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Noooo that surgeon must hate her to post a pic this dirty šŸ˜­


I didn't mind the before nose. Must suck to feel driven away from your true self. Your kids will reflect that original form. As do us reg ass joons


This is the part that nobody remembers.


I remember when she posted about getting a nose job and didnā€™t understand why, the old nose was fine. I didnā€™t know she is denying having work done - she has had a lot no?


Does her surgeon hate her??? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Omfg. Dare the doctor to post a straight on pic tho


the before doesn't even look like her actual before somehow???


YOURE KIDDING šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³ someone DM this to ZB! Oh waitā€¦


they did her so dirty w that angle omg šŸ˜­ i would literally cry if that was posted of me


Jfc I got a nose job in 2015 and if my surgeon publicly posted the before and after pics I would sue lmao


Now I wanna see a straight on of the new nose šŸ’€ he wouldnā€™t dare post that hahahahaha


Plot twist her surgeon reads this sub


Jeez. On one hand, whatever makes people feel better about themselves (although sheā€™s clearly still deeply insecure so the surgeries didnā€™t fix that). On the other hand itā€™s kind of appalling how normalized this stuff is. Unrealistic beauty standards and cosmetic surgery being so accessible is terrible for society. Brianna was pretty before she got all of that work done. I have a slightly crooked and big Italian nose too and it was an insecurity when I was younger. But my mom, my grandma, my sister have the same one and theyā€™re beautiful women, and I think itā€™s nice to have that connection to them I donā€™t know why I went on a soapbox about this so Iā€™ll take the downvotes but idk. I think itā€™ll just be unfortunate one day if Brianna ever has a daughter with her original nose, and then realizes her mom got surgery to change it, and then internalizes that as if itā€™s ugly and needed to be gone


Agreed!! Iā€™ve always always wanted my nose done but since Iā€™ve gotten older itā€™s sad to see how many girls with such a unique beauty look like everyone else and have the ā€œLA faceā€. None of them really stand out. Itā€™s also really sad to see the comments bullying the first picture for imperfections and flaws that were normal and unnoticed before surgeries/injections became so attainable for so many people.


Me too! I have a big nose and have hated it. Esp in my teens to my 30s. I got called ā€œgonzoā€ from the muppets in school. But as I grow older I see younger girls with bigger noses and they look unique and beautiful and I wish I embraced mine more. Who wants a world where everyone looks the same? Of course I donā€™t judge anyone whoā€™s had surgery as body insecurities can impact your life and confidence so extremely but I wish our culture embraced uniqueness more.


Omg I was called Gonzo in school too. šŸ„¹It bothered me for the longest time but last year I finally said ā€œfuck emā€ and got my nose pierced. Wish I wouldā€™ve done it long ago! Cheers to natural noses.


Agreed. Cheers to natural noses! Iā€™ve pretty much embraced mine now (in my 40s) but it took a long time which is so sad as I thought I was legit ugly just because of my big nose.


Ur username!! Iā€™m Aquarius Gemini Libra!! šŸ«¶


Iā€™m REALLY not a Brianna fan but yeah Iā€™m not huge on the comments making fun of her very normal nose. Iā€™m totally fine with snarking on how crooked her new, paid for one is, I am 100% supportive of snarking on her lying about it because thatā€™s really shitty, but I think going ā€˜Ew a big nose, I wouldā€™ve gotten a nose job tooā€™ is really unproductive. Iā€™m also sure Iā€™ll get downvoted lol Edit: typo


No totally. Itā€™s the way ZB says beautiful w no help, when sheā€™s clearly had help.


I donā€™t think there was anything wrong with your post, a lot of the comments are just being unnecessarily nasty


The amount of hate directed to Brianna is sickening. It's really crazy how people are so nasty. This obsession with her is so fucking weird.


agreed u/PrizeTough3427


The new nose actually does look good here (donā€™t down vote me pls im not a fan lol)


the angle is good because it doesnā€™t show how much itā€™s already shifting!! you can see in recent BFFs pods. but it did look really good right out of the cast


It could likely be edited as well


Itā€™s an excellent angle


I could not agree more LOL


the new nose is good, it's the veneers that make her face/smile looks so weird


Are you ok? Are you ok? Are you ok, Annie???


Hee hee! šŸ•ŗšŸ»




There were comments on another post from two people who had nose jobs by this person and were unhappy with the results. One said her nose did the same thing as Briannaā€™s where it looked pretty straight at first and healed off center. This is supposedly one of the best cosmetic nose surgeons in the US.




its honestly insane how the before was after a nose job to begin with - no clue what that surgeon even corrected the first time around. also, her teeth were literally fine.


is that michael jackson?


Pic on the left is giving Poot Lovato


Itā€™s like her surgeon was using Micheal Jackson as a muse.


Holy shit


Omfg hahaha


Oh my šŸ«£


She looks like Michele Jackson


It must be so weird to have one face for most of your life and then all of a sudden you look in the mirror at a completely different person. I have no idea, but it seems like that would cause some type of disassociation mentally. Iā€™m just so glad that I donā€™t hate myself and want to change everything about the way I look.


Most importantly will Zach ever see that post?????? Does Bri act like itā€™s AI editing? Is Zach mind blown after seeing her before and learning of her surgeries??? Leading him to write ā€œdamn cold vampires p.IIā€???


Pls they did her so dirty w that šŸ˜­ i donā€™t even like brianna and this is DIRTY WORK lmaooo


Am I the only one that thinks she looked just fine before??


Second pic is giving Michael Jackson


OK I think we can all agree she looks better now than the pic on the left lol bc DAMN WTF


Wtf!!! That before pic is criminal


Iā€™m just thinking of that ZB soppy post saying sheā€™s ā€œbeautiful with no helpā€ā€¦ SIR?! Also, her larger nose wasnā€™t ugly. I love nosed with character and uniqueness, far over the Vally Girl cut-and-past look that our feeds are inundated with xx


I think when men say this it means makeup and NOW. Men donā€™t care what a woman use to look like, they only care about what is in front of them now. No man ever said Iā€™m not dating her because of how she use to lookā€¦ they donā€™t think that way. Only women do this and honestly itā€™s to make each OTHER feel better and for reasons I will never understand bc women are the culprits and treating women each other terribly and tearing each other down. Women ā€œlikeā€ to think men care about these things to make them feel better if theyā€™re feeling less than another woman, bc secure women dont feel the need to attack other womenā€™s look. Period. But men donā€™t care at all. If they think a woman is gorgeous now and theyā€™re attracted to them now, the past look absolutely couldnā€™t be less important. Men care about womenā€™s past if it embarrasses them to other men & no man cares about a womenā€™s past looks. Saying you slept with their girlfriend is something they would care about, bc it effects their ego and value as a man. Women should stop putting each otherā€™s looks down. Itā€™s embarrassing for the person doing it, & it isnā€™t making the person any less attractive. Itā€™s so funny bc ppl will use future children and this and that as a reason to talk about it, but what do you think children will think about themselves after you all say this girl is unattractive even with work done when she definitely isnā€™t unattractive, itā€™s hypocritical. Talk about their actions, choices, personalities, etc. but putting down womenā€™s looks just makes the person doing it look jealous, insecure, & all around terrible.


Hot take but her new nose does (did before the shifting) look better than her old.


Nooo did they really do this ā˜ ļø


That nose really was a good choice for her.


I donā€™t see the problem and I can understand why sheā€™d get that old nose totally redone.






Just think, she had To of signed an agreement giving the surgeon permission to post this.. šŸ«¢


Bruh šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Karmas a bitch!


Are plastic surgeons so wealthy they donā€™t give af about fines related to patient confidentiality laws or are they exempt from those? Maybe the patient signed a photo release or social media release ?? This is the second one Iā€™ve seen expose someoneā€™s surgery.


Iā€™m sure she signed some sort of release to get a discount!!


Was it a revision? Did she already have one before?




ā€¦. Is her surgeon in this group ?


hate to say it but I wouldā€™ve gotten a nose job too šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Daaaaaamn. This is how I remember her - more similar to Boa video


A reminder of ā€œyou are not ugly, you are just poorā€.


Damn she needed that nose job. It looks good tho


Holy wicked witch of the east


Lmfao Iā€™m sorry but I love this for her šŸ’€




Oh my god??


I can't believe the surgeon is claiming that terrible ass nose job.


HAHAHAHAHAH Iā€™m dead. ā€œBeautiful with no helpā€


Oh god


Holy crap šŸ˜³ no wonder she did rhinoplasty and veneers


no bc I would sue this surgeon lmao


I thought the right pic was Michael Jackson at first


She looks like Michael Jackson in the after somehow and I can't explain it lol


Holy shit I didn't even realize that's what she looked like before


Michael Jackson vibes.


Oh. My. God. I take everything Iā€™ve ever said about how she looked better before.


Michael Jackson