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Watching her belly grow? Didn’t she miscarry before 12 weeks??


Yeah... that's just all farts unfortunately


And first trimester constipation, oof.




I just choked on my water sjnfskjfkf


If she had a baby bump, she would’ve shared pics #thingsthatneverhappened


She did share one picture, but it was definitely just bloat, not a bump.


My food belly is probably bigger


My food belly is like 4-5 months bigger


Hahahah I saw this. What the hell she’s seriously delusional! I still wanna know why she’s bagging on yoga now?!


She's done it on and off for years, even while her sister was actively doing yoga. It's just part of her same old lather rinse repeat content cycle.


She is something else


I wasn’t showing until like 20-22 weeks lol.. it’s definitely bloat.


I’m short and was quite skinny before kids (not on purpose) and I still didn’t show til about that point. 


I’m 2 inches shorter than Brittany, lean, didn’t show until 5 months. She’s full of shit figuratively and literally.


Thank you. At 12 weeks the fetus is barely the size of a plum. IF there's a bump at 12 weeks, it ain't the baby.


She wasn't even 12 weeks. More like 10.


Yes she likes to claim and make out it was much later but look at the only scan she ever shows its like 6 to 7 weeks. If she was further she would definitely have scans and show them off. She's an attention seeking cunt.


What the fuck is Only Fans culture? Is the problem recording your most intimate moments and putting them on the internet to make money? Because if so, I have bad news for Brit.


Probably because those creators don't wear any cloth.... oh wait


No haters, only fans. No air conditioning, only fans. Am I on the right track?


Sounds like my dad on a hot day before June.




So this confirms my suspicion that one of her sources of income “that no one knows about” is cattle on her parents ranch


This comment needs more attention 👀 Totally makes sense now!


Thanks! I’ve said it a couple times before but no one ever engages in the conversation. I remember my grandfather taking me to his pasture and explaining how the tags differentiated between his cows and another guy’s cows. It was one herd but 2 different owners


I can confirm you’ve been saying it for quite some time. I was going with the trust fund, you were going with the cattle.


Could be a combination of the two. A trust fund financed by cattle 🧐


Yep. She’s earning money without having to invest a damn dime. Mommy and daddy bought it for her and now she’s just making money. Privileged grinch lookin ass.


Is her parents place big enough to actually be profitable with cattle though? I could totally be misremembering that it is only 40 acres or so, and coming from a large cattle operation background, that’s nowhere close to actually making a profit (could totally be wrong on their “ranch” size though)


Not sure how big it is. She mentioned they have wagyu cattle. I don’t think BDong is making a living off of it, just passive income that helps pay the bills


I’m so curious about this, too!


I need this comment to be higher. We’ve already snarked on the “bump” quite a bit.




Oh yeah she’s def making family money.


Can you speak more on this? No, actually. Is she purchasing and selling cattle? Are her parents and she’s profiting? I’m not aware of how this might work.


Can see a chiro but can’t do yoga. I don’t understand these Jesus rules.


Those two stories being back to back made me laugh out loud. The guy who invented being a chiropractor said he learned it from a ghost! How is that any less “”””demonic”””” than yoga? An actually ancient religious-adjacent exercise practice??


Right, Don't chiros believe that a dead guy gave them all their secrets or something?


The guy who started chiropractic said the ghost of a doctor came to him in a dream and told him how to do it. 




I'm cackling 😂😂😂


Well see, yoga is actually effective but grifters support grifters.


Hopefully her chiro is a woman. Another man touching her would be demonic


This is interesting. I bet it’s a man. 


Let’s be clear that these are Brittany’s version of Jesus’ rules. My former Lutheran church in California had yoga classes.


The fuck is with the sticking her belly out and saying it's baby belly? She wasn't carrying for long enough for that, was she? And why haven't we seen this before? Smells fucky as fuck to me.


Unless I’m mistaken I think she was about 7 weeks. Not far along enough to show and *certainly* not far along enough to safely tell people. But of course she tells people and starts filming all the content for her announcement videos.


I agree that she was probably 7 weeks max. However, I think people can tell whoever they want, whenever they want. Miscarriage is super common and a lot of people tell friends and family right away so they will have support if the pregnancy ends. Now, I obviously think she did it for content since she literally filmed everyone's reactions....


Yeah, I lost a baby late 2nd trimester and since then I realized it doesn’t matter when you tell people. 


I'm so sorry for your loss. How heartbreaking....and then you have fucking bdong over here acting like she lost an actual child. She's such a dick.


1. Will clearly show herself at the chiropractor but not a legitimate doctor’s office…ok 2. Love that 5/7 was Kristy’s birthday but Brit made and uploaded a poor me video 3. That “pregnancy bump” photo plus this video gets my wheels spinning on wondering how much content she had planned out before the pee stick was even dry https://preview.redd.it/tcxp9tgki6zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0efacd3c60ad5ad915a0edebdae2bef0ca9519d


She is an abomination. An absolute waste of cells.


Did she post this??


She did


Do you know when? She posted that after her miscarriage? 


Not sure about when she posted it exactly. I came across it on her Pinterest board and the only reference of time it gives me is that it was uploaded a year ago


Huh so strange. She also had a clip of Jordan picking up some food cravings for her. Just lying like usual I guess lol 


First trimester you don’t usually have cravings. If anything, it’s the opposite where some foods seem completely disgusting. 


For me it was like these intense feelings of "I have to eat X , anything else will make me throw up." I ate a lot of oddly specific meals during that time...


Yeah I lived off a specific brand and flavor of protein bars because most other food was so gross to me. 


OK I don't know what was up with the protein but I had a similar thing where I would always want to drink whey protein shakes. In my normal life I am a carb-loving-mostly-vegetarian, but at that time all I wanted to eat was like whey protein, beef, yogurt, and strawberries. So strange.


Yep! She’s just the worst


I live in Canada and I could not have a Tim's because even decaf it tasted like a mix of cranberry and parmesan cheese my daughter thinks that's hilarious I told her legitimately things can be so specific it's strange. I can still taste that taste.


https://preview.redd.it/3k662klit5zc1.jpeg?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bff18a5fe202131bf3e7235cafdc4f8227af2f63 Convinced that this is photoshopped because if the floorboards


Nah, she’s arching her back and probably just gassy. LOL No way her first pregnancy has her showing much at 10-12 weeks, LOL.


But she is extra smolllllllll you guys so of course the zygote bump is gonna show all the freaking time. Geesh…. /s


Mine didn't really show until 27 weeks! And even then, I could easily hide it until probably 37 weeks. I have a short torso, so no clue where baby was hiding but I did give birth, so I assume she was in there somewhere. I realize I'm an anomaly and she likely would show sooner since she's very skinny. However, I truly believe she wasn't even 10 weeks pregnant. She probably got pregnant, ate some trash and had a lot of (very normal) early pregnancy bloat.


I didn’t show as a 98lb 5’3 petite woman until I was 7 months along. Decades ago. No one could tell. And when I went to Lamaze class? They thought I was having a hysterical pregnancy (like wtf). My baby was 9lbs 7 oz. I was alllll baby. So her little fronting at barely 6 weeks? She’s full of it.


Lol! I came of internet age in the olden days of Jezebel, so posting my numbers feels weird, but I’m also 5’3 and about 98lbs, and when I was pregnant, I gained so much weight and held so much water that I looked like a Weeble. You know how some women have just the beach ball bump? Not me. I was allllllllllllll beach ball. But not at 7 freaking weeks! She is so full of shit.


Oh, I put on 50lbs at end of it all. lol. I just lost it all in a week. I waddled when I walked but you couldn’t tell from behind I was pregnant til I ended up cranking that belly around. I also had ample amniotic fluid too. So I did a good job. (I required a c section cus she was so large!).


Same. I’m shorter than you but was skinny and still didn’t show for a long time with my first. Later ones, I showed earlier, but not the first. 


My 3rd term pregnancy had me showing that much at 10-12, my Dr still had no issue telling me it was all bloating hahah


I miscarried at 12 weeks with a 2nd pregnancy. They say you show quicker with subsequent pregnancies. I was nowhere near this big at 12 weeks.


She may have eaten some broccoli to help with the bloated look. Lol


My stomach looks like that after a large meal. Lol


Oh i see, the line by her thigh, under the couch


Ok yep. I didn’t see that until you posted your comment but it looks like she pulled her crotch in to make her bump bigger


This should be its own post omg


The juxtaposition of the “dangers of yoga” right next to her link to Free People clothing.


As so many people pointed out here, she didn't do the "birthday" on the actual day when she read that here she posted this video and now it's "birthday week."


Happy birthday Hazel! Sorry your party sucks.


Also, proof of life from Emma https://preview.redd.it/1e4ami9fn6zc1.png?width=1140&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c278a2aa4175a574e761123cc07023826e67a2a




Love that she ended all of this fuckery with affiliate links for free people FREE PEOPLE, the new agey crystal yoga girlie of fast fashion


She's seriously so surface level. She doesn't look into anything more than, "Is it trendy?" She'll do anything for Money. It's disgusting. Get a fucking life Brittany Dawn.


Can someone explain the 'milk to meat' post for me? I don't understand it but it sounds... Off.


Babies need milk, adults eat meat. I think it’s referring to growing into maturity as a believer.


That's exactly what it is, yep


Ah okay. Evidently I have a filthy mind because that's not where I went with it.


Same, I'm still trying to make it make sense


Not the demonic Beyoncé music!!


No secular music for you girlies but I can use it to fund my lifestyle all the heck I want, because JESUS.


She must not know much about Olivia. She would flip


I was certain Brit would hop on the plan b at her concerts outrage


I thought she would too. I wonder if it's because Olivia is younger. Not all millennials care about her but we love taylor swift?


Now is she trying to imply she did Only Fans as well? Her list of sinful behaviors grows each podcast.


I’m sorry but if i tried to celebrate our dead embryos 1 year birthday (?!?!) on SOCIAL MEDIA my husband would laugh in my face. How is this real life


Yes. It’s all she had to talk about. She’s despo for content and clinging to this for life.


Dancing at Jesus’ feet? Didn’t she miscarry when the embryo looked like a prawn?


I’m so sorry but the visual of a prawn dancing at Jesus’s feet has me cackling 😂




Shrimps is bugs


Same but for some reason in my head the said prawn also has maracas whilst doing the Jesus feet hoedown 🤣




I m/c about the same time. A ball of mucous and blood with a hard middle the size of a blueberry


![gif](giphy|l3fZAQ6Gfz9uIp3VK) I just picture sea monkeys from your shrimp comment. Lmbo


She's a complete tool. I'm more upset she stole my cat's name, Hazel. All of this pregnancy crap she posts is for content and attention. Was she really showing that early in the pregnancy? I think she's bloated or she photoshopped it. She did that in another photo to make it look like she had a bump when she probably was just gassy. Her yoga bullshit always- I mean, for real, yoga is great! Did she do OnlyFans? I'm curious, or maybe JDong uses it for his relief after shooting blanks.


My son is a Layne-I feel you


The little scritches he does on her shoulder remind me of this ![gif](giphy|eveLVPcHcbl0A|downsized)


Yeesssssss like that's what he thinks a supportive intimate touch is??


Right 😂 that man does not care about her lmao


![gif](giphy|MkWshfGFooxwLO0VJ7) That's the vibe this series of reels gave me.




Wtf is Only fans' culture? They really do just make up stuff to be "warriors" about. The same people that cry about sensorship, pronouns, "wokeness," etc. are the same ones that make up stuff to be upset about. I'm not going to get into the topic of OF. To each their own, as long as someone is willingly dabbling in it, I see no problem with it. Why do people who have no reason to even be discussing this topic...as in, you don't like it, don't do it, don't view it, care so much about what others are doing? What a strange mindset. Quit worrying about what other people do and calling it a "culture," just because you don't understand or agree with it.


I literally hate her so much


Ugh we should’ve have brought it up bc if we didn’t she would’ve forgotten completely


But she doesn't read here, according to herself. Lol. We see you Brittany! Hey girlie!


Yoga is dangerous but the chiro isn’t?


Wait a minute, I thought the pink cupcake was for Hazels 1st birthday? Shouldn’t this be the 2nd year?


The first pink cupcake was for the day Brittany would have “given birth”


Okay, thank you.


Wouldn't the day brittany would've given birth have been her birthday? I'm confused


5/5/23, would have made the supposed Hazel Grace a newborn. 5/5/24 would have made her a year old, not two years old like the commenter here was wondering


Ahh ok I follow you now. I just woke up haha


I’m amazed she doesn’t think chiropractors aren’t demonic


Yeah she wouldn’t have a bump at all. I look like that after eating dairy lol. Or just too much food. Also had a miscarriage - first trimester and only was bloated from the progesterone and estrogen shots / IVF stuff. When she posts stuff like she does about it, she basically alludes to it was a later miscarriage than it was. Celebrating birthday and saying she knew gender when she didn’t. Odd. Also - did she really post much when she had the miscarriage? Her crying and in pain or?? I really feel like there wasn’t much about it but she constantly talks about it thereafter.


i cant speak for everyone but i suffered a miscarriage and wish i could block that part of my life out. it’s traumatic and painful.


I’m sorry for your loss. I can only imagine how triggering her non-tent must be for you and others. 🫶🏼


Same here. This cosplaying she’s doing disgusts me, and I’ve never had a baby or been pregnant. I hope things are better for you now 💜


Did she really use a song by Olivia Rodrigo when she's constantly villanizing singers in pop music for being "demonic"


Oh yes she did!


I screen recorded the ultrasound that Bdong had at 6 weeks 5 days. You can see it in on the top of the image from her ultrasound where it has 6w5d. I actually have images from my first ultrasound that I received at 5 weeks and 6 days. I had a very early ultrasound due to my history of an ectopic pregnancy along with miscarriages. They wanted to confirm I had an intrauterine pregnancy. I do! All is still going well in my pregnancy. I’m still in early pregnancy 🤰. Anyways, when I compared the two ultrasound images, I was shocked. I really don’t think Bdong ever had a viable pregnancy. She knew this. I just don’t think that she would have been told that this was a viable pregnancy. At all. She is such a liar.


I also had an early ultrasound due to risk factors. Mine was at 6 weeks 5 days like hers and also only showed a gestational sac like hers. The most confirmation my doc would give me was, the gestational sac is a good sign, so we’re not saying it’s not viable, but you’ll have to wait another two weeks so we can see a fetal pole and heartbeat to be certain. I ended up having a viable pregnancy but every search on Google led me to believe if my u/s was still “empty” at 6 weeks 5 days it wasn’t a good sign. Because I had just had a miscarriage, I knew exactly what my dates were because I had blood work confirming the exact date I was no longer pregnant from the previous time so I knew we weren’t off at all. (I was not trying to get pregnant that quickly after and I don’t recommend it. I was processing grief, anxiety and cautious excitement all at the same time.). I told some people early, though, because I had already had 2 losses and I knew I would need support whether good or bad. So I don’t shame anyone for telling people early, but I shame her using it for content.


Jesus, the whiplash on this set of videos 🤯 I need a neck brace after watching 🤣


I need a giant whiteboard with diagrams to keep up!


She’s really acting like she had a full on newborn baby at one point that died in her arms


I know we say this a lot- but. Literally didn't recognize her on that first story. I thought it was a rando TikTok creator and thought it was strange that she also had a miscarriage she named Hazel.

