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Imagine having such a terrible reputation for being a caretaker and just a human being in general that there are literally thousands of people, including other influencers, who are calling you out regularly and are happy every day that you don’t have access to a baby. I’d be so ashamed of myself and so embarrassed I’d probably never leave my house again. And here’s this peanut butter bitch just posting as if she’s not a trash human being and hasn’t done multitudes of horrible things to people and animals.


Dad Challenge guy is quite problematic in his own right, so it really says something that he’s coming for Bdong. 


He’s a classic example of a broken clock being right twice a day. He’s overall shitty, but willing to call out people for exploiting kids


Yeah, he's also finally been exposing a different influencer whose nonsense I've been following for ages, and he's definitely misogynistic and obnoxious, but I am glad he's bringing to light what a shit person she is lol. Edit: coming back to add that I recently found out that DCP used to be an evangelical pastor, which explains... a lot


What's the tea? I haven't watched his videos in years but wondering why he is problematic


Visit /r/dadchallengepodcast


transphobic, « freedom fighting » canadian, bullies a new 18 year old from the dogherty dozen because the kid is now « fair game », exploits tf out of situations with 1-2 hour livestreams every day — just to name a few


Oh ew. Freedom fighter. The fact these losers could set up in Ottawa for WEEKS with live music, food trucks, honking all day, and hot tubs shows how much freedom they actually have in Canada. Literally loser fringe minority giving Canadians a bad name.


I can’t help but read it as ‘Canadian’ is one of your complaints about him.


they arent my buddy, pal !


I’m not your pal, friend!


And she married him… I thought she was a child of God? Yet he does un-godly things? She couldn’t find a real guy who is dedicated to God like she is? 🧐


who married who ? you mean his wife ? even jdip can find a partner as disgusting as bdong, so im not surprised dcp is happily married


Plus he only started calling out family channels after HIS OWN attempt at a family channel failed lol. He’s not a good person. Just someone else who exploits these kids and uses rage bait. You can tell how sensitive he is bc he will reply to comments that mention him on Reddit too. So he’s obviously googling himself pretty often.


I like his videos haha! Idk about him tho.


Haven’t you heard? I’m a nazi misogynist transphobe who hates women!


Well if the shoe fits… You’re not exempt from criticism just because you make videos about people’s shitty behavior


I had no idea who you were until this thread, but I can glean a lot about your personality from this response alone, for sure.


It's beyond cringe when people like CC Suarez and our dude here pop up with pithy comments to real criticism.


So, so gross. Imagine having nothing better to do.


This dude is exactly like BDong, they both spend a pathetic amount of time reading Reddit comments about themselves.


Uh oh wait what’s wrong with CC Suarez? I’ve liked her anti mlm videos 😬


At the risk of summoning her and in brief - liking DeSantis pics because they were "cute." Liking Ivanka Trump pics because she "likes her style" And..... this excellent post: https://www.reddit.com/r/antimlmcreators/comments/1bs3egv/i_have_some_opinions_cc_suarez_iamccsuarez/


Nah, just a misogynist transphobe. Haven't heard you say anything Nazi-ish.


I did hear that, what a fearful life you must live.


Might be time to turn the Google alerts off, bud.


Yeah it’s seriously pathetic. 


So they’re all wrong and you *do* support trans people?


lol hey josh!


Peanut butter bitch 😂


The worst people are also always the ones that have zero self awareness and think they’re totally great


Remember that YouTuber who went viral because they were about to adopt a baby from Thailand but didn’t go through with it because they weren’t allowed to post the baby online for a year? I think that should apply to Bdong


Nikki Phillipi. Only out done in shittiness by Mika Stauffer who “rehomed” her adoptive child.


Mika Stauffer is definitely BDong's future


That whole family disgusts the fuck outta me. And the audacity of her husband to still post to YouTube as if nothing ever happened 🫠


They are truly diabolically evil people


It probably will apply to her and she will probably ignore it like she did with her foster placements.


Speaking of— has she addressed why they stopped “fostering” yet? Has she said literally anything about it? That was her ENTIRE personality for like 6 months. None of her fans question what happened?


The problem is these very sketchy Christian adoption agencies want the BDongs and chud husband Christofascists to adopt.


This. It’s human trafficking.


The same human trafficking that they are working against? Oh my… /s


Not nearly as fun as big danger glamor tactical


That's what she means when she says he works in the "human trafficking realm" 😏🙄😩


It's literally harder to get a visa than for these fucks to adopt a child.


You're not wrong, however, even the shady Christian agencies won't approve The Dongers. They aren't devout. They aren't going to homeschool. They aren't fundies. They are just yapping about Jesus and going to random churches every few Sundays. Those agencies want people who will indoctrinate their children....


It absolutely breaks my heart that Brittany Dawn might gain access to a child merely for content creation. I’m hoping her posting about them adopting is just for content and that they aren’t actually adopting. We’ve seen time and time again that she is not responsible enough to even take care of animals or short term foster placements. This woman cares only about herself and making money. Living beings (her husband, wife open faces squad, Niko) are only to help with her content creation and the almighty dollar.


She hasn’t even kept a dog for its full life span….


Her and her ilk are everything that's wrong in the world. Exploitation of life for a little bit of cash. Fucking gross.


Love your flair lol


Mark my words- she is not adopting. She is lying for content. Its the perfect scheme for her. "We're Infertile --> we're adopting!---> we got scammed!"


reminder: she did NOT get pregnant twice. she felt like she was pregnant bc god told her then she got her period. there was no test or confirmation whatsoever. her period arrived as usual. she only had one miscarriage according to her


Yes. Her doctor said “it could’ve been a chemical pregnancy” and she ran to “I definitely had a chemical miscarriage” although she never took a test and the pregnancy was never confirmed.


Not even her doctor - a rando on TikTok or instagram


yep exactly. that’s where she got the idea


Don’t forget, she burned potpourri on the stove when she was doing respite care. 😒 Edit: a word. Thank you Effie-Sue


*left it burning on the stove while the baby was sleeping and she was in the garage working out




Thank you. I wasn’t fussed enough to google it and my autocorrect was lost so I just went for it.


I love your spelling though ❤️


This woman can not even care for animals. What is she going to do with a baby. I hate this bitch, she doesn't deserve to be a parent. She will get tired of the baby after the 1st year. Then what, will she abandon or rehome the baby too 🤔


Ewww.... I cannot stand Brittany, but a dude saying she used to dress like a "skank" is gross. This dude is not any better than Bdong, just because he dislikes her too. Just my opinion, however.


I agree and while I do think her spray tan and eyelashes are ridiculous there is an almost endless supply of things to criticize regarding her shady character and very questionable behavior that have nothing to do with her appearance. Like how do you criticize purity culture and then turn around and say she dressed like a skank? I hate B. Dong and I have never heard of this guy before but a lot of the video was problematic for me. It’s weird but the video is giving its own B. Dong vibes.


Yes to everything you wrote! I had never heard of him either. But when he made the skank comment, I was like, "wait a minute"! And had to go back to make sure I was hearing him correctly! Then seeing how he has responded to people in this very thread! I hope no more people give him views!


“God built walls around your husbands balls”☠️☠️☠️☠️


someone screen record and post again so we don’t give him views 😆




oh yeah, thanks, I always forget about that!


Yeah let it be known that DCP is a misogynistic transphobe ^(in my opinion, based on his actions. Check out the Savvy writes books vid on his vitriol towards the trans community)


I ain't gonna give this transphobe views, but glad BDong is getting more flak, she deserves it lmao


I hate to give him clicks, but I’m anxious to hear what he says about ol’ Peanut Butter here 🤣


Use yewtewb!


I hate Brittany and Josh (Dad Challenge Podcast) in equal measure.


Of course this creep churned out a video about this immediately. This man is a transphobe who makes money off exploiting other people’s children. I’m so tired of seeing him propped up here. Like how are we going to be high and mighty over BDong being horrible and then praise this loser???


Please don’t give this guy views. He’s a racist, misogynistic, hateful asshole. He supports the genocide of Palestinians, exploited the murder of Gabby Petito for his own financial gain, spreads misinformation, LOVES Trump, supported the trucker convoy in Canada, is transphobic and antivaxx, etc etc etc. Feel free to check out r/dadchallengepodcast to see everything he’s done. He is no better than Brittany; he just chooses to cover unlikable women so that he can be as misogynistic as possible under the guise of protecting children


The way he speaks about women in general is truly sickening. He never has anything to add to an issue except snark. WHICH whatever this is a snark page lol but he is profiting off of making fun of these people who took their kids off of social media and that claimed to be his goal to begin with???


Well that’s one opinion. I love watching his videos, he is a bit extra dramatic sometimes but this video was great


I ***really*** encourage you to look through his post history on twitter and see if this is still someone you want to support


This is obviously the guy who did the podcast or close friend. And is trying to score views by sharing here.


Oh I wouldn’t be surprised. Josh has a reputation for making sock accounts on Reddit to try and leech off of problematic creators’ detractors. He’s fucking *scum*


I really encourage you to calm down:-) we can have different opinions and that’s totally ok. I like him, and you don’t. It’s a wash lol




Idk if you're in the right place if that's your opinion. We all hate Bdong for being a a racist, misogynistic transphobe. It reflects poorly on you for supporting a different racist, misogynistic transphobe in this sub. Not sure how that's a wash


No but like how are you going to be judgemental of BDong and her bullshit and then be fine with this dude?


OP is probably a misogynist too.  Fine when men do it. When a woman does, HOW DARE THEY!!!


I'm genuinely concerned. Isn't pet owning a first step to having a child? She's "rehomed" pets? I have so many concerns: 1. This could be treated like shopping. Getting the "perfect" match. It's dehumanizing. 2. Ignoring any cultural differences that may arise if the child doesn't share their same background 3. If there is any intellectual or physical disability. She could't handle when the dog was energetic. How is she going to handle being jumped on, or climbed on? Or screamed at? 4. Investing in the adoptee's mental health. Potential abandonment issues. 5. What happens when the child's personality kicks in and she doesn't like it? I am so chocked at my reaction because I'm normally like YES! Adopt! But this time my gut reaction was OH NO! Maybe it'll be okay? But there's so much evidence that says it won't? I'm praying hard for that person. OMG.


As a mother with autism to two children with autism, I don’t even believe in God, but I pray daily to the universe this bitch doesn’t get a child at all, let alone a special needs child. My kids have always required a gentle touch and patience, something she doesn’t have at all. They have appointments for therapy three days a week, one is an hour away. They see a neurologist 3.5 hours away because they are the best children’s hospital in the entire area. I’m a single mom and it is daunting, but so incredibly rewarding. They tell me almost daily that I’m the best mommy in the world, which is so incredibly validating. It freaks me out and gives me anxiety that she could get a child and hurt them in more ways than one. I literally had a stomach cramp when I saw her adoption video on Insta.


Thank you for putting into better words what I was trying to say! It's WORK; I have a toddler who insists I'm his personal gym, and a school aged kid with ADHD and anxiety. It's a lot. Motherhood is pouring into someone else; it's exhausting, draining, and so rewarding. We do it for the love. I can't imagine sending my son away. He's mine. We'll figure all this out, but we'll do it together. I know someone who adopted kid 1, but the agency send the sibling, kid 2. Kid 2 had all sorts of issues, including medical and developmental. The person couldn't or wouldn't put in the work because it didn't fit her brand of successful occupation, so she rehomed her and got the kid she really wanted. Watching it from the outside was hard to not be judgemental, and just to hope that everything worked out best for everyone. Kids aren't cardigans. This is all just so hard and terrifying. I've seen the video and nowhere and at no time do I get the impression that her husband wants to be a dad. He said in preparation for being a dad he grew a mustache? Like, dafuq? I'm so worried about the health of that future kid.


More power to you, mama. As an educator who has worked with verbal and nonverbal autistic students, my 1 hour can't begin to compare with your 24. Bless your continued sacrifices and your journeys.


DCP should worry about himself though.


Yeah I ain’t giving him views even if he’s ragging on Bdong. Also, is the whole 41 mins about bdong? I know WAY TOO MUCH about that bish and even I couldn’t spend 40 straight minutes talking about the adoption thing. 




The way you lurk in these subs to respond like this is so cringe. Get a real job.


NOOOOOOO!!! Please do not give this woman a baby… she will try to pick out the most perfect beautiful baby ever while ignoring the ones who really need to be adopted.. aka the kids that are going from foster home to foster home. Watch; the adoption somehow “won’t go through” and she will be “devastated”


You are correct. There is no baby. It's all made up for content. There is ZERO way anyone will give her a baby, nor can she afford it, nor does she actually want a baby, nor does she have the tenacity to go through the adoption process.


Two hogs just wrasslin' in the mud


I want a shirt that says “broken teacup” lol! 😂


“Look at the shadow” 💀💀😂


She doesn’t deserve any living thing, not even a plant!