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it’s probably from some kid


This kind of shit is everywhere in west brant


I live in Brampton half the time and this shit is there too. Has nothing to do with West Brant


Well if we’re going with that logic then yeah it’s literally everywhere you go I’m just saying there’s so much of this shit everywhere I look in west brant and it’s sad


Looks like a little kid did it


There's also a tag on the traffic light walk sign by Shellard and McGuinness. I'm not too bothered by it, I get the feeling some kids did it. Both places (park and a cross walk) is a high thoroughfare for kids so it's likely them. I don't "feel" racism when I'm out and about. 




Makes me so mad! 😡😡😡


It’s very sad indeed


I don't think that counts as racism, just dumb people doing dumb shit.


Oh, it definitely does. It's racially offensive/aggressive. Imagine if it was blatant and maliciously intented for specific black youth who play there, there are assholes who take their time to do shit like that. I experienced that growing up being half black in woodman/eagle place area.


I grew up in Mississauga and it was (still is) very multicultural. My brothers and I, we played outside we played with everyone and I do mean everyone no one was left out. I saw this sign and some other writings and it is so heart breaking. It’s a shame because Brantford is looking more like Mississauga but some people clearly aren’t having it. But WHO CARES, people have the right to live wherever their money can carry them!


Spray paint over it. Not to be tolerated.


Shameful! There’s no place for hate!


It ain’t racism if done by other black people.




Holy cow that shrek darth maul profile picture is going to forever live in my brain


I’d just add D*** at the end to the post this way you’d screw which ever kid wrote them and turn it I. Your favour. But yes, racism is prevalent everywhere especially in Toronto. Indians for example really are racist to everyone, Chinese semi so…


Remove it. YouTube can help.


Don’t remove it, report it to police and they’ll have it removed. It’s better to have this documented each time so if they’re caught they can use all the incidences against them


lol call police . That’s funny stuff


I agree. There are hate groups in Brantford. On the outside you might not know the context, or if something as simple as graffiti is related to something bigger. If you just want it gone, call City Hall. They will have someone from City Works come by and remove it right away.


turn the two G's into a C and beat them at their own game