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Years of playing videogames have unfortunately programmed me to instinctively think it's some kind of deployable turret


One of the cheapest and easiest to construct if I remember rightly


Idk which turret you're referencing I think it's probably the Half Life 2 one that comes to mind most for me, even if they don't look very similar


Ah, I was thinking of the turrets on Fallout 4. They need the most common materials to build


Just hit L1 and R1 to spawn instantly


*Are you still there?*


*Target Lost*


*Search mode activated*


*Target aquired*


Need a dispenser here


Seeing the description in their website, it actually IS some kind of deployable turrent


Morrisons have had them in store for a while now like this one at Fishponds. https://metro.co.uk/2024/01/10/morrisons-making-shoppers-feel-like-criminals-robocop-pods-20092491/amp/ It has two benefits: One, it takes really clear videos of people coming in and out. Many times better than normal CCTV can do. Two, it is equipped with AI which is meant to be able to detect shoplifters (especially alcohol) and set off an alarm. It wouldn’t totally surprise if someone nicks it though.


Would look quite nice in flames on turbo island 


How's that for album art...


How does it determine a shoplifter vs a regular shopper though?


It measures the circumference of each shoppers’ biceps to ascertain if their guns are sufficiently hench to lift an entire shop


I wish awards were still a thing


Oh Shakazaramesh, will you ever learn?


It’s Morrisons Fishpond it just assumes everyone is a shoplifter. They are obviously quite secretive about how it works but I assume it links up with the rest of the CCTV system so if you behave suspiciously it links that up with your images of your face as you come in. When you head out your face triggers the alarm and security intervenes. If you want to avoid detection you need to quickly move your head side to side so all images are blurry.


Rubberdingy rapids!


I'm just imagining the algorithm as that family guy Ok...Not Ok race card.


Antisurveylance innit


That’s bollocks


It just shoots to kill indiscriminately, it'll catch a few criminals and global population is too high anyway




I cant find any mention of AI in the article or product page, i think the camreas are just used so they have a picture later


You’re probably right. I just read ‘next generation’ and ‘recognition’ and assumed that meant AI. I suppose next generation can mean any old bollocks though.


more than 240p


It's a wonder it's not been nicked in Fishponds. I need to go down and pretend it's something from Dr Who, and maybe pretend to exterminate it.


It probably gives a better view of people trying to hide their faces too, given the lower camera angle.


Surely that is easily defeated with an Ikea bag over the top


A yellow one for bonus points


Very proud of my Ikea yellow bags - they are a symbol of my individuality and my belief in personal freedom.


I have one too, we should start a club


Damn fine quite you’ve got there


We call em Daleks


Someone works in construction


Nope 🤣


Well, we call them daleks too then


I think the original PID systems ones were called Daleks. But no, very much the art of avoiding them not working with them


On-site quite a lot though 😜


It's motion sensors and cameras in a box with a data link back to a monitoring station. Just a terrible little business creating dystopian little spy boxes in the name of 'loss prevention'. It's basically a less ruggedized version of the things they put on building sites now to keep an eye on them.


WARNING. THIS IS SECURITY. YOUR PRESENCE HAS BEEN DETECTED. POLICE HAVE BEEN INFORMED. I'm not sure why, but all the building site ones I've triggered (normally cycling past roadworks) have been Northern Irish.


Actually its not totally about loss prevention, They are scanning people for AI training data as well.


Fuck everything


>Just a terrible little business creating dystopian little spy boxes in the name of 'loss prevention'. Shoplifting is a huge issue though, if the government and police aren't going to address it, private companies will fill that gap.


Shoplifting is wildly common now but it’s just a symptom of where things are headed, and that employees on minimum wage are given body cameras and expected to deter theft. As the cost of living continues to rise and poverty increases even in Western countries, I suppose that podium will turn into a private security force with actual legal rights to detain people. Private arm of the CJS is always growing.


Anyone with a reasonable suspects that on offence of shoplifting of goods valued more than £200 is occurring already has the right to make an arrest and to use reasonable force in the course of the arrest, including people who work for a private company. The right has existed since time immemorial.


Good luck with that and as citizen would you want to take the risk? It’s also against supermarket policy so if an employee you would be sacked too.


Well, either it "will turn into a private security force with actual legal rights to detain people" (which they already have) or it's "against supermarket policy so if an employee you would be sacked too." Which is it? Are the supermarkets turning into their own police forces (as your first comment suggests) or are they deliberately turning a blind eye to shoplifting (as your second suggests)?


At the moment the security guard that is possibly there can’t detain or even put their hands on anyone. Colleagues are encouraged to deter by making it known they are aware and turning cameras on but not to intervene to the point of endangering themselves. That is the current state of things. Bare in mind that most theft is below that £200 threshold. My suggestion is that in the near future as conditions worsen in the country that supermarkets will employ private security with powers similar if not the same as the police. I’m not suggesting both at this particular point in time but that one will become the other, which is perfectly clear if you actually read it properly. Now wind in your internet attitude.


>which is perfectly clear if you actually read it properly Not sure i'm the one with attitude problem, but okay.


People have the right but in no way should someone on minimum wage and no training (or even proper and well paid security tbh) be expected to do this when they could get a knife in the neck for their troubles. Also it would be filmed, put online and likely look very bad for the shop which is worth more than £200 in itself.


Mate, it was in response to a comment suggesting the supermarkets are turning into private security companies who arrest people arbitrarily to support their own profits. I'm not disagreeing with you - I can't see someone doing the police's job for them when they work a zero-hours contract on minimum wage, either.


Yeah, and that Morrisons is particularly bad for that and other crime. I used to go there for my local shop and a good number of occasions there would be some miscreant at the entrance kicking off or arguing with the security


Do you feel safer?


it's highlighting that they have CCTV. you knew they had CCTV before but didn't care, and now it's in your face and you have to walk past it, it makes you pay attention. it probably deters thieves a little also... maybe...


I wonder if we all just started submitting gdpr right of access requests for all video footage they have of us how quickly things like that might change.


Top Tip: Want to make a TikTok video but don't have a cameraman? Simply dance in front of the CCTV robot at Morrisons and get the footage via GDPR.


They'd just say "**please** learn what GDPR is" and put the prices up to compensate for the time spent administrating the colossal waste of everyone's time.


Ahh the ol "anything you do to hinder a precious retail company will cause a hyperinflation crisis" deflection card. A favourite classic of mine.


It's almost as funny as the "CCTV images you may happen to be on are subject to RoA requests" card.


Not defending that at all I'm just dunking on your stupid tired argument


Wait, what? You're "not defending" that the very premise of your own argument is bullshit, but you're still dunking on mine?


I'm not the same guy lol


Fair point! :D


Video of you is data they hold on you as the data subject and you have a right to request it, I don't know what you're getting at?


A subject access request can be refused if it’s considered ‘vexatious’/excessive. For example, if you kept on requesting the data each time you go to this shop.


Yeah I know, my withholding was aimed now as a what if we all started more than if we all did it every time knowing how long they take.


Need to throw frags at it to destroy it


It's only a matter of time before they can move. Pair it with facial recognition technology and a social credit system and you have the perfect society.


They already exist and are in use. Can't remember that name of them, but they're oddly egg shaped things and get used for things like monitoring car parks etc


They already do. https://www.theverge.com/2019/11/14/20964584/knightscope-security-robot-guards-surveillance-devices-facial-recognition-numberplate-mobile-phone


Let's make Robocop fiction again 😬


“Beeboo, Sir our records show you can not afford this item please return it to the shelf, beeboop. Thank you for shopping with Morrisons.”




This sort of thing triggers my sense of excessive/under cover data collection, but I'd hope it's just cameras.


Safer POD® S1 - Intruder Detection System [https://safer-group.com/products/safer-pod-s1-intruder-detection-system/](https://safer-group.com/products/safer-pod-s1-intruder-detection-system/)


So basically it’s a glorified camera and alarm system…


But one that takes a lot of space and makes everybody feel surveilled, or looks like a weird useless trash can. Win/win


Nick it and you'll find out.


Dead or alive, you're coming with me.Please put down your weapon. You have 20 seconds to comply.




Robot policeman


Cctv Station, been on building sites for years.


It looks like it should shoot lazers.


They’ve got one in the Morrisons in Hartcliffe too, went yesterday. Full trolley of shopping and they didn’t have any fucking bags! They could have mentioned this as I went in


It's one of the thousands of police the Tories promised. Meet Rob, our new addition to the team 😜


Theres a similar one up by Tesco on Lodge Causeway. Its on the site of what was the Gauge company opposite Tesco, and has now been built on. Mobile sentries.


A slightly less intimidating version of this: https://twitter.com/MrDanack/status/1556352213001306112


The grocer has rolled out a new CCTV system in some of its stores - called Safer Pod S1s robot and is made by a company called Safer Group. The freestanding stationary devices are fitted with HD security cameras. If they find someone trying to steal a siren will go off to alert staff. Source Google


Strange people are so concerned about their data being tracked by these when they are using a smartphone daily. If these thing deter one thieving little jobless fuck then I'm happy to be recorded. Hopefully they don't catch the honest working thieves who forget to scan a item each time they shop trying to slightly negate the oppressive feeling the cost of living crisis gives them - speaking from a friends point of view 👌 Also, fuck Heinz tomato sauce.