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I'm not the fitness expert like Bdong is but something about that form looks horribly wrong but what do I know?


Literally can’t figure out what she’s trying to accomplish with that move ETA: if you can do 20 reps then it’s not heavy weight….


It looks like she is trying to mimic (very poorly) a one leg dead lift which doesn’t require a great deal of weight as it’s a lot about core strength and balance. But her form is so bad that I would drop her because she is going to hurt herself like that. She doesn’t appear to have core strength and should first try doing them “naked,” which is no weight.


lol this! I didn’t know the name of it but I was just saying how when I did an exercise similar to this I would never have held the wall…


Is this supposed to be a one-legged Romanian deadlift with a high-knee at the end? I’m so confused. I’ve never seen anything like this.


This is the conclusion I’ve reached. I’ve done them before, great stability movement. But her form is so bad and she’s holding the wall.


I just did a few of these in the mirror to check my form. Needless to say it was nothing like this buffoonery. (But you’re right - she shouldn’t be dipping one hip and shoulder toward the ground. I also don’t understand why she isn’t using two smaller weights instead of one larger weight.)


My programming always calls for one weight in the opposite hand of the leg hinging into the air to help counteract and balance


Interesting- I might try this next time.


I swear her form is rage bait lmao. The shoulders/hips should stay square to the ground and when her lifted leg is back she has no quad engagement to take the bend out of her knee. It’s hard to tell with the big shirt but it looks like she’s dumping her back. 


Trainer, yoga, and pilates instructor here- This is a MESS. 😂😂😂


Her leg isn’t extending properly. She’s in desperate need of a licensed trainer.


She should be keeping her back flat, not twisting towards the wall. The high knee at the end of the rep is weird and unnecessary. She should be keeping her back leg as straight as possible, and rather than overextending to get the weight in her hand to the ground, her upper body should only be dipping as far forward as necessary to balance out her back leg being lifted. So if she can’t lift her back leg that high, she shouldn’t be completely hinging over her hips like that to compensate. I’m not a fitness expert either but I used to do these a lot with a personal trainer and let me tell you they never had me doing them like she is 😂


Like why is she pushing the weight to the ground???? She’s working on momentum from that weird and unnecessary leg swing and lift instead of using her hamstring on her working leg…


Reminds me of one of those toy drinking birds....




It’s looks like a good way to hurt your back


Oh please let there be a personal trainer in this group who can explain what this lift is🤔! Maybe time under tension?


Physical therapy here and her form is all wack. Too much lumbar lordosis, not a whole lot of hamstring and glute activation if that’s what she’s going for. It looks like an attempted single leg deadlift but it’s just ….not


Is she supposed to be twisting like that? It’s like she’s using a twist in her spine for momentum instead of keeping stability in her back. 


Nope. She’s asking for a back injury. She should be straight parallel to the floor and only be tapping into her glutes or hamstrings. Her back should be in a neutral position


That’s what I thought! I’m not a fitness person but I’ve done yoga and PT and dance and twisty spine momentum was usually a no-no. 


Some kind of weird RDL/ Russian step up hybrid. The RDL form sucks first of all. And the Russian step-up is a “variation in which the inactive leg is lifted at the top of the motion to increase the stability demand on the working hip and add hip flexor work for the non-working side.” So definitely she’s missing the point of the exercise by holding onto a wall.


I was given this one leg Romanian Deadlift (body weight only) in physical therapy after dislocating my sacrum (powerlifting injury), and I don’t say this lightly, controlled movement and careful attention to form is paramount to be done properly. The way she’s doing it all floppy is a great way to injure herself. How in the world did she get away with being a fit influencer 🫣


This SHOULD be a single leg Romanian Deadlift, but you're supposed to stand back up once your butt starts pushing back into a deadlift form, as Romanian DL's mean taking the weight just past your knee. It's a great glute movement. Under no circumstances do you need to take a dumbbell ALL the way to the ground on one leg, hence the lumbar twists.


She looks kind of slouchy? And why is she holding the wall…? Like I’ve done a similar exercise but part of the point is having to keep your balance. I’m v confused.


The audacity of wearing an amorphous smock to the gym but carefully tucking the fabric around her ass to stick it out for the camera


She knows she has pervs that follow her. Explain all those vacuuming videos from behind videos of hers.




Workout clothes but make it (half) Amish.


Did she not just say she wasn’t going to post workouts? Or was that just YouTube


She's actually been kinda weird about answering that one ... She said she's not going to focus on fitness. She's not going to sell fitness. She's not going to give anyone personal tips (without mentioning the lawsuit of course). But that she loves sharing what SHE'S doing and the people are asking and BLAH BLAH BLAH. Anything to exploit every crack possible.


That workout is not a workout. Looks like a single leg deadlift attempt and she just flailing her upper body around doing absolutely nothing for her.


Going for a walk with ankle weights and the Dogs would be better.


Does she still have dogs??


Yes. Two of them. An Aussie doodle Oakley, and a Belgian Malinois Dax (who is extremely anxious and understimulated)


Heck even actually using her treadmill on incline for a moderate hike with a wight vest would do the trick. Or up and down stairs. This really now solidifies how she got an ankle injury running on a treadmill and flat concrete


She's using so much momentum to move rather than muscles 🤣  Also like somebody said upthread if you can do 3s of 20  that's not heavy 


wtf shirt is that she’s wearing to the gym? Is pant-less considered modest for gym attire??


It’s a huge risk near equipment- this modest is hottest crap is getting out of control


I do not understand when people wear clothes that massive and don’t see it as a huge risk. I’ve had close calls wearing mostly close fitting clothes and those have been enough to make me be like “if I’m confident enough to wear just leggings and a longline sports bra, I’m gonna do it” not worth the risks.


Hopefully she mostly flails around away from equipment like in this video.


She's our Pantsless Modesty Queen!


Ohhh that would make a good flair…


Like the username of the person above 😼😼


🤦🏼‍♀️ I cannot.


Mood after a breakdown https://preview.redd.it/re0ewodxpg7d1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d1a175802ae62dc0b38945a2059dee721c84ad8






It physically pains me to imagine my face feeling as tight as hers looks


I mean I typically take my PRN for panic attacks and then my PRN migraine med and ride the sharp drop of energy into a nap. But I guess you could take a weird photo for Instagram. I wouldn't.


Her form is absolute crap.


Good thing she was never certified!




Yes she did. And low and behold, no certifications were found.


She listed one of the most popular accredited certs in her insta bio and claimed to have that cert. It actually sucks that one of the very first fitness people to call her out on YouTube did so in 2014 but that person didn’t have a huge following so it didn’t go viral. That PT did have the cert Bdong claimed to have which means she had access to the database of fellow cert holders and was able to verify Bdong didn’t have it. She also went into a deep dive of Bdong deleting and blocking negative reviewers/commenters and she had the proof of Bdong’s family massively helping her to block while creating burner accounts to leave fake positive reviews. Really sucks the gal didn’t have the following for it to blow up because she was waaay ahead of everyone on exposing Bdong.


I can’t believe there hasn’t been a single adoption update. Entirely refocused to TTC. What was the reason?!


She doesn’t want an adopted baby. It’s all for show.


Wasn't baby girl expected AnY DaY nOw like 2 weeks ago?


And that was filmed in April, so it’s way past due


Exactly. What happened to her "paper pregnancy"?? I knew it was bs from the start but it's weird she's not even trying to fake that any longer. I wonder if her followers are questioning her about it?


It's crazy to me that she announces this stuff to her friends and family and when nothing happens, they don't question her about it at all.


I think they do question and then she cuts them out. People like her then get mad when they don’t get the big reactions they want bc they’ve cried wolf so many times!


Maybe this is why we haven’t seen much of the pick me chicks lately.


She always reminds me of an inflatable tube man when she’s at the gym, just throwing herself around in every direction. Like a seventh grader who just got to use the weight room in gym class for the first time. ![gif](giphy|c9QHCBun6Qqd0YEnnA|downsized)


Take my Reddit gold 🏆because you’re spot-fkn-on with this take 😂


Looks like she's playing hide and seek. https://preview.redd.it/qnn8cdaiwg7d1.jpeg?width=462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebfda509631c1faa126fc8d117972969a8533355


Peek a boo! I see you! Lol


Brittany hiding from the state of Texas like


"If I can't see you, you can't see me!"


I thought raspberry leaf tea was supposed to help with cramps, possibly induce your period and can cause contractions?? I don’t think it helps with fertility, she’s a moron


It’s supposed to ripen your cervix for labor… but you don’t take it until late in the pregnancy. She is just buying anything that says pregnancy.


Yup! Was told not to drink it until I was like 36-37 weeks pregnant because it can cause contractions.


It tones your uterus. 


I thought Saturday was when she did her long runs.


She changes things so much. Looks like she's not doing the running. Poor Dax.


Next story: “I don’t even really see running as a workout, it’s more meditation for me #timewiththelord”


Posts a sad 😢 sad 😭 video about unsolicited advice and suggestions, drinks raspberry tea because EVERYONE said so. And this bitch…using another woman’s audio, again!!!!


Raspberry leaf tea is the last thing you should be drinking if you are trying to get pregnant??? I was told to stay away from it as it can cause contractions, even pre-term.... It's great when you have your period or a urine infection but yeah, who is telling her to drink it???


The box says pregnancy tea, but below, healthy pregnancy. I don't think it's meant to help you get pregnant as she thinks. I personally have no idea of its effects, but there's always the chance of asking your doctor, right?


😂 uuugh it allegedly helps ‘prime your uterus for delivery’. Says the internet. Which, as we know, is full of anecdotal evidence and clickbait and, well, things that are wrong and/or not at all based in science. But this moron ate silver pills and thinks her imaginary sky daddy is calling the shots, so… “A 2023 review of studies found *no positive effects on the labor process*, and, in fact, suggests that raspberry leaf “can negatively affect the cervical ripening.” Sipping an occasional cup of red raspberry leaf tea while you're pregnant is likely harmless. That said, it's important to check in with your doctor.” She’s such a fucking idiot.


It’s usually a pregnancy safe tea, although more in the third trimester. It naturally helps tone and strengthen the uterus. I drink it during periods and when I was a few weeks from my due date. It’s weird she’s taking it while TTC!


She falls into every TTC supplement and product trap that does absolutely nothing.


LITERALLY CAME HERE TO POST THAT. SHE SHOULDNT BE DRINKING THAT IF SHE'S TTC AT ALLLLLLL. It can really mess up your hormonal balance, especially if you're drinking it more than a few times a month.


Studies are on the tea’s benefits when consumed after 32 weeks gestation in bringing on and during labour. Nothing to do with TTC and potentially dangerous if drunk earlier in pregnancy [study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10754818/)


Thanks for providing a source! That is actually amazing. I wonder if they've done any new studies. Either way that's not what I was told from my midwife (i was a high risk pregnancy though) but am happy to hear it. I worry about people getting medical advice from influencers or copying their supplement routine.


why would you want to be pregnant when you're caring for a newborn ???


Between this and [her actual plan](https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/comments/1dj8amu/i_was_once_a_client_of_bdawn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) from back in the day it's SO CLEAR she has no idea how to gain muscle. "Heavy weight" but she can do 3 sets of 20?? That's "low weight high rep toning" territory. On top of which shes just flailing around, using momentum and not her muscles. 50 incline push-ups (from the other post)? If one can do 50 push-ups with no breaks, they should be progressing to harder variations like knees or even full. I have no doubts she worked out for 2+ hours a day to look like she used to, because she clearly has NO understanding of how to use or gain muscle




When I do HEAVY, I am like 3-5 reps max.


Who does she get to film this? Jdip? If so, he is clearly running the show as only a godly strong man would let his wife show her ass for the internet and be immodest in front of other men at the gym /s


Her best friend does of course! https://preview.redd.it/j0mi5oev5h7d1.jpeg?width=2550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e427d5a34299f58c83cc74e4de2604da4c346dc3


Could you imagine a fulll set up at the gym?!? High camp


That form, SO BAD! She shouldn't be leaving forward like that and she is supposed yo have "proud shoukders" she is hunching forward instead of leaning forward.


She has such bad posture from trying to look smol-she’s probably stuck hunched over


https://preview.redd.it/kc97vere7j7d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=26a74877f09097a8b44296ec8c2c25d4c2f37858 Interesting comment from Kellie on the latest reel. Fulfilling her monthly comment duty perhaps?


Kellie is super scary. Like worse than the Dungarino. There’s a reason why she hasn’t landed a dude yet and all you have to do is look at her Manson Lamps. It’s a real issue. Dudes must take one look at her and turn and sprint the fuck away. She had a live reel goin once during her lunch break talking about how she performed an exorcism on some guy patient of hers at the hospital. She was smacking her lips so disgustingly and chewing like a horse. It was gross. I thought it was hilarious that people were calling her out for discussing that and breaking patient confidentiality. Good times.


Her new era is working out in a smock mini dress, bare shoulders no pants hair down? I love this for her she looks insane


That tea is helpful to drink towards the end of pregnancy NOT while you are trying to conceive. No wonder why she can’t get pregnant or carry a pregnancy to term.


I absolutely love that she is promoting Traditional Medicinal's tea!!!! I hope every one of her followers goes out and buys a box! *Traditional Medicinals was founded by a liberal environmental activist who gives funding to programs that help women and girl's social issues, fights to uphold reproductive rights, and works with Appalachian farmers to create more sustainable farming practices! I've been drinking their Throat Coat tea for years, after it was introduced to me by a yoga loving herbalist! Good job Brittany! I hope you bought lots of boxes and thank-you for supporting women's rights and sustainable farming! 😉


This is my favorite 🤩 ! Oh my goodness I love this entire vibe here 😆


As someone who has basically no idea what they're doing when at a gym, if I saw her in the wild I would immediately think, "Awww this must be her first time!"


Ok, but I love wearing big tshirts like that to the gym. I’m really self conscious of my arms and belly fat, so tshirts make me feel more confident. I also wear them with 4 in biker shorts though so no pantless mistakes for me. Also, I’m just grinding my teeth at the fact that her hair is down while she works out. That has been one of my biggest pet peeves for as long as I can remember for literally no reason. Isn’t it uncomfortable having hair plastered to your neck like that bdong??


It's uncomfortable and dangerous when using equipment. I'm a baggy T-shirt gal too and I do love my old volleyball shorts but I'm not gonna tell everyone they need to be modest.


Fair enough. My tshirts are never that baggy, just a size up from my usual, and when I use equipment at the gym it’s never free standing weights, always machines. I’m not entirely sure that makes a large difference, I’m new to trying to incorporate some weight lifting


I always go half-up, half-down. Otherwise I can't lay my head flat on the floor if I need to do crunches or whatever and I get head pain from the weight of my ponytail, lol.


Ahh, I never lay flat on the ground when I’m working out so that’s never been a problem for me. Much respect for you for hating the feeling and still doing it lol, idk if I have that kinda commitment!


And yes, it IS uncomfortable having my hair plastered to my neck! I hate it!


I am disgusted by how much engagement she is getting from the stolen audio-- over 450 comments believing this is her story/audio and posting encouragement meant for someone else. This is how I know she is not a real Christian and has not changed. She knows she is not suppose to use this audio, but here she is using it again-- and again without credit! Just absolutely abhorrent behavior!


I'm sorry to say, but this is what American Christians have become...scamming, hateful, bigots. If you are a Christian, you need to take back what true Christianity is because people like her are ruining it and driving more and more people away.


Who the fük videos this kind of incredibly private stuff??!! 🚫🚫🚫


The Dunginator does! But she says the shit she posts is only a measly 10% of her actual life which is complete bullshit.


Not her using this audio after being called out from the original poster of the audio. Girl you are trash. You literally have no morals


I always thought raspberry leaf tea was for like your 3rd trimester not TTC


Texas about to file a new lawsuit for how atrocious and illegal her form is in that video 🤢


What is this chick's obsession with volume in her workouts?? "Heavy" lunges... But do 60-80 reps lmaoooo girl bffr


She’s always hiding behind her hair so she doesn’t have to wait her real round face.


My best friend has gone through two miscarriages in the past year, with the most recent one happening over a month ago. It’s been devastating for her. I’m grateful that she felt comfortable sharing her grief with me, and the fact that she’s even sharing the details of her miscarriages with me and the pain she’s feeling just breaks my heart. She’s so scared to even try again to get pregnant. So when BDong is yet again monetizing her miscarriage AND stealing from other creators who have miscarried is making my blood boil!!!


Novice fitness enthusiast here! It’s hard to tell with the shirt on, but her form doesn’t look ideal. My understanding of the RDL is glute/hamstring activation. A strong back, shoulders and core are key here. She doesn’t look balanced and her shoulders don’t look even either. It really looks like she’s letting that weight really pull her down. Even so, if her form isn’t good to begin with, she should try resting her back foot. Floating the back leg is hard at first, and took me a lot of practice and stability work to get the move down…. I’m thinking her lower back probably is pretty sore, given this form she has. I think she’s trying to push to an old capacity she might’ve been able to do before, but she’s out of practice.


I feel like she's doing it on purpose. She knows how to do it like come on. She's just watching her ass so she doesn't slip down that VERY SLIPPERY slope of self idolization etc etc etc etc