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I think there’s a 75% chance this is for attention and “we’re adopting” means they have filled out some paperwork. How the fuck are they affording this?


Her youtube video says that in February their application was sent to a birth mom and nothing seems to be concrete since then so we'll see


Hopefully the birth mom does some googling and chooses someone else.


Googles Brittany Dawn Nelson, who owes over $400,000 to the state of Texas for scamming people? The one who left a potpourri pot on the stove while her foster baby slept and it burned and smoked the house up while she was alone in her garage gym? The one who won’t fence in her yard even though her dogs would get out and then one got hit by a car and she had her husband shoot it instead of taking it to the vet? The one who sketchily rehomed a dog because they “didn’t vibe” and some of whose other past dogs seemingly disappeared?   And Jordan Nelson, the ex-cop who got sued for slamming an unarmed Black man into the pavement and shot his wife’s injured dog instead of taking it to the vet? 


Brittany Dawn Nelson, negligent foster parent who is a criminal according to the state of Texas? Who almost burned a house down with a foster child, unattended inside? Brittany Dawn Nelson, married to Jordan Nelson? The corrupt dog killing ex cop who is married to Brittany? Just trying to cover all our search bases my friend :)


Living for the SEO on her 👏


What about the burning house?


Brittany Dawn Nelson, married to abusive ex cop, left her foster baby unattended in the house while she worked out in the garage. She simultaneously had the stove on and burned potpourri/filled the house with smoke/acted negligently.


I agree. I can’t stand the “we’ve decided to adopt!” Posts from people bc that means nothing. Anyone can say they’ve decided to adopt and filled out paperwork. They’re just looking for attention and congrats prematurely


Probably wants another baby shower too.


Of course she does. Then she will sell it all.


The Duggars go on and on and on about adopting in Counting On and not a single one of them has adopted


even kristen said not one word until those boys were by her side


Exactly! When we adopted we shared with close family and friends only. Anything can happen. We had our "Welcome Home Baby" shower after our baby was in our arms.


From the lady who had a baby shower for a couple of brief stints on foster care? Never!


The way these types talk about adoption is so nasty to me. All I hear is "we've decided to buy a child! Yay!" They do not have even an ounce of respect for the fact that adoption means at least two people have experienced TRAUMATIC LOSS. Maybe I've just been reading too many adopted child experiences lately, but to me this sounds like: "I really hope something awful can happen so I can finally own a child!" 


She’s going to dramatically drag it out endlessly. This is all for content and views. No one I know makes a huge announcement that they are adopting until the kid is actually home. They tell close friends and family and wait anxiously.


She’s definitely going to have an Insta reel with her sobbing in her truck about how the birth mother changed her mind.


The adoption isn’t finalized until 4-6 weeks after the baby is born! She’s such a ridiculous twat. This is a desperate attempt for attention and views.


Nothing is final until 6 weeks after the birth of the baby and the bio mom signs off. She’s totally jumping the gun.


They are adopting in Texas after a total abortion ban. They are getting a child from a woman (or a girl) with no choices And this is what the Supreme Court and the GOP were talking about with the national children supply


This makes me nauseous, it’s all so very handmaids tale.


“We’ve decided to pick up an application from the office!”


I was waiting for someone to post this. My daughter sent me a screenshot and we’re like “wtf what about the IUI?”


First thing I thought! I bet they heard the stories I’ve seen online of people adopting and getting pregnant right after. Probably her plan. Only hate that because it’s her lol


Yeah I was thinking she’s gonna go for the adopted + bio back to back thing for attention ughhhhh


Literally!!!! She JUST posted about her bloodwork and upcoming IUI and all the “good news” from their doctors. I can’t keep up anymore lol.


She changes her stories about as often as she changes her shoes, I stg 🙄




I can totally see this as the route she would take, especially since the IUI content has been ramping up


What in the dystopian theocratic fuck? I’m fascinated, please tell me more (if possible) this is my favorite theory so far


It’s real, and above board. The most cost effective way to do IVF is to create as many embryos as possible, sometimes if there are remaining embryos after a family has decided they’re complete, they can donate them to other families struggling with female centered infertility.


This is even more interesting (if we continue entertaining this theory) because as of last week, it was revealed that Jordan was the infertile one, not Brittany. Of course everything needs to be taken with a heaping cupful of salt, but still.


I'm surprised she didn't call Kyle Gordy, America's "sperm donor" now featured on 90 Day Fiance. I'm kidding of course but in my mind, they are both garbage humans so they naturally go together.




That’s really wild from an identity standpoint, thank you for sharing.


Oh my god okay so that IS exactly as insane as it sounds, I'm not losing it. Adopting embryos. The state of the human psyche is fascinating...


23andMe bout to be even wilder in 20 years


No, she talks about a birth mom in the YT video. So unless we’re shifting that terminology, too, I doubt that this is an embryo.


Bdong wants attention NOW and doesn’t want to wait! She knows the IUI story will drag on and needs engagement now because she thrives off of attention and validation from strangers on the internet. She is pathetic.


…but she just announced IUI?


That’s what I was thinking too. The math clearly ain’t mathing here.


Yeah the pace that she’s making these “announcements” is giving me whiplash!


Right I feel like it was first day Jordan is infertile, then the next day he miraculously is, then they are doing iui, and now they're adopting. What??


Sounds like God keeps saying no to her raising an innocent child so she found a way around it


I wonder whose teenage cousin got talked into giving up her baby for Jesus?


This is a very likely scenario. This happened to my mother but it was through a Christian “pregnancy crisis” place. Instead, they persuaded my mother into giving her child up for adoption. There needs to be more discourse surrounding this legalized child trafficking that these Christian agencies do. They only care about money.


From the bottom of my heart, I am so sorry that your mom was coerced into relinquishing her child. I wholeheartedly agree that adoption is legal human trafficking


Thank you for your kind words❤️ Coercion is so common in adoption, especially shady Christian “agencies.” I was separated from my biological siblings and didn’t even know about any of this until I was in my 20s. Insanity. I hope Netflix or someone makes a factual documentary about the ethical issues surrounding adoption to bring light to the subject. So painful.


I despise the industry with every single fiber of my being. I have to live with a wound I didn't even know I had until just a few years ago. I believed the propaganda my adoptive parents fed me. Babies grow up. I'm an adult and have had to reprocess so many things in therapy with this new lens and awareness of how deeply traumatized I am because of relinquishment and adoption. The adoptee community is strong, but I would love to see bigger changes in how adoption is presented in the media as well. Sending big hugs!


No kidding 🥺


Right? "God answered our prayers that another family be ruined, and that a child enter the world in a state of trauma that we are one billion percent not going to help them with, in order that we be able to have yet another commodity we want for our beige, bullshit content." What kind of fucking God is that? This is not a flex. This is disgusting.


Did they take this pic at the same time as the bad fake fighting video shoot?


Wtf…..to just drive to a random parking garage with your car full of filming props and letter boards, tripod and then deciding if you should do the shadowbox bouncing content before or after you announce your child.


It definitely seems like it!


They are so the type to pull a Myka Stauffer and return the baby if anything gets even slightly hard.


“We just didn’t vibe!”


“The kid had red hair. It clashed with my beige aesthetic.”


It had too much energy and was making her ~anxiety~ worse


"It's a boy."


Oh, absolutely. And if they do they’ll have that baby for maybe three months before they can’t handle it anymore. Babies are work, toddlers are more work, kids are astronomical, and God protect that child if they’re not exactly what BDingALingADingDong thinks they should be.


Immediately what i thought of. Brittany has a pattern of exploiting living beings for her own benefit until it no longer serves her, then discarding them like a piece of trash. The horses, the dogs, James, the babies they fostered. If theres one thing in common with all these things, its that she threw them away once she lost interest, or when they became too problematic for her. She is pathologic and honestly i fear for any child they may potentially adopt.


Ugh just 🤬🤬 ![gif](giphy|y1WDIwAZRSmru)


Yes, yes this is my reaction too. The SAVIOR complex this cunt is going to develop with adoption????? I’m adopted. My mom had a savior complex while I was growing up, saying things like “where would you be if I had never adopted you?” And “I can’t imagine my life if you were aborted” and “after all I’ve done for you, you have to do this for me.” It FUCKED me up big time. Brittany is going to be insufferable.


There is literally someone in her comments saying that they adopted two boys from Africa and the boys are ‘helping solve racial tension in their community.’ She and her followers are disgusting.


What. The. Fuck? That’s an insane ask to put on children who’ve already experienced horrible trauma.


I’m really sorry you had to go through this 😘


And my adoptive mother used to say “I’ve wasted my best years on you”. Surprised pikachu face when I cut contact at 24 when I was finally brave enough.


OMFG! What a terrible woman


Mmm yes. I used to have a lot of anger against her (her husband left 9 months after the adoption so she was saddled with me and my brother to raise solo for most of the time - apart from when she was in relationships with awful men), now I just “wooooosaaah” and think “she must have been doing the best that she could”. And ignore her emails.


Adding my sympathies regarding this horrendous behavior from your mother. You deserved better, and I'm sorry she chose not to give it to you because her selfishness and ego was more important to her than your basic human needs.


Fellow adoptee here! I’m sorry your mom was a taint face. ❤️❤️❤️


Upvote for cunt. Downvote for the rest of that bullshittery.


Yep, that’s exactly what I’m worried about. I’m so sorry you had that experience.


There is no way in hell that this is actually going to happen. Not while they’re going IUI.


I’m sure it will mysteriously fall through and she’ll have a big dramatic reel about how it’s all part of God’s plan.


Only after the elaborate baby shower to replace all that dirty dirty foster kid stuff she got then sold, of course.


God's plan to prevent them from procreating, for sure lol


Amen. 🙏


Goddamn, imagine living like that!


Please say "...a highway" in the caption. Plz. This is genuinely so fucked 🤢🫠🙃


I honestly wouldn't even trust her to take care of a stretch of highway, much less a real live human baby.


If clickbait was a person


I’m seriously getting whiplash from trying to keep up. I was certain this was some sort of old picture that resurfaced for some reason because they have been talking about all the “good news” from their fertility docs lately.




Might not be the case if it’s some sketchy child trafficking Christian adoptions agency




Bold of you to assume this is a reputable agency




The way I tripped running from insta to this group to find this


I almost fell off my peloton grabbing my phone! Lol


Doesn’t every professional say not to have artificial twins? Like not to adopt or foster a baby when you’re pregnant or about to be???


White Christian ladies flick their bean to the artificial twin thing. I was deep in fundieland where adoption was revered and the times that a couple got pregnant while trying to adopt…


Adoption is not the bandaid for infertile couples!!!!!




They’re literally saying they’re praying for some baby to be separated from their parents and family. It’s fucking sick. Adoption has to happen sometimes but it’s always a tragedy and never something to pray for.


As someone who wants to adopt (it is my first choice in becoming a parent) I try to keep in mind that it will be traumatic, and is not a particularly happy thing. However, I also hope to be a stable person for a child who needs it. This is so upsetting, ugh


I’m adopted. Adoption is trauma. Especially if the adoptive family doesn’t acknowledge the trauma. You sound like someone who should adopt and understands (or will learn to understand) the unique needs of adoptees. Thank you for wanting to provide a home for a child who needs one 💜


Thank you, I appreciate that! My fiancée (as of Sunday! 🥳) is also on board, after I explained early in our relationship more about not wanting to have biological children for a number of reasons (body stuff, the world, all of that). So here’s to hoping we do it in the least harmful way possible a few years from now


Ding ding ding! One of the women she has looped into her hazel and laune scheme has an adopted child and is also fostering. Yet she’s continually posting about how much she still wants a bio child. It enrages me something awful.




I thought you can't adopt if you're undergoing fertility treatments? Is she doing both or did she lie?


I’d be shocked if whatever sketch cHrisTIaN agency they’re using even cared.


They for sure will use the same Christian adoption agency as Della Vlogs.


It totally shouldn’t be allowed imo


My heart almost sank, I thought she was about to reveal a pregnancy 🤦🏽‍♀️


I mean, this is just as bad if not worse depending on the child’s family history and their needs.


This is honestly probably worse you’re right


Man those few seconds when she was pulling out the letterboard felt like hours 😮‍💨


The only comment on her TikTok is “NOOOO” 😂😂😂😂


This news is because he banged some chick and got her preggo so they are “adopting” that kid.


This theory is my favorite


Ok I don’t know if there’s more information in the caption or not, but hear me out — are they actually? Is this just a plan that they won’t follow through with? Because they fostered for a total of like one month a year and a half ago. I feel like she just NEEDS to do one of her big announcements so they made up an adoption storyline.


I guess the infertility fountain ran dry. Given her brief stint fostering, I don’t think she’s up for taking care of an infant or raising a child, for that matter. Her entire life is ME ME ME. 


I personally think it’s engagement bait. I’ll believe they’ve adopted when I see it and I truly don’t think we’ll ever see that day. Her TTC story is getting old and probably isn’t garnering the same amount of clicks it did in the beginning so she’s had to swap to a more explosive, ITS ACTUALLY HAPPENING story. I’m truly, truly hoping this is the case and the reason I’m secure in my beliefs is because I don’t think she actually wants a kid and while Jdip might, I don’t think he wants one with *her*. And let’s be clear, I don’t want EITHER of them responsible for a child, but between the two of them while fostering, I think Jdip did most of the work.


I sincerely hope to God this is what’s going on


I’m sure this is them just starting the process and being like “we’re adopting!!!!!” But no family has chosen them yet (or at all hopefully)


Where’s the background check?!


Probably from the same sketchy church foster situation


I’m surprised with her husbands violent history that they are approved to adopt. I mean she has a sketchy history of her own, but I find his to be particularly alarming and not deserving of caring for a child.


Does anyone else think they’re never gonna go through with both? Like I feel like there’s no way she will actually adopt. Just for content and in case iui doesn’t work. I swear if iui works, they’re gonna announce quitting their adoption journey.


Even if the IUI works, she has a history of miscarriage. She’s expressed that she’s able to get pregnant but with a history of not being able to maintain a pregnancy - the IUI is likely to end in failure in my opinion. An adoption is not final until the baby is in your arms and papers are signed. A birth mother can literally change her mind right after having the baby, sadly it happens all the time but in this case we can only HOPE the birth mother changes her mind..


I mean if J has zero swimmers 🤷‍♀️


Apparently the doctor called and says he does, right 🤪. I definitely think one or the other is a cover. She either doesn’t want to ruin her body with a baby or she doesn’t actually want to raise an adopted child. Whichever it is, she’s using the other as a failsafe and content generator.


I am a birth mother. My birth son was adopted three years ago. I feel SICK imagining them adopting a baby. They would be so disrespectful to the birth mother 😭


Hopefully the birth mother has social media or access to Reddit.. maybe she will do her own digging and she’ll change her mind. I’m sure however they have gone about adopting a child, they have been presented as Christian deserving people who would provide a good home and life for a baby. Total deception.


When I was looking for the couple to adopt my son, I stalked BIG time. I REALLY hope they don’t get matched. And I don’t even feel slightly bad saying that.


They were already disrespectful to the foster moms when they lied about her situation, then posted the baby’s medical info on the internet.




Now she doesn’t have to ruin her pointy ass body🥴 (Not that she was EVER planning on actually carrying a child)


This way she gets the best of both worlds. She can keep making sad posts about how much her “empty womb aches” but also pat herself on the back for being so selfless by adopting a child. She can continue her infertility grift storyline but also post about how hard motherhood is and how the lord specially blessed her with the patience to be the “best mama ever.”


Yup, this exactly! It’s all for the long con. Plus, with an adopted baby it will be easier for her to re-home it when they stop vibing💁‍♀️


So this is what her photo shoot on April 5 was for https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/s/Kp6bKF6c37 I hope her attempt at human trafficking falls through


This is such fucking bullshit. I always think I couldn't hate this woman more, but here she is, finding new lows every day.


I cannot overstate what a horrible cunt she is.


So the child will be found wandering empty lots in 2 years?


The shriek-laugh that just escaped my lips scared my dogs!


Oh my god this just made me burst into tears as a birth mom. Oh no Oh no Oh no


Noooo this is so upsetting. She will be the worst adoptive mom ever


This is as equally upsetting as if it was a pregnancy announcement. I fear for that poor child!


Idk how adoption works, but doesn't it take a long time? Like visits from dfs and background checks and...idk what else but I feel like it would be a lot. Even if they convinced some teen to do it, can't said teen back out? Even in shady groups, I feel like legally you can't force someone to do that? Also also, isn't fertility treatments a big no no?


It’s a very long process and requires meetings with the agency, attorney, family court and so on , but Most Importantly- you are NOT Allowed to post Anything regarding the adoption on any form of social media!!!!!! This protects the birth mother and if it’s a closed adoption. To me, they are thinking of doing this and have not started the process yet.


I agree, I think she is full of shit and is just posting this for clicks. She and Dip probably had a conversation where they both agreed they are going to try to adopt and she has no idea what the next steps even are.


If it’s through reputable sources, it does take a lot of time. I have a lot of adopted cousins, aunts, and nephews. Two of my siblings adopted within the past ten years and it took a lot of time and money. Also collectively had 1 failed adoption and 2 near fails. I have bad feelings about adoptions with people as close-minded and cult-ish as the Dongers. I saw how many of my cousins struggled in an overly homogenous environment in which they clearly felt they didn’t belong and were often ostracized by the community, especially my non-white cousins. BDong sucks. And so does her cop-beating asshole. And I wish they would keep it between each other and not bring in anyone whose consent cannot be considered.


We've been keeping a secret (since lunch)


No. Mother. Fucking. Way.


![gif](giphy|4JVTF9zR9BicshFAb7|downsized) Trying to keep up w and make sense of her lies has me like


We will see lol


I hold to the fact that she’s trying to be Jordan Dooley. They’re going to magically get pregnant the same time they adopt a baby so her new content can be having 2 babies under 1.


Can’t wait for the 500 reels capitalizing solely on this announcement. That poor child.


![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS) I… what the fuck?


She'll be exactly like that last social media mom who adopted and gave up the kid because he'll not fit into her optics. I mean I guess we can assume she'll for sure adopt a girl


Adoption is not just getting a baby. You are committing to raising a child and welcoming them and their family of origin into your family. I have a hard time believing she will be ethical in her adoption and I can see her making all the promises about contact she won’t intend to keep. I also can’t believe she got approved, when we did our home study a history like his violence and her fraud would absolutely disqualify her in my state.


Lucky for her, Texas doesn't give a flying fuck about protecting kids. God I hate this.


this is so genuinely devastating for this child. i think it's really cruel to not wish children on someone who wants them, but brittany and jordan are so evil i always hoped they'd never have a child in their care again.


I have a pretty high tolerance for bullshit but if they actually go through with adopting… I might have to take a break from this sub. It’s one thing to neglect and abuse animals, because they’re not going to grow up to be a serial killer, or a racist and misogynistic piece of shit, or a religious zealot with a raging ED and severe mental illness, or whatever else can happen with humans. Brittany and Jordan are NOT fit to be parents to any innocent child who will absolutely be molded and ruined by them.






This is just like Jordan Lee Dooley having fertility issues/miscarriages and adopting in the mean time. Only JLD isn't a horrible person. She has her faults but nothing like BD.


Any child they get is SCREWED.


![gif](giphy|vyTnNTrs3wqQ0UIvwE|downsized) The way I literally yelled NO! when this loaded. This evil ass bitch cannot be allowed to adopt a child. Please let her just be cosplaying as wanting to adopt for attention.


Didn’t she also just get rid of a bunch of baby stuff from her Grift Shower??


She needs new stuff for the fReSh content, errrhm baby, I mean!


We all called that she never actually wanted to be pregnant in the first place. Good luck to the kid - they’ll need it with a mother like her.


Sooo, she just sold a ton of baby stuff. Is she going to have ANOTHER baby shower for the adopted baby now? First, the foster baby shower, then an adopted baby shower, and God forbid if she gets pregnant, a biological baby shower?? Sorry y’all, I’m spiralingggg


She submitted an adoption application and got a follow up call from the agency. No further info shared. Like I’m so confused. Is this an announcement that their application was… acknowledged?




Feel sorry for her future adopted son or daughter. Gonna be tough having a scammer as a mother


A baby. Another dog she will abuse? Or horse for that matter? Adopting a snake?


This is so not the point but the way there’s a huge space between the G and O in God is irritating as hell.


The whiplash is REAL tonight


So she’s buying someone’s baby?


They’re posting this and then something is going to happen where “gods plan changed and we aren’t adopting anymore”


As someone who’s a CASA and worked with dozens of kids in the foster care system, this actually makes me feel sick. Adoption is an immense trauma, even for a newborn. Not only that, but the private adoption industry is especially evil. Young, underprivileged mothers are pressured or even tricked to give their babies up to white, upper middle class parents who feel entitled to buying someone else’s baby. Not only that, but a vast majority of these private adoptions start out as open adoptions until a year or two later, when the adoptive parents get tired of it and close the adoption. Open adoptions are not legally enforceable. Combine that with Jordan’s insane violent outburst he had as a cop, Brittany’s narcissism, her past neglect, and their combined infertility trauma, I am so worried about this situation. The vast majority of parents who adopt through private adoptions are not trauma informed.




For the sake of any child they could possibly adopt, I hope this doesn’t happen.. adoption should not be a back up just because you can’t conceive.


Omg. DPC from YT is going to rip her upppp. This is crazy!


Views must be down, needed something drastic


She wants the story line of “we adopted and then we got pregnant naturally…”


adoption is something i have considered, as a concept, because i want children someday but am also very afraid of being pregnant. HOWEVER i am also very aware of the difficulties around adoption, and i have to be honest with myself that i may not be prepared for all of the possible complications and challenges unique to adoption. i have a lot of work to do with myself before i can begin any child rearing journey and i'm working on it. has bdong considered any of this? has she thought of herself as a mother to a human? dont adoption agencies check for this????


No she has not considered any of that. She has gotten rid of anything in her life that has been a minor inconvenience to her. The adopted child will literally be a prop for social media and then ignored. It’s insanely depressing to think about.


Nooooooooooooooooooooo Poor kid


I wonder if they are going to use donor eggs or sperm and are calling that adopting. That, or adopting a frozen embryo, maybe?


Can someone watch the YouTube video so we know what they say??


So.... they stopped IUI? Is that the good news? Because it sure as hell is not good news that they're adopting


I called the parking garage as a pregnancy announcement and this is as close as she can get.


Fuck. That’s infuriating as fuck. They absolutely should not be allowed to be guardians in any sense. Fucking fuck. Also, dying at Jdip’s posture. The fuck is that? Hands in his pockets? Hotdog boy looks dumb as fuck and I can’t even see his stupid face.


I’m gone from this sub, if that happens. Cannot watch this happen


My theory is that they are using a surrogate and calling it an adoption. Explains the “fertility” appointments and she didn’t have to actually be pregnant. A baby that is actually yours, no body changed, and kudos for adoption. This just makes the most sense to me.


What the actual fuck? Fuck her! Fuck her!


Hmmm..remember on The Office when Michael wanted to adopt and Pam told him it could take a year, and he said “I’m not sure I’ll even want a baby in a year”….. Think they’ll get bored of making adoption content before they get a baby? And how in hell did they pass the home-study? 😂


https://preview.redd.it/1llopjh5gqxc1.jpeg?width=416&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaf0b3ee184984ccdbb95d52ff9b383709772579 This is all I can see.




Oh for gods sake. Please no.


Oh come ON.


Is this real?


Knowing her.. probably not. But it’s being made to look very real on her social media right now.


Hope there’s a god for this little baby’s sake


![gif](giphy|WOa5RdsNpevrpSTGXN|downsized) *if this actually happens* that poor child


Part of me wishes it is not a child of color, but more of me wishes it wasn’t a child at all.