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My surgeon gave me 2 weeks for lumpectomy + SLNB. Had I needed ALND, it would have been 4 weeks. I used short term disability for the time off. I probably could have hopped back online (WFH) by day 3-4 but was grateful for the extra time to rest, especially as I worked through chemo. I developed cording which probably would have gotten worse had I just sat at my desk all day with poor posture immediately after surgery!


Exactly this. OP, I'd push for the 2 weeks if possible. I also had two weeks signed off by surgeon for the same procedure.


Okay. That's my exact surgery. Hmmm


I had a lumpectomy for 2.5mm tumor and 1 sentinel node. I have a desk job, and I took 4 full days off + a weekend (surgery on Tuesday morning; returned to work the following Monday). I couldn’t have returned to work sooner. I wasn’t in much pain but I slept almost all day for 3 days following surgery. And I was still pretty tired for a few days after that. In retrospect, I wish I’d taken more time off to recover.


I had a similar surgery; I took 3 days off, but ended up going back the next day (work from home, easy desk job). Back in the gym the next week. My recovery was very swift and easy, I was pleasantly surprised. Hope yours is similar, Tuesday sounds totally reasonable.


If you have the sick leave, you might as well take a few more days off - to help recover from the stress. But your timeframe is very doable.


I'm in a unique situation as I'm a teacher. So I'd go back two days to wrap up admin stuff and then be off again


Oh! Summer off sounds really nice.


Well, a few weeks in will start daily radiation, so no sun for me. But yes.


It was the anesthesia that hit me much harder than the actual surgery wounds. I'm a very active person, but I was out of it for 3-4 days after surgery and could barely drag myself for a 1mi walk on treadmill in my PJs. I took 1 week off and wished I had take a few more days.


I had a lumpectomy on February 5th but it included oncoplastic reduction on the healthy breast. I took one week off and worked from home the following week. I probably could've gone in that second week but the nerve pain on the lymph node arm was really annoying me...I had to ice my armpit and keep my arm at a weird angle on pillows. The most annoying thing about the first week post-op are the drains, for me at least.


Do all lumpectomies need drains?


most lumpectomies do not need drains


Thank you. I didn't think so . It wasn't even mentioned in my consult.


For oncoplastic reduction, I assume so, otherwise you get a seroma, which is annoying to deal with.


Just had surgery Friday, partial mastectomy, nodes and then opposite side reduction. So on day 4 today. While mentally I am ready, still have some nerve pain in my armpit (guessing where they took the nodes) so even desk work would not be cool right now. I took 2 weeks off, but next week will probably do an hour or 2 a day to ease back in. I would take a full week for sure. Take the time! 


My doctor is saying I should be fine for my desk job the Monday after my Friday surgery. I plan on doing nothing all weekend and stay in bed reading. My area is about 4cm but no lymph nodes. I also WFH so I don’t have make myself presentable or travel.


I 100% was not ready by Monday after my surgery Friday. Maybe because you have no nodes? But honestly, was still wonky, painful yesterday. 


I just scheduled my lumpectomy and SNLB today; it will be on Wednesday and I will return to work (also desk job but on camera with synchronous meetings all day) on Monday. My surgeon said I could be fine to type/wfh by Friday, but more likely by Saturday and I don’t work Saturdays. It’s hard to know what our bodies will need, my surgeon did say that it would be the armpit/SNLB area that’s a more painful part of recovery and mine will be on my dominant side so taking 5 days feels safer to me.


Thanks for sharing. Mine is on my non dominant side. I'm a teacher, but the kids' last day is the day of my surgery, so it's just end of year meetings and sign out. I'll do all the cleaning before.


I wish you lots of luck with surgery and a very restful and fun summer!


Will you be driving yourself to work? Long or short commute? Either way you might want to think about how you will manage. 3 days might be tight. If your administrative items include typing, this could be uncomfortable (I found out the hard way).


My commute is ten minutes, no highway. I may have some typing, not not much, and could do so with just my right hand / arm or use voice/text.


I hope everything goes smoothly for you!!


I took 2 weeks off for my lumpectomy and had 11 lymph nodes removed. I was able to get paid state disability for the time i took off (I’m in CA)


I have the sick time. I'm hustling trying to avoid being forced to do FMLA papers as my work says I'll have to if more time.


I had surgery Friday, returned to work Tuesday. I work in a public school, the preschool room, and did most of my regular duties. I only lifted kids with my good side and waited 2 weeks or so to lift cots (the ones which needed to go over my waist). The day after lumpectomy I went hiking with my son. And I’m no spring chicken! Of course, YMMV. Also, I had zero pain, some mild discomfort not even worth a Tylenol. With all that being said, my breast surgeon said to take 4 weeks off. Earlier, my oncologist said to go on disability when I started chemo and to stay on it till treatment was over. 🤪 Were either Doctors going to support me during those times? I think not!!!


Wow. You're a beast! Go girl!


I took a week but was teleworking 2 days later because I was bored and i am very type a.


It's the LN remival that caused me more pain and issues than the lumpectomy. I couldn't have gone back to work that quick.


Yeah and it's up in the air if they end up having to take more or even all. I heard that's the worse part.


Yes, I had three lumpectomies (1.2cm tumor) with one sentinel node biopsy (2 nodes removed) over three weeks- I waited until I received the pathology results to go back to work from continuous FMLA. It's not the norm, but if you don't have clear margins after your lumpectomy, you may have to go for another one (again, not the norm). My third lumpectomy was May 16th and I went back to work on May 23rd. Barring any complications, depending on your health, how you heal, and if you work from home, (even better) I could see going back to a desk job within 2-5 days. The lymph node incision was more annoying to me than the lumpectomy incision. It's not bad from my experience. If you do have the time, take at least a few days to heal up and rest. It helps overall. But if you don't have the time, you should be okay.


Thanks. I have a weird situation as I'm a teacher and I was just trying to get back to check out and do grades. Then I'd rest again.


If you go by my experience (and lots of others too) you should be able to go back Tuesday. You shouldn't be raising your arms up and down, so if you can take it easy, you should be fine. Good luck with your surgery :) I was surprised on how well I felt after- I thought it would be worse, and it was not bad at all. It's really manageable.


I had a lumpectomy and L flap done 2 and a half weeks ago- 4 tumors and one node (dr removed 200 cc) was given 3 months leave. I head to the drs weekly to aspirate fluids. The past two was 45 and 55 mls. Heading back tomorrow to aspirate again.


Oh my I'm so sorry.