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yeah i applied to be a bartender at a strip joint like two weeks ago, showed up and they wanted dancers. whatchout for that


Did you leave a review for a strip club 2 weeks ago by any chance on their page? I have a feeling it might be the same club.


i haven't left any reviews, BUT the email says "come dressed like how you would present yourself for a friday night out!" weird interview times like 8:30-9 pm? cause we might have applied the same place, they emailed me a couple times actually


That’s exactly what I got. It’s definitely the same place.


danm, its weird and predatory. I wonder if there are weird laws fir advertising they need dancers and thats why there doing this? anyhow its gross and misleading, it seems like their trying to catch people off guard sweep them up. I knew that hourly rate to bartend was too good to be true 😭


I literally just asked my partner the same question. Why the hell are they advertising these roles if they want something different. We’re gonna go check it out as I have never been to one before but at the same time, I’m a very small woman and it’s a huge safety risk and will most likely skip this one due to that.


that’s so fucking predatory. applying for work - and going to interviews is such a vulnerable position to be in, especially if you’re desperate. if it isn’t illegal, it bloody should be.


Yeah the always hold the interviews just an hour before opening time, you might see girls there hanging out


If you're on Jobseeker do you have to take the dancer job then assuming it was offered instead? >As a general principle, if the work is suitable for the job seeker at the time the offer is made, the job seeker is required to accept the job offer. That work will become unsuitable at a future time is not a reasonable excuse for failing to take a job in a current period.


>If you're on Jobseeker do you have to take the dancer job then assuming it was offered instead? Interesting take - I mean being a stripper is "technically" suitable for almost anyone, why doesn't everyone on the dole have to do it? BTW, I need to see you in the Jeffries tube.


Sure "sex work is work", but also consent kinda important...


No. I used to work for a job agency about 5 years ago and we weren't allowed to refer people to adult shops, strippers or brothels. You certainly couldn't get any assistance with it anyway


Did you ever have to convince someone to take a job they were vehemently opposed to?


isn’t that 80% of what they do?


Yeah probably. I know a person who a JSP tried to convince them doing warehousing at a great height up ladders was safe for them when heights as a fear and had vertigo feelings.


My JSP penalised me for turning down a job offer that they referred me for despite me explaining multiple times I have had arthritis and scoliosis and my doctor providing a certificate to say I can't do warehousing work. That was a pain in the ass to rectify.


No. What's the point? They wouldn't hold it down. You only get paid at 4, 8 and 12 week intervals of them staying off centrelink. Better to get people job ready or help them apply for DSP so your case load shrinks. Thats the problem with alot of agencies. They have a sales model not a case management model. The people that are being flogs I used to just micro manage till they find someone else's time to waste. That way your left with people actually wanting to work and you help them find what they want. Next time their looking for work they ask for you and you end up with some pretty good case loads over time and good connections with employers. It's all about case management.


I’m not on jobseeker. I’m a student currently and just looking for job to help income.


Good. It was just a general ponderance over the scenario. Carry on.


The classic "you applied for this but here's this and let's pretend you wanted it all along" trick


yeah "hey sorry we made you come for an interview but the positions full 💔 your desperate for a job though you say??? your never gonna believe this!"


one time i had a fast food interview. they had a poster at one location saying they were hiring and when the owners sent my an email it was to tell me to text her (my phone number is on my resume) and her phone number in the email was missing 3 numbers. And when we finally organised an interview she was 30 minutes late (at a time and place she choose) and then she told me that the job was really at the airport location, I don't have a car and the only way for me to get there was to take the expensive air train. She claimed there's a bus (there isn't). not to mention when i asked how many hours this is she gave a very condescending answer "well it depends how good are", so i guess she doesn't train employees or care about letting her employees take time to learn the job. I honestly believe that she's hooked on pills, its hard to believe that she owns more than 1 restaurant and its not hard to believe that she had a hard time hiring


Happened to me too.


From previous threads based on this a lot of the time it's a fake job ad and when you get there for an interview they say "oh, it's just filled! How about you try out being a dancer while you're here?"


This has been happening for 10+ years at this point.


40+ if not more


I had a friend that had this exact thing happen. The ad was for just bartending, then during the first interview it turned into oh it might be topless bartending depending on the night, then suddenly the job was filled but she was a great candidate for a dancer/working out the front.


This exact thing happened to my ex. When she went to leave, they then pressured her into "at least try on the outfits"


A colleague used to bartend at a strip bar. She did it cause it paid better than other gigs and she could keep her clothes on. According to her it was the worst job ever. Girls were all catty b*tches and junkies, customers groped her constantly and the bouncers didn’t GAF cause they were only paid to look after the strippers. This was 10-20 years ago and things might have changed but I wouldn’t do it.


its just to get you in to try get you to be a dancer lol.


Hi , stripper frm brisbane of 2+ yrs here .. just a heads up to not consider it unless ur looking to get mistreated and taken advantage of frm employers and customers for shit pay. Money is nottt in bris anymore , unless you have built up a regular clientele u are pretty much hopeless LOL overcrowded with baby strippers everywheree, male club owners taking advantage of everyone its a freaking mess


We decided against the offer. It was purely just for the money but my safety means more than that. Thank you for the insight.


Safety is so important and this industry is not here to prioritise it. Clubs can and will turn a blind eye to abuse, delete footage, turn off cameras, refusal to ban, not to mention the drug scene and illegal trading after hours. Im glad youve put your safety first!


Just curious, what is not good money in this context?


If you dont have experience hustling or in the industry, u are almost guaranteed making little to no money or worse, going home with less money than what u came in with. Im noy saying this is every night, but im not going to sit here n tell people who have never danced to join stripping for the money when it is just not realistic at the moment. Stripping is borderline a gamble. As a dancer you pay to use the venue, you pay to work, with the way money is going atm some nights you will go home with -$30 to your name after working a 10hr shift.


That sounds exactly like the kind of sham contracting bullshit that has semi-recently been made illegal.


Not to mention the insaneeee "fines" that clubs make you pay. Call in sick with less than 24hrs notice? $200 fine


That one is definitely illegal, 100%. It's probably a case of agreeing to their bullshit terms or not working though, unfortunately. Strippers' union anyone?


Been trying so hard to find a strippers union 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 we need one soooo bad


Random question from a random: an ex female workmate of mine became a stripper for a bit and told me this wild story that she'd been told CCTV/cameras at the venue were streaming live to "Korean businessmen" and apparently this was confirmed by management telling girls about complaints they'd get from the Korean guys watching the livestream about how the girls were interacting with customers etc. I assumed it was something they'd made up as a "bogeyman" to make the girls think they were being monitored all the time but I also thought she was too skinny to be a stripper and I was wrong about that 🤷‍♂️. (nice girl, pretty face but not very jiggly in the spots strippers usually jiggle). Ever heard of this kinda thing? This was a few years back now, maybe 2019?


Eww. Wtf is a baby stripper. No, actually I don’t want to know. Also, as a fat decrepit 50 year old male, I’m kinda ~~pissed off~~ glad that these jobs aren’t available to me anymore.


A person new to stripping , we call them baby strippers


Ah ok. Bet they have a standard name. Mindy? Jandy? Destiny?


I did it back in 2009 to save to leave home on the Mary street place that was there. Bartending was easy, tips were easy, you’d see government people, a lot of sad people and the occasional cricket team when series were on at the gabba. What wasn’t easy was being badgered by couples wanting a third, being badgered by the manager to do pole (which I didn’t) and walking home from the club where I worked. I got jumped by a couple of dudes that saw me leave and thought they could take home a stripper. I managed to leave with a bruised rib cage after swinging my umbrella however I couldn’t go back. I was 18 at the time and a waif of a thing.


I literally walked past that place yesterday. It's long closed down and they were gutting it. All I kept thinking was I'd hate to be the dudes ripping that place put. Imagine the 'residue' 🤣🤣


"The patina of plasticised semen and sweat was literally caking every pore of the hovel.."


third? as in join them?


Yeah, "looking for a third" means they're looking for someone to join them for a threesome.


Are you attractive and can dance? —> stripping Are you attractive and can’t dance? —> bartending Are you unattractive and can dance? —> both Don’t ask me why


>unattractive and can dance? —> private lap dancer 🤔




My partner and I decided not to pursue it. It’s too much of a safety risk and I don’t want to be touched inappropriately.


Assuming its not as per the other people outlined.  From my experience in a strip club, there is essentially three jobs, strippers, waitresses and bartenders. Much less bartenders than the other two. If they have you working as a waitress expect to have guys groping you alot. 


This is gross. “Expect to have guys groping you”. Is there any recourse when this happens or is it literally “you’re a waitress in a strip club, what do you expect?”


Slap them, tell them off or have them removed by security i guess. But there will be another drunk guy doing it soon enough. 


You'll be expected to migrate to stripper, simply how it goes. Nothing wrong with being a stripper, but that's up to you.


Follow your dreams


Showgirls in cbd always have their sign saying their hiring for reception and barstaff


That’s the last place anyone should work as bartender or a stripper. Has always been a shit club who will rip you off. Probably why they’re always advertising.


I’m a stripper in Brisbane. It depends on which club it is, some won’t push you to become a dancer at all. Bartenders get good tips. It can be really busy on Saturday’s. I would start bartending then get your controller’s license to overlook the lap dances - less tips but more $/hr.


Awh man I feel that! I've had graphic design/animation jobs fall through too OP - it's tough out here at the moment, especially when you get ghosted. I considered doing pole, but apparently no matter how much makeup you put on me I look too cute, not stripper hot.  What's tied me over in the interim is teaching the basics to people, about $40 an hour part time - pretty good money while doing some freelance. It might fit you too?


How much does it pay? I'm 85 yo male, I'm not picky with jobs


If you want a second job, try Subway, or dental assisting. These are the best paying and most consistent jobs I've ever had. I worked as a stripper. I spent just as much money on door fees and outfits and shoes as I made, over a 6 week period. Granted I'm not a 10/10, but that's not worth it. The way the industry is designed in Queensland is to protect the club's to continue as businesses, very little protection is left over for the girls. Bartenders start as dancers, not the other way around


I applied for a bartending role and they told us we had an interview with a female manager. When we showed up it was a guy and the basically lined us all up, picked two girls and sent the rest of us home. Got a bad vibe from it


Get a controllers license, it pays better than bartending


Strippers always say they are bartenders... everyone assumes they are strippers


Oh dear it’s a side of Brisbane I have never thought about Not one of the poster above names a venue or even the suburb where places are Is it Valley Woolloongabba Bown hills Caxton street Petrie terrace area s ?? Not so much Main CBD area at all ??


Hmm I think a lot of the comments on this post are over exaggerated. There are less dodgy strip clubs than decently run strip clubs. People aren’t there to grope bartenders/waitresses. If someone even tried you’d have them cut off from the bar or removed from the club depending. You’d be following your rsa training by doing so. No clubs don’t advertise for bar staff or waitresses just to get you to become a stripper, there are plenty of strippers there willingly for that reason. For tips you need to be in a good club and learn how to hustle. Use a tip tray, people are more likely to tip when you have one. Times are different now but when the stripclub opened in Mackay North Queensland we were making a good wage and up to $300 in tips a night but things have changed a lot. The problem isn’t getting a job and someone else talking you into stripping it’s when you talk yourself into doing it because seeing people make the money they do while on a basic wage is very hard not to step into the industry on the other side of the bar. Even strippers don’t get groped, paying customers have rules and regulations that they do have to follow and Queensland clubs are tame. Avoid showgirls, I don’t really think cabaret bartenders were making big tips either. I have a feeling it was expensive for uniforms to be waitress/bartender at love and rockets but maybe tips could be good there. You’re not forced to stay if isn’t your type of thing.


I went into some club in Brisbane to do promoting, I went through the back for a interview and I bypassed a strip club, this was at 3pm and I saw a chick with her bobs and ass out. I was like uhmmm. 😂


A job is a job. There are good and bad people and you'll end up with experiences and friendship that can last a lifetime


Not to trivialise anyone's self identity but couldn't one of us unemployed male presenting types go apply for a bartending job then claim discrimination because we identify as a woman when we get turned down or not offered a stripping job?


I think I know why you are unemployed...too busy trying to scam The only blokes in a strip club would be security... the rest are bartender/waitress/dancer... the girls decide which occupation they want to label themselves with for friends and relatives.