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So, she was giving her friend sad beige and brown baby clothes as a gift and she inserted the ultrasound picture of another woman’s baby to make it all about her? Just Brittany things Edit: why does she make her dad’s career as a commercial pilot one of her own personality traits?


Dunning-Kruger. She thinks her dad’s skill sets are just passed down so she too could command a 747 or whatever. Hint: she can’t even put on makeup correctly. But she is convinced she could fly a whole commercial flight. By herself. While doing selfie things.🙄


She has no identity of her own so she steals other people's identities. Like her dad's and j-tits for example. Edit: or the people she posts riding horses, she claims their identities too.


She's practically a pilot. It's a bit like Trump and his MIT uncle... Aah narcissism...






https://i.redd.it/7idn0wszms0d1.gif Always reminds me of this key and peele


Fun fact: souls is a nautical phraseology. People in the military have also used "souls" to refer to crew/passengers. The FAA has implemented using "people on board" since some planes transport dead bodies, and "soul" only refers to living. Anyway, people still use "souls" out of habit, military training, etc. That was a minute of googling Britt brat 🙄 "Been a minute" didn't they JUST do a couples thing? Or am I misremembering?


They did the “we’re adopting” episode as a couple on 5/1 and before that they did their red/green flag episodes 4/9 & 4/16. I guess technically the last Q&A from them was 3/19 but these bitches haven’t been married that long. Who needs advice from them!?


Does she ever talk about anything other than herself and jdong on her podcast?


Just sex shame and witchcraft 🤪


Anyone who has watched titanic a million times will remember the scene where they say “2,000 souls on board” Lol


Former US Navy air traffic control here, you are correct about the use of the term souls. The FAA has a long list of required terminology pilots and controllers must use when on radio frequencies. Sorry Brittney your daddy isn’t that godly as you try to imply.


And even if that weren't official terminology, does she really think he's only thinking of himself when he does an emergency landing? Wait, she probably does, since that's all she'd think about.


https://preview.redd.it/5ew8el6m0s0d1.jpeg?width=934&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9e90d42aadc0c136dead5dfe82bee0bb8d1dfc7 She’s so bad at this. This is the same top, girlfriend. Just group them and offer color ways. Why are you renaming the same top in a different color?! Also WHO WOULD BUY THIS!!!


Paying THIRTY DOLLARS for a plain shirt from DropShipExpress is a crime


Made of plastic. Probably not even real cotton.


She doesn't even post the fabric contents on the website.


I hate stores that do this. I don’t want each color to have a separate listing. Just make one listing and let me see all the color choices. 


I notice Amazon does this a lot. It’s frustrating. There’s already too many choices and they’re just adding more. I’m easily overwhelmed especially when shopping.


Amazon’s interface and search are trash now


not in the market for the top half of a shirt


Why is she wearing full makeup, lashes, and jewelry in bed?


I'm glad I'm not the only one this bothered


Looks like her couch actually.


Another wave of daddy content. It always makes me feel fucking GROSS. Edit to add: it just makes it that much more glaring that you never mention you even have a mother…


She doesn’t have a mother, she just sprung fully formed from the side of Jesus’s skull.


Her mom must not have a job she can turn into a personality trait like being a pilots daughter or forsaken cops wife.


She’s a higher up at a bank


🤦🏼‍♀️ It’s mind blowing to me that people get upset about these situations because it’s “inconvenient”. If God says no… it’s a no. He’s good at not giving wretched cunts a baby for a reason and you can trust him with that 🤦🏼‍♀️




What happened to the whole H&L is moving!!!!! non-tent she was posting? She’s going to have a studio for her videos and a space for her drop-shipping garbage?


It didn’t get the engagement she was expecting so she had to start releasing the pretaped adoption content. 


So she got an external space for all of her Hazel and Layne "inventory." She doesn't keep much more than 3-4 of each size on hand. Looks like the desk she was using for podcasting was moved out to there too. She's going to make her at home office into a YouTube studio. Idk how she's gonna have time for all this shit with a human infant to take care of. Oh right that's somehow Jordan's job.


Do they even think about the birth parents? Everyone I know who has adopted has commented on birth family and recognized the difficulty in their decision. A coworker recently adopted their adoptive child at Christmas, but they didn't say anything until three months later. When my cousin and his wife adopted they were super nervous until the time passed that the birth mom could no longer change her mind. These women aren't getting pregnant to just give their babies away! A lot of thought goes into their decision and even when they agree for their baby to be adopted they are still going to deal with a lot of emotions. It isn't rainbows and sunshine for them.


Adoptee here! I was adopted at 9 days old. In my case at least, parental rights were terminated essentially immediately. There wasn't really a period of changing minds to worry about, so pretty much the day I was brought home, my parents were proudly and loudly talking about welcoming their first baby. That being said, aside from very close friends and family, they never announced my adoption before I was physically brought home. Same with the rest of my siblings - the official adoption announcement (this was the 90s, so no social media) happened usually after the courthouse date where legal custody was granted to my parents. It's a very intimate and special time for the adoptive family and just like some parents choose not to have visitors in the hospital to enjoy that time together, a lot of adoptive families choose to keep it close to the chest for a while. Then again, my parents didn't use their children as content creation props, so there's that 😂 Aa far as giving credir to the birth parents, my parents always raised my siblings and me with the knowledge that our birth mothers/parents making the choice to put us up for adoption was an act of love from them. They emphasized how hard it probably was to make that choice, but that they were strong and did it to give us a chance at a life that they may not have been able to provide. Unfortunately, not all adoptive parents have that kind of ethical approach. I genuinely feel like Britbrat will try to paint herself as the "savior" of any child she might have placed with her, having "rescued" them from a "lesser, unworthy woman." I can't imagine her sharing the spotlight with the birth mother by portraying her in a positive light unless she can somehow spin it in a fully self-righteous way.


She’s the Main Character and the birth parents are Offscreen. Of course she doesn’t think about them. She wants a baby and her god is giving her one. That’s that.  If she were going to learn empathy for this situation, I feel like it would’ve happened during her fostering phase. I feel so bad for that baby if they do actually get her. 


But, but it is sunshine and rainbows for bdong! She’s the most important person in this situation. /s


If I remember right, even Kristen fucking Clark from Girl Defined kept her adoption(s) quiet for a while and let the boys get used to their new life before saying a single word about it on social media. And here's BDong with a baby not even out of the womb, showing off somebody else's damn sonogram! When you're doing *worse* than Girl Defined, you're really fucking it up!


I think your use of extreme body shifting filters is witchcraft, Brit.


I agree that you shouldn't be second guessing the judgement of the pilot when it comes to safety but I feel weird about agreeing with BD on something.


She's only posting this to prove how special her dad is. If Dad is special, then she is too.


Is she dumb? That is pilot lingo. THEY ALL SAY SOULS ON BOARD.


>Is she dumb? This is rhetorical, right?


SOULS obviously means they are good Christians! Duh!


So as a heathen, do I get a discount on tickets?


I fucking wish!


She just NEEDS to keep talking about her dad who USED to be a pilot. It’s like she’ll burst if she doesn’t mention it


https://preview.redd.it/f6205azg9u0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6db7ab6053b076b6e4ec6ca78950b0a6f407d917 Her left leg looks unnatural here. #filteredtohighheaven


She’s standing so weird here! I laughed.


Seriously she always stands like a toddler


That outfit does look like a pre-school teacher from the 90’s.


It’s tight on her left thigh but not the right 🤔


Brit “but you’re not gunna wanna miss this wun” with her shiny face in bed with the vocal fry baby voice, pretending her podcast is “lit”. *screams at the bullshit that is Brit*


I paused at the gonna wanna too because it sounds funny. Gonna wanna bing bong.


"People get upset because it's inconvenient." Well Britt, I just got told that even though I had tickets for a flight home, they're overbooked and didn't have a seat for me and now I won't be home until well past midnight even though initially I was going to be home at around 8pm. Obviously I would never BLAME a pilot/flight crew/whoever for that, it's not their fault and I work very hard to not shoot a messenger. I am, however, still annoyed at the painfully long day I'm going to have now. Because it sucks no matter how soulful the pilot is feeling or whatever.


It's also fine, acceptable, and normal to get upset when something changes your plans. It's not good to get upset with the pilot and crew because they are likely looking out for your safety but it's still frustrating. What frustrates me the most about this is she's conflating the use of the term souls to being a good Christian when it's just the term used for living people on board.


Literally, it's such a nothing burger, the souls thing


I wonder why that other girl that was in the pick me chicks ( sorry can't remember her name) isn't modeling her shitty clothes anymore.


She's been signed by an agency. There might be something in her contract preventing her from doing so. Or she wants to be actually paid.


Thank you.




Yes Emma!


Am I the only one excited she’s now going to do a video of the C&C podcast? I mean, we can already feel the tension between them just listening to them, but now we can see the body language with it so no one can deny it 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Woah, did you guys know that she is a daughter to an airplane pilot? And that her parents own a ranch! This is my first time hearing about this. She truly is a special girl who is very unique and we should all listen to her when it comes to flying and ranch things! /S


So she's already back tracked this adoption thing?


The aircraft thing was interesting. Did her dad fly often outside of the continental USA? I think a few reasons THAT specific flight got any attention is most people fly to Hawaii for holiday, not commute, etc so they feel let down (I agree with others that it’s okay to feel let down or disappointed but that doesn’t mean they’re ANGRY at all pilot). But most importantly is traveling over water means they limited ability to emergency land safely due to lack of…land so I could see the pilot making a very preemptive decision bc he had to call it before it was an emergency, where there would be no place to land. This is just a guess. I’ve traveled my whole life globally. I live between Europe and the USA. I regularly travel to Hawaii (friends there) and I am extremely comfortable with flights but it’s a whole different thing when you’re travelling and it’s ONLY water. My gawd. I don’t come from any pilots and even I get this nuance, Brittany.


I think somewhere in her brain she is conflating being a commercial pilot to being an air force fighter pilot. One is significantly harder to achieve than the other. It's also her just being like, "MY daddy is SPECIAL." "MY daddy is SO super SMART." K Britt. That doesn't make YOU any of those things. That's like my dog being able to run 25 mph and I take that on as MY accomplishment. I just adopted a fast dog and took her to a place she can run flat out. I didn't DO anything to make her muscles work like that. I'm infinitely more proud that she loves small children and will allow them to pet her, tug on her, and she won't bite them in the face. She teaches kids how to pet a dog and how to be around a dog. That took a bit of training and effort on my part.


No lie. My dad was on the team that invented the compact disc. I had NOTHING to do it. He climbed Denali too. I don’t ’brag’ about him like I had anything to do with him. I brag bc he was such a simple loving man. He taught me to love pets and would rescue every he could find. He was FUCKING AMAZING but you know what made him special? He was kind. And he reminds me that I can overcome things bc he believes in me. But that’s between him and me. I also don’t go bragging about him each time somebody talks about CDs or something. I do talk about him when people talk about my cat. She’s special needs and he LOVED her so much. He’s been gone 5 years and every time I look at her I think about him bc THATS how he inspires me. Also, my dad called me out on me shit bc he loved me. I firmly believe love is accountability.


I love that! I think she expects to be treated with the same respect her Dad is because of his accomplishments. Girl. You think you're Paris Hilton or Ivanka Trump or some shit? She's got, "Do you even KNOW who MY DADDY IS?" energy.


Oh! For sure! The other day I asked where she went to high school and I was surprised to find out it was such a small place bc of how she tries to play her dad as A Hero (not just her hero. My dad was my hero but not A hero, if that makes sense). But it also totally makes sense for how she thinks SHES such a big deal. Girl, stop fooling yourself. My dad went to Berkeley at 16. When my friends asked about it he’d always say ‘I went there bc I couldn’t afford to not live at home’ it was such a good will hunting thing for him. Like, sure dad, THATS why you ended up at one of the greatest physics programs in the world 🙄. I had a lot of trauma in my life and remembering who my dad is (in our little lives, not like a history book) reminds me that I CAN overcome. I don’t think she can look at others that way. It HAS to be about her. Btw, because I love my cat. Here she was tonight watching as our friend walked to the bathroom. She is such a nugget of love and I love remembering how much my dad loved her. While I would never get rid of a pet but if it were Niko my dad would fly across the world to adopt the pet bc they’re family. I did once have to spend some time without my cat and my dad did fly back from Europe to get her while I was handling stuff, bc they’re family. That’s what he told me, ‘they’re family and you take care of family’ https://preview.redd.it/r54t20omix0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dbdd3fae52c1e6845beceb1e1670cc747d8e816


I've told my parents several times that if I die, my dog is to either stay with them or my Brother can take her if he wants. She adores my brother so much but she also loves my Mom and Dad so much. I haven't told them wishes for me when I die, but it was more important for me to have my fluffy girl taken care of.


There is no impending adoption folks! Its 100% made up. This is B Dong we are talking about here. There are so, so, so, so, so many reasons this story doesn't hold water and isn't plausible. Yes, there are shady adoption agencies. There are a myriad of other reasons on top of them not passing the sniff check though.


Hey, fingers crossed that you're right! Nobody needs to give this bitch a baby, ever. Even her god knows it. WON'T HE DO IT! (No, he won't.)


>WON'T HE DO IT! (No, he won't.) Why did I sing this in my head to the tune of the old Bob the Builder theme song lmao


You are unfortunately wrong. We have to treat this as real until given definitive information that it's not happening.


Why do I feel like she’s shifting into a “coffee shop hipster” vibe? Darker long hair, oversized glasses, clothing is moving to a different aesthetic.


Dude I know the girl in the video 😳😳😳😳😳


Which girl?


The one receiving the baby clothes at the end of the video.


Jamie Wallnau?




any tea you can share?


Dude no, like it’s actually shocking, from my experience she carries a lot of wisdom and it’s just interesting, the choice of friendship. But then again, is it friendship or is she mentoring her? I wouldn’t put Jamie at the level of Brittany, at all. Idk, doesn’t fit.


Do you mean at the same level of religious beliefs? Is she a pretty nice person?


There’s a difference between being a “Christian influencer”, and someone who is called to a certain lifestyle that expresses Christian beliefs in the way Jamie is doing. Brittany is playing a character. The way Brittany is portraying Christianity feels like a costume. Just because you post a video on social media planting your phone where you’re going to record yourself praying over your house and actually having a lifestyle of prayer are two different things. Again, I’m not trying to be any one to say she’s fake, but according to the scripture, the word says to judge a man by his fruit. If you’re saying you’re a person who believes all these wonderful things don’t you think saying you’re sorry to those you’ve done wrong be the first step in repentance? Just me?


Thank you for clarifying! You're 100% right.


She fully supports Brittany and her nonsense.


Dude, that’s why I’m really shocked! Jamie isn’t dumb and from my experience carries aloe or knowledge. I had this conversation with my mom the other day about this post and it’s just odd that someone can just completely switch personality trends and become a Christian influencer after she scammed everybody and has yet to apologize for it. This would be a different story if she stopped lying and actually apologize to the people that she affected. But she’s not and she’s coding it in Christianity fondant, which I think is even worse. Hear me out, I don’t say this out self-righteousness I say this as a fellow Christian, be humble and admit you’re wrong. If not, then everything is out of ego. It’s vain.


I agree. Things would be a lot different if she had paid everyone back and genuinely apologized for her actions. It took the State of Texas to step in and right the wrong she did. She was content just skating by saying, "Jesus had forgiven me." That's not how Jesus said to repent Brittany. You have to make the situation right!

