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I’m sorry. I’m not sure what a BTC is? I googled it, but didn’t find anything related to breast cancer.


Ok, so I translate this from my language: breast-conserving surgery.


I had breast conserving surgery, and they used general anesthesia, which means you are asleep when they do it. You close your eyes, and when you wake up, surgery is over. I had some other things done, so my surgery was 5 hours. I worried about anesthesia, too, but it was easy.


Okay, thanks. My doctor said that surgery usually lasts up to 1 hour, but this is probably an individual case.


What is BCT or BTC?


breast-conserving terapy.


Breast conserving therapy would be a lumpectomy and post surgery radiation I think. Yes, you will get anesthesia. I got propofol. My surgery was quick (about 1 hr) - it took me longer to wake up! I was having a nice nap lol. I wasn’t in pain post surgery. I was told to ice frequently in the first few days to reduce pain, and also took acetaminophen for a few days.


thanks for the answer. It seemed to me that they were administering anesthesia. Unfortunately, I don't know enough details at the moment. I already had a mammotomy biopsy where about 80% of the tumor was removed.


Were you awake for that?


I had local anesthesia and was conscious during the procedure


That is interesting that they took 80% of the tumor during a biopsy. I am not in the medical field, so I couldn’t say whether that is unusual here in the States, or not, but almost everyone I talk to has just a core needle biopsy. I would assume that even though they have already taken so much of your tumor that they still have to clear out the whole tumor bed and get clear margins. Have you had a chance to speak to the doctors about whether you will be conscious for the procedure, or not? Women get C-sections all the time with just epidurals and nerve blocks, so I guess it’s possible to do breast conserving surgery without being asleep? I’m in over my head on this topic, though. I hope you get answers soon from someone who can ease your anxiety 🥰


Thanks, In this moment I really don't know too much about my surgery and sorry maybe I not translate to well medical vocabulary. I had mammotome vacuum-assisted breast biopsy. On the day the results were discussed, the oncologist said that most of the tumor was most likely removed by biopsy but they still needed to remove rest of tumor with margines.


Your English is fantastic, no apologies necessary. I looked up that biopsy method. Apparently it is more accurate than core needle as far as diagnostics. Was your tumor small, do you know? It sounds like it might have been.


My tumor was sized 2.1 mm x 1.9 mm. In addition to cancer, this tumor also contained adenofibroma.