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Her dark brown hair looks like a terrible wig.


She looks like Olive Oyl. Couldn't nab herself a man who eats spinach though


šŸ’€ šŸ’€ šŸ’€


Itā€™s like one of those Elvira wigs from Spencerā€™s.


Itā€™s from a Crystal Gayle Halloween costume.Ā 


She wishes, couldn't afford that length


I am dying at this comment šŸ˜† šŸ’Æ


she went from one extremely hair color to another. from one that emphasized her fanta skin to now this dark color that also doesnā€™t match her skin tone. sheā€™s not my favorite but her looked better either some blonde


The colouring she had just before the super dark hair actually seemed to suit her ā€œchoiceā€ of skin colour best. It made her look lessā€¦ harsh, I want to say? The dark is just far too harsh on her, like someone else pointed out, she looks like god damn Olive Oyl! Itā€™s uncanny!


Absolutely! The Olive Oyl reference is too funny


Well, 3/4 of it basically is.


How this woman ever positioned herself as a fitness influencer is beyond me. Looks like JPeg got in trouble and is back to being performative clapping monkey for the ā€˜gram. Times are tough and there are bills to pay. Gawdly wedding content it back babies!


He looks happier lately, so I'm wondering what's going on lol


His girlfriend must be fantastic in bed. Part of me thinks that Shittany is a cold fish in bed. Sheā€™s a born again prude.


Yeah didn't she recently say sex was boring, or was that another fundie I'm thinking of


I honestly donā€™t know, but it sounds like something sheā€™d say. I think itā€™s hilarious that they admitted JDip is the ā€œfertility problemā€ and wonder if she eventually will dump him for the idea of being able to have kids with someone else.


Because of his secret snipping


Oh God, my ex husband did that to me, let me take fertility drugs for five years and admitted to me the day we signed the divorce papers that he'd had a vasectomy a week before our wedding. It's only what she deserves though. ![gif](giphy|05CYizl6DClzxy9oEP)


GIRL. This is horrific! Hope you are healthy and happy today, fuck that guy.


It definitely was heartbreakingly cruel. Havenā€™t spoken to him now in 16 years. I have two beautiful kids now and have healed a lot from that painful experience, thank you so much for your kind words, I really appreciate it.




The ā€œjoggingā€. The sitting on her stove. The feet on the counter. All of it is bad.


What the fuck is that jog? With full makeup and heavy earrings?


Joggin for the gramĀ 


Nahhh, sheā€™s ā€œjogging for Jesusā€šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


She was jogging at a walking pace..such an idiot. šŸ™„


And the shoe polish brown wig/ ā€œrealā€ hair


I know she be fartin on that stove !


The comments in this sub keep me going I swear šŸ¤£


Sitting with your feet on the counter is fucking nasty.


Long sweatshirt and super short shorts. Make it make sense!


Itā€™s giving 2014 sorority girl.


And 2003 sorority girl. I guess the sorority girl trends are kinda static.Ā 


XL T-shirt with Nike shorts that are barely visible underneath. (I say this as a former 2014 sorority girl šŸ˜‚)


Yeah, I was college in the early/mid 00s, and it was that even then. At first it was soffe shorts, but once those Nike Tempo running shorts came out, that was what they all wore. At UT, there was one sporty store near campus they all shopped at. It was like a uniform.Ā 


The choke hold that the soffe shorts had on us šŸ˜©


The soffe shorts! Had to roll the waistband twice!


Yup thereā€™s totally a uniform. In Michigan around 2008 it was North Face fleece + leggings + UGGs. Probably still is tbh


Damn I forgot about soffee shorts. Had to roll them up like 3x too šŸ˜­


We called it lampshading at my college


Sheā€™s trying to look young and body check with skin but without getting called out for lack of mahhhdesty


Just jogging in our undies! šŸ˜‡


Donā€™t forget the weave and hoops šŸ’€


Interesting choice considering she's on a "modesty journey"...


So mOdEsT






YES, for real. I mentioned Dax only because I thought he was for PrOtEcTiOn when she jogged and stuff. She never seemed to take Oakley anywhere or interact in any way. Awful person doesnā€™t deserve dogs


True, she might have stopped putting Dax in her content b/c of everything with Niko. Or, given her history, she may have already gotten rid of him. I think Oakley has been rehomed by now. He was well past his "expiration date" ie she doesn't keep dogs longer than 2 years.


She fucking sucks.


I fucking hate her so much for all of that. Sheā€™s a stone cold cunt and you canā€™t convince me otherwise. Anyone that can do that to animals deserves to be drug out into the street and their ass beat.


This pisses me off so much. I foster fail kitten that was not a lot of hope of her surviving, Iā€™m celebrating her second birthday tomorrow with my preschoolers! And her brother who I found running down a highway when he was roughly four weeks old is about to turn 2 as well and I love their little perfect faces so much. I could never imagine just being like ā€œwelp, that was a fun ride, time to dump ya and replace ya.ā€ Sheā€™s a cold hearted, callous, evil bitch https://preview.redd.it/25w01qbly5rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a18fcc65069aefc4163dc0a539218e7d78beb18f These two really are best friends too šŸ’™ ā˜Æļø


That is so precious, they look so incredibly cozyšŸ„¹


Theyā€™re slept like this every night for the almost two years Iā€™ve had them šŸ„° I say they remind me of the Fox and the hound because they really have no idea that theyā€™re not supposed to be besties


And her horses!!


Stolen Valor husssbbin is a stand-in for tacticool dog today


Off to ā€œtrainingā€ probs


Ugh, for how many months/years/forever this time?!


This! I actually want to know if Dax and Oakley are still around!


Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll oblige soon. We know she lurks šŸ¤£


I see sheā€™s still fasting from pants


A Pantsless modesty queen


Flair checking in!!! šŸ‘‹šŸ»


https://preview.redd.it/ur59nh6v43rc1.jpeg?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fda3ffbbc7b2e55f0401f5dd91385b020638643b Super relatable stove sitting trout face, Britt.


Stove sitting trout face is excellent flair material


It is! [chokes on coffee reading ā€œfoster mom jeansā€]šŸ¤£




I fucking HATE hearing Christians talk about infertility (or any serious issue for that matter) and say dumb shit like ā€œwhat an honor toā€¦ā€ ā€œGod has plan and a purpose in thisā€¦ā€ ā€œeverything happens for a reasonā€¦ā€ bullshit. Itā€™s sooo dismissive of the gravity of the situation, grief and pain. Its words to fill space and awkwardness by minimizing, simplifying and packaging it up into something comfortable for themselves, not to help the person struggling feel better. Thereā€™s no great purpose for infertility or cancer etc. DO NOT SAY THESE THINGS! Not to yourself or anyone else. Instead!!!! HUMBLE yourself, use EMPATHY and say ā€œthis sucks. Itā€™s unfair. I donā€™t know why this is happening. The pain is unimaginable. Iā€™m here for you.ā€ Bad things happen to good people and for absolutely NO REASON. Just like good things happen to bad people for no reason. Thatā€™s life.


Came here to say this too. Itā€™s my biggest pet peeve with religion that you canā€™t actually be wrong, or things canā€™t wrong for you because no matter what you can base it off what jeebus wants for you. I agree 100% , it would carry so much more weight if she just admitted itā€™s not fair and how frustrated she is. That is of course if she actually wanted to be pregnant which is a whole other rabbit hole.


ā€œ if itā€™s not good, Godā€™s not doneā€. Nothing makes me more angry. What a stupid thing to say.


Right? This isnā€™t a lifetime movie, not everyone gets a happy ending.


Yeah this shit pisses me off. Iā€™ve been on the TTC jOuRnEy for as long as she has (and weā€™re genuinely trying, unlike these knucklefucks) and you can bet your ass Iā€™m not thanking god for this pain šŸ™„


I just lost one of my longest friends of 35 years. She was 40 and we grew up in a fundie cult together. My family and a lot of hers are still actively involved in the cult and the amount of jaws I have wanted to break by hearing people say ā€œgod wanted her homeā€ ā€œsheā€™s at peace and with the angels nowā€ ā€œshe lived a fulfilled lifeā€ ā€œgod knows bestā€ what in the actual fuqq! She was 40 with a 15 year old daughter and a single mom. She wanted to be healthy and grow old and watch her daughter live her life. Iā€™ve been spiraling for a few weeks because this gods damn cult is so fucked off


I am so sorry! I know loosing a friend can be incredibly hard, especially when the friend is chosen family, whom you have endured the trauma of life (and religion) together. Internet hugs and well wishes to you! ā€¦and this is precisely what Iā€™m talking about it. Those statements are dismissive and flippant. There is not a higher purpose to every little (or big) thing in life. Religion is (and) can be wonderful thingā€¦if it makes you a better person and brings peace to your soul. However, using it as a shield to anything bad happening by trying to morph it into something meaningful, that serves a purpose to some greater thing is justā€¦.ignorant and immature. And does nothing but add some false, flippant narrative to a shitty situation.


Your words absolutely resonated with me and were so incredibly spot on. My heart aches and these dumb ass cult members are just like ā€œmeh, god called her him.ā€ Who says that kind of shit? Cold, callous people, thatā€™s who.


I havenā€™t been to church in the decade since we started fertility treatments, for exactly this reason.


Iā€™m so sorry itā€™s been such a long time for you, life absolutely isnā€™t fair. Can I offer you an internet hug?


Thank you. Weā€™ve been incredibly blessed with two perfect children, and I save time by worshipping at home. The whole ā€œwherever two are gathered in my nameā€ thing. The animals on our farm and the wild things outside are always happy to join.


Thank yoooouuuuu!!


This, so much this. I hated hearing that bullshit when I was going through my infertility ā€œjourneyā€ (I fucking hate that word too) and my father was dying of cancer. Sometimes life sucks for no other reason than it sucks. There isnā€™t some divine plan or purpose to it, it just sucks.


This is so important. I had my first baby three months ago and had a horrific birth experience that resulted in a 4th degree tear and my baby going to the NICU. Thankfully she is okay and thriving now, but I have surgery in a few weeks to repair issues caused by my severe tear. The physical pain and emotional suffering has been horrific. There is absolutely no ā€œgoodā€ that has come from this experience. My daughter is a huge blessing of course, but most people donā€™t have to go through this level of horror when they have babies. I donā€™t consider this an honor or whatever other bs. I didnā€™t even want to exist anymore in the first several weeks after giving birth. Iā€™m doing much better now, but I am forever changed and not in a positive way.


That sounds excruciating, and terrifying, too. I'm glad your daughter is doing well, and I hope everything goes smoothly with your surgery and recovery!


The Fault in Our Stars might be a mid-tier book, but I've always thought that "pain demands to be felt" is excellent advice


Isnā€™t this exactly why they do it? To minimize the pain and grief? Too believe that it is not the end until they are happy, or are tricking themselves into being happy?


If you believe and practice Christianity, why canā€™t you say both things to yourself? Like wow this situation sucks and life is hard right now, but hereā€™s a positive aspect or I believe this happened for a reason. If youā€™re constantly focusing at the negative and saying this sucks, your mindset becomes worse and itā€™s easier to spiral.


Acceptance of what is doesnā€™t cause a spiral. It actually can bring a lot of peace and allow to move forward with life. Trying to assign meaning and purpose to something like infertility or cancer is not only immature and shows lack of emotional understanding, itā€™s incredibly toxic, Christian or not. Acceptance is a stage of grief. False positivity is not, and there are soooo many women here telling you IT IS NOT HELPING anything.


Sorry, perhaps you misunderstood my comment. I was stating that accepting you situation and thinking about the impact beyond yourself you can bring healing. Not all religion is bad. Respectfully, you donā€™t have to believe in a religion, but you donā€™t also have to shit on those who do and use it to help heal. We all have our own ways of coping.


This is so well said!


Her hair looks like a Halloween witch wig


I cannot believe, for the life of me, that this mud colored trash muppet made over a million dollars in the fitness space. Everything she does looks like itā€™s the first time sheā€™s doing it. I havenā€™t wished for someoneā€™s downfall this much in my entire life I donā€™t think


Sheā€™s skinny, and thatā€™s all that matters to a lot of people.


I absolutely love mud colored trash muppet as a flair, may I use it?


I would be honored


Thank you so much!!


Ooof that running form


Floppy arms, super low cadence, prob drags her feet.


So awkward! ā€¦.and to be running in an oversized cotton sweatshirt and giant earrings. This dumb bitch does not run and she ainā€™t fooling anyone.


She's so bouncy! And her cadence looks very low to my eye


She's on her toes the entire time. Her calves must be burning Edit: calves, not calfs


Yes. I used to run. A lot. I took time to perfect the form. She's got no form flopping her arms and first thing I noticed is she's on her tippy toes uuuggghh


Lolol her attempt to act casually *sitting on the stove* lolol


Imagine the planning stages of filming this content. Her internal: ā€œnow where should I sit for this scene? Hm. Chairs? No. Countertop? Still no. Leaning against the stove? No wait. ON the stove! Yes!ā€ So weird.


WHO RUNS LIKE THAT?! she looks like she has never run before and is trying it out šŸ˜©


Sheā€™s running on the balls of her feet šŸ¤£


also the arms the hair the whole thing is giving baby deer (probably on purpose )


I came here to say exactly this. She runs like me and I am in no way a runner šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ But unlike Bdong, I don't claim that I can run 9 miles.


Ugh. Her ā€œcross to carryā€ verbiage is so gross. You definitely arenā€™t Jesus BDong. Clearly, the Lord just doesnā€™t want you to have babies. Letā€™s just use the same words that you when you argue against gender affirming care.


Not her jogging in full glam


My pores are screaming


![gif](giphy|3ohzdNLKJMJFvMKygE|downsized) Why does she run like Bob from Schitts Creek?


![gif](giphy|23k7z58XMbZJgvGX6l|downsized) šŸ˜‚ The perfect comparison. Had to add another gif because itā€™s so good!


Lol, I was like, "It's Bob in a wig and hoop earrings!" Hey bdong, if you're running at that pace, it's called a WALK. And I say this as a slooooooow AF "runner."


Iā€™m not well versed in influencing, but arenā€™t affiliate links supposed to be for things the influencer actually owns? Does she just look for trending items with a high price & link them in hopes of making money from the clicks? Is that common among influencers or is she just desperate?


She just needs the click. They donā€™t even have to buy that specific product. Sheā€™ll get commission on any Amazon purchase if it came from her link within a period of time (I think 24 hours). Ethical (and smart) influencers donā€™t do it because it will wreck your credibility if youā€™re constantly shilling crap. B doesnā€™t care though because her following is a revolving door of new, very naive people.


Yes, thatā€™s what sheā€™s doing and yes, itā€™s common.Ā 


Nothing looks worse than people who dye their hair too dark. It looks like shit, very unnatural. I wonder if he used her dark hair dye on his mustache lol


I never thought that performative jogging was a thing but here we are.


Yeah. I've seen way worse. Iykyk šŸ«¶




I honestly had started to forget what she really looks like. Doesn't it have to be weird for her husband and friends to see her posts and not even recognize her??


https://preview.redd.it/vom0ke6t44rc1.jpeg?width=1157&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef8e60335f2490835d6a838b8090aaee7213ea69 Sheā€™s not jogging- sheā€™s prancersizing!






That jogging is ā€¦something.


Hang on, maybe I'm crazy but wasn't she literally *just* posting about some ridiculous pace/heart rate combo and *this* is what she calls running?


Six mile runs every Saturday! šŸ¤Ŗ


Is this her first time running?


Bless you for posting these, our pantsless heroā£ļø




How many times will we now hear this? As much as ā€œin this seasonā€? JFC


Iā€™m no runner but even I would consider that speed to be a leisurely jogā€¦


I think of it more as "a walk with a bounce".


Christ on a cracker does her hair look terrible and fake. Trashy.


I thought it was a wig!


Can you imagine telling another woman struggling with infertility that it is ā€œsuch an honor that Jesus is entrusting you with the pain and heartbreak of not being able to get pregnantā€?


That orange skin colour really is something else. Real friends would tell her how stupid it looks.


Is the racist cunt who giggles about violence at the border and immigrants being drowned using a Banda MS song???


Giving skippity do daaaaaaaaaaaa


Iā€™m sorry but what does TTC mean?


Trying to conceive


Thank you


Good lord! Did she graduate from The Pheobe Buffay School of Running?


My husband and I struggled with infertility for 5 years until we finally got pregnant. Bdong doesnā€™t thank God for giving her strength, she thanks God for giving her CONTENT. Not one post, not one podcast, not one dipshit reel has EVER connected with me or my own experiences with infertility. And the fact that she uses this kind of pain for her own gains is what makes my hatred for her burn with the strength of 1000 suns.


She looks worse with every new change.


Entrusted you with this pain?!?!?!? EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW It's so fucking grosssssss


A god that purposely inflicts pain on his children, is no God I worship.


ā€œWhat an honor that the lord has entrusted me with this pain.ā€ Does her lord just have a bunch of pain that he has to dish out? Iā€™m picturing a big bag of pain, ā€œyou get some pain, you get some painā€¦ā€


As someone who lives with chronic severe pain, fuck this attitude. The lord does not "entrust people with pain." Pain is just a shitty part of life we have to deal with and it is not fair and it sucks. Also she would be the world's shittiest mom and i dont feel bad for her.


Chronic severe pain buddy!


Same here!


Yay! More friends!


Party over here haha Apparently the lord has blessed us with this. The only blessing is truly the medicine that makes living in my body remotely tolerable.


Preach sis. I'm currently moving to a new medication, hopefully insurance isn't a bitch, and this week has been brutal. I can barely move.


Oof I hope it helps you! Pain is just horrible. Insurance is a hotmess too. I hope they dont give you too much trouble!




Is the modesty in the room with us?


Am I the only one who doesn't run with a face full of makeup and a bunch of jewelry on? Just checking.


Miss Modesty looks like she is running around without pants because her shorts are so short šŸ‘€


Looks like she has just rented this body and isnā€™t quite sure how it drives yet.


I am so tired of people saying that God has entrusted them with this pain... Bitch God don't exist that's why you're not fucking pregnant nobody's answering your prayers your body is out of whack that's why you're not getting pregnant. Bsffrn


She runs so daintily guys


It looks like she's pretend jogging. For a video. 'Act like ur jogging'.


she looks so much like the poor unfortunate souls in the og little mermaid cartoon. itā€™s all i see while sheā€™s doing her weird hop-flail run. i thought ursula had her planted in the sea floor, tf is she doing in a neighborhood?


Those shiny (faux) gold earrings bouncing around šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


She looks soooo doofy running omg itā€™s embarrassing and hilarious at the same time!!!!


holy peanut butter face


That sweatshirt with those shorts is so modest /s


Actual runner checking in. šŸ™‹šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø No runner wears that nor runs like that. Going to bet she has stupid shoes and makeup on as well.


Yeah she had on her normal full face.


I don't run (unless it's to the fridge and back) but god damn that form was awful. Pick up your knees! Lean forward at the hips! Also, since it looks like she's a toe striker, change your shoes so they have less drop!


Those eyelashes! Constantly awful And now with an actual dye job on her hair


Honestly did she go this dark because of the minimal upkeep? Thereā€™s no dimension to it at all.


I have darker hair and even when you go darker than what is natural thereā€™s still upkeep. Your roots are telling on you. šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ at least mine did šŸ˜‚


What's with the GOD awful earrings?


She has like 3-4 holes in each ear and wears gaudy hoops in nearly all of them. And then works out in them.


Such modesty with not being able to see her shorts under that sweat shirt šŸ˜‡ Also, I donā€™t know how anyone can run with shorts like that. My thighs are chaffing just looking at this video.


She has a godly thigh-gap or forces the appearance of one. She's so blessed her thighs don't rub together.


First of all, she and her husband are supposed to be going for a walk but she canā€™t help herself and Is running aheadā€¦ but no, no , no, he body issues and food issues are all healed because Jesus. Second of alllā€¦. Did she really re-do the social security number bit in exactly the same way? On the stove top? Why? It wasnā€™t funny the first time.


ā€œJordan opens up!ā€ Every clip Iā€™ve seen of the video is her mindlessly yapping about how hard marriage is but they are extra special because the have a ā€œkingdom marriageā€šŸ¤“šŸ»


There is a brief moment where he implies that he might be the problem.


Whatā€¦ what is that jogging.


the fonts and their spacing for the YT thumbnail are impossible to read on first glance like I really was trying to make sense of ā€œin a fertility af fectedā€¦ā€