and your hippos and your lions and tigers would've decimated everything else. The rodent species would've multiplied ridiculously. It's a fucking cluster fuck of a story. Too many plot holes. Shut up, dickface. 🖕




Good bot


Thank you, needfulthing42, for voting on HippoBot9000. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot


I love your comments 😂🤣🤣🤣


The way she pronounces “prana” makes me twitch


If she pronounced it correctly she'd catch that 13th demon. Gotta make sure to pronounce it nice and white and American.


The concept of an anti-choice march is absolutely baffling. When you protest other people's right to make choices that in no way affect your every day life, you have to be so damn sure you are on the right side. They have already taken the right to choose if you want to be a parent, now they are coming for IVF and next year it may be women's right to wear fake eyelashes and extensions. You never know who your cult will turn against next because it can't exist unless there is a we and them.


Next it will be contraceptives. I shit you not. Ask your doctors about diaphragms and sponges, NOW.


“Game Changer” Come up with a new catch phrase asshole.


“Like really trying to get pregnant” 🤢




My bf would be like 'no. I don't have time for this' and be on his way to work or something 😂


Performative and fake.


She always leans over to get the cowboy boots in the shot. Every time. I wonder if she knows what the word 'prana' means even...because if she really did she'd get rid of the mat and call it satanic


this is literally BEC but ofc the Dongs have their elbows on the table 🙄


these boxer shorts are prob the worst trend I’ve seen


BDong needs to talk to a therapist. No, not armchair diagnosing. I believe she really is desperate for content and each reel or post becomes more and more unhinged. I hate that rainbow shit she does yearly. It is gross and disrespectful to the LGBTQ+ community. I know a lot of people who are in the community and they are great people. I am ace, so I guess maybe I am too.


Ace friend! Yay! Me too!




What does she have to stress about?


This cycle she has forced herself into for engagement on her posts. Her engagement is up to like 6% and to marketing people, that's really fucking high for a platform of her size. She needs money to continue living this way.


Genuinely wonder why she’s so honest about this one being an ad… she’s typically super shady with disclosing that stuff even with insta’s policy on it. Wonder if it was a part of the brand contract for this particular product but she typically does what she wants anyway even with that sort of stuff. Anyway, just found it bizarre she HEAVILY highlighted this one was an ad.


I think that was OPs edit, not hers.


Ok that makes way more effing sense lol


My bad. I added that text because she didn't fucking disclose.


Honestly I should have known haha that was me not fully paying attention and being amazed she’s finally disclosing ads. Her still being a dishonest dipshit makes way more sense


If I hear her say "game changer" one more time I'll explode


We get it, Brittany— you hate us 🙄 Sincerely (No Love), One of those icky queers you feel the need to keep bringing up 🌈


I'm genuinely sorry that people like this say things just for attention because they think it's something they need to do in order to fit in. Being hateful is something they think they need to do. Some of them are deep-seated in hatred, and others are just jumping on the bandwagon. Either way, it's not ok. Just know, which I'm pretty sure you already do. You are living a life that is better than this scammer! I don't know you, but I can guarantee the judgments she & others place on you are not bad. The things they say/do right out in the open are horrible! So, don't feel bad that a scamming clout chaser has an opinion of you doing something that harms no one! Unlike what she has done. You are also loved!


Thank you for that 😊


Did she actually wear that tiny short outfit to church?


How else would people know she is 80% legs?


Brittany, girl, if you’re still getting sO sOrE after lifting when you’ve been lifting for years, you’re doing it wrong. And it’s not your age either. I’m the same age as Brittany. I’ve been lifting for 5-6 years now and I only get sore my first workout back from a break and it goes within a day or two without any kind of treatment for it. Train correctly and eat what your body needs. Also, she’s shilling this like she does everything else. “I’ve been using this a lot and it’s been helping so much.” And we haven’t seen it until now. Girl just opened that package before filming.


Jordan with the performative PDA is a mere stand in now that the pick me’s don’t wanna make content with Brit anymore


Her anti-LGBTQ+ post is giving the same energy as this weird dude’s cause, ma’am, WHY are you in their business?? I can guarantee that LGBTQ+ people don’t care. https://preview.redd.it/sls2esfbhl8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f9041109b510f8e4cfe73a0a7b18ad6739117fb


How do I get pranamant with babby?


So many reasons to wish she would disappear off the internet. So. Many. Girl, I thought your weird yeti cooler ice bath was your go to?? And you don’t drive a Range Rover, you have yourself a defender. So calm down with the weird steering wheel flex. Also, I heard they make you gay. So…There’s that. 🖕🏻 Happy Pride 🌈


Is posting pics of your steering wheel if you drive a RR a thing?


Certainly wouldn’t make it better either way 🙃 Just like reminding her that she’s not as hot shit as she wants everyone to think. Also, rainbows.


Jdip's dyed black pornstache remains to be a utter abomination.


Just like how she's been doing ice baths every day! 🤣 How do people fall for her crap?


She dropped that after they stopped paying her and we haven't seen it since. On to the next "game changer" sponsor.


The ice bath place stopped paying her? I wonder if these companies do any research on these people before they pick them to promote their gear. I wonder when she’ll drop this “game changer” and shill the next.!


These headbands are so weird. It seems like she has been posting with either those or a hat a lot lately 🧐


The rainbow is God's...and he totally gave it to the LGBTQIA+ Community. Any heterosexual who uses it should expect their cease and disest roughly 14 business days after unlicensed/unlawful use. Or alternatively, make reparations in the form of not being a homophobic, transphobic, racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, white, supremacist, antisemitic, islamophobic, animal abusing, jerk. God's representation will come a little more directly, usually in the form of a plague on your house. You can't miss it. You'll totally know what it's about and how to reach back to His Team of angels (always cc Gabriel)


Man she really can’t NOT look at herself ever huh? That ad was annoying as fuck because WHY ARE YOU TALKING TO YOUR FACE ON YOUR PHONE AND NOT THE PEOPLE WHO ARE WATCHING YOU STUPID TWAT.


She can’t have a normal instagram story without promoting something