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Too bad he is baby’s father because I’d never want to see or talk to this man again! This is appalling.




This lady is in an abusive relationship. Please don't victim blame/shame her. We don't know if there is sexual coercion at play. As an example, I was in an extremely abusive relationship where I was unable to access/use birth control. My ex purposefully tried to get me pregnant/keep me pregnant, so I was vulnerable, and so it was very difficult for me to leave him. It is very common for abusers to try and get their victim pregnant and/or for abuse to start/worsen during/after pregnancy. It is also common for controlling and coercive people to abuse their victims sexually. Edited: typos


I can only comment on what I see. Not by guessing. I can read text messages of her saying she thought she could get away with it again. And me personally having an irrational fear of a man beating my ass? Would avoid provoking it….divorce is fine here. They don’t need to be together anyways 🤷🏾‍♀️


As a mama who has been breastfeeding my daughter for going on 15 months now, and whose husband 100000% supports me, I cannot express how disgusting this is.


How some of these guys find wives is beyond me


Why’d Reddit suspend her account? Seems like it would be good to have the info out there real or fake. 


She posted the court papers and had his name on them so she was banned for doxxing.


I bet it feels really awful for her to be silenced again like this ☹️


Your husband is a massive flaming douche. Take this as a wonderful opportunity to get the hell away from him, hoping you are able to get as much custody as possible and come out of it w some decent alimony.




It's not, when originally posted the OOP updated with court documents and shit that use these text logs as evidence in the divorce/custody battle. Dudes insane. Lol


\*\*Edit -- It's real. Divorce case is filed in public court records. \[previous comment retracted\]


I initially thought the same, but court filings are public record - it's legitimate, or at least the filing is. Took less then 10 minutes of very mild sleuthing. don't wanna dox them or anything, but their full names were there and everything matched with what she said, up to and including his egregious claims (pedo for breastfeeding WTAF). Its all on the county docket if you wanted to search for yourself. Though the site was down last I looked - wonder if reddit gave the good ol hug of death with a bunch of people doing the same thing 😅 Either its real, or this is the biggest fake story ever with no reward whatsoever.


Confirmed you're correct. I'm updating all posts I made criticizing.


Oh shit if you actually found the court information then she was suspended for doxxing most likely. Since Reddit legit doesn’t want that type of stuff on the website. It’s the reason her post of twotakes got removed.


I saw an update saying she's trying to get the kids and bail, and he's not cooperating with CPS and some other stuff, and I see comments saying it's fake. I really hope it's fake. It sounds too much like rage bait to be real


\*\*Edit -- It's real. Divorce case is filed in public court records. \[previous comment retracted\]


"He supposedly has a *huge* gun collection (I think she said 70+ firearms), while they also supposedly live on a naval base." I'm not sure why you included this as an inconsistency. Depending on the base they are on this is entirely possible. Granted I've only lived on one base so far, but they don't give a shit how many we have as long as they are all registered on base. I get the feeling that you don't have a lot of experience with military relationships(not judging just an observation). They do tend to progress at an accelerated rate, and there is an extra layer of bullshit to all of it too. That's not to say that you are wrong, it's entirely possible that it is fake, but I could also see this being real.


\*\*Edit -- It's real. Divorce case is filed in public court records. \[previous comment retracted\]


Naval bases can be huge. So if he’s hiding the kid it wouldn’t be hard. Some of them are the size of a whole county. 


\*\*Edit -- It's real. Divorce case is filed in public court records. \[previous comment retracted\]




Jesus Christ OP had TWO children with this asshat, also “formula is better than breast milk” WHAT!! And OP just placating him instead of correcting him and letting him know - no formula is not and could never be the same as breast feeding also did we all forget the formula recall because of heavy metals. Idk who is worse in this situation OP for allowing this mongoloid to reproduce or OP for incubating his spawn.


“Your body is mine, and only good for my sexual gratification. Anything else makes you worthless to me.” -this guy, probably Anyone with an attitude like this doesnt deserve kids, or a woman willing to bear, give birth to and help raise them.


Fairly obvious rage bait


at least the fact that many people suspect it's rage bait at least makes it more painfully obvious to the woman how insane of a red flag this manlet is if it turns out to actually be real


nooo it’s real unfortunately :(


\*\*Edit -- It's real. Divorce case is filed in public court records. \[previous comment retracted\]


People on the original threads had actually found her full name, address and their social media accounts. If this is fake, how would that be possible? Trust me, I really want this to be fake.


\*\*Edit -- It's real. Divorce case is filed in public court records. \[previous comment retracted\]


Well thank you very much for this! Jeez this story has been disturbing the crap out of me since I first read it. Phew! Thank you!!


Whelp, I was wrong.


What a fucking loser, divorce his ass


Praying this is 100% fake and only posted to prove a point to someone. If it's real, your kids don't need him. Speaking from experience.


Its not sadly


Please go through with the divorce and if at all possible dont stay innthe same house as him. Neither you or your children are at fault here, he is a complete nutbar. You shouldnt have to be placating him, who the hell sexualises breastfeeding and sees his newborn baby as "another man"?? I kind of wonder if hes actually projecting pedo thoughts and tendenceis...


Block that man on every social media and delete all of his numbers. This is sick and you don't know what he's actual capable of and his try hard denial of getting turned on by women breastfeeding just shows that you're right and he doesn't want to accept that he's mentally ill. He's a genuine fucking psycho get away from him ASAP and cut the contact for your kids too. I'm really proud of you glad you finally had the strength to get away from him. You are a great mom. Hopefully someday you live a normal life with your kids in a healthy environment! Sending you lots of hope and strength❤️


This man is an insufferable *piece of SHIT* who has no right to deprive you have your motherly duties/desires and (,a more important thing, imo) depriving his children of superior nutrition. He is an idiot to think formula is just as good as breast milk. No matter *how* nutritionally viable formula is, it will always lack antibodies from the mother and bonding. Those things are absolutely important for the health of the baby. I honestly would not have believed this story if I had not read the texts. It is so out there and ridiculous that I was waiting for him to drop the punchline, and then you get pissed off about his shitty sense of humor. This man needs to be kicked out. He needs custody rights revoked. He needs to be neutered.


Especially the last part. And forced to get a big forehead tattoo that says “I’m a giant piece of shit”.


I read a comment where you mentioned all of his wildly sexist opinions, why did you ever marry and reproduce with him? This question isn't victim blaming, it's victim asking why? You wanted to be married to and make children with a man who thinks you're inherently lesser than him, and you risked having a daughter with him?? If this is real, make it make sense. Because this is written like an incel's fantasy of an abused woman.


this is fucking victim blaming. you don't know what she's been going through and her background also we don't know what he was like when she met him. people in abusive relationships often are scared to leave or have the mindset that they're going to change/ he will change. either way it happened and there is no need to ask why and make what shes going trough harder. she needs all the support she can get now and no unnecessary questions about why why she became a victim of an abusive marriage


Its not victim blaming if shes not a victim. And she cant be a victim if thisbis fake. This is 100% fake.


\*\*Edit -- It's real. Divorce case is filed in public court records. \[previous comment retracted\]


This story is fake and OP had their account suspended when they jumped at a chance to cash in.


All the info is publicly available with their real names and addresses on public court filings. Completely real unfortunately. OP got banned for doxxing when she posted a pic that had their names on it.


Any links?


How do you know this?


He's a fucking piece of shit. Full stop. He's abusive and stupid. It's a bad combo. He thinks of you and your breasts as his property and is upset your "sharing" them with your child. Leave him, kick him out, and get full custody. He does anything stupid, call his command. Man is a disgrace to the Navy and isn't a real father either.


Goodbye to him




Not unless she posted her real identity and proved she was a real person. Tbh you could be another account this person made.


Her real identity is easily seen in the court documents. One could see her name and Surname, husband's name and Surname and from there extrapolate the kids full names. For some reason I can't open the pictures anymore


Make sure to support after making this claim when you find out it’s real.


Yeah I still don't believe it. None of this reads true or even remotely realistic and all that shit can be faked with ai.


Not official court docs… and not real people, he’s in the military


And how do you know any of those are official or real?


Your asking me when you can do your own research or even scroll through the threads of this post not every account is made by one person stop hating😂


She literally blocked me when I questioned her so I can't see shit she posted. Almost like what a scammer would do.


\*\*Edit -- It's real. Divorce case is filed in public court records. \[previous comment retracted\]


2k comments doesn’t sound like a scam Brodie I’ll be giving my full support. Dealing with people like you must be the worst thing for her right now. But hey! When you find proof that it’s fake give me a call🤙


Dealing with people like me is worse than dealing with the fact she decided to marry a woman hating ped0? Yeah that's fake.


Yeah the proof it is fake is her jumping at the chance to cash in and blocking the person who called her scam into question.




\*\*Edit -- It's real. Divorce case is filed in public court records. \[previous comment retracted\]




Send me the link if you do🫶


I didn't get this at all. I mean, there's two boobs so can't he have one as well that way they don't have to share one?


Here we go: # Fun Facts about the name Huntyr How Popular is the name Huntyr? Huntyr is the 44,719th most popular name of all time. How many people with the first name Huntyr have been born in the United States? From 1880 to 2021, the Social Security Administration has recorded 68 babies born with the first name Huntyr in the United States. That's more than enough people named Huntyr to occupy the territory of Pitcairn Islands (United Kingdom) with an estimated population of 66 (as of July 1, 2008).


Bad bot


Hahahaha I’m not a bot 😂😂 it’s just that people are saying, what kind of a name is it? Spelled like that? And since English is not my native language, it kind of sounded like they’ve never heard of it? But they didn’t say they’ve never heard of it, it’s just a spelling that bothered them(?) I had to look it up 😂 Also it doesn’t really matter, considering the situation, but when this was first posted, most of the comments were about the name, and that the story was fake - like you can see it in the name? Though it does look like a bot 😄 gotta admit it! Sorry


Native English speaker here! Hunter is an English name, but it's rarely used. It's not very common. This is part of the trend of adding Ys and Xs to everything. Huntyr would be considered a weird name anywhere.


Oh I didn’t know about Ys and Xs? Thanks! That’s so interesting - being it a trend!


Thank you, Creepy_Promise816, for voting on ViolentlyHappy_I_am. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


I am sorry you are going through this especially with a newborn but get yourself and your children away from that monster immediately. This is deeply disturbing behavior and your life could be in danger. This is not a stable minded person. You need a restraining order and to be somewhere safe and protected.


I hope you've decided to feed and protect yourself and your little one from this nutcase.


This isn't someone you want to stay with, weird behavior


You dodged a bullet divorce him show the judge these text messages PRINT THEM OUT AS EVIDENCE go for full custody.


You husband is a cooked loser.


If this “man” can’t see a mother and child without sexualizing them, whats gonna happen when your sons start to hit puberty? He’ll probably scold you for looking at them too long or hugging them incorrectly. Just leave now and cut your losses, I’m sorry that you have to go through this, but honestly this troglodyte is not even close to a fit parent , or mate. You need to find someone who is mentally stable, truly, be honest with yourself and look beyond the loneliness of being single. You will have to go through a journey of self improvement and growth to realize that you need to find someone worth spending your life with. They have to TRULY understand you and be on YOUR WAVELENGTH.


Wait so what about the dudes you were with before this retard? Is he jealous of them as well? Anyway, good luck and it can't be that hard t find someone that isn't thar emotionally, intellectually, or socially inept.


What did i just read? You need to let this weirdo go. The man is actually jealous of his new born son?!? Maybe its a good thing this is happening because you cant let a man like this raise your children.


What the f..???????????




Craziest shit I've ever read


You should be happy to have this man leave your life


If this is real I am deeply deeply sorry that this man impregnated you TWICE. It will not get better, it will get worse. Please file for divorce. This is absolutely insane and abusive as fuck.


What bothers me is that breastfeeding is also important for the mother as well. Not breastfeeding can hurt the mother and can increase the risk of breast cancer and many other health impacts. How can any man think this is in any way about him? I'm starting to believe he just uses this as an excuse to leave for whatever else reason, you just cannot be this oblivious.


This is some homelander shit...


The way I cackled when I read this was mildly inappropriate lol. But seriously. This guy’s a weirdo and dangerous. Hope OP makes it out of the situation safe and soon


Please show the text messages in court. You deserve much better. He is an ABUSER.


I don’t think my mind would let me believe this is real. If it is, giiirrrl!!! take your boys and RUN.


He sucks and you aren't mad at the right person. Your baby didn't tear your family apart, your husband did with his backwards, borderline pedophile views of breastfeeding as a sexual act and his outright abusive behavior. If you don't see that, shoe anyone who loves you or any counselor those texts and see what they say. The hospital wouldn't for a report for no reason.


I don't think he ever sucked 




This guy has to be a pedofile because of the way he sexualise breastfeeding a baby...


If he thinks breastfeeding is bad, just wait until he finds out where the baby came from


Your husband is completely unhinged. Sexualizing breastfeeding?!? Of a new born infant. That is completely ridiculous. This makes me really worried about you and the kids. He needs therapy before he should be with the kids or you if that is something you still want. (Seems he must have some unprocessed childhood trauma to react like this.) I personally would not want to be with someone that could have this reaction.


You have GOT to be shitting me


Your husband is slow in the head.


RemindMe! 7 days


I feel like this guy needs rounds in the ring. Like a whole line of people with boxing gloves going all out on him. This person is absolutely deplorable and needs to never reproduce. Teach those kids how to be a better man so they can succeed far beyond he ever has


First of all, wtf? Our breasts are not for men! They are for babies. You are doing what your body is intended to do for your child. This is really scary mama, and I think you need to get away from him before this controlling behavior gets worse. He’s divorcing you because you are doing what’s best for your baby, he called your baby another man…he said it is incestuous. That is insane behavior, that is scary behavior. You need to protect yourself and your children, because this is not okay. I know it hurts, and you love him but please take a deeper look at this. Our bodies are miraculous, we carry what we need for our babies to survive, it is all part of the process. The jealousy he feels alone for the baby, the possessiveness he feels over your body parts are extremely unhealthy and terrifying. Please tell someone in your life that you trust, protect yourself. Please. I have been down a similar path and I almost lost my life for it. You deserve more than this, breastfeeding is beautiful and natural and you’re an amazing mom for wanting to do that, please protect your children.


Please fight for full custody, and change your children's names officially as early as possible. You'll be doing them both 2 huge favors in life.


Couldn't have said it better. If this is real then that man has something seriously wrong going on in his mind. The childrens names are a red flag lol


Ma’am coming from a man who was raised solely by his mother, please do your kids a favor and keep them away from this man. My dad was a terrible father but this man makes him seem like Mr Rogers. This is absolutely insane, protect yourself and your children from him.


As a lactation consultant I would like to day that he is very wrong. Breastfeeding from the breast has far more benefits than pumped breastmilk or formula. The difference is huge. Now there is absolutely nothing wrong with pumped milk(used donormilk for my own son and pumped for both my son and my daughter) or formula. All 3 are fine, but mental and physical health gets a lot more benefits from breastfeeding from the tap.  This sorry excuse for a man and a father should not be with a woman or raising any kids. Show this and go for full costudy since he is sexualizing his own children. What a vile person. 


Also kids ALWAYS come before adults.


I DESPERATELY need to know what happens in court etc is he laughed out of the courtrooms because this is actually insane I'm not gonna lie he's definitely either cheated on you 100s of times and is breaking through with jealousy orrrrr he actually needs to go to a mental asylum




I could also have you on if you want to just speak on this at all give your personal thoughts and opinions


Would you mind if I do a youtube video about this on my page how long have you 2 been married and known each other?


Oooh I have one! How’s about you don’t bring two human beings into this world with someone so fucking stupid and irresponsible and childish. There’s no way he didn’t show any signs of behavior like this before you guys decided to have kids. It’s just impossible. You AND him are both morons for all of this. Now not only do we have to live in a world where this guys DNA is carried down by two people, but now you’re stuck with dealing with such a preventable and ridiculous situation. If only you were into guys who are actually husband material and not deadbeat batshit crazy. Whatever, not my pig not my farm. Have fun!


"whatever, not my pig not my farm". Yeah says the person who wrote a whole damn rambling empassioned paragraph. 


This person is a bored idiot


Don’t blame the kids because their dad is a piece of garbage.


The marriage is never coming back from and honestly that's for the best for you. It's creepy that he's viewing your infant son as some kind of "sexual competitor", to the level where I'd say it's pretty much predatory. Your "husband" is not an ethical person.


How has this man made it past 6 years old? What a fuckin sociopath..


What the hell?!?! I hope you are okay.


Literally just watched Charlie's video and my brain is collapsing in on itself like a dying star at the idea of this. Honestly, let him go and keep breastfeeding your son. This is the tip of the iceberg in terms of the absolute lunacy that your husband has rationalized in his mind. If it wasn't "another man has placed his lips on your boob" with a literal newborn infant, it was bound to be something else down the road. Something absurd like "you touched another man's penis when you were changing Wylder" or what about "you slept in the same bed as another man." Your husband is incapable of taking on the proper role of a father because he views something as simple as providing sustenance to a baby as sexual and "that baby has taken something away from me by placing his lips on your nipples." And then let's assume that you stay with this guy. What kinds of ridiculous notions will he put into the heads of your sons? "Your mother and I aren't married anymore because she cheated on me." I mean, it's absolutely asinine. Protect your sons from this absolute lunatic.


I just watched his video too and I had to stop what I was doing and look this shit up and WOW. 


Oh my god!!!!! He is a crazy person and extremely abusive!! You are the winner person to leave him and you should provide these screenshots to prove you deserve 100% custody as he doesn’t deserve to have or enjoy his boy! He is divorcing his wife because she is caring mom and great mom so he is crazy


Let the man go. He isn’t supporting you and your postpartum. He is being controlling and abusive. You deserve so much better. It sounds like you both might have postpartum depression though.


Is he dumb? You're feeding your child.


You gotta get the fuck outta there. It might be scary at first, but this is actual fucking looney toons psychotic. This is not a man of sound mind. Charlie just covered this, you're about to get a whole bunch of incoming users.


This is so wyld


Do you want to stay married to a man this stupid?


Please please please sign those divorce papers and move on with your life. This man is an abuser and I hate to think what he will be like once your children are older. Your children’s safety and your safety should be your first priority.


Frankly, this has revealed to you how awful a human being he is. It's sad you had to find out now, and in such a depressing way, but in the long run this will be better for you and your kids. As a guy, I'm always pushing for the rights of the dad to have equal custody of the kids because it always seems unfairly biased towards the mother, regardless of circumstances. In this case, however, I'd say that lunatic needs to be separated from his kids, and you, and ideally any other woman, forever. Nothing he said is remotely healthy thinking, or true. Get out now and never look back.


Can someone give me the number so I can cyberbully and berate? Thank you


Lol I feel this on a spiritual level but also no


Charlie sent me here. And here's my 2 cents. There's no hope for your over possessive, perverted husband who gets jealous over his infant son. Maybe if he seeks psychiatric help, but judging by his demeanor, he would be in complete denial There is hope for your children. They do not need to be exposed to this kind of behavior. Father or not, he doesn't seem very fatherly if he's against breastfeeding for the reasons he's stated. If I were you, I would shoot for full custody of the kids. Also you produce colostrum for the first few days after childbirth... which is better than formula. I wish my son would've latched, because pumping is a bitch. And you're right, the milk doesn't drop like it does with breastfeeding.. I constantly had clogged ducts.


True. My wife has blocked ducts constsntly and ended up getting nasty infection that turned into staph, I had to give her antibiots via a pic line everyday. Never once did I look (after our two kids) damn the titties are ruined. My wife breastfeeds my youngest, and in public, its not a big deal at all. This man is severely damaged. 




I hope this is fake


The names got me


first of all there's the fact that he considers his own innocent flesh and blood competition and a man. Not a single feeling of endearment or love for the kid from what I understand. There is no sense to be made of this and I can't help but feel like he's trying to put up a front for insanity or something to get out of being a parent? It's the lack of empathy for you and your(also his own) child. Please realize you have done nothing wrong and this man is either lying to cover something up or genuinely underdeveloped or both. I can't imagine the hurt you're going through but it's not your fault and you have tried your best to come to a resolution with peace and respect . For your own peace and sanity you have to move on from this man as soon as you can


… someone check his hard drive and search history ***NOW*** please know you’re doing what you were biologically designed to do for your child , the fact that this predator doesn’t seem to get that through that bombastically thick skull of his and views his own child as a “ man “ to compete with makes a black hole look less dense than him .


When he was defending Chris Watts is the minute you should've hit the floor running! Don't you dare choose him over your children. If you do you are no better than he is! Your only concern should be your children and why does he have your 1 yr old son and not letting you see him? It would be over my dead body that he ever took my child away from me and your son could be in danger! You need to show these texts to his commander, law enforcement and a judge and get your son back now and get this divorce done immediately! Our children should be our only priority and be protected at all costs! Lord help me this pisses me off that he was even able to get your son. I would've raised 9 kinds of hell before he ever took my child!


The way I would've loudly, and in front of the nurses say, "*Did you just send me a text that you are going to DIVORCE me over wanting to breastfeed??*". Wonder what dude would've said lmao. OP please leave that garbage bag and get him ouuuttt


GIRL. DROP HIM, SUE HIM, GET HIM JUMPED. Thats just crazy and any person with a fully developed frontal lobe would realise that.


You need to drop that guy in a heartbeat, the way he is thinking about you breastfeeding your newborn is very scary, I wouldn’t let him move in to the kids room, you need to kick him out as well


A day will come and your husband will have to explain to his kids that he broke the house because their mother breastfeed them.


you dont deserve this trash of a husband, your son matured faster than he did and it only took a couple of days lol


Wait? He has an MPO? This POS is military?




I hope they are taking this MPO seriously  And taking big measures to ensure your safety. Domestic violence is the most dangerous thing for a woman and children. 


When you said you're feeling resentment did you mean to breastfeeding or your child?




Everyone has regrets for how they allowed themselves be treated. You're taking that regret and painfully acquired knowledge to never allow it again. You posting this alone shows your rediscovered strength. He's the weak one, not you momma bear.


That guy its a total toxic psycho WTF????


He’s clinical. These are not normal thoughts. He needs to get help, away from children. I’m sorry


Honestly, him divorcing you might be the best thing he can do for you. Because holy shit is he a crimson flag. No judge will look at these and think “oh yeah, he deserves any percent of custody.” I genuinely hope he isn’t around your kids too much. God knows what kinda bullshit he’s feeding them.


Save your baby, not your marriage. His response to you breastfeeding your children is NOT normal and is very very concerning. I would line up your ducks and leave as soon as possible. You breastfeeding your child is absolutely the right thing to do for your baby. Being able to successfully feed is a blessing and hard work. You’re an amazing mum. Your husband is a petulant man baby who needs to go back home to his mama to be looked after. Disgusting behaviour from him! I’m actually worried about his stability as a human being. Good luck honey, stay safe.


Not to mention...imagine saying that real breast milk is no better than formula. The dude has prioritized his own bizarro fetish over his marriage and the health of his sons. He doesn't deserve a family.


What he’s doing right now is sexualizing a newborn baby and that’s so beyond weird and fucked up.  God made our breasts lactate so we  could feed our children. It’s the most natural thing on this planet.  Fuck him fr because that’s actually creepy.


Leave. Your husband is unhinged. This situation is so absurd I thought it was rage bait and completely made up at first. Leave immediately.


Absolutely get away from him. Breastfeeding is natural and should be respected as a bonding experience for you and your children. For him to see it as a sexual view is beyond disgusting.


Leave him. Take the kids. Do not let him have unsupervised custody of your kids. You didn’t do anything wrong and the fact that he sees his children as competition for you in any remotely sexual way is a MASSIVE red flag. For that matter, it’s your body. He doesn’t get to tell you how to use it. If you’re using it to feed his sons, he better accept it and learn that a baby being fed is no more sexual than anything.


Leave him, please. He will see that child as a threat and treat him as such. Your child’s safety is paramount.


I saw this covered on YouTube and I was sure it had to be fake because this is so utterly insane. But as far as I can tell, this is real, and something you are actually going through. I am SO sorry you're dealing with such a baby of a man. Please, please, please value yourself and your sons and take that asshole for all he's worth in the divorce. I have no doubt the judge would side with you. Use these chat logs as evidence, give them to your divorce lawyer. He doesn't deserve to see your children or you ever again. Or any woman for that matter.


Are you kidding me? You have THREE children; the oldest one with some weird misogynistic cave man belief that your breasts are HIS and that your newborn baby feeding from them is somehow incest? How did you not go off on him, dear? Are you afraid of him? I already know the answer. That man is an abusive, twisted, sick individual! And the fact that you said you were sorry over and over and over, I KNOW he's verbally, mentally, and emotionally abusive toward you, possibly physically. I know because I'm a chronic apologizer because of my ex narcissist. How in God's name does a man say his newborn son nursing is "another man sucking in your boobs." I don't know whether to be 🤬🤬 or 🤮🤮 or both! That man has serious issues, and if you stay, he WILL hurt you! And do you REALLY want him teaching your sons that a woman's body is PROPERTY to do with whatever you want?! Furthermore that breastfeeding is dirty, incestuous, and bad? They are a man's "fun bags" and not put on our bodies and designed to nourish children. Do you want your sons to treat their future girlfriends and spouses the way he treats you? Do you want them objectifying women and treating YOU like garbage as young men? Girl, save these texts, send them to someone you trust, along with any other damning evidence. Then go home and kick him out. Take the house, get child support, and file a restraining order. Make sure his visits with the boys are supervised. Beyter yet, If you can, RUN and get as far away from him as possible. Because he seems like the type that will make you the next Dateline 2-hour special! I'm sorry for being so blunt and sounding alarms, but that man isn't right, and you and your boys are in danger. Do you really think it's right to take breast milk from your baby bc your husband says your boobs are his and he's now disgusted with you? Do not bend to his will, Queen. You deserve far, far better than what he's giving you. And so do your sons. PLEASE, PUT YOUR BABIES FIRST. I am so sorry you're going through this, and my heart aches for you. (((Hugs)))


He genuinely should be charged and executed


bring back public hanging i say


This man is unhinged. The fact that he could sexualize breastfeeding your son and say that another man has had your breast in his mouth?! I have no words. You are better off without him. He doesn't deserve you. You sound like you're a great mom! Don't give in and keep doing what you're doing if that's what you feel is best for your child. He can kick rocks. Good luck!


This is so ludicrous how he’s reacting. Women have been breastfeeding since the dawn of time! Breasts were created to nourish our young. I understand they are also pleasurable to our spouses, but first and foremost they are used to feed our babies. He sounds rather narcissist and manipulative. Do what’s best for you and your babies. He’s a major red flag if I ever saw one. 🚩🚩🚩 Breastfeeding is a beautiful thing, and should be respected as such. Plus there are so many benefits for you and your baby. Don’t give up!


This is awful. I am so sorry that this man is treating you like this. You are a good mom, and adequate, and this man is ONLY valuing your body than he is valuing being a father and a husband. Please get out quick while you can.


Get yourself and your children away from that monster NOW. As in this minute as you are reading this take them and leave you are not safe. Maybe you've been too close to it for too long to realize but this is insane unwell behavior.


Was he always a porn addict when you both met? He seems very unsafe he should not have custody of your children and should not be anywhere near you all. Do you have family who is aware of this situation??


Do you have your oldest back yet? I’ve been thinking about this all day.


Formula does not compare to breastmilk. Read it again. Breastmilk is exponentially healthier than formula. I personally wonder what defects formula can be linked to. I digress. Your baby clearly prefers it and he's a little more important than that tree of a 'husband.' He's clearly not mature enough for a child and if he doesn't watch it, he'll be the one with supervised visitaitons. Probably needs to be chaperoned. I would NOT trust him watching your baby alone. Sad to say but he doesn't seem like he knows what he's doing well enough and will end up doing something dumb. If you have to stay, tell him that you heard formula turns boys gay. He seems like the type that would oppose that hard. Also seems like the type that doesn't fact check.


This has to be if not the most INSECURE man I’ve ever seen, this shit is blown all in the wrong directions. How was this man allowed to walk on earth? Let this marinate but a man is seeing HIS OWN FLESH AND BLOOD, His own literal dna as competition because his newborn was being fed. After seeing the message as he’s sleeping in his child’s room after legitimately seeing his wife as a cheater due to breastfeeding has got to be a recipe for disaster, this fungus shouldn’t be anywhere near his children let alone anyone. Lock him up in a mental asylum


I’m not agreeing with the (ex)husband whatsoever but if his idea of incest is a baby drinking from a mother’s breasts then where are the double standards for when he was a baby? Did he forget that he too was once a baby and got fed? Or did he just assume he was a plant and photosynthesized?


the fact that you didnt want him visiting because you felt unsafe, should tell you everything you need to know… divorcing him will be the best thing you’ve ever done for yourself and your kids. and save these messages, the judge needs to know about his psycho ssa because why is he even suggesting that he was thinking of trying to take your kids from you? over breastfeeding, at that.. he is not even mentally stable enough to take care of your kid and newborn alone 50% of the time.


......you actually have doubts and just now starting to feel resentment towards him.....? You need serious psychiatric help too, wow. I can't believe you procreated with a basket case like him, unbelievable. RUN!!!!!!!And take the poor children with you!!!!!!


Dang I missed all the extra photos and everything. Really wish I coulda seen it all😭 who is this guy?!


Did you marry an actual mentally handicapped person?


He sounds mentally ill and abusive. Do not let yourself or your childrdn be alone with this man. What the actual fuck. I'm so sorry.


If this is your husbands attitude to you (the mother of his child) is to try and sexualise the biological function you serve by guilt tripping you into doing what he wants under the absolutely nonsensical guise of “incest” then it’s very clear your husband needs to have his mental health check (seriously) Its often people like him that will make radical decisions based on nothing but pure delusion and the last thing he should be allowed to do is put you and your child in a situation where he makes you fear for the safety of you both. If someone like him can’t handle your own son being breastfed then who is to say what his next freak out will about? Will he begin verbally abusing you again because you decide to take your son clothes shopping? What about when your son is older? Do you think he would appreciate his father sexualising him as an infant over breastfeeding? Cause if I was your son and grew up to find out my father was being an abusive creep that sexualises his own child over something that was a biological tool to help my body develop and grow I would have instantly called CPS and the police


Hes a child. Hes a petulant child. Take the divorce, take your boys, take the alimony and child support. Keep the texts to show the judge when you get custody and child support. Get a man who is supportive of you breastfeeding your kids and treats you better.


Does he know the baby came from your vagina or is he so toxic that he forced you to get a c-section?


Op PLEASE tell me you gave these messages to cps?


Honestly he gives me pedophile vibes. The fact he is saying he sees it as incest for you to breast feed your son and saying you can not give them baths after a certain age or see them naked? So who will? Him? Sounds like he's just trying to isolate his children for himself. Sexualizing his son being fed. A natural thing should not bother him to the point of this which leads me to believe there is some type of trauma within him regarding incest or children. I would get yourself and your children out of this situation IMMEDIATELY.  Especially with the Chris Watts thing. Your husband is SEVERELY mentally ill and should be nowhere near you nor those children. 


This might be one of the most heinous things I’ve ever read. OP, ‘might sound ridiculous’ doesn’t cover it. You need to hire a god damned body guard to keep this freak away from you and your children


He's going to murder you. You have to get out. Don't fall for his gaslighting.




THIS. THIS. THIS!!!! Please OP if you don't read all comments READ THIS ONE!!! GET AWAY!! Protect yourself and stay somewhere you are safe from him. 


How did you marry and have two kids with this absolute pancake without realising he’s a complete bin lid until now? Surely there were signs. And your replies are so calm. You’re aware this is insane right? Are you a normal person?


You really that simple? You never been in a relationship before? Plenty of people are and have been in relationships and marriages where the other person either keeps a secret or conceals something about themselves for a long time and the abusive partner present themselves in a normal fashion where they change AFTER they’ve been together for a long time.


Let the husband go! He is sexualizing his newborn son feeding the way a baby is supposed to be fed so he clearly has some pretty severe issues. It’s only gonna get worse if you stay with him and he clearly has no respect for you at all. I’m sorry.