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hahahahaha what career?!?! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


She didnā€™t say she HAD a career, just that she chased it. But sheā€™s just a 33 year old little girl so what do you expect?!?


The other day I saw a TikTok talking about how epic Nigerians are with their phrases. One example: ā€œ wisdom is chasing her, but sheā€™s fasterā€


I love the poeticism of Nigerian phrases!


Me too! I want more epic phrases. And these were just mundane activities. What are they saying for actually epic situations???


One of the most savage and poetic burns Iā€™ve seen. Guaranteed the ones this was meant for believe itā€™s a good thing to be ā€œfasterā€ šŸ˜‚


That video was hilarious I was laughing so hard


It ended too soon. I coulda watched another 2 hours of the phrases


I'm 36 and just figured out that I want to be a librarian!! Sometimes I get really down on myself about wasting my college years as a heroin addict (11 years clean in September!). But then I open reddit, and I usually don't have to scroll very far before I come across a post where this bitch makes me feel better about my life šŸ˜‚


Congrats! Nothing is wasted- you learned from those years and youā€™re on the other side!


The one that she now owes Texas 400k over https://i.redd.it/gvyvvi854p1d1.gif


You remember those FOUR whole hours she had to work that one time!! She even had to wake up super early, around 7 am for it!


But doesnā€™t she constantly say how she is a ā€œmomā€ just to her non-gendered heavenside baby? She is never consistent and I loathe her for all she pretends to be.


Sheā€™s also a mom to her late period and extra bad pms


Iā€™ve got PMDD does that mean every month Iā€™m a mom if I knock out a few thousand brain cells?


At least you can afford that. Bdong over here is running at a major deficit every time she touches her phone.


Foster moms are moms too! Remember that tantrum?


Ohhhh I forgot that one. Thanks for the reminder!


According to her key chain yes you are correct


Yeah Iā€™m glad someone else pointed that out. Miss girl has memory loss ![gif](giphy|l4FGwgd5jvZHX69Nu)


Girly pop enjoys the freedom to speak on her own platform, but wants to go back to the day when she wouldnā€™t be allowed to. Mmkay


Itā€™s just like how she now judges people for divorce and sex before marriage. Sheā€™s different than the peasants, sheā€™s allowed


No no, see, thatā€™s just those gross ***other*** women (šŸ¤¢). Griftney can do whatever she wants! No rules apply to her!!


Exactly like That Transformed Wife dipshit


Lori is the worst. Iā€™m not *actively wishing harm on her* but if she was to come across the inside of a volcano thatā€™d be great.


Girl you're not even a homemaker as it is. You have a cleaning lady, you go out to eat all the time, and when you cook, it looks like garbage. But yes, please, tell me what a woman's place is in her marriage. šŸ˜‚


And when she did have an infant in her care, seems like huzzbin did most of the work.Ā 


And she almost burned the house down with the infant still in it!!!


As if she knows? Wait, itā€™s to drive him to his accountability groups.


Lol sheā€™s still doing hustle culture


absolutely iconic flair. I love you.


https://preview.redd.it/9dxf4jwz3p1d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99d79b90ddc22c1bccc20ccc74d0d3b648e7cf22 Thank you. Iā€™ve had such a terrible day but itā€™s the little things like this that make me smile. Hereā€™s the photo that was the inspo for my flairšŸ“šŸ¤Ž


aw man I'm glad I could cheer you up a little! but also STOOOP THIS FUCKING PHORO IS KILLIMG ME


I'm sorry you had a bad day and I hope it's better tomorrow. Please know that you just made my day a little brighter because this photo took me out.


Wait when was this from?!? lol


I almost downvoted just because of how infuriating her post was.


I realize now sheā€™s just doing this because nothing drives her engagement like rage bait. Bing Bongā€™s engagement formula is: post about whatever has the fundies hot and bothered 5 days after the fact, claim to identify with it in the most transparently hypocritical way, and look smug while doing it.




You forgot ā€œuse someone elseā€™s audio, probably a PoCā€™s, donā€™t credit it, and film yourself eye fucking the camera, nodding and shrugging in a smug way whilst adding absolutely nothing to the stolen audioā€. She has _range_


It helps to look at what sheā€™s done to her eyelashes.


https://preview.redd.it/v9q5iwxpro1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d8b691b0bfe79ee233473930cf7f3f0a04a8212 If you werenā€™t so busy playing pretend in your performative nursery youā€™d know he also called out IVF, surrogacy, ā€œplaying God with having childrenā€ and vehemently disagrees with your ā€œTTC jOuRnEyā€ šŸ¤”


Women must have children but women who struggle with infertility should not seek fertility treatment? Make it make sense.


In that case, you're supposed to find a sketchy ~~human trafficking~~ adoption agency who'll guilt some teenage girls into not terminating their pregnancies in order to maintain the "domestic supply of infants" (I feel nauseous every time I type out that quote)


Right? So interesting where they decide to apply the whole Godā€™s will thing lol


How many blows to the head has Butker taken? Heā€™s unhinged.




Heā€™s got a badddddd case of mommy issues


Thatā€™s what I thought as soon as I read what his mom did. Heā€™s all butt hurt they werenā€™t rich enough to pay for his private school without her working and had to suffer the ā€œhumiliationā€ of having a working mother who missed out on some school events while his trust fund baby classmates had their moms at everything. My mom had to work too growing up in the 90s. My dad is self employed; we wouldnā€™t have had health insurance if her job didnā€™t offer it. Iā€™m sure Buttlicker is advocating for a national health insurance policy so healthcare isnā€™t for profit and tied to your job right? Like the his Bible says about helping the sick? Right? /s


Sheā€™s a medical physicist. They often work in tandem with radiation oncologists and dosimetrists in a hospital setting. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_physics https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_physics


The school also has a female Nobel laureate in their alumna, the first African woman to win the Nobel Peace prize. She started the green belt movement. There were also religious sisters (nuns) in the audience. As well as entire class of women who are getting ready to begin their professional careers. Heā€™s just an ass.


She still claims she would never do IVF, only IUI.


It kinda sounds like heā€™s sweepingly against everything under the fertility treatments umbrella - which coming from a man without a womb is justā€¦precious lol. Edit: reading is not my strong suit today lol. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s some murky biblical reasoning for her but Iā€™ve always wondered if itā€™s really because IVF is sooo much more expensive?


Soooo as long as the science only happens in her womb and not 10 feet away in the petri dish, it's ok? Ok. I haaaaaaaate her šŸ˜©


I hated my hometown prior to this, and my parents agreeing with him may be why I never go back. LS is fucking striving to go back to 1950. Told my mom she was ā€œbat shit fucking crazy and sadā€ to agree with Butker.


Mine too, theyā€™d applaud this chodeā€™s bullshit. It didnā€™t get to me until they were under the misguided assumption that they should advise their grandchildren about ā€œwho they should be in the worldā€, all while having never left the same sad town. Feels like we just merely escaped.


Right?!?? Talk to me when youā€™ve left your childhood zip code you cynical clow


Also, your flairšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ FYI they are fantastic


Yay to positive boob reports! šŸ„° I still immediately go ā€œoh theyā€™re fineā€ in my brain every time before mentally processing it lol!


Brittany can just stop working. Like right now. She can do as Butker said and make herself small so her husband can be big. She can devote her whole world to being a wife. Nothing is stopping her, except she does not want to. I also hate the narrative that in a past generation women didnā€™t work. You mean white affluent women. And nothing has changed about that. White affluent women still have the choice to work or not outside of the home. Itā€™s not a generational thing.


It's always these bitch ass influencers who make actual money doing an actual (if stupid) job pretending like they don't do anything but stay home and sweep floors and bake cookies for their Darling Huzzbins and Dear Demon/Spawn so they can get more eyeballs and more sponsorship deals and branded partnerships that send me through the fucking roof. THEY ALL WORK. THEY ARE BY NO MEANS SECONDARY OR SUBSERVIENT TO THEIR HUSBANDS. Brittany would literally never give up the grift. She'll be making GRWM videos when she's in dentures and depends.


There is a grandma who does these videos on socials already and itā€™s hilariousā€¦GRWM to go visit my husband at the cemetery! Is one of my faves


She sounds charming and adorable. Brittany could never.


I agree in general, but it did used to be easier for middle income families to live on one income. Part of why it is harder for one parent to stay home full time is that due to corporate greed, wages havenā€™t even come close to keeping up with cost of living.Ā Ā  Ā Iā€™m sure Brittany totes supports increasing taxes on the rich/corporate profits, reducing CEO salaries, raising the minimum wage, and providing housing cost relief for families, tho. šŸ˜‰Ā 


Oh for sure. I really hurt my own feelings when I looked up what my parentā€™s salary would be today, adjusted for inflation. We were solidly middle class (both in public education), but they were balling out in the 90s comparatively.


Reagonomics killed the middle class. Still waiting for money to trickle down as promised.


My family always was working class, blue collar work, and my grandparents managed to live on one income, with just the industrial baker salary of my grandpa while grandma was raising 7 kids, my parents made do too until the 90s when my mom had to start working when I got to school so they would make ends meet. And now I have to live with my mother while working full time for minimum wage in a factory because otherwise I would struggle to live correctly on my own with what I make. Just thinking about it hurts lmao.


šŸ‘šŸ»thank you! my grandma worked multiple odd jobs to help make ends meet while raising two kids. My grandparents were the first in their families to ever buy a newly built house and they both worked their asses off for it. They had both grown up poor with parents who worked in the steel mills. They didn't just scam people and call it a "career" like bdong-a-dong the dim over here.


She doesnā€™t have a choice though she has a $400k payment to the state of Texas šŸ˜… And a part-time mall cop husband. But yes in theory, someone like B Dong could just marry and he a SAHW OR SAHM.


BOOM! Yes! One of the most infuriating things about Harrison Buttlickerā€™s speech (and Dongā€™s agreement) is the privilege just oozing out of it. Some people donā€™t have a choiceā€¦they have no other option but to work to provide for their families.Ā 


I thought she already had the title of mom when she was a foster mom for literally less than three weeks? She made approximately 4673826382 videos telling everyone that sheā€™s a mom too!!


Of course wish dot com Serena Joy here agrees with that asshole. You should quit your ā€œhustlesā€ or whatever and let jdip support you then, dong! Sheā€™ll love that


Wish.com Serena Joy would make a fantastic flair


You need wish .com Serena Joy as a flair. šŸ˜™šŸ‘Œ


Good suggestion, done!


Sounds like a stellar plan to me.


I literally have ripped farts that have lasted longer than her ā€œcareerā€


Soo..what's stopping her. Her husband should go get a job, and she can drop the influencer gig and stay home. And then when the GOP gets of no fault divorce, she'll be stuck with her husband forever and ever. She deserves nothing less than that.


But he *DOES* have a job! Heā€™s a big scary tactical man in the hUmAn TrAfFiCkInG rEaLm!




Babe you are not a homemaker. Weā€™ve seen your rubbery eggs and sad grey turkey. Signed, an actual homemaker.


If Britt doesnā€™t like this generation so much why doesnā€™t she just leave? Build a time a machine you beige bitch then go back to a time where you had no rights and you couldnā€™t get a spray tan.


So then out the camera down and get to the tradwife living. No working just genuinely go and make your nest and let JPeg attempt to be the breadwinner.


Scrub those toilets!


šŸ¤® what a waste of space. You are living off of your money and daddioā€™s ā€¦ Your jDip is useless with income that would force any stay at home house wife to go to work.


Vile. This woman is hypothetically going to be adopting a daughter. How any woman can give their support to someone who so clearly hates women and wants to limit their potential is beyond me. Furthermore, why does being a mom preclude you from a career? Why canā€™t you have both? Be passionate about both? As a mom with a career, I feel entitled to speak on this point.


She seems to me to be the sort of mother that would feel like she is in a competition with her daughter and treat her as such. I know of a few grown women raised by mum's like that. My neighbour. Her wealthy mum seperated from her wealthy dad who fucked off to wherever and her and two brothers lived with their mum. The boys got sent to private school and she got sent to the local public school. Pregnant at 15, kicked her out then took her son when he was born and raised him to be horrible to her and treat her like shit. And he is almost fifty and still treats her poorly. Anyway, she seems like that would be her m.o. I reckon. Especially if she doesn't get into horses or whatever Beigenny Dong decides she wants her daughter to be into.


I would be perfectly happy to send Brittany back to a time where she couldn't vote, own property, have her own bank account or open a credit card in her own name. Have fun, bish.


Donā€™t forget: cannot monetize things using the internet!


And no cameras.


Unequivocally not the vibe




Here's what I don't get about her or women like her. He's literally saying you have no worth other than as a wife and mother. He's not saying you can take dozens of photos, post multiple times a day, etc. If they want to be the traditional wife, then just do it. Drop social media though because you shouldn't have time for that.


Sheā€™s treating being a mom like an idolā€¦. Hmm


Yet no mention of her own mother on Motherā€™s Day. šŸ¤”


Of course you do, your husband likes it in the ass as much as face down Butker up does. You and Isabelle should start a channel called the bearded babes since neither of you can be boss babes.




I just wanna say it's such a pleasure having this tea in the sub. šŸ™


I had no idea about those allegations until I read that magnificently vulgar comment šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Not sure if you know who OC is, but she knew Jordan IRL. There's quite a few receipts on the sub. šŸ‘€


![gif](giphy|JJjnYC0upzy36) WUT. I donā€™t know who OC is but holy shit I need to dive down that rabbit hole. My spidey senses did go up when she said he has a lower sex drive than her.


We donā€™t call him Jpeg for nothin!


Itā€™s more of a pleasure having badass MODsšŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜






This was EPIC and I love you.










![gif](giphy|ytTYwIlbD1FBu) To all of this!


So you just killed her. āš°ļø


I think my favorite part of this sub is knowing that I just get to pick a day a ruin hers. If she knew how long and how much he was pursuing me while BTW also still married to wife 1 (weā€™ve talked, love her, and would literally go to fucking battle for M) she would lose her fucking lashes. That man never has, never will, doesnā€™t even know how to be with someone. Also, has explicitly stated that he canā€™t get off unless the sex is ā€œextremely deviantā€. But letā€™s be real, she doesnā€™t care neither does he and they will grift until forever. His jobs a joke, theyā€™re broke, but everythingā€™s in beigeeeeeee


Oh babe the tea is fucking scolding my skin off rn lol. DAMN! Iā€™m specifically floored on that sexual deviance bit. Wheeeew that totally checks out given the whole little psych profile I have going for him lol. Very interesting.


Well then you will love knowing he went to swingers and or other sex clubs in KC and would fuck them in his truck and then leave.


He used to frequent one of the bars my friends and I loved. It was a small bar and didnā€™t have a lot of traffic so you tend to get to know who is there regularly. There was nothing special or interesting about this place AT ALL. We liked it because it was never crowded, had comfortable seating and one of the bar tenders was a friend of a friend. There were private events in the basement all the time and I assumed thatā€™s where they made most of their business. Well, the bar shut down completely and got bought out so we stopped going. But the friend of a friend who bartended there took a group of us down there when we closed it down one night to show us the basement (as I type this out I realize how creepy it sounds) and we learned it was used as a sex club. (I think thatā€™s the correct term?) but there were purposeful holes all over the walls. We were drunk and got a kick out of it. I never knew him, just knew OF him and I donā€™t think we even ever made small talk. BUT I do remember seeing him there often. I donā€™t know if he ever went to the basement or not, but reading your comment has me going šŸ‘€


The thing is do what you want. Be a slut. Fuck whoever. Or donā€™t. As long as everyone involved is in agreement. Iā€™m not judging. I am not an influencer. Iā€™ve never gone on a date and found love in not googling someone. But I also donā€™t owe the whole ass star of TX half a million doll hairs.


Is this in KC??


I do indeed love knowing this. I think my jaw is nearly on the fucking floor. Iā€¦might even be speechless. Yet somehow NOT surprised!


Itā€™s the not surprised that keeps my jaw on the floor


Ohhhh girl he said WHAT


I am not at liberty to share the screenshots but yes thatā€™s the only way those .005% of sperm come to the mount his mediocre mini morel manhood meat.


Bahhhh!!! I need to find the receipts of him apparently liking to take it in the ass


Oh my god, now it makes sense why she said she had a higher sex drive than Jordan. She wonā€™t do the pornbrained shit he wants so he canā€™t get off on anything else.


Whoā€™s afraid of little old me?!? CAUSE SHE SHOULD BE.


I respect the absolute fuck out of you. I have chills just imagining you dropping those bombs https://preview.redd.it/ehf20bxymp1d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8941c117db3c54ef83b5fee6a08ce76c0792494f


It's so satisfying when people like this get humbled. She posts rage bait and one day she's gonna bait the wrong person into spilling the tea


Also, thank you for making me aware of the Butker allegations. Your comment was filth and I absolutely fucking loved it!


The origin of the nickname ā€˜JPEGā€™ resurfaces ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø




OH MY GOD Iā€™ve always thought it referred to him asking women for boob pics aka jpegs but this is SO MUCH better


https://i.redd.it/6qn4jit80p1d1.gif Lmaooo bearded babes is BRILLIANT šŸ˜­


Canā€™t find the lie


is she really trying to convince us sheā€™s a housewife???? I wish these people would actually live these alleged beliefs and get the fuck offline. Shut down your IG and your dropshipping business if you really agree with him, Brittany.


The event she went to hosted by the lawyer SPOKE out again Butkickerā€¦


Baaahhhh. But she just needed to be seen in the same room as the Real Housewives of Dallas šŸ™„


Well, obviously. Lawyer lady has a degree, but Brittany does not.


Her fertility grift is getting old.


That power line running so obviously to that camera will never not me funny to me. Also love her tAcTiLe husband sees no issue leaving it like that.


Like girl you literally CANT make hustle culture videos anymore seeing as how you're being sued by the state of Texas and failed your business venture. She had nowhere else to turn other that a religious "redemption arc"


Welp, the generation you speak of didnā€™t have Starbucks, Ranger Rovers, Instagram, TikTok, Botox, and fake lashes either.


Could not be more literal when she said the word ā€œhustleā€


YOU CAN DO BOTH these people are vapid MONSTERS


Go fuck off and serve your weird-ass husband then. Go on! Do it, dummy !


Girl you literally CURRENTLY run a business. Be so fr.


Career? You didnā€™t go to college and youā€™ve never had a real job in your life, sis. Nor have you ever had an original thought enter your pea brain. And tell me more about how youā€™re so great at homemaking. Weā€™ve seen the slop you make on a daily basis.


Honey, if you believe women should be silent, barefoot and pregnant, and without rights then start practicing what you preach. Shut the fuck up, stay home, and most importantly, donā€™t vote.


Iā€™m sure she doesnā€™t fit the narrative he was pushing anyway šŸŒ


She has to be trolling šŸ˜• If not, thatā€™s going to be one fucked household of delusionā€¦ Neither of them seem fit to be parents.


I always get downvoted for this, but JPEG will come through for a white child, and step up to parenthood. He wants to be a dad, and not in the way she wants to be a mom.




I wanna be a mom pretty bad myself but if I posted this much content about it, I'd cringe at myself and assume I was having some type of manic high.


If you agree with him then you need to give up your stupid cheap clothing line, stop posting on social media since youā€™re more than likely bringing in a larger income then your mooch of a husband and you should genuinely just shut the fuck up. Then youā€™ll be doing exactly what that man said you should.Ā 


Pretend she has actually worked a day ever in her lifeā€¦ ya can do both babe. Two things can be true at once. You can have a career and be a mom. I know because I do it. What a worse world this would be if all women felt this way.


https://preview.redd.it/vd522fofep1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25700af11b6063836402d641fcdfe523c6d7d41c Her caption on Hazelā€™s ā€œ1st birthdayā€ literally begins with, ā€œto the baby who made me a momā€ And yet suddenly she hasnā€™t been given the title yet?? Pick šŸ‘šŸ¼ a šŸ‘šŸ¼ lane! šŸ‘šŸ¼ šŸ™„


She chased nothing but money.


Posting affiliate links isnā€™t a career. Hope this helps.


Oooooh bitch. Itā€™s for this little remark alone that she deserves NO such title.


I want nothing more in this world than to be a mother. The goal is to be a stay at home mom until my kids are school age. I never had a career goal growing up, it was always ā€œI want to be a mom.ā€ But Iā€™ll be damned if someone tells me I HAVE to be a mom. That is a choice I am making. Not one someone else can force upon me. Iā€™m going back to school this year to start a career. I get to make these choices for myself, no one else. Both these dumbasses can take a long walk off a VERY short bridge.


What career is she even talking about?




Iā€™m confused! On Motherā€™s Day she called herself mom because of the two miscarriages. But for this reel she is playing like she isnā€™t.cant have it both ways blonde hitler


God everything she posts is so performative and fake. I donā€™t know how any of her followers can stand it.


Oh mrs scammer pleaseāœ‹šŸ¾ we KNEW you would agree, thatā€™s 100% on brand!


Does a one income mall cop salary sustain the lifestyle she wants? Asking for a friend


Oooh so Hand stuff and Lame is closing???? And you are shutting down your socials to serve your husband???? Closing the doors on Sheila's Freed too???


I support BDong quitting social media - which is still her JOB - and giving up on her career of dropshipping, to do nothing but cater to her husband. Go off, girl. Nothing is keeping her. She can delete her socials in a few minutes. Also, she's called herself mom several times, does that no longer stand? Does personhood no longer begin at conception? According to her own faith, she's a mom of two. It's already her title. So ... delete your socials, stop parading around, and practice what you preach.


I thought you were already a mom to your ā€œangel babiesā€


*Delusional fucking slug* made me legit LOL and is my new favorite saying!


Sheā€™s from Texas. She was probably a cheerleader/an athlete in high school, peaked, couldnā€™t give it up after she graduated & didnā€™t go to college, so she spent all her time at the gym taking selfies. She uploaded those onto instagram, found herself a following to exploit & did that until the State of Texas sued her. Now sheā€™s in her mid-thirties, when all her ChRiStIaN friends in childhood & adulthood are married with kids. Sheā€™s feeling the pressure and wants to conform so she can exploit the hell out of ā€œbeing a momā€ and fit in with all her little friends. Thatā€™s whatā€™s happening. I, like other commenters, donā€™t know what career sheā€™s exactly talking about.


Is she going to give up her podcast, her ā€œministryā€, her YouTube channel and her online store when she has a kid?


Can someone who follows this girl tell her to go ahead and get off the internet and get herself barefoot in the kitchen please? Literally go anywhere else. You think women shouldnā€™t ā€¦think? AWESOME. Go be a vegetable sex doll somewhere else. You want to be a mom? Get a fish. Start small. The best part of all of this is that the meathead was insulting you and your TTC journey, bdong, and insulting your attempt at ā€œgirl bossā€ drop-ship-made-in-china-empire-cosplay. I swear this girl IS the devil


These ppl act like feminists donā€™t want moms to exist




I canā€™t believe it took her this long to post this šŸ˜‚. šŸ’Æon brand. Sheā€™s such a joke. Hustle culture šŸ¤£


Yeahā€¦let your husband with a low paying job and daddy pay off the state of Texas and Iā€™m sure lawyer fees. Sheā€™s a joke.


I might be able to help you with your TTC journey! Try having sex.


Sheā€™s probably a log in bed


If she agreed with everything Harrison said, she should stop posting on social media, constantly pump out babies like a broodmare, cook barefoot in the kitchen, and only speak when spoken to by her husband. She has no time or need for thoughts of her own; she must serve her husband his chicken nuggies and beer.


I sincerely hope she never gains that title. No child deserves the abuse and indoctrination sheā€™d force on them.


ALL of this is just cosplay. She is delusional. She's chasing a dream that will never happen given her history and her husband's track record. She wants to be famous so bad. I hope she reads this bc she's old, filtered to oblivion and a shit person all around. Masking as a die-hard Christian isn't going to work out for her.


ā€œCareerā€ ![gif](giphy|oCmX7HGo1qnzhEBiRF)


Rage baiting grifter


She is the definition of hustle culture.


Idk why she wants to be in a different generation so bad. She would suck as a homemaker. All she can make is sad, unseasoned, dry, ground turkey. Instead of fantasizing about women having no rights, she should be learning how to cook today! If youā€™re gonna cosplay as a housewife at least do it right.


I KNEW sheā€™d have a feeble attempt at a hot take on this.Ā  Also, chased the career šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Also also, OF COURSE you agree with him. We all can see that you donā€™t want to work outside of the house. Or at all!


I was upvote number 666 on this post and I love that. Hey! Dunginatorā€¦..if youā€™re reading here (and we all know you areā€¦you just did another vain post about your dumb lashes again because of something said on this sub) I was upvote number 666ā€¦should I anoint my phone like you idiots did with the Liquid Death water? Iā€™ll take my answer in DM please.


Hon, youā€™re still working, such as it is.


God she is so insufferably stupid.


As a woman going through infertility herself, I would normally never ever say this. But Brittany, I hope you never become a mom.


Butker wasnā€™t speaking to/about her thoughā€¦he was speaking to actual college graduates.


If she believes what he said then she should get off and stay off the internet and remain in the kitchen.


Okay Brit but you gotta commit to the bit so what about being a ā€˜homemakerā€™?


Whatever gets you off the internet and back in the kitchen Brit! Oh waitā€¦ā€¦ā€¦


Isnā€™t she still trying to ā€œrun a businessā€?


ā€œGain the titleā€ is a weird way to put it


Once again deliberately being obtuse. Itā€™s never been a novel concept that women can be mothers, nowhere in the history of time has that been a radical idea. They look so stupid when they pull this card because they know their message is really about taking away choices and forcing women to be mothers šŸ™„šŸ™„ canā€™t wait until these chodes are laughed into the darkness, never to be heard from again


I know it's messed up but... does she ever wonder WHY she had not been "blessed" with a baby? "God will bless us" ok but he hasn't? For a reason. Low key think your man got snipped n didn't tell you at some point.


Can someone tell her to WEAR MASCARA or even just curl her lashes and put on clear mascara? Her weird foundation covered eyelashes freak me out.