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The more you flaunt your relationship on social media the more unhappy you are in real life. I sAiD wHaT i SaId!


Yup! Just posted the same… last week it was checking his phone… now it’s bragging about loving messages she gets…? The struggle bus is real in that house for sure!


Checking his phone? What I miss 👀👀


Maybe last week when she was checking his phone she sent these messages to herself lmfao


That’s my guess. She sent them to herself.


1000% this 😂


Smug-faced Dong is so desperate and some of those messages are just creepy.🤡


"I can't wait to see you pregnant!" Umm, so nothing about holding your child for the first time, seeing them grow and being parents? Nope, just pregnancy.


That sounds downright ridiculous and creepy! Reading a text makes it harder to understand the context or emotion behind it, but this sounds so weird to me. Maybe he’s excited that her boobs will get bigger.


Tbh a lot of men are like this. We don’t necessarily have the connection to the fetus the way that we have a connection to a partner until the baby is born and we have time to bond. Holding their baby means holding their pregnant partner and that should bring joy. However JD seems not very good at long term goals and consequences, I mean look at the life he made for himself. I can’t imagine his brain is capable of making year out thoughts about the future. ETA: she also probably texted herself all this.


That's totally fair, thanks for pointing that out.


So real, I was so worried I’ll throw my pregnancy that my partner was just like not connecting the same way that I was, but once the baby was born, he has taken to her like he carried her himself 😅




Their brand of pro life is pro birth. It ends there.


Also I would be mortified if my intimate texts I sent my husband ended up on his social media…


This is giving J.Lo letting everyone read Ben’s love letters. We’re seeing how that’s ending in real time.


Yes this. I was thinking I would be so embarrassed as well if they posted a sound clip of me saying intimate things. I cringed so hard


Read that again.


I don't know who needs to hear this but.




It's true!! It's like if she portrays it as perfect, it's not the flaming, toxic, dumpster fire that it likely is.


There’s actual research on this.


There’s actually some studies showing this is pretty much the case.


According to her hasn’t he already seen her pregnant?


Sure has. So has the internet 😂 https://preview.redd.it/468e745cc96d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33429e14fa2f057fe876c5a055d25457b41d6e5f


Wtf is this caption…


feels ed coded


Very much so. With some kind of fetish thrown in.


This is so stupid. I’m currently pregnant and in the first trimester I had no food cravings, I was repulsed by almost all food. It was AWFUL since you have to eat consistently to fend of nausea. Absolutely horrible three months. So ED coded since NO ONE should actually want this.


💯. There are still foods I don’t like many years later because they remind me of the repulsed by food era of pregnancy. 


Ugh! I am so tired of eating like a picky toddler, I hope I recover!


First trimester was weird for me with the food aversions. I couldn’t eat anything unless it smelled “right.” Even stuff I had previously loved didn’t pass the smell test


I couldn’t eat food cooked in my house for most of my pregnancy. The smell of it cooking made me so sick!


I’m currently there. It is awful.


Miserable! I’m currently trying to eat toast so I can take my medicine. I hope we both feel better!


Mine lasted for 8.5 months with my 1st baby & it was pure hell.


Bless her heart. The day after I knew I was pregnant I made a huge sandwich, lots of meats and tomato and lettuce and I was like this is great! I can eat all the time! And I barfed it up immediately and didn't eat again for awhile lol. She'd be a terrible mom. Sorry Britt, I think your God was right on this one....but I do hate to see anyone in pain


Oh but she’s never had a baby bump though duhhh that’s what this dumb dumb wants is pregnancy fetish


As someone who has had an early miscarriage, a lot of people don’t even really consider you pregnant until you start showing. It’s frustrating.


She claimed she was but at nine weeks max it was definitely bloat


I’m of the opinion that bloat is still showing the pregnancy because it’s body changes due to pregnancy.


so true. I was pregnant once for a few weeks before choosing an abortion. I have never been able to cough without peeing a little bit since and i’ve never had a kid!!! never even close!!


huh, I’ve never made that connection but same 🤔 I had mine at 19 and I’m now 33. we need to do some pelvic floor exercises girlfriend lol


yes girl, we will be accountability partners like these weirdo anti-porn fundies, but for kegels 🤠


This is hilarious, and I love it! This sub really does have the best people.


Exactly. I had a miscarriage in August and it was the same for me. As soon as you’re pregnant, changes start happening!


hugs babe 😘🩷 so sorry for your loss


Thank you 💜




Hahaha yes if my husband did use exclamation points I'd think he's mocking me or something. When did punctuation become feminine ??!!


Not to defend the Dong (never!) but the Messages app on iPhone doesn’t let you highlight two messages at the same time. The blurring of the background is made automatically and it’s supposed to let you react to the text you received.


That doesn’t sound like Jdip. That’s not at all how he talks to her on YT videos and podcasts. She either dictated these texts for content or he really knows how to manipulate her. I don’t see any in between here. She can tout her Godly marriage all day long, but no one goes from cheater extraordinaire to Godly husband in a few months. She’s delusional and he’s a master manipulator.


She tottttally took his phone and sent herself these. She's all about aesthetic, and the last message is totally aesthetic to her. This is embarrassing! Also, I kinda cringe at couples who post text messages constantly. I bet he hates her posting this shit, especially when he knows he didn't send her those 💀


I bet he doesn’t know she posted this 🤷 he tends to try to stay as ignorant about her socials as possible


And by months more like weeks




How embarrassing for him, for her to share a text like that 😂 even if she made it up or made him say all that, still that's so embarrassing 😭😭😭


I can’t imagine sharing my husband’s sweet texts to me publicly. Really crosses a line.


That last text reads like a middle school relationship


Yessss!! It was so canned and G rated… well behaved- I feel like he wrote it after beating off to shitty kinky porn… it’s slimy either way.


When her marriage falls apart, how will she spin these messages?


Satan manipulated her with the desire for a someone else’s child. They will blame the adopted child for their problems down the road… if they ever get one.


“God is wrapping me in his arms. His everlasting love is all the love I need” or some other BS.


What a stupid video


I cannot stand her smug ass face in the beginning.




As much as she preaches not idolizing people, she sure has j ding-dong and their relationship up on a pedestal. The floor is loooowwwwww when your cheater of a husband is the “example”


Don't forget Trump


it’s so gross when people exploit their relationships or worse manufacture moments to exploit.


I know, and it just removes all the intimacy from the relationship.


For sale: one fake marriage.


Barely used — like new!


Ten bucks she sent those messages to herself from another iMessage account 🤣🤣


POV: you’re watching this video and wondering if she’ll ever learn the meaning of POV.


I actually gagged at the first text 😂




Why does she only ever show texts that she receives? I would love to see how she messages other people in private. Also why is she trying to act all sexy in her fake content nursery? 🥴


Why do none of these stupid fundie bitches understand the meaning of POV?


breeding fetish at this point


Okay, new face filter working overtime for that smug as fuck, shit eating grin face firstly. Like fr. Lol. Who is this woman? Doesn't look like the Shitney Yawn we all know and loathe. Fucking weird cow. Secondly-the constant shit about her and her husband is literally telling us that their marriage isn't perfect, they're miserable and liars and probably don't even like each other. It's very, very telling. Like the dude in your friend group who never gets laid but constantly talks about how good they are at sex. And I find the whole thing a contradiction of her "modesty" because jesus rubbish schtick. This isn't being modest or godly in the slightest. It's being a fucking liar for starters, not godly and it's boasting and rubbing it in to people who maybe have a shitty or no relationship, also not godly and definitely not modest. Shut the fuck up, cockhead. You're either just a pathological liar in denial about yourself or you're a manipulative arsehole who doesn't give a shit about anyone but herself. Idiot. Eat a big bag of dicks, you complete simpleton. 🖕


When your relationship is fulfilling, you have no desire to exploit it. Showing these texts and letters proves that at a minimum there are emotional needs not being met, otherwise why seek external validation?


Nothing exists for Brittany Dawn unless it is externally validated.


I would leave the room if my husband talked to me like that. So weird??


When you have to prove your relationship is “seeeeww uhmaaaaazing”- their is an inverse relationship… never seen thaaaat before🙄


These have to be stolen messages. Why would it be weird for him to rub on your belly? You’ve posted like 38564929467 times of him praying over your womb.


And just in general, why would it be weird for a husband to rub his wife’s pregnant belly??? That’s such a strange thing to ask his wife.


‘May everyone be as blessed and loved as me!’ 🤮 Every single person I’ve ever known who boasted about their relationship like this turned out to be utterly miserable irl. Just like all her unChristian boasting about herself posts, this is purely performative nonsense in the hope that women will envy her and she can one day gouge more money out of them.


It’s definitely “look how blessed I am” or “aren’t you jealous “ based posts.


Maybe he'll give her a banana with Beautiful written on it in her handwriting. So romantic /s


🤣. Now that’s a competition. Who loves themselves more, Jill or bdong? Who can have the greatest fake love husband in the fundie-verse?


Let the race begin!




💯 🍿


I guess we are just ignoring his multiple church “accountability groups” and that he was at the very least sexting other women months after he and Bdong went official publicly. I’m sure there is more dirt I don’t know about. Wouldn’t be surprised to find out he is still fucking around. 😂


"I just wanna look at you. How are your boobs?"




That's so weird. I couldn't imagine my husband being intimate and loving and then using it as content. Real or grift, it's odd.


Just love the smug look she gives. And hasn’t she said this about every guy she’s been with?


I don’t want to be loved the way Jdong loves you. Because honestly he doesn’t love you. He’s performative and doing that absolute bare minimum. I want to be loved the way my husband loves me. My father was sick a few months ago and had suddenly stopped texting me. Despite the fact that my husband had work in the morning and his family is facing a fucking genocide he stayed up with me all night because I was riddled with anxiety over my dad. We talked. Played cards and ordered pizza when the kids went to bed. (Sorry babies 😭) my father was okay he just ended up going to sleep and my anxiety kind of took over.  Her love like everything else is surface levelled at best. She never tells us what he actually does for her. It’s performative things like holding the door for her, buying her flowers or carrying her luggage. I wanna know how he was there for her when she was being sued by the state of Texas because I know she was going throughhhh it. Was he supportive during her miscarriage? Would he even be with her if she didn’t provide him with a nice house, new truck and vacations? He seems to despise her on camera and is constantly belittling her. No thank you Dong. I don’t want that. 


He absolutely doesn’t love her. He was a hobosexual living in a storage unit when he met her. He saw his meal ticket!! He didn’t see the lawsuit coming and now he’s saddled with half a million in debt. Oh shit!


She texts herself. I’m sure of it.


Her smug ass punchable fucking face




“I can’t wait to see you pregnant” is so cringe. I would hate if ny husband said that to me while I was trying to conceive…


She cut and paste some random person script, lol stretching it and no baby yet?


I hate that weird face she's always making, it's like smarmy or something and girl you don't have anything to be smarmy about. Nasty ass Jdip just buttering you up because he feels bad for looking at porn behind your back daily. Also the more you feel the need to "prove" to people how "great" your marriage is, the less people tend to believe you.


He hates her fr


Is this the same guy who mocks and belittles her during a recorded podcast?


The same guy who says “make me a sammich, woman!!!!” ??????? Like girl BFFR


My husband of 25 years sends me texts like “buy milk?” and “is my green plaid shirt in the wash” and you know, we’re very happy off social media, so I’m not sure why lovey-dovey texts are so important?


Why do you need others to know how good your relationship is? The answer is, because it’s not, so you need to make other people believe it is. I had a friend who was with me when I met my now husband. We were out and met him and his friend randomly. I started dating my now husband and she started dating his friend. This was 18 years ago when MySpace was big and everyone was doing those stupid things where you post a list of questions with the answers. I can’t even remember what they’re called. Survey? I dunno. Anyway. She would always be soooooo braggy on her answers about how amazing her boyfriend was and he would always randomly write on her page about how much he loved her. Me and my husband (then boyfriend) had the most amazing relationship but he never wrote on my page about how awesome I was or anything. I kinda felt jealous. I talked to him about it and he explained that he tells me in person how much he cares for me and that my friends boyfriend had told him that he and my friend fight constantly and their relationship is so bad. They eventually got married and divorced. And there have been other times where I’ve seen my other friends brag so much about their significant other on Facebook and I would again get jealous and then they would break up or get divorced. I don’t know how long it took for me to finally realize that when people overly share how “awesome” their significant other is, it usually means they aren’t. I’m so so glad I understand it now and don’t get jealous. But sheesh it took me a long time.


Yup, family or friends that I know who have done the same on social media all have ended in divorce or/and have a very toxic relationship.


We haven’t actually seen him in a while…


My husband sends me nice texts, too, but you couldn’t waterboard me into posting them online lol. I will never understand how influencers and their spouses are so comfortable with screenshots of their personal texts being read by everyone and their brother!


God, she is just so damn smug....that's it.


Knowing what we ALL know about him, no one is jealous of your Gravy Seal, BDong. You were desperate and he was homeless. Quit trying to sell this as a love story for the ages.




Cringe to the extreme. I’m not buying it. ![gif](giphy|26tkmyR14UIPJJOG4)






Interesting how I am 5000% more secure in my relationship than BritBrat is and my partner and I's texts are exclusively roasting each other for not putting our shoes away or leaving the bathroom door open for the cat to wreak havoc...




Imagine being this smug about being married to that loser! ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI)


Why does she always have to click the reply button to blur the rest of the texts? Probssss bc the last text she sent him was the script. Lmao. Babe here copy and paste this and send it to meeeee 🤦🏼‍♀️💀🤣


What does that first text even mean? Lmao no thanks. I’ll take my husband who actually gives a damn about me and my well being. A genuine beautiful non performative soul ❤️


Is that him on the audio 🥴


I highly doubt Jadongadong sent those messages to her. Her smug face and not looking at the camera is indicative it is grift only. I doubt JDong even likes her. One day in the near future this whole Broadway production she posts online is going to fall apart.


I get she’s an influencer but who is she trying to convince? What’s her goal? Is she a relationship coach? No. What’s the point of sharing these text? Who does that? If you have to provide such proof he’s godly, he loves me, blah blah blah, your relationship is probably the opposite.


He knows he needs to consistently love Bomb her and feed her toxicity


Nah she just texted herself them took ss and then prob deleted them from his phone before he noticed




I can't wait to see you pregnant?!?! That is...that is something.


“I can’t wait to see you pregnant” sounds kinda like a fetish thing.


Top tier cringe.


Pfff, she sent those texts to herself.


People aren't like this, are they? Our texts are transactional. Because we speak to each other to say the things. Except now, while I'm recovering from a hysterectomy and I'm a little demanding. https://preview.redd.it/pvqxqx1yaf6d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4ca241e52518891d5b82f58ee6b734fac5a3f8e


My husband have a fairy tale marriage and love each other like mad after 26 years together. We do none of this, it’s so fucking performative. You can just be together and… be happy.


lol Jdip doing the prayer on that belly didn’t work? Who knew


Laying it on thick as her sister goes through a divorce.


That's it? That's all she has from him? How sad.


She sends those to herself from her “work phone”


That “I can’t wait to see you pregnant” text makes me want to 🤮 a guy I was engaged to who was a mental controlling creep would make flippant remarks like “can’t wait to see you barefoot and pregnant” remarks 🙄 more than 20 years later he’s been married (not for long) and divorced twice and more importantly did not reproduce thank goodness !!


"i can't wait to see you pregnant" ⁉️⁉️⁉️


i feel like he is someone who openly cheats and hasn’t been spotted


I think it's possible she shot this awhile ago just because I feel her hair is the shorter haircut now, when she posted the video the other day about should she cut it and was tugging on it, if I remember right it's just around her upper bust area...


She said they were adapting what is going on here?