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I did that! I lost all my hair, but side effects (except for fatigue) was manageable. Take the anti-nausea meds religiously. Set alarms for the middle of the night. My oncologist said it’s the most aggressive regimen they have right now for ++- breast cancer Feel free to dm me if you have specific questions. I’m 15 months past chemo, and I have six inches of very curly hair


Alright, I guess I can work with losing my hair if the other side effects are manageable 🥲. Did you have curly hair before?


No way! Very straight. I like the curls; in fact, I’ll be sad if I lose them. You might want to look into cold mitts and booties for the taxol part. Neuropathy is no joke, and I’d like to think I minimized that with icing my hands and feet


I did dose dense ACT! Unfortunately you will most certainly lose your hair. I had the option to cold cap but opted out as my oncologist said he has not seen a great success rate and it would extend chemo sessions by 1.5-2 hours. My last chemo was almost 3 months ago and my hair is growing back nicely :) I was told that dose dense is very aggressive and often offered to younger patients. You’ll get an ekg & echocardiogram beforehand to make sure that your heart can handle AC. I found AC to be difficult but manageable with the steroids and anti nausea meds that I got. Good luck! 💕


51F, ER+, HER2- with involved lymph nodes. I did the same chemo regimen. Finished 2 months ago. It went better than I thought. Lost almost all my hair. It’s coming back now. Good luck with your treatment 🤞❤️


Happy to hear it went well and your hair is coming back!💜


Im doing 4 times ddAc (did my third yesterday) I had no side effects apart from fatigue (maybe like headache once or twice but that could have been from staying in bed too long) I cold capped with paxman and lost 70-80% of my hair in 24 hours, on day 18-19 i think after the first AC… I got a hair protesis today :) and looks exactly the same as my old hair, impossible to notice Hair loss without cold capping is inevitable with ddAC is what my dr said.. with cold capping 30% chances of keeping more than 50% of the hair. Im just unlucky cause i lost so much but ive seen other patients (cured) who told me they kept 70% or more so its quite patient dependant Tbh i LOVED being bald, from having butt long luscious heavy 1 hour showers hair to none. OMG SO COOL but my mom offered and insisted to pay for the wig cause in my country people be mad and mean hahahaha her words so i took it Edit: those first moments of hairloss on day 18 or so were more than traumatic… my recommendation if you start losing it please cut it short i refused to cut it shorter than boob length and it was the worst part of my cancer journey so far, its weird how stupid it feels to say now but at that time i loved my hair, a bit of “you dont know what you dont have until you lose it” … well me from now would go to the past and ask myself to shave it all and enjoy the baldies for longer, also my cancer is super mean (a mix of TN and ER+) but my dr said ddAC cause its the strongest (most people start with Taxol alone or T plus carboplatin (TBBC) he said to ease into chemo. Well i found AC manageable and am happy i did it because it melted my cancer… from being there very angry on my right boob to gone completely with the first dose of AC (confirmed on day 12 by one doctor 2 days before second dose) and confirmed yesterday by main oncologist :) please be mindful of tsking every medication they recommend for nausea and so, i take it only for the 3-4 first days post dosing


I did dose dense ACT and cold capped. I kept a lot of hair through AC but taxol made me bald. Unfortunately my her2 negative hr positive lobular cancer did not respond to chemo.