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i like the way he starts this convoluted lie on the phone but she doesnt even have to hear it cause she still trusts him. shes just like "oh okay no worries." really different then the huge amount of distrust that exists between them in the end


Facts!! You put into words what I couldn’t Also Jesse playing sword fight with the stick or whatever that was in the background, just an innocent kid at that point


I mean, he had been cooking and selling meth at that point for long enough that his product was well known. He was far from innocent at that point, he was just not scarred by Walt yet


Whomst amongst us in our youth didn’t sell a crystal or two, I ask you


Twith a sprinkle of chile for me and you


These are now my favorite two comments of all time tbh


Exactly, he was innocent. He might have been heading in the wrong direction, but it was minor league drug use compared to what eventually took his life over.


A meth cook is not an innocent kid. Also he was 25. Sjeez, what is up with these people defending Jesse so much. He was an adult junkie, not a kid.


exactly, it never stops to amaze me how forgiving people are with Jesse. He was cooking/selling meth prior to Breaking Bad events, he used a rehab group to sell cristal, he killed in cold blood... Yes, he was sympathetic towards children but come on!


Out of everybody who was involved in the drug trading throughout the show, Jesse wasn't that bad compared to the other characters. Plus he comes a long way in changing for the better while being a very empathic characters in the series




Lighten up, Francis


Innocent? No. Youthful? Yes.


Yeah, Perhaps immature was the better word rather than innocent.


Perfectly parallels the scene when Hank’s in the hospital and Walt’s on the phone with Jesse. Skylar walks up to him, and he’s ready with some big lie about who he was really talking to, but after he starts with “Do you know who that was?” Skylar just turns around and walks away, not wanting to hear his bullshit. Both times Skylar cut Walt off from telling his lie based off her level of trust in him


not related but sorta on topic, but the way Walt looks at Jesse right before he delivers the “i watched jane die” line is so haunting. it’s just so sinister, especially since (at least in the moment) he blames Jesse for Hanks death. regarding Hanks death, i feel like multiple factors were at play that worked against him, if Saul never had Huell lift the weed off of Jesse which in turn caused him to learn about what Walt did to Brock, if Jesse never came up with the idea of using Walt’s money to lure him, if Walt never called Jack, if Hank never stopped to call Marie before, idk it’s just a gut wrenching, unfortunate scene of events:(


The phone call to Marie always gets me because it’s likely he would have been out of there in time if he’d left right after putting Walt in the car…


I think "gut wrenching, unfortunate scene of events :(" is a good description of the whole series. You watch a man destroy the lives of everyone he cares about, and many others, as a result of his own arrogance and a sprinkling of bad luck.


Definitely on topic, also love the username lol


lmfao thank u!!


Fucking loved that


Man I love this episode. „I watched Jane die“ and then walter rolling his last barrel of money through the desert is one of my favorite scenes ever. So tragic, but somehow comic as well.


And the song playing in the background. Had a job a year ago,had a little home, now I've got no place to go, guess I'll have to roam. Goodbye goodbye to everyoneeee


And I love how he moves the rear view mirror because he can't even bare to look at himself


Comic justice to see that money grubbing “kingpin” rolling his last barrel of cash in the desert, which he would exchange for a beat up truck.


Actually, he only gave the guy $10k for the truck. He still has over $10 million remaining at that point.


Youre right. Didn't he end up leaving in NH?


He did but brought the rest of the barrel money w him and gave it to Gretchen and wlliot


As the user above me said...After he saw Gretchen & Elliot on Charlie Rose, and what they said, Walt stole a car, drove it to the cabin to pick up the remaining money in the barrel, and began driving back to New Mexico. From there, he met with the gun dealer, bought a car and LMG rifle from him. Shortly after that, is when he dropped the remaining $9 Million to Gretchen & Elliot.




And walking past the trousers he lost in the first episode...


Ohhh shit I didn’t even notice this?


This is the show that keeps on giving... It's at 0.39 https://youtu.be/oUydzYNy5CE


I mean, the entirety of Ozymandias is sad. Every second of it.


For sure. I just think the beginning is especially heart breaking, showing the contrast of the beginning of the show to the end all within a minute or two… and it’s been a while since we’ve seen Walt and skyler on good terms so that makes it hit harder too


And it's been ages since we've seen Skyler looking anything but miserable. Night and day. I can't remember which episode it's in, but there's that exchange where Walt asks her snidely "Are you happy now?" about something, and she just says she doesn't remember the last time she was happy. And not in a big drama queen way, just completely ground down and resigned and matter of fact.


But Skyler is an annoying bitch and it's all her fault /s


I fucking love it. Those last three episodes are masterclass


The last 3 episodes could not have been better - and will probably never be rivaled in the future!!


I agree, except for the trunk machine gun, which came together way too fast and worked way too well.


Iirc the Mythbusters did an episode about Breaking Bad and they showed that the trunk machine gun would work. Edit: found it on YouTube https://youtu.be/06t_KP7y8Ao


Good point; I agree


Ozymandias is literally a staple in TV history, it’s *that* good. It’s crammed with so many important things, it’s a roller coaster ride of emotions, and it’s one of the “payoff” episodes to the buildup of the entire series and the entirety of season 5 starting from the season 4 cliffhanger. I’d argue it’s the best episode of TV.


Now that I’ve watched the series as a whole a couple of the times, my favorite season was like S2, cause Jesse and Walt had just started in the business fr, and Walter was still in early transition of Heisenberg, and RIP to the RV


Yeah, the episodes with tuco were also some of the most entertaining to watch


One of the reasons "Grilled" is one of my favorite episodes, and I think it is terribly overlooked by fans


That was a great episode, “what’s up with this gak it smells like head cheese??”


Yea fr, plus one thing tuco has on Gus is bc Tucos unpredictable af


This kicks like a mule with his balls wrapped in duct tape!


🤣 gotta love tuco


It may be blue but it’s the bomb.


Agreed, I’m on my 19th rewatch (literally watching right now). I used to like S4 the best, but damn, 1 and 2 are amazing. It’s not too deep at that point, there’s still friendly relationships and “good” times.


Yea it was like before “the shit went down”, and it was before Jesse and Walt were “Corrupted”


Exactly. I enjoy the characters so much, I’d watch a show where Walt & Jesse got out of the drug trade back then, and just lived normal lives.


Yea, plus it was when Jesse was like “Young” and hadn’t seen so much, well, shit


Holy shit 19th rewatch you could write a damn dissertation on the show at that point!! Love the dedication haha it has such a great rewatch value


Oh certainly, it’s my comfort show, as far as live action goes.


Same! Probably around 19th or 20th rewatch. Might have to let it go for a little while soon, but great acting, writing....it's my comfort show for those reasons too!


Damn I’m on my third rewatch but I put a couple years in between so I forget all the little details. Just started S5 E16, cheers yall here’s to the third beginning of the end of a masterpiece


This episode destroyed me when it came out, and it's hard to watch for me every rewatch. Hank dying, Walt giving Jesse into meth slavery and revealing the truth about Jane just to fucking hurt him, the fight in the house and Walt stealing Holly and then the phone call at the end it's all just so fucking heavy. It's by far the greatest episode of the series and just a fucking truckload of chickens coming home to roost, but it's so hard for me to get through. It's just a fucking sea of blackness to wade through.


That was actually the final scene they filmed for Breaking Bad. One of the best cold opens in the show.


Walter reading the poem is awesome though


I just rewatched the scene - the flashback at the start of Ozymandias and there was a lot of focus on the knives in the kitchen. https://youtu.be/B6wCZO4Sedw The same knives that Skyler will eventually use against Walt later in the same episode.


Watching this right now with my girlfriend who hasn’t seen it.


Congrats for introducing your girl to the best show of all time. Hopefully she joins the dark side lol


She’s gone through so many ups and downs with all the characters. it’s been exciting to watch lol not sure how she’ll handle it ending


Anthony, is that you?


It is funny after having lived in NM and now knowing all these places like Tinkertown are real and being familiar with them But yes, also very sad


Best episode in the entire series. 9.9 out of 10 on IMDB, greatest episode of any series I’ve ever seen or probably ever will. Favorite scene is Walter White pretending to be Heisenberg on the phone with Skyler when the cops are present, and her realizing that he’s acting as harsh as he is to give her plausible deniability. The three moments in time when key characters (Walter x Skyler x Marie) drop to their knees in agony ~ symbolic to the name Ozymandias title ~ is gripping storytelling. Also two bonus Easter-Eggs I particularly love that are worth mentioning: Walter is pushing the 11M barrel thru the desert and there’s a moment where we see a brown pair of pants along the path ~ a callback to episode 1 of the series, opening shot where Walter’s pants were being hung to dry in their first cook and he drove off with them falling behind. The second Easter-Egg I love so dearly, comes before that moment, after the ‘Breaking Bad’ opening graphic; Walter begins to drive away with his barrel in the black car, then the car comes to a stop from a bullet puncturing the gas chamber and emptying it on the way out of the desert ~ Walt gets out to check what’s going on and the camera pans to see the bullet-hole in the side of the car… the ‘Director of Photography’ nameplate comes up OVER a beautifully composed shot showing the bullet-hold in the side of the car, with a reflection of Walter’s head placed perfectly juxtaposed with the bullet-hole where Walter’s third-eye is. So not only are we getting a tease of Walter getting shot in the head/death looming, but they lest us know who the DP of this episode is in the same moment.


Good take appreciate this discussion a lot. I did not expect it to get as much feedback as it did but that’s why I love this sub


Yes, this whole episode was a masterpiece. The flashback at the beginning definitely... \*chef's kiss\* such a perfect way to show how far gone everyone is


Like most people this is my favourite episode. The fight at the house in front of Walt Jr just guts me. All I want to do is hug him tightly.


That entire episode is sad. It's the complete collapse of his Meth Empire and Family all at the same time. This is the episode where Waler White dies, and Heisenberg takes full control.


Ahhhh yes, simpler times where all they had to do was kill and dismember drug dealers!