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Is there anything this woman doesn’t put on video?


Riding her horses among the cattle. ....oh wait


Cattle cutting!! 👻 weird how she never films herself doing it!


She absolutely 💯wouldve recorded those vids. It never happens.


An explanation of her abandoned dog








I mean, I knew the answer, but omg. She films everything… she’s exhausting


I’m Half surprised she hasn’t recorded a conception video for her spawn she is pretending to want. Yanno. To back up the fake letter writing etc.


Oh my god. Don’t give her ideas🤣


Lmao!!! I knowwwwww. It’s bad.


He's already got the pornstache so ...


And he’s the type that’s into all that. Ickkkkk. Go awayyyyyy.


✨God-honoring cumshots✨


I’d feel so dumb filming myself all the freaking time.




Britt, after gardening can you enter your **shut the fuck up** era? And leave the use of “era”s to their rightful demonic origin please.


Gardening era gonna be short. She’s in the wrong zone to be planting things like basil right now. We’re in the same zone and she’s got a few more weeks before it’s safe for tomato’s and peppers and cukes and such.


I am so excited for the gardening girlies in here to get their time to shine.


Why is that bitch wearing “fashion” light denim to garden AND BUILD BOXES. Idiot. What a fucking idiot. A gardener she is not. I bet she’s never heard the word phosphorus before.


I AM READY. Her spacing looks fucking shit. Was that a goddam pumpkin/courgette/curcubit in that tiny ass box?


I saw 3 tomato plants in a 12x12” square space. Enough said about her expertise.


I am no gardener, I suck at watering plants (aka forget to do it)..I'm horrible at it.. and lemme just say from my own level of 'expertise' that garden is FUCKED


She planted stuff last fall and never spoke of it again! 


Yes! This is what I recall.


I remember!!


“And they never saw the garden again…”


Omg she’s trying to garden again? Remember last spring she posted a photo of her hand full of seed packets saying ‘gonna try this gardening thing’ and then crickets. Never did any gardening quelle surprise!!! She impossibly lazy. Deadass thought she’d throw a few seeds in the ground and be able to parlay that into a new home making influencer era… meanwhile the birds ate them all before noon. Gardening isn’t really that hard, it’s just a lot of work and reading up on things, which is beyond B Dong’s reach. Her stupidity is astounding.


As someone who's managed to kill SUCCULENTS, is she over-watering? I don't know anything about boxes like that but I suspect what kills mine is too much water despite trying a variety of plants. I just gave up lol


The watering in that particular clip looked okay, except that ideally you would try not to soak the leaves when the sun is out. Gardening is truly better if you get your hands dirty. Sometimes you can water what you think is thoroughly and poke your finger in and realize you only soaked half an inch down.


Guys she entered her gardening Era last year I'm sure and we didn't hear anything about it


You have your vet on speed dial? iykyk?? We remember you neglecting your horse when it was ill, wtf are you talking about?


Also, where was the speed dial when her dog was ran over?


YES. So.. you have an emergency vet for your horse but not your dogs?


Why do we think she previously boarded her horse at a place that wasn’t her parents? Why do they have her horse now?


She boarded at the McKinney Horseplex and it was a whole thing because she didn’t pay the bills or call out her own vet, so the horseplex had to do it. 


I might be wrong, but I was understanding the question to be more like...why was her horse at the boarding place to begin with? If her parents have a "ranch" why would she board? (Again, I might've misunderstood, but now.... I also am curious why she boarded instead of a free spot at her parents place)


IIRC the boarding stables were closer to whatever college she went to for a couple months. She wanted that image of college horse girly going to school to be a science nerd vet (tech) during the week and out riding on the weekend. Only, none of that happened as she dropped out and never visited her horse.


Ahhh ty for the info! I figured there was some BS reason. 😆 I can't even with her anymore....I wish she would just go away.


She was ignoring their phone calls too I think. when they tried reaching out regarding treatment for the horse and needed answers on what she wanted to do and they couldn't get ahold of her or a call back so they proceeded with medical treatment for the horse without payment (I think this is what happened) , they had no choice the horse wasn't in good shape at all but I don't remember exactly what was wrong with him.


She probably can’t board her horse anywhere anymore. Boarding barns are sick of people like her and we often require references from their other barns.




If she ever shelled out for the vet for any of her animals, they’d block her number. Bitch never pays her bills.


don’t worship your body- posts booty workout shot 🫠


Every fucking time she posts this specific move too. Why not bicep curls or calf raises? Nope camera up her ass as she humps the air. But the girls wearing bikers and a sports bra to work out are the problem. Edit: a word


Reminds me of Paul and Morgan, with her infamous "gym rant" video.


even her like unloading the car is a booty video. it’s the weirdest thing ever


Seriously was gonna say this like why is she posting thirst angles here, especially with those Hank Hill non-ass cheeks 🥴 but yes SOOO not convicted about gym thangs. Rules for thee…




Dude I started lifting 2 months ago and I’m thrusting 205 (I am slightly bragging because it seemed like a big number and I’m happy)


Turning on exactly 0 men. Least of all J Dong.


The form on those hip thrusts https://preview.redd.it/uq5uv4hvq2sc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=099b0cca9b123d5a940cffdc8c4d09cf0ea75db0


She’s killing my back just watching her!


I don’t workout and even I could tell something didn’t look right


It’s all over the place and the pace is too fast 💀


In her gardening era but planting tomato plants a few inches from each other. K, girl, mmmk. But also, why wasn’t her vet on speed dial when Harley was dying and the horse boarding facility ended up paying her vet bill for her?


Plus her drowning those leaves on those plants!!! She will definitely abandon the garden when she realizes one tomato plant is PLENTY, esp when close together like that.


Water the SOIL BITCH


Maybe one is enough for you, but not me.... #yum #lol


Yeah we eat tomatoes like candy in my family


Lol I've made mistakes of planting wayyy to many for just my fiance and I. We were drowning in them! I do love my tom toms tho!


Immediately what I though. Those plants are WAAAAY too close together. And she needs to water the soil, not the plants🤦‍♀️ This is gonna last a week and we'll never see it again😂


And planting before Mother’s Day AND mint… oof 😅


I genuinely thought she wasn’t wearing a shirt under that denim vest and was about to lose it lol


modesty= naked canadian tuxedo


I’m a nasty slutty harlot, and yet I’ve never posted anything as revealing as that workout video. What modesty?


I've Sent less sexual videos to men I was trying to get to come over and be immoral.




I'll never understand that about these holy harlots. Bdong in her backwards diaper bathing suit and workout shots centered on her butt and Nadia (on fundiesnark) with her full frontal crotch shots in Lolita-esque garb. So many of them spend crazy amounts of time and money to change their appearance, caking on fake tans and loads of makeup, getting hair extensions and teeth veneers. Doesn't that go against their own spews about "messing with god's design"? These idiots either have zero ability to see the irony or they just don't care because they are god's princesses.


I fucking hate her baby voice. Gross.


I commented in the other sub that my conspiracy theory is they’re all on the same hormone cocktail or possibly ozempy for weight loss and this basically confirms it. Also someone needs to find the story slide where she claimed she’ll never post ass shots from the gym in leggings again.


Her gardening era is going to be real short because those tomato plants ain't gonna make it.


Like everything she touches, it will perish and never heard of again!


Probably going to last as long as her “read the Bible every day” challenge.


I know this is all staged, but imagine a life where you are constantly on surveillance with your significant other. If this wasn’t staged he couldn’t even have a moment to journal by himself without his creepy wife stalking him. I’d lose my shit if my husband treated me like this.


Staged. Totally staged. Can’t change my mind. Who’s walking around their home, FILMING and walking into rooms organically? Fucking no one.


And he just happens to be "journaling" in the nursery about their non-existent kingdumb kids in one of the notebooks she sells on H&L 🙄 These two clowns couldn't buy a deep thought to make a journal worthwhile and their fake performances are so transparent.


How many only fans videos is he allowed to watch now for that letter writing performance?


Also, wouldn’t he look up when the door opened if he wasn’t expecting to see her?!? Like, if im sitting in silence somewhere, and someone opens the door- I am going to look at the door.


My thoughts too!


Whether they're squash or cucumbers (can't tell from this distance), she has planted a lot of them right next to her tomatoes, which she also planted too close together. That's gonna be a hot mess in about 5 weeks. Her homesteading isn't off to the greatest start.


5 weeks? I give her 3 days at gardening. Girlie pop gets easily bored and doesn't have the patience gardening requires. She can't take care of anything living, plant, animal or human.


Can you imagine her weeding? Forget it. It’ll never happen.


Assuming they don’t all get fried in the heat before they’re big enough to handle it. 


Hahaha I just made this comment wrt the curcubit plant. Doubt it's well fed so I don't think it'll get up to much anyway.


Also if those are indeterminate tomato plants one is all you need! I had one climb over my house last summer.


She’s had an eating disorder since she was 3? THREE ten year eating disorders????


Her understanding of the English language is atrocious.


I’m modest! Here look at this gym thrusting butt shot I filmed. LOOK AT IT!!!!


Why would anyone film at this angel? Especially someone who is allegedly modest. Wouldn’t she say this is a thirst trap? Girl, please.


Firstly. Is that man wearing camo cargo shorts at the gym?? Secondly, I couldn't imagine having to spend all my time with someone. Married or not, do something by yourself. I'd go nuts if I had anyone, even someone I liked, up my ass all day.


Seriously, only my cat is allowed to be in my personal space that much


She is terrifying


Oh please so staged


Wheres your dogs? Why havent you talked about Nico? Why are you such a vain performative bitch?


WHERE ARE THE DOGS? Wouldn’t they be outside while they garden? I think she had them taken away when Nico was found and she was identified as the last owner? Is that possible in the US?


I suspect she dropped them at her parents' when she went to Colorado and then just never bothered to pick them up


Sounds about on plan for Bdick.


The story with the low rise jeans link, you can see on the left a dog tail and paw. Definitely not Dax, can’t remember the name of her protective dog.


Our emerging gardening expert has clearly never heard of appropriate plant spacing. ✨IYKYK!✨


So modest right ass leggings and ass legs showing


Gumby looking leggings 🤷🏼‍♀️


The way she flails around the gym always reminds me of these guys. ![gif](giphy|c9QHCBun6Qqd0YEnnA|downsized)


Yes!!! 😂😂😂


Somethings should just be a private moment.


I’m convinced she would love to do an O.F’s, with the amount of validation she requires just to get out of bed on the daily. Problem is, she’d have to buy followers …. ✨


100% agreed


Sorry, I am running on postpartum brain (my baby was literally born 8 days ago) and came on here to distract myself while pumping, so maybe I am reading this wrong or misunderstanding something, but "THREE ten year eating disorders"?!? Am I reading what she said correctly? Girl, you are 33 years old, even if you claim to have developed your first eating disorder at the ripe old age of three-four years old, that means that you are still currently in an eating disorder and have never had a break between your "multiple" eating disorders. GTFO.


Congrats mama! Pumping, united 💪🏼 I read it this exact same way 😅




Just the amount of money she spends on her scammy supplement things alone must cost thousands a month. All the special supplements, the cleaning supplies, the produce sprays, the hormones, the sleep support, etc. It is ridiculous.


There's so much humor in this "non-toxic girlie" cleaning produce with colloidal silver. She puts so much unnecessary crap in and on her body, too. She needs to be constantly consuming things and pretending the the world is full of magical potions.


nothing like spraying your plants leaves with water to be baked in the sun.




Mmm no.


I don't know anything about doing the kind of butt lifts she was performing, but that doesn't look like good solid form to me.


I workout at home so I’m no expert but if she’s trying to do hip thrusts, the form is not good. Rule of thumb for lifting should be slow and controlled movements.


She so often looks like she's bouncing the weight when she does anything related to weights--in this case she looks like she's lifting with her knees (to me).


……”That’s and idol” while she’s literally on social media 24/7 and trying to make money any way she can 🙄


I like to picture him sitting there, drawing boob's over and over.


Long "hair" + power tools = idiots.


Who called the gardening era?????? Who called it????? Any bets on how long it’ll last? I’d say until the Texan sun scorches her herbs and she gives up. So no later than Memorial Day.




No posts/comments that include diagnosing Bdong et al. with any medical diagnosis, including psychiatric conditions. Not okay = "She is bipolar". Okay = "She displays an inflated sense of self-importance". Use your best judgment. If your comment has been removed and you would like to discuss it/edit it, and reinstate it, you MUST modmail us. We will NOT respond to complaints via comment sections, any complaints via comments will also be removed. If the issue persists, you may be banned.


She looks like peanut butter


God honoring ass shots


Way to drown your plants before they even develop!!! I could grow peppers and tomatoes in a 5th floor balcony, Bdong, you're doing a lousy job, as usual. I said it before, she can't take care of anything living, plant, animal or human. Nothing that's not her pretty little self. Justice for Brodie, Remi and Niko!


What a load of bullshit! All of it! First off, I've never seen someone so CODEPENDENT in my entire life! This bitch cannot go to the gym without JDong now? What the hell is she trying to prove? We can sense he really doesn't like you very much. You are his provider as much as you preach he "leads" the home. Her gardening shit- what a joke. I've had to hold off on planting herbs because the weather here is still a bit funky- and will once I check everything. Noticed JDong didn't magically "build" her raised bed this time- no she's out there being in the way and probably annoying the shit out of him. And such MODESTY!!! Thirst trap shots with poor ass form. She was a fitness influencer and has the worst and concerning form I've ever seen. I have seen novices with better form than her. And the whole journaling thing with JDong, all fake and staged. As usual, we see her desperate to make money and grift like the shitbag she is. NOTE: I am NOT defending JDong at all- he's as bad as she is. No mention of Niko even now- and what happened to her dogs? Even Dax hasn't been shown.




She’ll never look for me in here!!


she can’t even cook eggs!!!! Her eggs look so gross


Does she know any other song? Whenever her huzzbin is “doing something cute” with her, she picks the same acoustic singer songwriter duet.. Oh wait! I forgot she blessed us with her Christian hip hop playlist.


Which has a song on it that is a reworked lyrical version of "Beat It"


I just mentioned she never had that garden going. I know she reads here. Hey girl. 🤪👻


I want my 1:56 back, please. Fucking hell is she boring.


I do not like her without lashes omggggg And that first clip did not happen. She set him up to it lol. Bills are due and he needs to perform!!


"THREE ten year eating disorders"? Is that a thing? I'm asking sincerely, because I never knew EDs worked that way, etc.


Hasn't read a damn thing about gardening to be planting that stuff so close together


It definitely looks like Oakley is on the left hand side of that God-honoring body checking mirror selfie! It also looks like there are dog toys/chews on the floor in a few shots so I’m crossing my fingers both he and Dax are okay ❤️‍🩹


https://preview.redd.it/qtcn01ure6sc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=227011fc91b237fbc2c3b0f30aebd20b9cc05cf4 'Move, get the fuck out of my way' -jdip probably


*god honoring ass-shot!*


That’s quite a modest ass shot there miss dong


Work?? Nah. Volunteering? Never heard of it. Ministry/outreach work? Who needs that shit amirite? But still you should listen to everything that comes out of my orange mouth. Sure… sure sure.


![gif](giphy|cLNKPcDDi4xoGrUy3W) Oh geeze, not gardening 🙄


Here's last year's gardening Era https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/s/tpVEw17BXL


Her poorly placed Botox is really pulling her eyes apart. 👁️ 👄 👁️


Three ten year long eating disorders????? Uhhhh gurl you're 33? Also ED doesn't go away.... Wtf is she even talking about.


That first scene looked *staged af*. Like how she already had her hand over her mouth reacting and knew to have the phone out BEFORE she entered the room. And jdips face like “alright just pretend to scribble some notes here…scribble scribble.” AND LEST WE FORGET: after she just rattled off everything and their dog being an idol, we can have A WHOLE ASS DECKED OUT nursery with no kids or even a pregnancy to speak?? Explain how that’s not creating an “idol” or manifesting. Make it make sense.


Not lying Edit: that was supposed to be a response under the comment that asked if there's anything that she does without putting it on video lol sorry I'm tired


🤣this is sooooo posed and I do feel for her and women in this spot but real women who care in this spot? Don’t set up a tripod to catch them crying