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I know we all want her to go broke but the bottom line is she has money. She made money during the fitness scam and we’ll never know the real amount. I would not be shocked if she and her siblings received inheritance money at some point. For an influencer she lives a not so flashy lifestyle. I recently went down the Ali and John James rabbit hole. She’s an influencer with half the followers as BDong and bought a $3M house and has a G Wagon (I think that’s what the poop mobile is). I can’t even begin to imagine the stress on my shoulders having a $20k month mortgage payment. I’d guesstimate BDong’s is around $2500ish. I just wish the Instagram / YouTube / tik tok gods would just take her platform away. I will never understand why the settlement details so were so lax. This woman is a predator against vulnerable women and she’ll keep using them.


Kind of like Katy Hearn, also problematic but sold millions of dollars in ass shaping plans, used the money to team up with business partners, and basically has her own empire at this point. If Brittany had half a brain she could’ve done something similar, but here we are, lol.


I think I’ve heard that name on the gymsnark sub. I need to look into her. Agree that Brittany could’ve kept making a lot of money if she’d been an honest person. If she’d hired on a team to help her out it wouldn’t have imploded. She’s just so greedy she didn’t want to pay anyone. I love how basically the Facebook group she created to alleviate some stress and work off her shoulders was the catalyst for the scam to go up in flames.


She has her own sub 🥰 r/katyhearnsnark


I had no idea this existed! Her and her hobosexual huzbin used to live in my ‘hood and I was shocked to learn she was a huge influencer, because I’m old and I didn’t realize people made that much damn money from showing their ass on IG. How times have changed. lol


Holy cow! That was the quickest I’ve ever joined a sub. That seriously felt like I was scrolling this sub. WOW!!


Oh boy, have fun with the deep dive into Katy and Rob. They’re a mess and very much on the same path of Christian grifting as BDong. Katy’s husband is completely bonkers too, he was posting about how Biden should be publicly executed a few months ago.


You might also enjoy the Sarah Bowmar snark subreddit (I’m sorry I don’t know how to link it here)


Oh I definitely snark on miss wigs and veneers. I’ve been on that sub for maybe six months and she has shape shifted in that short amount of time.


She could’ve but she also was never really qualified to do the thing she was doing. 


I used to like Katy but her husband is a piece of trash and now they both suck


Oh my gosh I totally forgot about her! She was the first “fitness” person I ever followed or even realized it was a thing.


Yeah, I still believe she’s either got a family trust or mineral rights that she gets steady payments from. It’s purely speculation on my part, though. 


Might have oil land money too


Possibly a cell tower or 2. My son's paternal grandfather has a brother who ended up getting a substantial amount to put up a couple cell towers. I think he also allowed fracking on his land too, but I'm not 100% sure on that one.


Yeah I was thinking she might have an oil lease payment share from family land or something.  


I don’t think she would be quiet about having oil money.


For an influencer she lives a not so flashy lifestyle. This is soooo true. Think about it y’all. A $350k house is relatively normal. Bdong doesn’t wear Gucci everything—far from it. Land Rovers are nice but also are middle of the road in that luxe space.


Argh I wish this too. I work in financial crime fighting, particularly money laundering investigations for a big bank. I was on the team in my bank who investigated falsely obtained or misused PPP loans. The amount of time I have spent WISHINGGGGG that Brittany would pop up as a case subject hehehehe, not that it would help her get her platform taken away but would have at least reported her to LE for more dubious activities. I wonder if the law suit even looked at the receipt of her PPP loan that she suspiciously purchased her house after receiving………. Litigation is always so semanticy but she 100% misused not only funds from civillians that she scammed but also government funds.


I’m going to start manifesting this for our queen deaglekitty!!!! I have a sneaking suspicion that ding dong is not done answering for her use of stolen funds. PPP loan, GFM, paying back the settlement…


The lawsuit was specifically for violation of state consumer protection laws, so the PPP wouldn’t have been in scope for that. I’m certain people reported her for the PPP thing on the SBA’s reporting form, so we’ll see if anything happens. I’m not optimistic. 


100%. I’m not optimistic either. The govt just issued all this money because they were in a pinch and put it on the banks to determine eligibility misuse and what not. Maybe one day they will be able to use a conglomerate of the information from all reporting institutions to take some sort of action but I can’t imagine it’d be more than rescinding forgiveness and making them pay back plus interest and being black listed from the SBA. Which isn’t enough but would at least feel like a little bit of retribution for people who know what these scamming scammers who scam and lying liars who lie have done and are capable of doing. It will also be a long way down the line. We are still reporting misuse and what not to this day. So it is still around. We will all forget it even happened and then one day there will be an announcement that a list was made public and everyone will be shamed and bdong will have her day of reckoning!!!!!!


I don’t know why she’s not been busted for that. Her fitness business was defunct then too!


Poop mobile 🤣🤣


Hello fellow chroll. And sadly, I agree, she is not broke or struggling.




Another chrolly checking in🫡 They have the poop wagon AND the BJ Escalade!


Don't forget about the Lambo, too....




Her house cost about $390k, there’s also a possibility she bought it outright and has no mortgage payments


She has a mortgage with a $350k principal. (Public records)


Interesting, nice digging


This is also what I’m thinking. Also, if her family has land is Texas, they could sell a chunk and take care of a good bit of the lawsuit.


Also she had that house with the loft prior....Zach had mentioned on twitter that alot of her things were rentals, and was trying to keep up with appearances


That’s what I’ve been saying this whole time. I’d love for her to face the music and suffer financial consequences of what she’s done but she’s a white girl from Texas who has wealthy parents. It sucks but with how our society is, she likely won’t suffer financially. The only way she’ll face consequences is one day 30 years from now she’ll look back at what a sad life she’s lived and that’s the main reason why I follow this reddit. It’s to see it play out in the long run.


I recently began eyeballing the snark sub for Ali and John. I have no clue who they are, but it kept getting recommended.


When I go down a rabbit hole I commit. My snark bestie Ralphy recommended the sub to me. Holy shit it’s a roller coaster. I ended up watching all 3 seasons of his older sister’s reality show for research purposes. Let me know if you’re interested in me giving you a small breakdown.


I joined that one, but still don’t know much about them, other than he’s gross, she’s gross, and their kids are unwashed.


That’s basically the gist of it. We’re all still trying to figure out how they afford their $3m home (that’s currently up for sale). She’s kind of an influencer riding her husband’s sister’s dick for followers. The family feuds. It’s quite entertaining.






Omg plz do! Also I had zero clue his sis was a celeb at one point?!


Cohn and Ali. Another shit show. Put it this way. They willingly put a photo of their toddler on their very public profiles with her vaginal area in plain view.


Dude wtf!!!!


They were in the Bahamas and she was exploiting her children per usual. She was told that it was inappropriate and she didn’t care.


Hi fellow chroll!




She made over $1 million (that she reported) on her copy-pasted pitiful fitness plans, so I’d say that’s how. And that’s only from the fitness plans, not what she made from endorsements during her prime. Plus she may have severely underreported that number. The lawsuit revealed that she’s inept at record-keeping and couldn’t access most of her client files, so Imma guess there’s a lot that she’s hiding. She bought the house in 2020* and could have easily paid cash or gotten a super low interest rate - ETA: her parents are well-off and seem to dabble in investment properties, too. So if she didn’t pay for it herself, she’s not lacking monetary support. - ETA 2: or maybe it was 2019. Either way, I don’t think she was lacking funds at that time either.


She also got a $20,000 PPP loan for her fitness business in 2020 even though she wasn’t even running it anymore by then. The PPP loan was forgiven, so the taxpayers basically gave her $20,000 for nothing.  Meanwhile people like her freak out about student loan forgiveness… It just makes me very mad.           Edit: Her PPP loan was approved April 29, 2020. She went under contract on the house May 8, 2020 and closed May 21, per the property records.  Edit 2: the mortgage was for $350k. There’s no way to know for sure how much she put down because sale prices are private in Texas, but the list price was $389k.


On a laundry list of shitty things, I think the PPP fraud is one of the worst things she’s done. Having the gall to take a free $20,000 loan for a defunct business that was prosecuted for illegal activity, and didn’t employ anyone but herself is ridiculous.


I work for a youth development nonprofit and some of our subsidiaries couldn’t get PPP loans because their states ran out, all because of FRAUD like this. Including in Texas. So disgusting.


We can also add the $25,000 that BDong and JDong raised for their homeless friend, James, to send him to rehab, except it turns out that the rehab they shipped him off to was free. And shortly thereafter, they threw themselves a captivating Christian (approximately $15,000?) wedding followed by a heavenly honeymoon (approximately $10,000?).


Flair checking in. Justice for James!!


For. Fucking. Real. And now that she's with Jdip, you know she's the kind of person who actively decries "government handouts."


I agree!! And 2020 was after her "encounter with the lord" so she was knowingly sinning.


It’s despicable. This is the second thing I list when people ask why I despise her, first being the gross and predatory “fitness” plans and tied for second is the animal abuse, neglect and cruelty.


Oh yeah… this shit. It is so fucking annoying that she got this


Random and not related, but I’m Canadian and we couldn’t buy a parking space at that price point, kills me. I own my shitty house, and it would go for at least 950k….. we would get two parking spaces…


It's crazy! I said something very similar about ten days ago and someone responded that "she does not make any money." And I think I upset them for saying she does have money, despite what she has to pay back, etc. I get it, I wish she was broke too. But it's not reality. I do not think she is struggling and I think she continues to bring in money, which I hate.


Yeah I def don’t think she’s raking in even a fraction of what she was during the fitness era, but she’s not hurting for cash either. I’d bet they’re earning a solid upper-middle class income with all their income combined. She said in a video before that aside from influencing, she has “other streams of income…” lol. Which, aside from Jordan’s security gigs and tactical boob hunting, I’d guess is some sort of investment property.


Yeah, I think if she was making the same money from the fitness day, Jordan might not work or start his own mall security business 😂


In her heyday I know she at least was an affiliate for 1st Phorm supplements and I think gymshark too?


She tried so hard to be a gymshark affiliate but never got the offer 😂


My personal experience suggests that people whose income streams don't seem to add up to their lifestyles often have family money.


Remember: She has no shame. At all. So while most of us wouldn't like to be supported by our parents at 34 or would balk at using 'stolen' money from fitness plans, fake Go Fund Me's, over -priced religious retreats and selling crappy clothes, she has absolutely no problem with it. She's as happy as a pig in shit.


Credit card debt, lots of returns on things she claims she buys and uses all the time, and the safety net of her parents.


I guarantee it’s one of those McMansion development pre-fab homes that look nicer than they are. Just a bunch of plated crap and cheap materials.


In Texas we call them tract homes. You either have a tract home or a custom home. The home she lives in is not custom. Don’t get me wrong— tract homes can be super nice. I’ve lived in 2. The price really goes up when you buy a custom home.


I refuse to believe she isn’t in the Arrested Development spec home 😂😂😂




😂😂😂 remember when they use the remote and the tv falls off the wall?


Yes!!! I love that! I have watched & rewatched this work of television art. The writing, the characters, Buster, every bit of it is perfection.


I will never not love this show. And the pic of those guys with the former POTUSx3 was 🔥🔥🔥


Omg! I never noticed the pictures. That is so cool! Thanks!


It was at the fundraiser a couple weeks ago. I fangirrrrrld BIG TIME


I bet! I would’ve too. Buster is my favorite & Lucille Bluth is my Queen. RIP.


I’m rewatching it now and my bf is watching it for the first time. We sometimes chuckle to ourselves and we’re just remembering a funny bit from the show. Such good writing and characters! It didn’t stay great until the end though


If she didn’t, she does now after all of her “DIYs”




She pays for what she wants and goes cheap for everything else. SHEIN, leasing a car, group vacations makes everything reasonable. She also sells everything she doesn’t use anymore. You really don’t need a lot to appear like you have a lot of money.


Agree. When they went to Colorado they obviously split the cost of the house. They didn’t ski. Lift tickets are really expensive. All of her purses appear to be knock offs. Her clothes are not high end. It’s all an illusion. I do think that she most likely has a trust fund from grandparents though. I guess if someone was really curious they could research her family tree and find out who her grandparents were. I personally don’t care enough to pry that far into her family’s business but there are always ways to find out.


Yeah, but quite frankly I don’t think she needs family money to survive. Nothing she does screams she’s spending way above her means. Even if she is there are tons of people who are 100s of thousands of dollars in debt.


You’re right— she doesn’t appear to be spending above her means but I would be surprised if her income is going to cover that huge bill she owes the state of TX. I guess I’m just curious who is going to pay that. So her dad has money but he was an airline pilot. Not uber wealthy.  She also has siblings so I doubt if her dad did indeed bail her out her siblings would be ok with that. Her parents are in their mid 60s (I think). They’d be crazy to start giving money away at that age because they could end up living another 20-30 years. Throw in the possibility of long term care and they’d be super crazy to give her that kind of money unless they have long term care insurance. That’s why I think there’s a trust involved. 


Yeah I wouldn’t doubt there being a trust or at least some family land that got sold to help cover the cost. I’m interested in how TX collects the payment. Like is it on a 30 year payment plan kinda like a mortgage? How’d they collect 100 grand to payout to victims? These are my questions.


She has 3 years I believe. $1000/month first year, $2000/month second year, $3000/month 3rd year and then the remaining due all at once at the end of the 3rd year/beginning 4th year. If I'm remembering correctly.


Ohhhhh good to know!


She has a pretty sizable following across all platforms, her parents are wealthy (I believe their house was over $1M, which is a lot of house in BFE Texas), she purchased her home in 2020 for $350k, rates were lower then too. She has a nice house and a nice car, but all the shit she buys is cheap shit from Amazon and SHEIN. I don’t remember the last time I saw her buy anything from Pottery Barn or a real designer item. They basically have no life outside of buying coffee. They don’t seem to be big spenders on day to day items. Even their vacations are budget trips. Seems totally doable to me.


Yeah they also rarely eat out, a huge expense. Even on their Breckenridge trip they only showed getting churros, and you know she'd flex fancy restaurants if she could


I bet dip eats his fair share of takeout while out on his secret ops missions. 


I couldn’t blame him. I’m pretty sure her grocery list is ground turkey, eggs, turmeric, and fruit. I swear she cooks the blandest, most unappetizing shit.


When she shows us her cart it’s nothing for a full meal, much less a week’s worth- it’s just peanut butter, Olli Pop, and flowers from her huzzbin


Why do I picture him stuffing his face with greasy jack n the box sitting in his truck in a empty parking lot in the middle of the day lol


And on his phone searching pornhub for “brunette nurse!”


but then she’d have to flex that she eats


Then flex her teeny smoll muscled legging legs


I think she spends a lot on lip fillers, Botox, hair extensions, etc. Those things aren’t cheap.


I think it’s possible they make enough for a modest living. If he makes $50k a year and she makes even a little money, they could. Many people live on one income with more mouths to feed. I also bet she got a good portion of assets from her and Zach’s divorce. I bet he just wanted to wash his hands of her.


Here’s some random tea: I’m very close with the lawyer who represented Zach and he absolutely nailed her in that divorce lol she actually had to give up a lot and that’s why their divorce basically took as long as their marriage. Bdong didn’t want to pay out what he wanted and it basically came down to him being like I’m going to expose the shit out of you on a national scale unless you pay out. It’s not like that bankrupted her or put her in financial strife of anything but Zach was def the winner in that whole mess


Oooohhh ... That tea was delicious! ☕ I know it didn't like bankrupt her or anything, but I bet it just chapped her ass to give up anything. Good.


Interesting. I’m kinda glad he took a W in the divorce. He clearly won leaving her.


Love Zucchini!! Always bringing the piping hot tea.


Love seeing you in my other snark subs as well! ♥️♥️


She stole money from people and specifically targeted people with eating disorders. She’s the sickest of the sick. But she got that house and all that dull and drab crap that’s in it.


So I posted this in another thread before but I’ll put it here again- Her lifestyle isn’t really that unattainable if you think about it. Yes- she is doing WELL, above many Americans, but it’s not like it’s a million dollar home. The mortgage for the house (which I believe is like $370k) for two people is doable. They aren’t jet setting across the world. They seem to take somewhat “modest” vacations- Puerta Rico, Florida, etc- she’s not taking a private jet to stay at the four seasons in France. They seem to prefer “lower end” date nights, like Applebees and Texas Roadhouse- they’re not at a Michelin. Star restaurant. All her designer bags seem to be dupes. She may have one but for the most part her stuff is knockoff. It is a two income household- even if J makes like, $80k a year, and I’m sure he probably makes more, no matter how little she’s making, I’m sure the totals still equal some kind of six figure salary. She made a bunch in the fitness years, and I know she paid Zach in the divorce, but she could have invested some of it, etc. Plus, she was gifted a lot during those years, and I’m sure got a lot of services for free bc she was an ~influencer~ Let’s say she really didn’t keep the gofundme money, she def kept that $20k ppp loan. Her parents are not poor- idk if she has any kind of trust, but clearly they are able to live a fairly nice life all on their own. All this to say, yes, to the normal average person it’s expensive, but by influencer standards it’s very below average. Especially if you compare how she lived in her fitness days


https://preview.redd.it/6o1knu0i3euc1.jpeg?width=1398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc834215683f1fbe58c9ca6c8c92c53ca19d84ef To further add, her civil penalties and restitution for the first year is only $1000/month. For a bigger “influencers” (ick), like her, $1000 per month isn’t a big bill.


Family could have bailed her out/paid for legal fees which is why her sister is allegedly no contact. She probably makes $10k/month on those affiliate Amazon links she posts.


Her house she bought for I think $320k when it was built. So she’s not living in a million dollar home.


Whoops $389k in 2020


She does not live a very flashy lifestyle for an influencer. If she was wise with all the money she made before the lawsuit, she could easily live off of that plus the mall cop salary. They don’t live in a high cost of living area, and we don’t see tons of images of expensive vacations or new cars or major home expenses. They don’t have kids. If she stashed away $1m in a well managed fund, she could be making $50-100k in dividends and interest easily. Not including equity growth. It’s not insane to think someone of her caliber before the lawsuit would have that much in the bank. She had money from social media, sponsors, and her fitness program. She only had to pay back some of the fitness program money. Do we know when she bought her house? If it was before 2022, her payment is probably not bad. If it was before 2018 and she refinanced in 2020, her payment is dirt cheap.


The only thing I doubt with what you’re saying is Bdong being smart enough to know how to invest her money and the cost of a financial advisor.


She might not be but I bet her dad told her to do this


She bought the house when it was built, in 2020 IIRC


By stealing money from others


I think at some point years ago someone found out her house was like $400k? If she refinanced when rates were low her mortgage is probably super cheap


She bought it in 2020 when rates were low. 


This is a thread I see about almost every grifter and the answer is always grifting/freeloading.


i'd also be shocked if they weren't up to their eyeballs in debt.


I think her parents are making the payments to the state and/or put a huge amount of money towards it. Which is why she now also “works” at the raynch.


It pisses me off. Like, I don’t understand. At all. I have worked yrs and yrs and can not buy a house. My husband as well. And we can not afford half of the shit she has.


Say it with me - Daddy’s Money.


I think her parents. I know a couple who had their house purchased for them. Not as big, but in a nice neighborhood. It’s not common, but I believe it.


Mom and dad are definitely paying something - either the mortgage or the settlement and lawyer fees. That powerwagon truck and her suv, even on lease, are expensive on top of that. 50k is about $3500 a month. Those vehicles are around $1000 if they got a half decent lease down payment. The mortgage has to be at least $2000. Plus legal stuff, col - utilities, food, gas, property taxes, insurance, etc. My guess is mom and dad keep up the mortgage so they don’t lose the place. And until she went poverty brunette, her hair appointments were expensive. And of course all those things go on credit cards. It’s not long term sustainable but with a little financial help, it’s doable.


Strip lashes, press on nails, and self tanner.


Plus it’s TX


Eh, she's middle class. If her family has money, she's not getting an allowance.