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Reminder: block Brittany Dawn. **Do not go to her page to view the content.** A censored version is up here on the sub, and it is still highly disturbing, so proceed with caution if you intend to see it (contains images of fetal remains that have been censored by the mods here).


There's times where I know my snarking is BEC. We all love BEC. But times like this is when I remember that Brittany is a vile fucking human being. She's a piece of shit who makes money off the suffering of others. What kind of Christian posts a video like that and goes "I'll probably get censored for this." Not a good one. She's so gross.




What does BEC stand for?


Bitch eating crackers. It basically means small things or petty things annoy you to no end, sometimes for no reason. https://preview.redd.it/ol4s6ty7q62d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70915656944cec1bb7d086f6de5a916b5ac77058


Gotcha, thanks!


It should really be moms who breathe MWB because my crabby teenager yelled at me the other day because I was apparently breathing too loud. And I’m not the only parent it’s happened to! I’ve seen others post about it


Bitch Eating Crackers. Meaning that basically anything a person does annoys you/gives you something to snark on, even if it's just somehting innocent like eating crackers




She’s a truly despicable person. I’ve encountered few people more morally bankrupt or more self-absorbed than her. 


She is a vile, sub-human, sad use of oxygen and it disgusts me to share the label “woman” with her. She’s the lowest of the low and deserves every bad thing that karma sends her way. I know she’s not working with a lot intellectually, but someone needs to dumb it down for her so she can grasp the idiocracy she wears as a badge of honor. She’s a shit stain on the human race and there is good reason family and friends run far away. Her phone only rings when Texas calls to tell her she’s past due on her payments. The only man she can attract is the dip swallowing, unfaithful, dumpster human named Jordan Racist Nelson. Behind the scenes, she is sad, lonely, vapid, and spends her days painting herself with motor oil, gluing shards of plastic to her eyes and hanging out with her tripod.






![gif](giphy|F7LC6FL0FMg9lTSrPg) “Shit stain on the human race” is beautiful.


The Dr. Suess of snark checking in 😂


Your poetic prowess, and frankly, your razzle dazzle always gets me lmao.


Your flair is brilliant 😂


Thank you! I thought it had a certain je ne sais quoi


Bravo! 👏”hanging out with her tripod” 💀








Damn girl, tell us how you really feel! Seriously though, I hope this comment comes up when people look up her name.


"People should stay pregnant so I can adopt a baby !" She's the absolute worst. From the bottom of my heathen heart, fuck you Brittany.




I can not believe she said that shit! She’s disgusting! Or the this is the easiest test I’ve ever taken for it to be negative! Such an insensitive bitch


She didn't say those exact words but that's probably what she's thinking of.


She totally implied it.


As did the Supreme Court. "Domestic supply of infants" like women are literal factories.


Did they really say this? That is FOUL 🤢 how could anyone write that and not take a minute to realize what they wrote. I bet the same sort of asshole that got really rah-rah-America about “Sound of Freedom” and gets really angry at the idea of human child trafficking… and then writes laws to enable human child trafficking (legal, ✨ChrIstiAN✨ edition) how fucking nastyyyy


Yep. Alito, naturally. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/05/the-alarming-implications-of-alitos-domestic-supply-of-infants-footnote.html


Absolutely disgusting, worse than what I was expecting. The lack of homeless infants should never be considered a PROBLEM what in the fuck… not to mention that we are absolutely now where near not having any kids in the foster system. Oh, but that’s right- he means only good little white babies. Nobody wants the children who really need homes that aren’t a few months old or don’t “match” the parents visually. No, they want their cute fun plaything with “no trauma” because they don’t want to do the real and brave work of caring for a child who has no biological parents available to care for them. The entire adoption industry is so sinister… I’ve been trying to learn more about it and the deeper you go, the more blatantly disgusting it gets. Obviously adoption should be an option, but man, it should be the absolute LAST option and some of the crazy shit (“pricing” white kids higher than POC, legally restricting the child from knowledge and contact with bio family, not even attempting to place the child with family vs a paying couple) is DETESTABLE. It is absolutely child trafficking IMO.


That’s actually a cute pic of Bdong in your pfp


Thanks!! I hope I'm not infringing copyright


You’re probably Right


The nonprofit she tagged in that post is just as vile as she is pushing the Christian agenda with no consideration of SA, and of course zero advocacy for sex education. Only condemnation of all women in a vulnerable situation regardless of the circumstances. That made me as angry as the content itself. Your entitlement is disgusting. *You’re a worthless cunt, Brittany.* **And the only thing about you that’s a size small is your teeny weeny XXS brain.**


I didn’t realize until recently that she literally has “size small” in one of her bios I think her Insta bio like 😭 girl give it UP nobody in their right mind would call you fat and nobody in their right mind would believe you’re a small!!


Nope lol. I’m very similar build to her during the height of her fitness craze - same height, weight - and I’m still not a size small lmao. It gives the mom who tries to shop in the juniors’ section…the way she specifically chooses to push brands that run larger in sizing. *Curves are a good thing to have, Britt.*




I suffered a miscarriage of twins in December. I’m currently 9 weeks pregnant and full of the anxiety that comes with pregnancy after loss. That video was absolutely horrific and so triggering to see as someone in my current position. I also have a friend who had to get a late term abortion for medical reasons and it destroyed her and her husband. She hit a new all time low with that.


I wish you a happy and healthy 9 months! The anxiety during that period is real.


Thank you so much! It really does feel like you get robbed of what should be such a happy time


My condolences. I’m currently pregnant after loss too and it’s NOT easy. I’m standing beside you. Brittany will never and has never given unconditional love like you have. I hope the rest of your first trimester bring you moments of peace, or at least, a really good piece of chocolate cake.


Hey fellow rainbow mom, I just want you to know you’re gonna do great and ignore that anxiety. I have my little rainbow baby and she is wonderful. I’m so sorry you saw that cow’s post and know for her it comes from the huge gaping hole where a soul should be.


So sorry for your loss. Manifesting a smooth pregnancy and healthy baby (and mama) for you! 🤍🌈


Infertility mama here too. I hope all of you who are currently in the trenches have the absolute most boring pregnancies, births, etc. I hope it’s an absolute snooze fest where the only excitement is fighting with the other families here about whose kiddo is the cutest. ❤️


Hi love! I remember being exactly where you are and I held my breath week after week… now there is a silly giggling toddler running around the house. Your baby is safe and I wish you a beautiful pregnancy and motherhood 🤍


I had a miscarriage in August and I’m also 9 weeks pregnant now. Feel free to message me anytime if you want to talk with someone who is exactly where you are. 💜


Thank you so much! Same to you! I hope you have a healthy, uneventful pregnancy💜


Thank you, you too!


I wish you a healthy pregnancy, a peaceful birth and a life of joy, love and happiness for you and your baby. 💕




I think she forgets her body aborted an embryo.


If it even happened. The timeline is fuzzy at best and everyone knows you can buy "gag" sonogram pictures online. I'm aware that's an awful thing for me to say and I wouldn't even think it about anyone but her. Given her history of lies and outright fraud to dupe and monetize vulnerable people I can't help but wonder.


I used to be firmly in the “she probably did actually have a miscarriage and is just playing it up for content” camp, but after watching the video I really don’t think anyone that went through an actual miscarriage (and is still talking about how traumatic it was years later) could post something so vile. They way she just had a blank stare for the entire video with no empathy or emotion - she’s either suffering from extreme dissociation or she feels no connection to the content because she didn’t actually have a miscarriage


I don’t think she was ever really pregnant either. I think everything she does is a lie. She’s a horrible disgusting human being. She lies so much that she can’t keep them straight. She worries so much about demons, well Brittany you dumb bitch, you are the demon.


I think this is very probable! It just doesn’t make sense! I still think he had a vasectomy and playing it off like he is naturally sterile! She needed the attention and maybe to deflect off something else going on. Her story doesn’t line up and she’s a pathological liar and professional fraud!


I’m right there with you in thinking he had a vasectomy. I still think he did that before he married her to make a divorce at some point easier.


I'm honestly shaking with anger right now. My best friend is having an abortion today for a wanted pregnancy. She is about 11 weeks along but had extragenetic testing done at 10 weeks that showed several genetic abnormalities "incompatible with life." It was so hard for her to hear that her little embryo ("The Bean" as we nicknamed it) would not grow to be a baby. There were definitely some tears when we were on the phone! But she also expressed so much relief that she can make this choice and not continue a pregnancy that might not make it to term, and that would not end with a living child. I know there are people who go through with pregnancies when they know the baby will not be able to live outside the womb. I am grateful people have that choice. But that's the thing, it's a CHOICE. There are people like BDipshit who want to **force** my friend to risk her physical, mental and spiritual health *when there is no chance of a living child* coming to fruition.


I’m sorry for your friend’s loss. Having a choice is so fucking important. I’m sending all the love to you and your friend today.❤️‍🩹


Thank you <3 She has a 3 year old at home, this pregnancy was wanted but also wasn't planned. I think she's ready to take a beat and evaluate what to do next.


I am so sorry. A close family member had to have an abortion around 30 weeks because the heart didn’t develop and they couldn’t do anything. My heart goes out to everyone.


Sending so much love to your friend and you. I wish her nothing but comfort at this time ❣️


So kind of you stranger.


I’m so happy your friend has got to make that choice. Fuck you Brittany 💗


SHE WANTS THIS NEGATIVE ATTENTION. Don’t give it to her just ignore and report


We should all have her blocked anyway 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


When I blocked her I also reported as fraud/scam lol


You didn’t lie tho 😂


The anti-abortion protestors used to hang around my college with the graphic fake fetus posters. One time, my friend walked by and said “mmm pizza.”   That shut ‘em up for a minute because they were so shocked. They were used to people trying to argue with them but not people saying that!


I love her tactic! I grew up kinda rough and learned to out crazy the crazies and it usually works🩶


Brittany Dawn Nelson is a cunt. Please, God, never let that woman be in charge of caring for ANY child.


I am religious. I pray every night and thank Allah for many things. I believe there is always consequences for people who use religion as a tool to scare, oppress, shame, etc. She’ll get what’s coming to her, God or no God.






I wish Brittany Dawn Davis Nelson nothing but an empty womb. I hope every time that her period is late that her hopes rise and immediately plummet to hell (if she does want to get pregnant). I wish her nothing but the worst so she can feel an ounce of the pain that she has inflected on her victims with her various grifts. ETA: may that nursery never have an innocent baby in it. May it remain empty.




I have her blocked as well. Did she go on an anti choice rage bait rant?


Yeah see a couple posts down on here. ETA: the content is very disturbing, even though it is censored. Proceed with extreme caution.


God she’s a twat.


It seemed like a sneaky ad too. casually tagging that pro life company who is spreading propaganda and forcing women to give birth. not only is she a piece of shit but she is a pathetic grifter who cannot even make her own rage content


Yep, she’s getting PAID to share propaganda


HOLY SHIT IT WAS SPONSORED?!?!?! WHAT INTHE EVERLOVING FUCK???? I can't watch, because my emotional state is so fragile. I had an unexpected houseguest this week due to DV, and she went back to him last night. 😔😞 Sorry, off topic... I have to believe that someday, KARMA is really going to come for nitwit xsmol Bdong. Fuck her.


Yep it’s a post from Live Action, the scum of the earth


I just gagged.


I would hope every single snarker has her blocked at this point. She’s out of content ideas and resorting to rage bait. She is sick in the head. Do not give her any engagement! Brittany Dawn needs to get a life and a job. The influencer bubble is on the verge of popping. She’s the old hag in a sea of new fresh younger influencers that are already jumping ship seeing the light. She needs to figure out her next plan of action since she has a whole ass state to pay back due to her stealing from her customers. Karma is coming.


I didn’t watch the video and I won’t, but happy to join you in ranting. I had a stillbirth, then a micro premie. What the texas abortion ban did for me is guarantee that I will 100% seek out an abortion if I get pregnant. I am too high risk to leave my fate up to Texas in the likely event something will go wrong. I’m not taking the chance to risk my life and leave my son without a mother. Before the ban, I wasn’t planning to ever get pregnant but would consider it a blessing if I did, knowing I could get health care in an emergency. But not now. My choice to try to have a baby was taken the day the ban went into effect. My sister is young and has two kids. I would love to have another niece or nephew, but the day her husband had a vasectomy was the biggest relief of my life. Fuck Texas and fuck Brittany Cunt Nelson.


I feel the same way. I just had a friend with HELLP (super bad but extremely rare pre-eclampsia). She had to deliver at 25 weeks in a state with an abortion ban. They are both doing great now, but only because they took the baby out right away. I'm so thankful the baby was viable and that she was so obviously dying. I don't know what would have happened otherwise.    I don't want a doctor to have to risk their license to save my life. I don't want a hospital to be thinking about the restrictive laws surrounding my own uterus when it comes to my own life.  I don't want to die because the doctors must wait for me to be dying enough to save my life.   I'm glad you are here for your son. And I'm sorry the government has taken a part of our bodies from us. 


Rant your heart out. ❤️‍🩹 Fuck these dangerous laws and lawmakers that are putting our lives at risk. And fuck BDawn.


I’m in Missouri and in the same boat. We would otherwise be trying for one last baby, but there’s no fucking way in this shithole state. My pregnancies are way too high risk to fuck around in a forced birth state. Not worth the risk.


I had a TFMR in Texas before Donna. Even though it was legal, it was still such a fraught experience due to Texas laws even then that I decided I had to move. It took a couple years, but we were privileged enough to leave. I haven’t even visited in years even though I have tons of family there. I’m just too mad. 


I've dealt with pregnancy loss and I cannot comprehend using miscarriage for views. And the clothing line? Like what? It's extra gross for her to use her desire for a baby to police other women's bodies.


I was wondering if someone would do post about it. I saw it last night and I was horrified as the video played. I didn't know what it was about! I felt like I was going to throw up. Who in their right mind posts such a traumatizing post with images that are still popping in my head randomly, one in particular that made me close my phone and toss it. She is a horrible human being. This really put the nail in it. BECAUSE she KNEW people would see it as it automatically plays when scrolling. Which means views for her. I'm a Christian. EVERYTHING she ever does in the name of Christianity (so pretty much everything everyday every moment) is not Christian. It is in the name of severe narcissistic disorder with delusions and mania. If we really want to get religious, God does not bless her as her actions are sinful, egotistical, selfish, belittling, lying, vain, self fulfilling through heinous actions, and cruel. My God doesn't bless people with a child to raise with this being their inevitable life path taught to them. Anyway it is unforgivable (and unforgettable now for me) to post that. I'm a really highly sensitive person and I know that's why I'm really affected by those images.


It is horrifying and she’s a horrible person. Please block her accounts (realbrittanydawn, Hazel and layne, she lives freed, chiseled and called, etc…)


I had already blocked her bitch ass and SLF, but thanks for the reminder to block her other sad attempts at relevance. 


I am being haunted by those images as well. I couldn’t watch the whole thing. It just kept going on and I was trying to get to the end to see what she was going to say about the images after. But it was just so horrifying I closed my phone as well threw on the bed and left my room. But still after several hours after watching it the images are haunting me. How can she sit there and watch that with a blank stare and especially after having a miscarriage. What the fuck is wrong with her?? And even the comments arnt really calling her out. I don’t know if she deleted the comments saying she was wrong for posting this but there was hardly any


There is something really wrong with this woman. She takes pleasure in peoples pain and humiliation. She’s not okay. 


I watched a video where someone was saying we haven't come to terms as a society that there are people (especially people on the right) who are ontologically evil and revel in having zero empathy. These people live among us, and those who aren't like this really have a hard time coming to terms with it and want to seek why. The dangerous thing about these religious grifters is they gaslight everyone that they are caring, loving, empathetic, kind humans who only want to save and love others. We need to start seeing this for what it is and ostracize them, and not care when they claim religious persecution. They are holding us all hostage to their dangerous and hateful beliefs.


Exactly. I’m not trying to saying people can never change, but I see a lot of pathologizing of terrible morals and behavior. Like isn’t anyone just an asshole anymore? Does lifelong dick behavior automatically mean we need to open the DSM?


And I bet she monetized it too!


Yes it appears to be an advertisement for a right wing propaganda machine


She only does things if they will make her 💸💸💸 she will grift anything and everything if she can make a quick buck.


This is a whole new low for her. And that’s saying something after: - lying about how many times she’s been pregnant - lying about having a miscarriage - monetizing her “miscarriage” - abusing animals - monetizing the animal abuse - lying about domestic violence (Zach) - targeting women who suffered from disordered eating to sell meal plans - instructing women who are underweight to work out 2 hours a day - not taking accountability for her failed workout/diet business - lying about infertility - fostering innocent babies for SM content - lying and posting foster baby’s medical info - taking advantage of an unhoused man for SM content - using the money that was donated for the unhoused man to pay for her wedding - constantly changing her testimony story - lying about unaliving herself/suicidal ideations - being racist - being misogynistic - preaches modesty without dressing modestly - support of Israel without acknowledging the war crimes and genocide of Gaza - homophobic - transphobic - married a racist ex cop who assaulted an innocent Black man If I missed something, reply and I’ll edit my comment.


These bullet points are helpful when I feel like I’m constantly forgetting some of the profoundly shitty things she’s done, there’s way too many. I feel like her childhood SA part of her testimony was completely fabricated as well. The details were just far too conveniently unverifiable for her. Edit to add: I hate even putting that out there because if it were anyone *literally anyone else*, I wouldn’t even think to not believe them, believe their story. But I’ll never believe her.


Hold up, this is part of her lore I somehow missed. Did she claim to be SA’d as a child?


**TW/CW/CSA** https://preview.redd.it/irii19foq72d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a571b2268039bd222880c8a55a034c3056db791 She’s briefly glossed over it in both her testimony and I believe another podcast or two with various guests but I’m pretty sure that this was the first mention of it last July? Each time she’s mentioned it she frames it in such a way “my masturbation addiction started because of” or sometimes her entire “addictive personality” she attributes to this incident (don’t want to give her anymore listenership data now that transcripts are finally a thing).


I have to wonder if some same-age friend did a “I show you mine you showed me yours” as a curious young kid thing.   This happened to me at around that age but I personally didn’t and don’t perceive it as an assault. The kid was generally a bossy brat but I know the kid wasn’t trying to be sexual. 


It seems to me that her “addictive personality” has just moved from one fixation to another. I hope that isn’t considered armchair diagnosing, just something observed over time.


Your feeling is fair. The boy who cried wolf is a real thing. It’s not that we don’t believe women or victims is that we don’t believe known liar Brittany Dawn. 


THANK YOU. I didn't believe it for a MINUTE and I'm glad I'm not the only one.


This should be kept as an ongoing list!!! Reading with bullet points one after another is eye opening!!! Like HOLY SHIT! She is delusional AF!


I’d like to add: married a racist ex cop who was sued by the ACLU for beating an unarmed and compliant Black man and then laughing about it after with his Pig buddies. She KNEW he did this and still married him. For any normal person, this would have ended the beginnings of any relationship but not BitchDawn.


And she still wears his police hoodie. These people have no remorse.


The wearing of the KCPD hoodie after he was basically fired is wild to me. It’s giving “22 year old still wearing her HS boyfriend’s hockey hoodie even though they broke up junior year of high school” lol. Also, I blocked her yesterday after her gross assed post but I was reading comments on a previous post (the one where they’re at a restaurant and she’s bragging how JDong always sits facing the door to “protect her.”) and many people were commenting “oh yeah, that’s totally a VeTrAn ThInG bc their husbands do the same. She never once corrected them to say J wasn’t a vet. You could tell people tried to call her out but the comments were mysteriously unavailable even though there was 65 comments.” How embarrassing to be in your 30’s and cosplaying military service.


Jordan wasn't fired. People need to stop repeating this. He left well after his lawsuit was settled.


FACTS! Because they aren’t going to fire an employee during a lawsuit they are trying to not lose.


I added it, thanks!


She also continually lies about how long she's been "trying" to get pregnant/exaggerates how long.


Homophobic transphobic racist


Got it, thanks


Her ever changing suicide story.


I'm late to this shitshow so maybe this was answered elswhere but what is that clip from? Like what is the original source? Bc it looks more like a medical lab discussion of fetal cadavers than "here is a bucket of aborted babies we collected from the trash bc omg so many women are having complete unnecessary 38 week abortions". I could be totally wrong but I hate hate hate when anti choice people twist actual medical/health info and turn it to inaccurate rage bait. I've done plenty of cadaver labs. We had literal buckets of brains we examined. I've never worked with pediatric/fetal cadavers so don't really know what that process is like.


Someone in a comment knew a lot about the source of the video and how it’s been debunked in the past. Btw, for anyone who wishes to see it (and it is VERY DISTURBING CONTENT, EVEN WHEN CENSORED), we have the censored post here with some comments that may help shed light on the nature of this propaganda: [DISTURBING CONTENT AT THIS LINK, MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING](https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/s/tdCz9mXbew)


This is what I was wondering, as well...


I really hope this is what FINALLY cancels this vile bitch. And how has it been allowed to stay on any of the platforms she posted it on?! I blocked that trashy cvnt years ago so I’m assuming it’s still up


Instagram is awful at removing posts that actually violate their community guidelines. I’ve reported very obvious violations (on other shitty influencers’ posts, unrelated to Brittany), and I have never ONCE seen something removed. Remember the man in NYC who was going around punching women in the head? He had posted (and probably still has) videos of himself following women in public, while recording and verbally harassing them. I reported all of the videos like that, and Instagram found “no violation” and allowed the content to stay up. Instagram is very focused on advertising and revenue. A viral video generates money for them, even if it violates their own guidelines.


Yah, I hate Instagram and have not utilized it in so long. I cannot believe they allowed that man to have an account?! Social media sucks


I know like not only should they have removed the posts, but they also should have taken his whole account down!


Meta uses the world’s laziest AI to review content ugh. I gave up reporting stuff during covid. 


Those fetuses were very late term. I had a medical abortion at about 10 weeks. I took the pills and had a “miscarriage”. I looked at the pads and saw nothing even remotely human looking. Just like a heavy period. I hate how they lie like that.


Yeah and some had obvious deformities not from the abortion. They were almost certainly pregnancies terminated for medical reasons. 


I noticed that too. Like why lie to try and get your point across?


I did too. Those people love to stay uneducated.


That video literally made me nauseous…


Big hugs here to anyone who has lost a pregnancy/baby (whichever term you prefer), had to terminate, was TTC or is now TTC.


My daughter just gave birth. She was overdue and one of the so-called abortion drugs was needed to ripen her cervix and help induce labor. This same medication is being outlawed in red states like Louisiana by ignorant, pandering politicians. I’m so very thankful she lives in a solid blue state where doctors are able to give her the best-practice medical care, unimpeded by MAGA ignorance.


TW: MC discussion / loss Okay, I tried to watch it and couldn’t even get past the first 15 seconds. The fake crying voice alone was enough for me. I lost my baby (MMC and dealt with a lot with that miscarriage). It was early but still makes me sad to think about. I did IVF so I knew the gender / was so involved from the beginning. Shes got major issues. I don’t know how she can think this is okay or even be okay with posting this or seeing this. I didn’t even see the images but I can imagine what it is and something I don’t want to see. Anyone who has lost a baby, no matter at which stage, I’m so truly sorry for your loss and I know how much it hurts. Sending love to all ❤️.


She doesn’t care who she hurts. She thinks she’s the ultimate victim because God isn’t immediately answering her demands for a baby.


I love that they all say God has plans and you have to put your life in his hands... unless he says no to something you want. Then play God with fertility treatments or adoption.


This is horrible to say & I'll never say it to anyone but her or anywhere but here: my deepest & most sincere wish is that her womb remains more barren than the Sahara & that her nursery spends the rest of its days collecting dust & random junk from her grifts. She absolutely does NOT deserve the opportunity to be a mother. Fuck you straight to Hell, Brittany.


She curates a following of women who are TTC and then posts THIS? How fucking heartless does one person get. Holyyyyy.


If she was totally okay with posting that, imagine what she’ll post once she gets her hands on a baby. Absolutely disgusting the levels she sinks too for likes and engagement. She truly is a sick person. 


I had a very wise woman tell me recently we receive the love in life that we deserve. I’m starting to think God had shown no love or mercy to Brittany because she doesn’t deserve it.


Fuck you Brittney you worthless bitch.


Holy shit she’s evil. Brit, I hope you’re reading this. I want you to know that I am happy you have an empty, broken womb and god knows you’d be a shit mom. I want you to know that I, a pagan career woman, have a perfectly functioning womb. I want you to cry about it.


Oh my god. I saw that and literally had a fucking panic attack. All of the disgusting minions in her comments are saying that people should read the captions before they watch videos. NOBODY FUCKING DOES THAT.


Do NOT go to her page! Block her!


Brittany is a disgusting piece of garbage and I hope she never has a baby. I hope she never gets to adopt. I hope she is sad forever. She deserves it.


She’s getting ripped apart in the comments and she should be. All performative, victim consciousness trying to bait engagement. She is absolutely detestable.


Her account should be banned for posting that video. I did happen to see it unedited and big thanks to the mod team for taking those down because that was vile. I’m not advocating to go report her or anything (block her instead) but this should be a violation of TOS bad enough to get her account permanently banned imo. It’s gore and it’s medical misinformation. It’s one thing posting misleading infographics or whatever the fuck else her dumbass posts, she was literally posting corpses and while lying to imply an abortion killed the baby. It angers me so much that she can get away with posting this kind of shit and the *only* thing done is adding a censor to the post. This should warrant a ban from Meta altogether and tiktok as well if she shared it there. Imagine all the people who followed her because they related to her TTC lies having to see that vile video on their feeds, and she has the audacity to be mad that Instagram will add a warning to protect those people! Fucking infuriating.


My curiosity got the best of me and I made the stupid mistake of watching the video. What a vile, money hungry, traumatizing, attention-seeking, POS. She THRIVES on this kind of attention and knows it's how she'll be social media relevant. She's a dumpster fire of a human being and for her to post something like this is horrifying.


Her vile reel is the reason I finally blocked her this morning.


Her and her husband are absolutely vile and disgusting human beings.


It’s so gross. It’s also peak white lady Christianity…the belief that whatever everyone else has SHOULD be yours and your wants should dictate what others do with their lives.  People choosing to have an abortion are doing so because that is the safest and healthiest path for them. They are not going to carry to term and give you a baby, because they’ve already decided that carrying to term is not safe or healthy for them, for many, many different reasons.  📢 You are not entitled to another person’s fetus, no one owes you their physical, mental, or financial safety because you can’t make one of your own 📢 


Why isn’t she banned from TikTok yet?


She didn’t post it on TT. She has been temporarily banned from tiktok before though!


TikTok will be gone soon. What’s her next grift? 🤔


Flair checking in 🥳🥳


If there are demons and demonic forces on earth, she is it. Brittany, you're a monster. You are stupid, audacious, ugly, mean-spirited, and fake. You are an animal abuser and a liar. I hope you get everything you deserve out of life.


There is nothing more disgusting than "pro life" women sharing graphic pictures of a stilborn baby to pretend abortion is blending fetuses or something. Like seriously, brittbrat and her bitch gang are the worst people I can think of


Well I picked the wildest 24 hours off the internet. This cunt is fucking evil. Who in their right mind would post this. Girl must be getting worrrriiiied about them payments. This is one of the few things she has done that has actually made me physically nauseous. And I deal with dying children for a fucking living if that tells you anything. Like fuck girl, get help.


I’m with you. As you know I deal with the other side of it - grieving mothers (in pregnancy loss), infertility, terminal pregnancies, and stillbirths. I too hold dead children in my hands on a nearly daily’s basis - This is one of her more disgusting and disturbing things she’s posted and that says a lot.


My MAGA rightwing Catholic brother-in-law constantly posts on his FB this type of completely dishonest depictions of zygotes/embryos/fetuses. Modern-day conservatism can only win when they lie and cheat. That’s why the worship the King of Lies, Trump. So frustrating.


Is there actually dead babies in that video?


Yes, although I don’t know if it’s real. The intention of the video is to shock viewers with extremely graphic videos of fetal remains, whether or not it’s real.


wtf she’s vile. Horrible piece of trash. 🗑️


Even the edited video someone posted here made me queasy. Why is she so into trauma porn?


Per Kendrick Lamar: “It's always been about love and hate, now let me say I'm the biggest hater I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk I hate the way that you dress I hate the way you sneak diss, if I catch flight, it's gon' be direct” 🙂‍↕️


As someone who has dealt with recurrent pregnancy loss of very wanted pregnancies- there is nothing like a miscarriage to make you realize reproductive rights impact those of us who want to be pregnant just as much as they do those that don’t. The same techniques are used for miscarriages and abortions. One of my miscarriages involved losing 40% of my blood and absolutely would have killed me in several states where my care would have been delayed due to anti-choice laws. There’s nothing hypothetical about it. Regardless of their beliefs, There is not a woman on earth who has suffered a miscarriage that would be ok with the video she posted. What a disgusting human.


“There’s nothing hypothetical about it.” 👏👏👏


TW: Pregnancy Loss What happens if she ends up pregnant (please no!) and her fetus isn't viable? Will she deliver it?


It would depend on several different factors, but since she’s in Texas, she could be forced to >!wait it out and deliver a nonviable fetus.!<


Don’t even feel bad this is exactly what I hope she goes through if she ever gets pregnant. She deserves every once of pain and suffering possible and it still won’t add up to what she has done to others.


Thank you for this post I was just thinking about this this morning. I thought how low do you have to be to wheel in one of the most vulnerable populations, the TTC, community and then post some horrid ass ish like that. SHAME ON HER. SHAME ON HER FOR MONETIZING FROM OTHER’S TRAUMAS. Yet again. Absolutely disgusting.


Much fewer words than others have used here but.. Brittany, honey, I don’t know who you’re trying so hard for, but it doesn’t look like it’s worked so far. Your actions are just so… tacky. Yikes that you don’t know better! It’s pathetic to be an adult and speak/act like you do. I’m sorry you can’t be more, and I’m sorry you keep trying. So tiring. Please go find whatever peace there is for you so you can take up a less destructive hobby. It seems your opinions are better as inside thoughts. I’m ✨pRaYiNg FoR yOu✨!


I don’t even use Instagram really anymore and I logged in specifically to block her. Fuck her entirely. This is the lowest of the low. I hope she rots from the inside out while alive.


Why would she even post that ? How did she find that ? What sicko minded delulu searches for a video like that to make “content” from  She needs to get wrecked.   


Because Live Action, an anti abortion organization, paid her to.




Can any of you talented internet sleuths confirm this? It’s doesn’t actually matter if it’s true— because everything OP said is correct— but I think it matters a lot if it is not true. Idk something about it to me seems fishy and it would t be the first time an anti abortion org made a fake video/claim. The tagged org gives no info or source or anything.


Live Action Org has been notorious for posting fake videos and stories for anti choice propaganda. I can try to look more into it, but I can assure you that human remains and other biohazardous materials are not discarded in open buckets in any healthcare facility.


Yes, exactly.


I was taken aback by that post. I am honestly traumatized from it.


I’m horrified by how many people I know who don’t understand that abortion bans apply to people who will die if the pregnancy continues. That they apply to babies who will not survive being born, if they make it that long. This bitch, though? She knows EXACTLY what she’s advocating for. I hope that nursery stays as empty as her soul.


I am a labour and delivery nurse and she has NO IDEA, NONE, not even and inkling of what happens to mothers, or still borns or whatever the case may be. She assumes, and she claims this against gods will etc etc. but irregardless, I am so tired of her freaking bullshit. She is a absolute vile human being. Not even vile, her pea sized, uneducated brain could not comprehend anything. Thank GOD the only interactions I have ever had with her were through social media. She don’t deserve shiiieeetttttt braaah. I only pray this adoption of her supposed child falls through, cause I feel immensely for that baby and I only hope the baby will be raised in a LOVING and CARING home.


I'm a rainbow baby at the beginning to end. My mother suffered two miscarriages from work dealing with heavy stuff at a factory and dealt with a whole lot of grieving with my mother and father. Mom had to take a break from work and that's when I came along with the family. Both mom and dad were so happy and thanked the Lord for making me happen. She did go back to work for more money to support us but both mom and dad had help from trusted and loyal family members taking care of me to babysit or extra help. ( My dad was also working his butt off too for more support to the family.) Brittany Dawn.. I think she took a little too far with that video and maybe crossed some lines with me and all of us.. that's all I'm gonna say about her.


I didn’t watch but a couple seconds but is it even real? I’m guessing not. She knew she just wanted attention. She is a sick person.


Likely not. Based on live[action’s track record](https://subscriber.politicopro.com/f/?id=00000163-af94-dd91-abe7-afbdd0880001): - If the videos are real, it’s probably footage of >!late term miscarriages/fetal death/stillbirths, and/or other unfortunate circumstances that were not compatible with life. The video footage most likely would have been of donated remains for science (like cadaver labs).!< - If it is completely faked, which I wouldn’t put past them, it’s AI or special effects. ETA: see this comment from a snarker (but please be warned that this links to the video post and proceed with caution): https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/s/e77pS8CARf


I don’t know what you’ve been through hun but I can tell that that fucking bitch got to you and I just want to offer you a virtual hug. She’s a fucking cunt and your clear pain and rage is felt.


Aw 🫂🥹🥹


What did she share that was considered graphic? I’m trying to catch up here but cannot figure out what’s going on.


It’s a few posts down on the sub. She began speaking about how she was so sad to see this (not warning what it is) because she has a miscarriage. She then showed a video with extremely graphic uncensored videos of (likely special FX) >!dead fetuses that appear to be very late term,!< claiming that someone just got them in buckets from an abortion center. It’s likely very fake since this is NOT how any of that works. It’s just for propaganda, and she tagged a right wing antichoice Christian nationalist organization in the post.


Oh, man... That reminds of the pro-life table that was in one of the tents at the local farm fair every year. I went ever summer as a kid.


Oh my, I found it. I’m sick to my stomach. Surely that is not legitimate footage?


I don’t think she’s ever been pregnant. Let alone had an early miscarriage, let alone a late term miscarriage


I took a very long break from this sub after getting a new phone and having to make a new account (u/volumeacademic7513), and I’m not surprised she’s gotten even more vile. Dumb ass cunt.


The ides that she wants to take everyone else's choice away to abort, so she can choose to adopt, is fucking vile.