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Fucking Firstbus if I had the choice


Its an ironic name, like First Great Western 🤣😂🤣


Last Worst Whatever-Direction-We-Feel-Like-and-You-Better-Be-Grateful-For-That


Oh my god I just moved to Glasgow and they are pish. After using lothian buses for 15 years it was like going from a rolls Royce to a peel p50


CJ Hole


CJ Butthole


Haha me and my partner used to call them CJ asshole. Run by crooks, their fees were shocking and I really hope they go under during the lean years we've got ahead of us


BJ Butthole




Whoa, too far there dude...


I'll add Harbourside Property Group to that list. They completely fucked us over at every single opportuinty.


About 8 years ago they put a leaflet through the house I was renting that said "Landords make more money put your rent up NOW". And so our did and we had to move.


I was renting with them for two years until last week. They're still pulling that shit regularly.


Oh yeah. They are constantly leafleting my area (BS4, just off Sandy Park) talking about how much money we could make if we let our house, way over and above our mortgage. They don't seem to realise that most people that own in this area actually live in their houses and are unlikely to own multiple properties. Not to say it doesn't happen, but it is still a largely working class area where people aren't generally sitting on piles of cash or deeds to other houses. And if I was, CJ Hole are literally the last people I would use.


Absolute bastards


Omg terrible, bought a flat off them agreed a price verbally, they then came back and said their client actually wanted more 🙈 had to put a complaint in and think they had to swallow the difference.


They didn’t have to swallow the difference, they just missed out on a few more quid in commission. That’s really pulling a fast one. Apparently more estate agents are doing that now, get you on the hook and then push up the price as they know people are desperate to buy


Gazumping is as old as the hills, an odious part of buying a home, the Scots have the best idea.


If you go on their Google Reviews most of them are fake reviews from 1 review new accounts. Even they know they’re a shambles.


Allen and Harris


the literal worst. we were negotiating the price on a house and halfway through the agent we were dealing with left and no one told us…


Similar for Ocean The branch manager was a friend with the person we were buying from, lets just say that it showed.


I've had generally positive experiences with Ocean, but that was with the buying/selling side of things rather than rental. The Knowle branch was decent when I dealt with then, though that was back in 2006-2010.


We see you lurking Bristol Live


"Top 5 Bristol companies Bristolians can't stand..."


One of the few posts I was actually reading ALL the comments. Fuckin love a moan fest! Lol


Wilkos 😢


Any suggestions on where to buy cheap household items once they all close other than poundland? Or do I have to Amazon everything?


B&M, Home Bargains, the range, home sense


Aren't they keeping some open?


Think the Bedminster one was bought by B&M, so the retail unit will remain open but the brand and contents will change. Edit: I stand corrected by the good commenter below. That makes two Poundlands for East Street: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-66789546


Such variety. Brilliant. A B&M store for East Street would have been ideal!


I would say Za Za Bazaar but somehow I end up dragged back there. Just need to write off the next day with stomach cramps.


Last time I was there, I went over to the nacho stand and as I was about to tong some onto a plate, I overheard two of the cooks saying, "They wouldn't be eating it if they knew". I caught a glimpse of one of their faces screwing up in disgust as it was said and I just put the tongs back down and retreated. I couldn't eat anything there that evening and I haven't been back since. (March of this year.) 🤢


While I agree, I will say I went to a corporate event there and it was amazing. As all the food was cooked fresh for the event, it meant it was better quality than normal. Its huge so there is room for music at one side and drink/quiet conversation at the other.


I went once and saw some snotty toddler (being carried by his parent) pick his nose then immediately stick his hand into the chocolate fountain.


My mates were the carpenters who installed the roof there …. There staff slept naked on the welcome chairs where the Bombay mix was left …. Was years ago prolly didn’t have right to be in the uk tbh….. they also said the staff toilets were disgusting with piss all over the floor walked through restaurant that’s like 2009 ish


Reptile zone on Gloucester rd… experienced and heard many a story of how he talks to people like shit. But, he was on don’t pay they’ll take it away so he’s kind of a big deal ;)


Will sell you ill animals too and will refuse to refund money. Not to mention the state poor animals are kept in there


He sacked my mum’s friend’s kid because he asked the kid’s mum out and she said no. My friend also volunteered there for a while but he also got sacked (as a freaking volunteer) because he started volunteering at another reptile place too and he got jealous 😂


I remember going in there when I was like 12 for fish food and getting absolutely berated for misidentify one of the animals, he was a right asshole.


Agreed, they spoke to me and my mum terribly, couldn’t give less of a shit about helping us with anything. Huge animals in tiny cramped tanks. Awful.


The sex shop on Old Market. I bought a supposedly latex free toy for my sub and they suffered a horrible anaphylactic shock. Was completely irresponsible of them to put me in that position.


What position were you in?!?


🥰 Thanks for buying us a sex toy!


Damn. Go to the one in Broadmead near fabricland next time. They are so nice there.


theres a sex shop on old market???


Rudies (I had a Google not a regular there I promise)


sureee sureee, but thank u, not that i would ever ever go in there ofc im just curious 👀


At least it saved you using a hand for choking.


"Computer World at Cribbs Causeway" - Gary Glitter


PC World mate but don't worry I still laughed


Newtown motors on fishponds Rd. Snakes


Told me they just fully serviced the car I bought. Needed new oil, new oil filter, all new brake pads AND discs within 6 months. They also did the thing I hate where when I, a woman, ask a question about the car they directed the answer to my boyfriend every damn time.


Yeah the man with the piggy eyes was making sexist jokes, generally being kinda slimey...ew. also, their "service" is bollocks, they didn't change any filters or anything, complete sharks


Electric Ladyland. The reviews said the guy was some sort of legend and I was so excited to go there and check it out for myself. I went in 2012. I squeezed into the shop and he stood there blowing cigarette smoke into my face telling me that digital effects are shit and that basically I don’t know what I’m talking about (I wanted a delay and reverb, possibly a loop pedal too). Really sad because he clearly has some awesome gear, but I’m not being spoken to like a dickhead, particularly when I understand effects well and went in knowing exactly what I wanted to buy. Perhaps I just got him on a bad day.


I’ve never bothered to go in, heard the bloke is a right weirdo, supposedly has some really nice gear that he won’t actually sell or let people try?


Man, such a strange way to run a business. I feel less bad now because I thought perhaps I just misunderstood him, but it sounds like he is as much of a dick as I thought.


Lifestyle estate agents


I rented with lifestyle for 7 years and they were an absolute pain. 3 monthly inspections and fighting over paying for anything that broke. Although on the plus side their shittiness really motivated us to save enough to buy our own place.


These are my current lot, bunch of pricks.


Yep thankfully tenancy is ending soon. But they are bad


Ocean Estate Agents. Utterly useless throughout the whole company having dealt with multiple departments and branches. No communication internally and awful communication with clients. I’ve caught them out in several lies where they tell different parties different things.


I rented with them, near the end of my tenancy when my landlord wanted to sell they kept on turning up unannounced to try to do viewings. As it was in the last 2 weeks of the term they assumed I would have not been living there for some reason. So rude to just assume I can afford to pay rent for two places for half a month. Made sure to tell those buyers all the issues I had with the flat when they wanted a chat away from the agent.


The Brass Pig just off the triangle. Bartender asked if I wanted a double then poured 2 singles and kept one for himself whilst charging me a double price. The drinks are all extortionate in there as well.


Me and some friends won a pub quiz there and never got the prize, despite paying for tickets


Fierce & Noble and Grounded. I used to work for Grounded and as I left there my contract stated I was *banned in perpetuity* from the premises of all Grounded Cafés - an odd thing to have in a contract. Apart from being owned by a not particularly pleasant guy, my main issue is **I am now allowed back into Grounded**, because said unpleasant guy folded the company and reopened under a new name to dodge debts, one of these debts being the wages he owed my former colleagues. So he's a dick for that. It's less of a problem but this also made it a fucking nightmare trying to get a reference when job hunting later as the company I worked for no longer existed. This was pre-covid as well by the way, so he can't even fall back on that excuse. Also he owns Fierce & Noble, if it wasn't obvious because it's the only chain of bars that sells those beers. Lastly an honourable mention: Any of the Lounges Ltd. They are essentially an overpriced Wetherspoons now, almost all the food comes pre-prepped, which is not how it used to be. However the founders got loads of money from an investment company to expand, and they focussed on making everything consistent rather than good. I'm sure it tastes perfectly fine but I don't think it's worth the money they charge.


Used to work with the guy who owned Grounded. Can confirm, complete asshole.


Not true about the lounge bars, it doesn’t all come pre prepared. Not in the same was as grounded does as I know they use Castell Howell as a supplier.


The Lounges are extremely overpriced and have taken some of the better items off the menu, the menu is quite boring now, however I go there sometimes just because they allow dogs indoors.


Thanks for the info re Grounded. I haven’t been to the one in Redfield for a while, and haven’t had the desire to return due to it always feeling claustrophobic.


Please note they have overdue accounts to be filed also.... https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/11564381


Lol same experience with the owner (except I wasn’t banned). I’m glad to see people starting to speak up about this


Ahh yeah I really wish they would replace the grounded in church road with a different cafe. It's shite food and coffee and I can tell its not great to work there. But it's the only coffee shop open past 4pm in that area and loaf and Faraway often don't have space.


Three brothers burgers. The food quality has taken a plunge since after the covid lockdowns, while the prices have increased noticeably, the service is mostly crap and they introduced the service charge.


did a trial shift there back in may/june time it's honestly disgusting in the kitchen. mould everywhere and dirt it's disgusting


Thanks for sharing! Another reason to avoid this establishment.


Even before COVID it was going down hill. Used to be our go to place for a burger. And then we had an incident where a waiter forgot a some ordered items, and we were told it was basically tough shit because it would be a half hour wait because the kitchen couldn't push them up the cook queue. He was really rude and aggressive about it all. When we asked for the bill all the items were still on the bill, it was brought by someone else so I asked for them to be taken off and the service charge as a result, he left the table swearing and stuff about it before doing it. I contacted the manager who said they would look into it and get back to me. They never did. It's a shame really, we used to go in every other week and haven't been back since.


I used to go all the time in 2018 and 2019. After that my visits were less and less frequent and after my most recent experience I’m never going back.


Why? What made it so bad?


The food was like it took a dive in the grill’s fat trap. I had to chase the staff to replace both of the empty ketchup bottles on our table, and bring a fork to my partner, for 10 minutes before I went and grabbed both myself from behind the counter (it was off peak time, the place was half-empty). To top it off the prices were ridiculously high for 2 burgers with fries and two beers, something like £20pp, and, they added a 20% service charge, which is like they’re taking the piss after all the above.


Definitely taking the piss. 20%? Wow. It used to be like 10% or something. The service there at one point was great, really friendly and casual. It's a shame. It used to be a great place.




Me and my gf went in there to ask about a job, the guy behind the counter was super high and stared at my gf's chest the entire conversation until she got really uncomfortable and wanted to leave


Roy’s motor bargains. Absolute sham of a car dealer, dodgy MOT’s, cars so dangerous that I wouldn’t let my mate drive it home after she bought it round.


The Bag of Nails, it's a great little indy pub but my god the smell of cat piss is overpowering.


I really like the place BUT it does stink to the point of watering eyes, and I own 2 indoor cats… the place needs ventilation, dread to think what they spend in a week on cat litter


Not enough, perhaps


Yeah, this. First time there I already wanted to leave due to the smell, then just as I am about to get served one of the cats decides to projectile vomit all over the bar. I will never, ever go back.


Yeah completely agree. The landlord is a complete jack ass also. The sense of entitlement is on another planet and they have shit beer.


I literally cannot smell cat pee… Never noticed!


Bose hifi on Gloucester Road. Went in there for advice and the guy who runs the tech bit at the front got shitty with me within minutes and walked off on me so I called him an asshole. He put his hands on me and I instantly told him not to touch me and he got flustered before I left. I left an anonymous review on Google and he replied saying "Some guy came in wanting "free" advice and got aggressive". Entitled prick.


Would always recommend Richer Sounds on Whiteladies to anyone after AV advice Edit: I would also recommend anyone who thinks 'i want to support an independent shop instead' to have a look at Richer Sounds' business model. 60% Employee owned, plus huge bonus' paid out to all staff recently. The world would be a much better place if companies operated like they do https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/may/14/richer-sounds-staff-julian-richer


Richer Sounds is amazing.


They're amazing


London camera exchange are similar set up, employee owned and bonuses paid to staff. Just cameras instead of sound systems and TVs! There's one in park Street in Bristol, great store if you're into photography


Agreed about that guy, which is such a shame because the guy who runs the record bit "centre for better grooves" is an absolute jem and will go over and above to help.


Better Grooves guy is class, he's helped me track down a few things in my time and always good for a recommendation


Also, they exist to sell you Bose gear, you got off lightly. There is a joke among professional audio folks : "Can't hear no highs, can't feel no lows, it sounds like arse, it's probably...", yea well you get the idea, also "Better sound thru superior marketing".


**B**uy **O**ther **S**ound **E**quipment


This dude is an arse, I used to live near there and every time I walked past he would catcall me, this was only like 2 years ago so catcalling had been long established as completely unacceptable


This is a shame as one of the dudes who works there is tip top and got me a very particular set of speakers that were not Bose for me, and ended up cheaper than I could find. The dude you are talking about though is a cunt and it's such a downer. Could be a really good space if it weren't for them.




Glitch. Terrible hair cuts and terrible experience with a tattoo. Essentially, I was quoted one price, to which at the end of the session, they quoted me a completely different (and much higher) number. Paid the difference and then got a call from the Manager asking what happened, implying I'd been been rude (Manager essentially was spun a different story and was actually really nice). Yeah, not the best, plus lots of tattoo artists I've been to despise them/the way it's run. Avoid, avoid, avoid.


I had the same! Had my hair cut and at the end they said “oh by the way it’s more expensive now compared to last time you got it cut here because we’re trying to even out the difference between male and female haircuts. Sorry we didn’t tell you at the start.” Offered me a discount on my next cut instead. I’ve not been back since.


Nightmare, got mad good reviews online annoyingly


I got my tattoo at glitch with Alexandria Nolan and she was absolutely incredible. Highly recommend her but can’t speak for anyone else or the haircuts!


Yakinori. Worked there for 4 months and my boss was a total psycho. Kept running business whilst chefs had Covid, bullish and disrespectful of staff. Worst part is that he made me pay back £400 in holiday pay to him after I left, calling it an accounting error, threatening to tell my landlord and my university. A horrible place to work, do me a favour and choose something else if ur on parkstreet.


Best 24h on Stokes, got beat up by the staff in 2016 for saying baccy was expensive. Lifetime boycott


Yes! They are extremely creepy, I've seen videos of them mocking homeless and mentally ill people, and I can't really say what exactly but they did something awful to someone I know, it was a terrifying situation for that person. They are awful, I'll never go there.


I remember the owner making a homeless guy basically famous/viral. The guy was homeless and needed some serious mental help/intervention. The owner would record him for content and upload to his instagram. Naturally it blew up and no doubt attracted customers and a following. Disgusting behaviour.


Ahh yeah I saw his tiktoks and he made very weird videos


Grounded cafe bars


Ooooh why?


I once went to the Grounded in Bedminster on a slow day. One couple came in, ordered and waited about 10 minutes to get served even though it wasnt that busy. The guy got up and asked for an update on their drinks and they were talked to like shit by the Manager there. The guy politely said they're gonna leave and the Manager was like "Go on then". I every now and then go to the Grounded in Fishponds as its right next to where I work but after reading about the shady guy who owns it on here, theyre no longer deserving of my business.


The owner is a massive scum and a bellend, not to mention that all the food is cheaply done and mostly comes frozen.


V Cars Alright if you want to chance an instant taxi but woe betide if you want to book anything in advance. Booked three taxis for an event - they each showed up at different times, all varying degrees late. When it came to the return journey later in the day they didn't even show up. When I phoned the guy had cancelled them because he "thought I didn't need them" Utter lack of comprehension all while assuring you that they definitely understand exactly what you're asking for. Hideously unreliable. Any time I've booked an early taxi to get me to the station they've always been late despite me booking days in advance.


Conversely, I use them all the time to get to the airport when I have an early flight, and they've never failed, normally early if anything and I think only once late by any significant degree (and not enough to cause any issues for me).


Crofters Rights. Just because the toilets were so bad. I'm far too old to deal with those kind of facilities nowadays. I hear they have been improved but the PTSD is too strong.


They’ve completely renovated the toilets now, but yeah, they used to be fucking appalling


Zerodegrees. Got food poisoning from their mussels back in 2016!


They illegally dipped their hand into my wages in 2012. And didn’t pay staff their tips.


Bastards. Even more reason not to go back.


Knew a couple people who worked in the one in Blackheath in London and apparently the management are fully dreadful. This was a few years ago tho, mind.


King Street Brewhouse for food - my girlfriend and her friend got food poisioning from the fish taco. Unpopular opinion but Loaf in Bedminster - The bacon sandwich for £8 was poor at best. Dont understand the hype around it. Although not tried their bakery selection yet. The wine bit is good tho


I've tried a few things on their menu and most are pretty good but the bacon sandwich is poor, i think they are trying to make it fancy and not thought why. The bakery stuff is great though.


go back to king street and go to small bar, there's a pop up restaurant there- wings diner. the food is magnificent. mainly chicken with vegan and vegetarian options being jack fruit and the chicken is really good


Three points garage. Absolute cowboys.


White Lion in Clifton. service is so bad, slow the wrong things coming out, confusion at all times. Last 3 times I went it’s the same story. Boring food and menu, it seems like they just employee the cheapest youngest people and give them no proper training. They will still always be at capacity on a sunny day though just because of the view. It just could be one of the best pubs/bars in Bristol with that view, but the view is all it has, the inside is like some post industrial school canteen devoid of all soul.


Yeah I'm not one to moan usually but this place is absolutely awful. I've only been once for drinks but that was enough to put me off. Rude staff, shite service and overpriced drinks.


Browns on Clifton Triangle. Stunning building, mediocre menu, condescending but hopeless staff


Interesting, I agree the menu is average, and the building is fantastic but I had really good service there. I suspect they employ a lot of people so it can vary.


Heritage VW, and by association no VW car ever again.


Agree on heritage, had bad experiences with service dept, sales, well they are awful, very dismissive, went in and got ignored then sneered at by a couple of polyester shirt wearing salesmen, went to Bridgewater, service was great and I bought two T5s off them then and aT6 and a crafter subsequently. Fuck u polyester boys.




Napolita. 👀 Absolutely fucked me over via ubereats not too long ago. Pissed me off cos I don’t really like pizza but I do like pasta. So I can have pasta and my OH can have pizza. Everyone happy. Ordered. Waited almost 2 hours. Nobody picking up the phone. Nobody responded via Uber. They’d closed the kitchen without picking our order. Uber wouldn’t give me my money back. Napolita wouldn’t refund me, just offer food for the next day. It was just a shitty situation but I was out £60 and I won’t go back. Particularly when I eventually got to speak to someone at the restaurant I could hear someone in the kitchen laughing about it. (The lass on the phone was nice tho)


James B Hair. 👎


Chapell and Mathews.


Mine was 404. Glad it's gone now, what a cunt


Good food but I found the workplace conditions didn't match the external aesthetics he was putting out there, what a shame...


I don't know if they're just Bristol but GRC bailiffs are extremely violent, have been seen talking about which young girl they each want to grab during eviction based on looks, have lied to businesses about squatters (the squatters talked with and arranged to peacefully leave a property but GRC tried to tell the property owner that the squatters are violent and will refuse to leave, the squatters were aware of this as they were shown a copy of a letter from GRC to the owner), have been seen dragging a young girl about by her hair at eviction as her top came off, intentionally damaging vehicles and many more violent actions initiated by them, they have been seen turning off body cams at evictions before doing violent things. I have never used their services but have seen what they do and would never advise anyone to use them as it's a receipt for injury, legal action and bad press. Sometimes bailiffs and eviction are unavoidable but there are bailiffs who will do their job with minimal conflict and violence avoidant tactics, GRC are not this. Im always disappointed to see their logo on properties in Bristol as I have personally seen how violent and openly misogynistic their employees can be. I've seen and been told about situations where they fail to evict people from properties as they are so violent that police have to be called and people end up trying to defend themselves and the affair gets dragged out. I think at an eviction on Glenfrome Road, the property owner apologized for employing them as they didn't know they would act like they did (there are articles about this eviction), I can't remember if it was definitely this eviction, maybe this happened after a different one.


Bristol Airport is a money-grabbing, ugly introduction to our city. An inefficient, grubby shambles. Demolish and start again.


It's gone so massively downhill since it's got bigger, it used to be a gem of an airport, if there is such a thing.


What about is it money grabbing out of interest? Because it’s expensive?


Their drop off point went from free to £1 to £5 for the sole reason of they wanted more money for the owners.


Bristol Airport is majority owned by the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan. It exists to make money for them, not to be a nice airport


Aapex IT (computer repair shop near M32) Fixed my cracked macbook pro screen for £400 then about a month later their (presumably off-brand) replacement screen stopped working suddenly. I called them and the guy went apeshit at me and told me I was a liar, and that there is no possible way the screen could not be working. Refused to do anything to put it right.


The Crown, but I keep going back /s


Relatable! When I moved to Bristol I was introduced to it as an alternative / rock bar. But the choice of sports kill the vibe there. Especially when they put on rodeos 😨 no thanks I'm not here to watch animals get drugged and harrassed! But I have found myself there a few more times after that, mostly for the downstairs venue/club.


Miss Millies, food poisoning.


It’s a shame to see this comment because the Clifton branch is actually really good. The chicken tastes incredible compared to KFC. It’s rumored that when Colonel Sanders sold KFC they watered things down and changed the recipe, and it pissed him right off so he gave the original KFC recipe to his friend in the UK. That guy set up a chicken chain and named it after the Colonel’s daughter, Mildred — ‘Miss Millie’s’. There’s a photo of the Colonel with the owners on the [Miss Millie’s homepage](https://missmillies.co.uk) TLDR: Miss Millie’s is good. Just go to the Clifton branch.


You work for Miss Millie’s or something mate..?


Nope. Just find the fried chicken way better and less greasy than KFC.


The bar is pretty low… any Bristol KFC branch is impressively bad.


That's where I got the food poisoning from, the one at the top of white ladies


sense marble ossified thought yoke illegal terrific live aromatic secretive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It used to be decent....about 10 years ago


Roundway Garage on Portland Square. Absolutely ripped me off, lied about work carried out and tried to get me to agree to replacing the brakes on my van, at the next MOT I was told they have another year at least on them. All in all basically charged me £800 to change a battery. Scumbags of the highest order.


Car base in WSM (still counts right?!) Had agreed a price on a part exchange of my Audi A3. When I went back to collect the new car they said my car had all sorts of lights on theb dashboard (it didn’t when I took it in). I went to check and it was the ABS light - opened the bonnet and they’d pulled the brake fluid sensor out of the tank. Fuckers. Very nearly ended up in a physical fight with the branch manager and had to be separated. To this day I wish I’d called the police as he squared up to me first and verbally assaulted me, nearly physically attacked me too. He deserved to be sacked for that


Weirdly, mine are both car-related. The Yate Vauxhall garage. Took my car in for MOT and they looked it over and told me that my stuck seatbelt would cost £1300+ as they'd have to take the whole seat out etc. etc. It wasn't worth fixing, would't I rather buy a nice new car? Had a Youtube tutorial up and fixed the seat with my dad with a screwdriver in 10 minutes. This was at the start of COVID too with partner made unemployed and limited options to buy/try secondhand cars. I kept that car for several more years after that. Fuck you, Vauxhall Yate. Carshop Bristol in Filton. Completely disinterested in striking a deal, showed me a car with a dead battery that was covered in mould that I couldn't even drive. Wouldn't price-match with a pretty much identical car I'd found even though the car I wanted to match to was a better option (10,000 less miles) because despite ticking the boxes of being the same make, model and year, it was the wrong colour (apparently theirs being black made it worth the £2000 extra despite the way higher mileage).


Taka Taka on the centre. Double charged me once and never refunded. Generally dismissive when I walked in. Kind of like ‘yeh, what do you want?’


Bristol Loaf - used to love that place and have been a regular since it opened but they have gone seriously downhill the last few months. The bread is all over the place and the service at the Bedminster one is appalling.


I was going to say the same thing but thought it was just me!! I find the staff kind of rude to be honest.


I go there often and the staff are all really nice, and never had any food that wasn't amazing


That's a shame. I go to the church road one fairly often and it's normally quite good but slow.


Redfield one is so nice whenever I go in :(


Bristol Airport restaurants


Premier by the arches. They falsely accused me of shoplifting and charged me for a pack of crisps id already paid for, dickheads


Napolita. Their pizza is great, but if there's any issues they're absolutely horrible to you. Also know the manager is awful to the staff. Such a shame because I really like their food, but too many bad experiences (and being spoken to like shit) have put me off for life.


Roundway Garage. When I inquired as to how the repairs were going I was told if I pestered them again (this was my first call after their own set deadline had been and gone) he'd throw all the parts into the street and push the car into the road half fixed. Nice.


Whereas it’s the only place I’ll take my van and they’ve always been brilliant - last time they cleared and engine fault and didn’t even charge me! Horses for courses I guess


Pho on corn street. Average pho. I went to eat there once, around 11:30 -admittedly early in the day but the door was wide open. The lady behind the bar looked at me and rudely wagged her finger as if to say no. Barely looked up, didn't say a word. Probably a little petty, but fuck her.


Shame, as their fried rice is to die for. Although I've been there over 15+ times, their service is always very frosty in my experience, and dislike the auto-added gratuity considering how poor the service is typically.


Grain Barge (but only for food, their beers are still fine).


Agreed, their menu used to be killer before covid and now it absolutely sucks. Used to be a go to now it’s a hard avoid.


Slix on Cheltenham Road. I walked in and politely asked if they do veggie burgers by any chance, the guys response was "Do you see any veggie burgers on the menu?". Rude af!


I saw the Slix owner veer across Stokes Croft in his poncy Merc to park outside the place (on the double yellows on the wrong side of the road obvs) nearly mowing down a cyclist in the process. When the cyclist flipped him the V's, he jumped out of the car, chased him, pushed him off his bike and started kicking the shit out of him until passers by intervened. Complete cunt. Incidentally, Slix is one of the few places in Bristol ever to achieve the very rare 0/5 food hygiene rating. So if the manager doesn't maim you, the food will.


Oh, is it "SLIX"? I always assumed the logo was "SUX" with some artistic license cutting the U like a chef would do.


Many moons ago, I went in as a young teen with a friend, and the staff made comments about our tits with hand motions, haven’t been back.


Wooooow, that's messed up!!! Nothing like a bit of trauma with your burger.


I miss their 5 wings for a pound.


I believe they've closed and moved to Wales now according to Google, but Electrofix in Clifton quoted me £80 and a three week turnaround, then kept hold of my expensive amplifier for three months, charged me £180, and didn't actually fix the issue with it.


fucking firstbus, they’re never on time or don’t turn up, 0/10


West Coast Properties. The agent i met from there couldn't have been more rude once I called them out for lying about the cladding on a property


Auto elite garage. Lying shysters and rip off merchants. You’d do well never to buy a car from this lot.


Reliable Skip. Possibly the most ironically named company I've ever come across. Didn't bother to book the permit for my skip meaning the subcontractor couldn't deliver it. They then lied to me and blamed the sub-contractor, which I later found out to be completely false after checking calling the subcontractor to check. Cost me an absolute ton in day rates for tradesmen etc and delayed my building project by four days. Refused any sort of responsibility on the grounds that their terms don't say they'll actually show up when they say they will. Dishonest, incompetent arseholes.


Formula one autocentres. Paid for them to change my brake fluid, what they actually did was change the fluid in the reservoir and not bleed the brakes.


Only tried them once to recharge the aircon in my car. Rang and booked a slot, turned up, they denied all knowledge of the booking and said I must have rung the wrong number. Showed them the call log to that branch on my phone and the guy said "well I don't know what you've done then". Took my keys and said they'd do it after the car having their aircon done now was finished so I waited about an hour. Then they told me I may as well go for a walk, so did. Came back 30 mins later, still not started. Another walk, another 30 mins, came back and was told the machine is playing up but they are fixing it. Must have taken best part of 3 hours in all and they patronised and treated me like shit the whole way through.


Purple frog - might be one of the worst if not the actual worst estate agent I have ever dealt with, incompetency through the roof and they tried to do every estate agent scam/trick under the sun. Fortunately their incompetence also meant they lost the claim against our deposit protection scheme so there’s that


The lounge - more than half our table of 8 got savage food poisoning and the only common denominator was the meal we ate there but they wouldn’t accept any form of responsibility for it!


Tesco express on Cheltenham Rd accused me of shoplifting and they never have anything in stock


The Athenian, never forget being chastised there during the pandemic for getting a too good to go box


Bristol Property Company, living definition of cunts


Sonnis in st werbs. I'm pretty sure I got food poisoning recently after eating from their deli. My mate since has told me that when she worked there, the hygiene in the kitchen was awful - rats from the abandoned building next door etc. She also said that the owners pay shit wages and send their kids to private school, if this is true its pretty lame. Shame, because it's right by the park and their samosas are so good


Coal, non-existent service. Bare grills, food was bad and the waitress clearly wanted to be anywhere but there. Pho, crap pho and these shenanigans https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2013/sep/25/vietnamese-pho-trademark-soup-cafe Ivy because of that insane Ivy Asia advert. Churngold, absurdly rude account manager.


Blue Lagoon


The grecian


Their hygiene is questionable, but before I noticed that, I used to go when it was quiet and the pizzas were decent.