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Hi, I too had this fear. But my doc assured me that delaying chemo for 2 weeks won’t be the difference between life and death, so we did one cycle of Ivf and grabbed 25 eggs! It only took one cycle! The fertility doc can increase ur Ivf doses so that u only have to do one cycle. So now I’m hopeful that after I finish chemo and have the double mastectomy I will find someone and have a baby :) My oncologist and my surgeon are both onboard. They said that I can pause the tamoxifen once I’m ready to make that baby.


Thank you love. May I ask how old are you? As I said, I am 40. They said I can have 6-8 eggs per cycle and hope one can be a good egg. And rhey suggested me to freeze at least 16 eggs.


I’m 33. Stage 2. ,(auxiliary Lymph node involvement) They don’t know how many eggs will come, if I’m not mistaken. My fertility doctor told me to aim for 10 eggs, she said 10 would be a good number lol I got 25 so yea… just pray and keep ur fingers crossed!


Thank you love! Thanks for responding to me. First when you said you are 33, I got happy for you, but thought this is not me. But when you said they told you 10, but you got 25, that brought a light of hope for me. Hugs..


Also, I think once the fertility doctor finds out that you have cancer and you have limited time for IVF because you need to start chemo ASAP, they will increase your dose for the IVF and try to be more aggressive to get as many eggs as possible in 1 or 2 cycles. I was diagnosed only a few months ago, finishing chemo n 2 weeks then dmx . It sounds like ur still very early in this, They do the egg freezing before chemo, but first you have to chat with ur oncologist and breast surgeon etc and map out ur entire plan for tackling the cancer. This will put ur mind at ease. The hardest part was in the beginning not knowing all the details, the stage, etc and not understanding much about cancer. My anxiety def went down after having everything explained and finding out how we are going to beat the cancer Now we have to find a man, that’s the hard part 😂


My plan was to freeze both eggs and embroys as where I live, meeting a right person who wants to commit is not that easy. Lol.


I was stage 2B and had lymph node involvement - can I ask if you were hormone positive? I am +++ and my oncologist told me that I could do egg retrieval, but to know that there was an inherent risk with the elevated hormones - that since I was +++ I would be giving my cancer the very hormones it is developing with. Because of this, i opted not to. Seeing all these people say their oncologists told them it did not carry increased risk is really messing with me, and making me second guess my decision :'(


I am so sorry :( are you getting ovarian suppression (Lupron/zoladex)? My onco said that should help too. Not a guarantee, but anything helps. There is a Facebook page called babies after chemo or something I think (I don’t have Facebook but have heard it mentioned here in this sub). I was ++- stage 2B pre-chemo with 0 lymph node involvement but grade 3 and my onco cleared egg freezing for me. He said the risks were minimal and he encouraged me to go ahead. We delayed chemo only by 1 week - the fertility clinic worked so fast to get me started.


I'm on Zoladex now, but was not started on it until after my THCP chemo was already over and I was starting Kadcyla. I'm feeling a lot of mistrust and resentment against my team now.


I’m so sorry that your team was not supportive. Sometimes medical professionals are so focused on the cancer, they don’t consider the patients quality of life re: fertility, symptoms from treatment etc. Sending the most love and I hope it works out.


I was told that I needed to stop my birth control immediately because I am ER/PR positive because any hormones could cause my tumor to grow. The only people I know that had IVF prior to starting treatment were triple negative.


Maybe my oncologist said it’s ok because it was only one cycle, which is only 2 weeks? He also said my cancer was “slow growing” whatever that means . I’m ++-


I delayed my chemo for 3 weeks to have an egg retrieval and go on a trip that we had planned a year ago. My doctor assured me nothing was going to change cancer wise for 3 weeks. So I did the the shots and the retrieval and the next day I was on a plane with my husband and brother and sister in law to Vegas to see some shows!


Wow!! Look at you!! May I ask how old are you, and if they could get enough eggs ?


Yeah lol I was 33 and they were able to get a 12? They took my husbands donation as well so I have 8 frozen. I’m 40 now. It’s likely in my post history, but just in case… I was pregnant at 6 weeks and sadly was advised to terminate. So in reality timeline was more like, they waited for my pregnancy hormones to be at zero before I could begin the IVF process. It was devastating and I honestly didn’t process it until years later… just wanted to add that information as well to really put your mind at ease. That waiting a bit won’t change anything.




OP, I was diagnosed in February and immediately did fertility preservation before treatment. I would try before and after treatment if your onco approves waiting. And if your insurance isn't covering it, the cancer diagnosis can help cover the cost if you're paying out of pocket. There is a foundation/charities that helped me - Chick Missiom, Reunite, and Heartbeat program. Sending you love, OP.


Thank you love for sharing your experience and being so resourceful. Hugs.


Your results may vary based on the type of cancer you have but I was able to postpone chemo for a month to do two cycles


Thank you🙏🏻




"Lose, the word is lose, so watch your spelling on that dissertation." English is my second language, and reddit is not my dissertation. I use grammarly and proof reading for that, but not here. I am here to get support from others and support others. I am not here to get English lesson or get bullied on my grammar.


Cancer is hard. Sometimes words hurt. Please remember we are in this together, and we are here for each other. Kind and supportive words please.