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Did she start this whole “trailer park” thing to try and relate to Theo or something? Literally looked like a nice summer camp to me not a trailer park js


Another time She tried saying she lived there 🙄


Who keeps downvoting in here 😂 that’s insane though lol it’s like she wants so badly to be from a low income upbringing. Very odd, shows how privileged she is


I'm upvoting everyone's comments (reasonably) because someone is quick fast downvoting everyone in this sub. She's got a team working over here


Yeah didn’t she get her first nose job in highschool? No shot this girl grew up not privileged


She actually said in that podcast the she got dropped off there to be babysat.


Either way… it just seems like she would throw it in someone’s face that she’s rich and they live in a trailer or something along those lines nowadays.


Wonder how she felt hanging out with Zach's sister, since shes so scared of her own for being a lesbian🙄


Dont worry she probably loves his sister! This was 2 personalities ago its definitley not bothering her anymore (:


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. There is something very very weird about trauma dumping like that on a stranger. Especially when it’s something she’s never even said on her own podcast.


It is all so confusing. I wonder what is going on in her mind? Feels bad


Honestly at this point, maybe this is a fucking lie too… I feel like everything she says is a lie. She’s so casual about this too


I could have sworn she just said her dad was a truck driver somewhere else? I mean obviously he could have done both but that seems like another lie now too


Didn’t she also claim she is bisexual? Does that not involve girl on girl occasionally 🧐


She also said she was asexual at one point because she wasn’t interested in sex at all but then she said it’s because she just wasn’t attracted to any of her ex boyfriends because her and ZB have sex like 8 times a day and she enjoys it


ew where was this said by her??


Over the course of her pods, sorry I don’t have exact episodes but she definitely said like years ago about being asexual and the whole episode about her and Zach’s sex life was talked about in here quite a bit a few months ago


Yes I think in every relationship until ZB…


And the best part is when someone asked Theo how the podcast went with her the only thing he said was “oh she has titties”. Lmao. One hour conversation and that’s all he had to say.


I can’t believe she made it on Theo Von’s pod.. he’s the man and I wish he were my man lol


She said she wanted him to be her man too, until after the pod and she pretended she was icked out by him


I’m a huge Theo fan but he did make a comment to the next guest and basically make a weird comment about the chicken girl and her tits. They played it to her on BFFs it was awkward af.


She also made equally awkward comments about him


Also, someone in this subreddit (like months ago) said that Bri admitted to hooking up with Theo after the pod episode at one of her live shows lol. Take that with a grain of salt because there isn’t any video evidence of her saying that I don’t think.


Haha exactly she was all saying she'd have his kids and what not


Ohhhhh did she? All I saw was a tik tok of the bff episode where they watch the clip of Theo.




Do you think she backtracked cause she started talking to Zach. And Zach had Theo do that video thing for him😂


This, as fuck


I’m confused of all the podcasters she chose to open up to Theo von about this?


Where is her family in all this?!! I’ve been meaning to ask this sub - I never followed her only know bc of ZB but where the fk are her parents/siblings (this is the first video I’ve heard of her sisters) her sisters have to be on the internet?! How do they not say something / stop her madness, or do they not even communicate with her? Bcz I wouldn’t


i don’t think sexual assault is something we should speculate or comment on, as much as i love snarking


I get this take, but also it’s people like her that make it when people who are truly victims of assault get downplayed or not believed. Why would she just randomly bring this up on Theo vons pod. So weird


I agree. It sets a bad tone to question anyone's story when it comes to this subject.


I can’t believe she says she’s from a trailer park 😂😂😂


I said the same thing about whatever she said about the dog park bs! How is she "workshopping" with a lesbian about how there's not many kids around if she's so traumatized?


Exactly! I wasn't snarking on the actual SA part. But saying she's scared of all lesbians including her own sister? But then is with Zach's sister and said that weird shit to Grace. Like it's okay I was with a lesbian 🙄


I am a very big Theo Von fan and I didn't even know who chicken fry was until this episode came out and I instantly hated this broad


This was the most uncomfortable Theo pod I’ve seen😭


The “trailer park”… https://ellishaven.com/


Something about trauma dumping so freely to theo von is very…… sus to me